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Prince of Lust Ch.1A - The Devil
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

SEAnig posts

Look man, I’m sorry that you got all wound up by the maritime african americans who usually shit up the thread. Do you rele beleeb a fan would make an edit of a story, just to start antagonizing the original author?

There is an interesting fact about the archdemons of the underworld; while each governs over one of man's sins, this also means that they have an overabundance of that sin themselves. As such, they must constantly find ways to vent that sin. If they did not, they would become consumed by it and go mad, becoming nothing but chaotic beasts wreaking havoc on the world. It is in the best interest of every one of the planes-the underworld, the overworld, and the heavens-to appease the archdemons to make sure this does not come to pass. Fortunately, due to their power and status in the hierarchy of demons and devils, they easily can use their resources to sate their desires, typically through the means of taking it out on slaves; most of them denizens of the underworld, but occasionally a human, or extremely rarely, a heavenly being would be captured and used to the whims of their masters.

While most of the archdemons' means of stress relief were quite violent and often resulted in the deaths of their slaves, there was one that operated differently: Asmodeus, the prince of lust. He was ten feet tall and had a lean, sculpted physique. His face, as expected, was jaw-droppingly handsome, although he could change it at wish to suit the tastes of whoever he was trying to seduce. Large goat-like horns sat atop his head, and his eyes had jet-black sclera, red irises, and vertical slit pupils, like a snake's. His skin was a deep shade of purple and he had four large, leathery wings attached to his back. From the knees downwards, his legs changed from purple to black, were digitigrade, and ended in hooves. From the base of his spine, a thick and long tail adorned with sparse thorns jutted out.

Naturally, his method of release was one anyone could guess; he had an ever-growing harem of slaves to appease himself with whenever he wished that he procured through all sorts of means, whether they were captured by his servants, or they came to him willingly. Of course, they didn't all immediately accept their rightful place on his bed, but their resistance never lasted long, with his abilities.

Asmodeus was in his bedchambers, which were lit with torches burning with violet hellfire. Demonic incense spiked with aphrodisiacs burned throughout the room and produced a lustful haze that heightened the arousal of all who entered. He lay on his bed-a large, sturdy, lavish one with black sheets-and awaited the arrival of his companions for the night. He was clad in a breezy cloth garment, similar to an ancient Greek chiton. His was a dark red with golden trim, designed to provide easy access to his whole body. His eyes were closed as he patiently waited; while he was eager to begin tonight's activities, impatience was a quality only suited for childish fools. They would come, and he would be ready to receive them.

Right on queue, the large double doors slowly swung open, and in stepped one of his guards, who was leading the five women he expected. "Milord, your slaves for the night."

Asmodeus wordlessly waved him away, and he closed the doors behind him as he exited. Standing in front of the archdemon were his latest additions to his collection, and easily his favorites. He had claimed them all in a short period, and it seemed they all knew each other, which made for some amusing banter during their sessions of passionate sex...although they could get irritating, at times. As was standard for his slaves, they were entirely nude, save for the ornate collar that marked them as his property. Except, however, for one of them who had come with her own plus two on her ankles; the proposition of removing them always made her act strange and obnoxious, so he decided it wasn't worth the hassle.

"Welcome, my pets. Of course, you know why you're here for the night," He pulled aside the bit of cloth covering his loins to reveal the girls' prize for the night; his enormous cock. While it was still only half-hard, when at full mast, it was two feet long, four inches thick, and the same violet color as the rest of his body. Aside from the gargantuan size, it looked almost the same shape as a normal human's, except for two things: first, there was ribbing across the shaft, designed to stimulate and please any hole they were shoved inside. Second, along the whole thing were glowing demonic runes; words of power that forcefully made any penetrated go mad with pleasure, ruining the feeling of any other dick except for his for the rest of their life.

Asmodeus looked on with an expression of prideful conquest as the thought of feeling that wondrous pillar inside them and bearing his children caused his pets to go from excited to near orgasmic. Truly, they were the best slaves he'd claimed. The memories of how each one came to him were fresh in his mind…

The first was the devil girl. She had been brought to him kicking and yelling by his servants, who had been instructed to always be on the lookout for new candidates for concubines. The guards roughly tossed her to the floor of his inner chambers that he was seated within, his legs crossed and a judgemental expression across his features. They then promptly exited to leave their lord to his whims. "Owww! Geez, what's the big idea with you guys? Ugh, this is why I barely spend any time in the underworld anymore!" she yelled towards the closing door while shaking her fists in a tantrum. She then turned towards the main presence in the room, and her expression turned from one of defiance to fear. "H-hey there...I guess you're, uh, the big guy around here, huh?" she squeaked out nervously.

