Chapter 1

Some say that a sea breeze spreads a message; usually something to be listened to, sometimes to be answered. Other times it’s just a sea breeze. Jack looked at the sun rising over a new day and felt a familiar warmth fall over him.  

Welcome.Jack said. He looked beyond the wind to see an island with wooden pine and shrouded in it is a building overlooking the rolling sea.

“Looking at the place doesn’t get us any closer to it!” Yelled a girl with an irritated expression on her face.

“Like you can walk faster than me!” He yelled looking back at her, matching her eyes with the icy ones of his own. She rolled her eyes at that comment.

“Well at least I’m not philosophical all the time!”

“Who knows it may do you some good from making such a mess of things all the time!”

“Me making a mess of things!? You’re one for talking!” Violet scoffs.

“I don’t know, do I turn into a twelve foot dragon all the time and knock shit over?”

“Okay that whole china shop incident was a complete accident!” Violet said, pouting.

“Oh, yeah like that's supposed to make me say, ‘Violet you’re right! You’re the greatest sister ever known! You should be praised for your glory and  celebrated thro-’”

“Enough, Jack! You still suck at sarcasm!” She said “You know, you're terrible at keeping your cool.” Laughing even harder as she says it.

“Ha ha very funny cause I can shoot ice from my hands.” He says as he then puts up his hands and shoots a ice blast at her mouth freezing it shut “But I like it when I can do that” He laughed seeing her look at him disapprovingly. His thoughts trail off leaving him to look back at the past few months that brought them here.

It was in an office-like room with a few little trinkets here and there and the smell of coffee blowing through the room like a storm and the middle of that room sat a man with a frown not because he was mad but because he was sad.

“You know you can’t keep doing this” says a man dressed in a dark blue, he liked him but not at moments like these.

“Yeah and?”

“And if you two keep on doing this I won’t be there to save you, I will be there to turn you in.” 

“Please Luke give us one last chance we are so close to finding a place for us” begged Violet teardrops falling down her eyes.

“Look I don’t want this anymore than you do but there's not a lot of things left for me to do. But I know you two can be better if you just try.”

“Please Luke we know what we’ve done but we don’t have any other choice, nobody gives us a chance, nobody trusts us, nobody gives a crap about us, to the rest of the world we’re just a couple of kids who are nothing!” He yelled, his body shaking with anger as Violet next to him puts a hand on his shoulder, Jack looks back at her as she looks at him giving him comfort to calm down and continue.

“I know what situation your in and I scoured everything that could give you another shot , and I did find something but I need you two to promise me that if you do this you are going to try your very best” Luke spoke, his voice growing raspy “So are you two willing to commit to this and change for the better?” He and Violet both looked at each other for what felt like forever, then they looked backed toward Luke.

“We’ll do anything it takes.”

“Good I’ll contact the principle right away” Luke said giving them both papers with writing on them “Read these in the meantime you still have a few months before school starts” They looked at each other with confused looks on their faces then looked back. 

“Where are we going to stay because if we go back on those streets we’re more likely to not make it there and end up in jail,” said Violet her face looking down to the floor as Luke looks away from them closes his eyes for just a moment, then turns back to the two.

“Alright, you two can stay with me until you go to this academy” Luke says with a sigh.

“Wait really?” Violet questions almost in disbelief.

“I mean I can take back my offer if you wa-“

“No-no we accept thank you Luke so much” He said with glee in his eyes. But as quickly as the memory came it faded away leaving him back to reality as they continue making their way towards the academy.

“What do you think it will be like?” Violet asked as they continued walking, he looked at her with a confused look she looked at his confused face rolled her eyes “What I mean is I wonder what it will be like at the academy when we get there“

“Oh!” He looked away for a little bit thinking about it, then looked back and responded “Maybe a little bit like Lukes place”

“I guess so, it did say we are supposed to stay here for the year” Violet said satisfied with the answer as she continued looking forward having nothing else to say as they looked around seeing a statue that looked like an old warrior standing its ground in the middle of what looks like a courtyard.

“I wonder what this statue is?” Jack asked, looking at Violet.

“I have no idea to be honest just looks like an old dude to me” Violet answered moving ahead as Jack took a little bit longer looking at it before catching up.

“You do gotta say that there's a lot more flowers here then the city” Jack commented looking at the bushes of roses.

“Yeah I can actually breath here” Violet said smiling with Jack chuckling at what she said as they made it to the entrance of the school. He had excitement going through him as he headed in and then stopped realizing that Violet isn’t beside him, he then turned around and saw Violet still at the entrance, her hands shaking. Jack went over to her to make sure she was okay.

