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Greeter workflow
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Greeter workflow

Hello, thank you for your interest in joining Steem Greeters Project.

First of all, we will introduce you to the workflow of the Steem Greeters for Newcomers Achievement Program.

As a Greeter, you basically have 2 tasks,

  1. Verification and Rate Point

please give priority to Achievement 1 and Compilation tasks.

  1. Curating/Voting with @steemcurator03

Then next task as Curator with @steemcurator03, before you upvote ANY POSTs that have already been verified make sure to:

1- check that the achievement 1 rewards of the newcomers have been powered up at least 50%, the same with the next achievement tasks,

2. - have a Rate Point on it and

3. - update any change in the behaviors/categories of the newcomers, for example KIV / NC / ACTIVE

You shall do the curation work in order of the post from oldest to latest. Look out for a post that has already passed its curation window and refer to the For catch-up upvote with @steemcurator03 section on how to do this properly so no double catch up happening.

For the old users who wants to participate with Newcomers Achievement Program;

- old users from the year before 2022 with a reputation below 55 with only 3 posts maximum published may join the program and with the same benefit as newcomer of 2022.

- Newcomers have 1 year to complete their Newcomers Achievement program tasks. A new batch of newcomers starts in January every year. For example, if a newcomer has registered their steemit account in March last year and it is currently February 2022 this year, this newcomer still has the privilege of the newcomer of batch 2022 January as this newcomer still not yet reached 1 year old yet on steemit. This newcomer may get support with SC03 if he/she is eligible for the support by at least powering up 50% of the previous achievement payout

*updated 29/3/2022

For Achievement 1/Introduction post,

The objective of this task is to have newcomers verify their steem account with handwritten on a paper their steem account name, steemit and recent date on it. Other personal information is not required. Make sure to look closely at their photo for any manipulation or edit for the purpose of account duplication or trying to game the community.

Your task:

“Welcome to Steemit Community. You have been verified and you may proceed to the next achievement task at your convenience.”

“ Curators Note : Rate 1/2/3 ”

Rating point system for Achievement 1:

Achievement 1 rating scale metrics

For Achievement 1 we have allocated a maximum 38% VP from @steemcurator03 which is around 5$ upvote worth for each post at this time of writing.

Greeter may give a rating to each Introduction post on Achievement 1 as follow based on if the post has met all the criteria for passing the achievement with a high or low rating:

Rate 1 is 28%VP of steemcurator03

Rate 2 is 32% VP of steemcurator03

Rate 3 is 38% VP of steemcurator03

Please update the “title” or badge of newcomers with For title/badge of newcomers, to make the @Curator work easier and more efficient, we now put the mark of R1 for Rate 1 and so on. For example, the title/badge should be

“Achievement 1 verified/R3/ KIV or NC or Active ”

 for Achievement 1 verified with the Rate point of 3 and etc

Achievement 2 - 6 as a Greeter

You may verify, give a rate point to the achievement 2-6 if you know how to do this/or you have gone through these achievements tasks yourself.

Achievement 2 - 6 (you will upvote the verified/rate tasks) as a curator with @steemcurator03

*with latest changes on greeter workflow March/2022 Greeter should be checking the newcomers power up on their Achievement 1 to continue the support/upvote on their Achievement 2 and so on.

Then for other achievements tasks make sure that they have followed all the required tasks that they need to put on their achievement tasks post before authorizing them to the next achievements task.(You still need to study and understand these tasks if you have never did these achievements tasks yourself)

For this task, Greeter will be curating/upvote their achievement tasks that already been verified by the other Greeters which is this post supposed to have a Rate on it and with no title of NC or KIVupvote the post with VP according to the Rate Point as in this Rating Points below;

For Achievement 2 to Achievement 6, we have allocated a maximum of 28% VP which is around 3.5$ upvote worth for each post at this time of writing.Mentors/Greeter helper may give a rating to each post on Achievement 2-6 as follow based on if the post has met all the criteria for passing the achievement with a high or low rating:

Rate 1 is 20%VP of steemcurator03

Rate 2 is 24% VP of steemcurator03

Rate 3 is 28% VP of steemcurator03

*We will adjust this rating metrics/percentage of VP in accordance with the average price of Steem every 2 weeks if needed. This is because we will not use the same metric if the price of steem is 5$ for over 2 weeks for example.