Asmodeus looked over the girl who had been brought before her. With a small jacket that hung off her shoulders to expose a tight tank top underneath and an extremely short pair of shorts, her outfit didn't leave much to the imagination, although there wasn't much there. Her body was petite all around; a few slight curves on her hips were all she had. Still, a woman like this could also be fun to play with. While he didn't bother to learn her name when they met, he would later learn that the devil's name was Towa.

"A pleasure to meet you, young miss. You may have heard of me; Asmodeus of the archdemons. I look forward to getting to know you."

The lesser devil's eyes widened even further upon hearing his name. "Crap, of all the big lugs to get captured by, it had to be the prince of lust?" she mumbled to herself. "Um, hey, I'm sure you could get your hands on much more, you know, womanly girls than me. No need to keep me around, right? After all, I wouldn't have much to offer you, haha!"

"Oh, but you sell yourself too short, young lady. One such as yourself has plenty of charm to offer..." Asmodeus rumbled deeply while he undressed her with his otherworldly eyes.

"Ehehe, I'm flattered, but really, can't we find another way to work this out? Surely there's something...else I can do? Like, clean or cook for you or something?"

The towering demon let out a bellowing laugh, then leaned forward to be face-to-face with the girl. "Bargaining with an archdemon, hm? You amuse me, girl. Very well. I don't need another maid, but there's something you could offer me." His lips curled into a smirk. "Play a game with me, little devil."

"Um...okay? L-like, wh-"

"While I may preside over lust, I'm quite fond of gambling as well. Let's you know Baccarat? No? How about something more mainstream. Blackjack."

"Eh? How did you-"

"Please, girl. Think about who you're speaking to; one with my status is not so ignorant when it comes to the realm of mortals."

"Hey, stop interrupting me! It's getting annoying!" She put her hands on her hips and pouted. "So? I just play a game of Blackjack with you, and I can go?"

Towa's naivete made the handsome demon chuckle. "Please. If a round of a game was all I wanted, I'd get one of my servants to do it with me. No, no; what fun is gambling without stakes?" He stroked his chin. "And I know just what they shall be. If you win, I shall grant you a fraction of my power; enough to make you irresistible and feared by all in the human world. You will be able to charm whoever you wish and make them serve you for life, putting yourself at the apex of mortal society and ensuring your days will be spent in luxury."

She folded her arms. "Please. Like you could possibly-"

Interrupting her again, Asmodeus snapped his fingers at Towa. In mere seconds, she could feel more energy than ever flowing through her; it caused her hips to expand and spill out of her shorts, and her bust to grow, stretching out her shirt. If she could see her face, she'd know that every single imperfection had been removed. She felt a confidence that she'd never felt before; like this, she could truly-!

And with another snap, she instantly reverted to her normal state, although with her clothes a bit looser than before. She collapsed to her knees, the shock of the sudden change back and forth having overwhelmed her.

"And if you lose," the archdemon said, "well, I think you know what'll happen." He shifted his legs to give the still-winded girl a view of the enormous bulge beneath his robes, no subtlety at all behind the implication.

She gulped. "A-and I suppose I can't just refuse, can I?"

"Oh, you can," he said flatly. "I have no shortage of slaves in my harem to please me; letting you get away, while a shame, wouldn't be the end of me. But now that you've tasted what I can do for you, do you truly want to give up this chance? Nobody would ever take you lightly again. You will never have to suffer the jeers of those who seek to ruin you, nor the crushing expectations of those who wouldn't stand your failure. You would be a true leader among all..."

Towa shuddered. It was as if he was picking her apart for every single one of her insecurities and laying them bare before her. As expected of someone on his level; he could instantly see through her. His honeyed words struck straight into her heart; all it would take is winning this one game and she'd finally earn the respect she longed for; nobody would brush her aside ever again. "How do I know you won't cheat?" she asked curtly.

"I'll let you handle the cards the entire time. I won't lay a single finger on them; all I will do is dictate my choices to you. Does that satisfy your caution?”
A clap of his clawed hands and a poker table appeared in front of her. Another snap and her outfit was replaced with a tight-fitting dealer’s uniform.
“You should look the part, don’t you think?” Asmodeus grinned. She glared at him.

Towa picked up the cards and carefully thumbed through them. The deck seemed to be perfectly normal, with all the expected cards there. There were no distinguishing marks on the backs, either; they were all completely identical. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with the deck.

"Be warned, however," the large demon interjected, "I have quite a sharp eye, and I can see through any trick you can think of. If you attempt to perform any trickery I WILL know, and there shall be a punishment for you.”

She once again gulped nervously, then looked down at the deck in her hand. "Alright," she said, "let's do this."
“The contract has been signed. It’s time to play."

She could tell that he was looking down on her. ‘Is Blackjack mainstream enough?’ What would a demon of lust know about gambling? She simply needed to be smart with when to hit and when to pass, and she’d have this in the bag.

