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PAC Meeting Minutes Nov 2, 2020
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Grenfell PAC Meeting Minutes


Monday, November 2, 2020 at 7:00pm


Janelle, Elicia, Nicole, Sarika, Cindy, Cheryll, Tamara, 9 Grenfell parents/caregivers



Decisions/ Action required


Pac executive intros - Janelle & Elicia - co-chairs

Sarika- Treasurer

Nicole - Secretary

Cindy - PAC member at large and website/technical

Principal Update

  • September start - Focus on health and safety, social and emotional learning based on current COVID climate
  • Overall the operation and protocols went well, not had an exposure yet
  • New staff - New Kindergarten teacher for the extra division, Ms Claire Fong, came from Tier program
  • New resource teacher - Kasey McCandless
  • Non Enrolling Staff - Due to the learning cohort model all doing the same job, librarian, prep teacher and resource teacher, this limits the number of staff in cohort
  • Student enrollment update -  new student in grade 6 - 381 students, 17 divisions
  • Option 4 students - 75 students that are learning from home, for Nov. 9, 7 students have indicated they will return to school, expecting all students to return by Jan. 6

  • Pro D Day -  was about Outdoor Education,  applied for a grant to equip students/teacher with outdoor equipment and tools
  • Goal setting conferences - had to do it by Teams or by phone, can always schedule a longer time to speak to the teacher as teachers had only 15 minutes per student
  • Provincial Wide Pro D - Topic of their choice

  • Halloween - Went really well, staff and students dressed up, gave out prizes to the staff, staff and the students had a fun day, in lieu of everyone getting together, a video of everyone in costume was done

  • Photo Day - Unfortunately not happening due to COVID, not sure if it will ever happen this year.  Classroom teacher may be able to do a class photo, staff are looking at ways to do this as of right now, the VSB has postponed it
  • Remembrance Day  - Cohorts are going to video tape it and compile in one video with opening by Principal, teachers can show it on their own

  • Nov 27 - Indigienous Pro D Day - emphasis for staff is on racism

  • December dates - Last day of school is the Dec. 18, Jan 4 is the early start back, Report cards at the end of the month of January.

  • Security at the School - there have been a few break ins as a result,  temporary cameras will be installed, VPD will install them, Lights have been left on, Vandalism is an issue as well, VPD doing drive bys of the area

  • Laptop cart - received 30 new laptops, now have a cart for them and the intermediate Ipad cart

Questions from Parents:

Face masks have been distributed, everyone was given one or two reusable masks, check with the teacher if you haven’t received them.

New report card data entry format - just for the teachers and the writing of the report; teachers used a word document before and now they can do it online

Grates on the window - too pricey to put on, have not been able to afford, VSB does not pay for anything like that, would have costed $9000.00


PAC Financials

  • Sarika went over the PAC accounts, we have received about $8000.00 for the Casino account, have funds from the walkathon and carry over from last year.  Check back later for amounts.
  • Cheryll has sent an email to add staff to ask for their teachers wish list, those will be items that will come out of the PAC account


Fundraising Discussion

  • Update on VSB guidelines on Purdy’s chocolate fundraiser - not allowed to have parents to come in to distribute in the school plus it’s not allowed under the healthy food guide
  • Mabels Labels Update - non urgent fundraiser, didn’t have a deadline, have raised $49.50 so far. Will keep the link up.
  • Flipgive - cash back app for online shopping, 700 brands online, receive 1% to 20% cash back, free to set up an account, if people use this app to make online purchases the money goes towards the PAC.
  • Surveys with other schools - Tamara checked with other PACs in the district, most are doing online by donation, from cash donation directly to the PAC
  • Playground/recess equipment list from teachers - Mr. Hum and Mr Macdonald have asked for a number of different sports equipment for the students.

Janelle to provide a summary and the PAC will approve the total

We will be able to use the money from the walkathon to pay for this


Library time - are they allowed to go to the library? Yes, some classes are, rethinking the act of borrowing books

Music - some classes are getting music because their teacher is doing it as part of their program

Challenge programs - are they happening? Some programs have not yet started, check with Ms Suk

Next Meeting:


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