Review their all achievement task from their post on Compilation of Achievements’ Task post

Then after their achievement 6, Greeter shall ask newcomers to compile all their achievement tasks into one post, Greeter will give it a final review then give them the title of “Pro Newcomer Verified” at Newcomers Community.

**For ACTIVE newcomers 69% VP (worth 10$ at this time of writing) for their Compilation of Achievements Task post  (a post where they will receive their Pro Newcomer badge)

For catch-up upvote procedure with @steemcurator03:

Please check on the post that I will be publishing on this catch up upvote  from time to time.

If you encountered an achievement post task that already expired or have passed its 7 days curation window, you may leave a comment on that expired achievements’ post that

For example, you may leave a comment with your own steem account for catch up upvote post as follow;

“We are sorry that we have missed this achievement post curation windows, I have upvoted your post of (active post link that you have upvoted on) for the catch up vote.”

Greeter @youraccountname.

“We are sorry that we have missed this achievement post curation windows, we will upvote your active post as an exchange”

Greeter @youraccountname.

Then on the active post that you have voted on, leave a comment that is for their achievement post that you have missed the curation window, give link to that expired achievement post link on this comment too.

Sample of comment you may leave with your own personal account

“ This is catch-up vote for your achievement post of (expired achievement post link) “

Title or labelling for Newcomers

Your Weekly Report on this tasks should consist of this information:

  1. Amount of posts of Achievement 1 you have verify, updated on the google sheet
  2. Amount of posts of Achievement 2-6 you have upvote with @steemcurator03 (Recommended 30 posts total including catch up upvotes)
  3. Amount of posts of Compilation of Achievement Post Tasks that you have reviewed, give title “Pro Newcomer Verified” and update them on google sheet.
  4. List out any Problems you encountered during your verification work or curation; for example, list out any duplicate account attempt, abuse, or other issues you have encountered during this week period. How you have tackled them and ask any advice if you could not find the solution for any of the issues. Suggestions for the problems are welcome too. You may address this issue at discord channel too and invite discussion on it.
  5. The title of your report should be : Weekly Report as Greeter on Newcomers Achievement Program(Date of start week-Date of end of week) please post your weekly report at Steem POD team community

After you have read and understand clearly this Greeter workflow, then please write that

“I have understand the Greeter Workflow” at #greeters-internship channel and I will then give you access to #curator-channel

-please feel free to ask anything that you not clear off or still don’t understand at that #greeters-internship channel.


1. I need to verify the achievement compilation task. Can I verify the users of my country only?? Or any countries??

Answer : Yes and yes. You may verify any achievements from 1(from your own country and country without CR yet) to compilation tasks posts  as long as you understand the written language without using google translate.

2. If any user posts achievements 2-6 in bengali/turkish/etc can I verify them??

Answer : Yes, if you understand the languages without using google translate.

3. What if I verify an expired post today? Can I just keep the post or  need to share the expired links in discord?

Answer : Any expired posts that you have verify please put them into #achievement-1 or #achievement2-6  channels on discord then tag “@Curator expired” so they give them a priority when start the curation work.

4. If I want to upvote an achievement post that is already paid out, I will leave a comment for a catch-up vote on that post. If that user replies to my comment, can a catch-up vote be cast on that reply?

Answer : no, please ask him to post something, for example, he may write a post with title " Achievement 2 catch up vote post" then write on that post " this is the post for catch-up vote of my achievement 2 task that already expired here [achievement 2 post link task that already expired] "

you do this if they have no active post available for you to do the catch up vote

5. Is it OK to publish a report for each curation session if the quota of curating a total of 30 posts is reached? Or is it prohibited to publish more than one report in a week?

Answer ; we only do weekly report.