“What if it happens again, I don’t want it to happen again I don’t want it to I don’-”

“Don’t worry what happened then won’t happen again”He interrupted comforting her.

“It doesn’t mean people won’t see these” She said as she pointed towards her head and showed the two spiral horns on her head.

“If say they something about it they can go through me” He says ”Remember when you fall down” 

“I’ll be there to catch you”she says confidently this time as she continues forward with him through the hallway looking toward both sides of it seeing the sides lined with posters tallying events to clubs. They continue walking down the hall until they hear a sharp click through the air like a sneaker to a floor.

“Hey you two, ya can’t just walk in without signing in!” yelled a voice behind them, both of them turning around to see where the voice came from and finally see a room with an older lady in it with a window separating her from them. They then walked over towards her cautiously each step creeping through the hallway.”Come on, I don’t have all day you know!” After hearing that they quickly move down the hallway and make it to the class.

“Hi!” Violet says cheerfully while he on the other hand, was a little afraid of the lady.

“Names please” 

“Jack Violentina“ 

“And Violet Violentina“

“Let's see Jack and Violet...” she said skimming through her list “Ah! There you are, I have you on my list so what you’re going to do is go down this hallway and meet one of our students to take you to your dorm rooms”

“Thank you so much... “ Violet paused thinking then asked “What’s your name?”

“My name is Hilda“ she answered, but before they walked away he realized one more question that needs to be answered.

“Which student do we need to meet?” 

“Oh his name is Solomen you’ll know him when you see him”  responded.

“Ok thank you!” he said as they both moved through the hallway to finally get this year started.


They looked around finding themselves getting more and more excited as they see all the new people and all the new scenery, walls, posters, and doors. Violet then looked at him with glee in her eyes and smiled for the first time in a while. But as more and more people noticed them the voices start quieting down and more people look at Violet he notices this as he moves faster Violet in hand. 

“Hey where are you going so quickly the party’s just getting started” spoke someone from the crowd, he doesn’t respond and instead tries to figure out where that's coming from as Violets hand shakes in his hand. “Aw, you don’t have to be scared of me,” the person says as they come forward, “I mean unless I want you to” then smiles and out comes a girl with brown hair and a wicked smile across her face.

“Who are you?” 

“Oh pardon my rudeness my name is Samantha pleasure to meet you” she says as she sticks out her hand for a shake, he just looks at it and ignores it “Your loss” she says as she pulls her hand away.

“What do you want?” 

“Oh I just wanted to know if hornhead right there can show us some fire, just curious” she mocked with a grin on her face, Violet looked away embarrassed.

“Her names not hornhead first off and second she doesn’t have to do anything for you or anyone so why don’t you leave us be and let the day go on” 

“Why? it's not like she’s doing anything with em” she retorted back.

“You keep moving and we keep moving and no one gets crap kicked out of them” Jack said gritting his teeth the crowd around them starting to move back.

 “Oh was she a lizard that nobody cared about?” she started laughing as Jack could hear some chuckles around him, he was about to say something back but then hears sobbing behind he then turns around to see Violet on her knees crying.

“You know what you piece of shit! I am the type of person that doesn’t take to kindly to people like you.” he says as his hands light up “And I am going to have a lot of fun with this.” and with that he blast Samantha into a wall.

“Oh why, did I touch a nerve” she teases, her eyes flashing green as she grabs a chunk of the wall, the size of a bench and chucks it at him, he was about to move out of the way when he realized the people behind him could get hurt and Violet because of something he started. Instead he created a wall of ice to block the blow and protect the people behind him.

“Are you all okay?” he asked, everyone nodded their heads Good but as he was about to direct his attention back to her a fist went through the wall grabbing him and ripping him through his wall.

“You think you can just hide from me?” she asks as he is thrown into the ground, he brings himself back up and faces her.

“It's gonna take a lot more than that to keep me down” he says as both of them prepare to charge towards each other.

“THATS ENOUGH!” yelled a man that has now appeared in between them “This is a fight that has gotten way out of hand!”  

“Oh yeah who put you in charge?” asked Samantha.

“Actually, the head of the school put me in charge of this and I'm sure she would love to hear what has happened to her school” he said as Samantha slowly but surely moved away giving one last glare to Jack before she disappeared into the crowd.

“Now can anyone tell me where I can find Jack and Violet?” he asked as everyone looked at each other confused.

“Right here!” the man looked around to where the voice came from and finally laid eyes on them.

“You two Jack and Violet?” they gave him a nod.

“Ah that's wonderful my name is Solomen nice to finally meet you”