Round after round passed, and the game was in full swing. Of course, Asmodeus didn’t simply plan to sit back and watch her flip cards over. No, he had something much more special in mind for the purple haired devil; a way to get her in the mood for things to come. He focused his magical energies, and his shadow slinked across the wall. The real game starts now, he smirked.

The shadow crept across her bare skin, making the girl yelp. Something was touching her all over. She turned around, but there was no one there. Just as soon as she turned her attention back to the game, she could feel hands groping her again. There must be something wrong with these clothes, she cursed under her breath.

Over these few games, Towa had come to conclude that the massive demon sitting before her wasn’t all that strong of a player. Their skills were even at best, so as long as she dealt the cards, she should have had the advantage. She glanced at their pile of chips, and noticed that she had taken a good amount of his.

The shadow pulled out his enormous dick and pressed it against Towa’s lips. She struggled and pushed away at first, but the shadow gripped her head in his large hands and forcefully pulled her towards his pelvis, shoving a good eight inches of cock into her throat. Roughly, he shook the girl back and forth like an onahole, slamming over an entire foot of demonic meat in and out of her small, tight mouth. If shadows could make sound, the room would be filled with the loudest, most erotic slurps and chokes one could hear. As it was, however, the action simply passed in silence as the fiendish shadow pounded the little devil’s maw with careless abandon.

This wasn’t simply just to give Asmodeus an amusing spectacle, however; while faint, the actions of the shadows had a slight effect on their real bodies. The archdemon could feel his pillar of meat tingle and pulse as a phantom sleeve barely stroked it again and again. The effects on Towa, on the other hand, were less pleasurable; it felt as if a lump was moving around in her throat canal. She repeatedly attempted to clear her throat to get it out, but no matter what, it wouldn’t go away. This was obviously because of how nervous she was, right? After all, she was gambling with her fate; anyone would be filled with trepidation at this point. She did her best to shake off the feeling and get back to focusing on the task in front of her.

The shadows, meanwhile, were still fucking in full force. Asmodeus had moved his hands from Towa’s head to her long, silky twintails; he gripped them hard and used them to pull her down as vigorously as he could. He would let up some slack to allow her to reflexively pull back as much as she could, then force her down once again. Her esophagus was wrapped around his titanic manhood, squeezing it for all its worth.

Finally, the shadow demon let out a silent roar and pulled the girl all the way down so her lips touched his pelvis. A torrent of cum erupted from his round, full balls, pulsed down his sheathed cock, and released directly into her stomach. Her arms went limp at her sides as she surrendered and let him pump his full load into her belly. So much came out that, with nowhere else for it to go, it began to swell her midsection, her flat stomach starting to round out.

At the same time, the effect on the real Towa was immediate; one wrong swallow from her and she began to violently cough. For some reason, she could barely breathe; she coughed and hacked as much as she could, but nothing came out of her throat.

After a good twenty seconds or so, the shadow Asmodeus finished his ejaculation and withdrew his full length from shadow Towa’s insides. Saliva dripped off the rigid surface down below to where the wall met the floor. With this, the pressure from Towa’s throat suddenly disappeared, and she felt herself become able to breathe again. Loud, heavy gasps emanated from her mouth as her hand clutched her chest. “Something wrong?” the demonic prince watching over her asked. “If you need a break to have a drink, I could have my servants bring you something.”

“I-it’s nothing!” she stammered. “I’m perfectly fine and ready to destroy you at this! Get ready to lose, jerk!” No matter what, she couldn’t show weakness. She had to take control of the situation and show this smug bastard who the real boss was around here!

However, as she still had yet to notice, the shadows on the wall weren’t done yet. Seeking to return the pleasure he had just felt, Shadow Asmodeus reached down to Shadow Towa’s hips and forcefully tore her lower garments to shreds. Effortlessly, he seized the girl’s waist in her palms and hoisted her all the way up until her legs rested on his wide shoulders and her perfectly smooth, hairless pussy was directly in front of his face. She gripped his large, firm horns to keep herself rooted to him.

He opened his mouth and stretched his tongue outwards; even longer than his penis, it reached a full three feet in length and was forked like a snake’s at the end. Slowly, it made its way to her labia. Starting gently, he licked around the outside at first; long, slow strokes around her plump, sensitive lips, delicately stroking her with deliberate movements. The forked tip of it went towards her clitoris; with surprising dexterity, the split ends worked to pinch around the sensitive nub. They twirled around it, twisted it, even stroked it; it was an amazing sensation, the technique of a master of the field.

Done with taking it slow, the shadowy tongue pushed its way past her vaginal lips and thrust into her; the girl threw her head back and stuck out her tongue as she silently moaned in ecstasy. She could feel the wet, slimy organ push deeper and deeper into her tunnel, twirling around like a corkscrew as it ventured inside.

This time, Towa was feeling a slight wetness on her nethers. For some reason, she was getting aroused, and her fluids began to leak slightly out of her pussy. Why was this happening now? Was simply being in the presence of the archdemon of lust enough to get her horny? No, there was no way! She didn’t want to become a slave to this lecherous creep, she was better than him! If she lost, who knows what she would do to her! He would roughly force onto his huge penis and screw her violently as she screamed out from the feeling of it! He would pound her violently for hours and hours, not letting her rest until he was satisfied and had emptied his swollen testicles, each one definitely bigger than her palm, inside her womb to try and knock her up…

Towa shook her head to snap herself out of her daydreaming. No! That was definitely not what she wanted! She had to focus! She couldn’t let herself lose!

As much as the real Towa was refusing to give in, her shadow had already succumbed to the demon’s techniques; with the full length of his tongue, he stretched it all the way until it hit her cervix, then folded it onto itself and all the way back out, so it felt like it was twice as thick. As the base of it would push in, the end would pull out, then vice versa,  creating a sawing motion inside of her pussy. It was like she was getting relentlessly fucked with two moistened tentacles that were in perfect sync with one another. For the finishing touch, his forked tip once again pinched her clitoris; she was being attacked on three fronts at the same time, and she couldn’t handle it anymore.

She wrapped her legs around the demon’s head and came hard; her whole body trembled as juices poured out of her, which he eagerly slurped up every last drop of. Towa herself felt her mind blank out for a moment and a rush of bliss flowed through her; for whatever reason, she was feeling very, very satisfied at the moment. The archdemon’s shadow looked over her with hungry pride at having made this devil bend to his will. Finally, the shadow’s orgasm stopped, and she was released and lowered to the floor, which she promptly collapsed onto.

“I think I’ll stand at 12,” Asmodeus said, snapping her out of her reverie.
She gave herself another card, and busted at 23.

Towa realized that the game was going badly. She had been so distracted with these strange sensations and thoughts forcing through her mind that she had made a number of poor calls and was on the verge of losing. This was bad; she needed to do something right away, or else she would become this man’s plaything. The deck had been emptied by now, it was time to shuffle and deal again. Maybe…if she was very, very careful, she could…

Towa started to set out the cards again. She dealt him an 8 and a 9, while she held two 10s. It was an overwhelmingly good position to be in. Of course it was, because she stacked the deck. The next few cards were all 1s, but the demon sitting before her wouldn’t know anything about that. Even if he took one or two, she could still seal the game with a 21. He didn’t even bother to watch when she cut the deck. She held back her smirk as best as she could. So much for his “sharp eye”!

“Bad luck,” Towa said with an air of condescension. “It looks like this game is over.”
“I agree,” Asmodeus said. “Hit.”

She gave him the first ace, bringing him to 18. The thrill of victory was in her heart. Only a fool would continue.

“Hit again,” he said.
Now he had a total of 19.

“Hit again,” Asmodeus said.

“A-aren’t you being a little reckless?” Towa asked. “A 2 is all it’ll take to bust!”

“Hit again,” said the archdemon.

The last ace revealed itself.
“Ah, how unfortunate for you. It seems I’ve hit twenty-one.”

“Wait…h-huh? That’s...”

Impossible, Towa thought. Nobody sane would have taken those odds. She was certain she prepared it correctly! What was going on here!?

“Ah, how unfortunate for you. It looks like it’s game over,” the demon gloated. “I would say ‘better luck next time’, but, well…”

“You…! What did you do!?”

He tilted his head and smirked at the devil girl. “Oh? What’s wrong? Why were you certain that you could win?”

Her heart stopped. “Th-that’s…”

“I even warned you that I could see right through you. I knew what every card would be from start till end. You had no chance of winning from the start, you silly girl.”

Confusion and rage swelled up inside her. “That’s…you cheating bastard! You disgust me, you scum! The contract is void! Die!”

He simply let out another mocking laugh. “Rich, coming from the girl who herself attempted to cheat her way to victory. It was a poor attempt, too. By the end it was too embarrassing to watch.” He stood up from his seat and sauntered towards the girl. “I don’t recall ever promising I wouldn’t cheat. Any devil worth their salt would know not to accept such a one-sided contract. The fact that you thought you had a chance proves how utterly powerless you really are. And the fate of the powerless…” his sadistic smirk curled up just a bit more. “Is to be used by the powerful.”

"W-wait a second!" she yelled out in a panicked voice. "D-do you really have to do this? It's not like I did anything to you! Come on, please?"

"You had your chance to withdraw. You could have chosen to leave and return to your daily life, but you instead remained to seek the power you crave. Did you truly believe you could challenge one of the princes of Hell with no risk?" He reached where the girl was standing, then pulled the bottom of his tunic aside. Towa's heart stopped as his enormous cock flopped out and draped over the top of her head; it was every bit as big as the bulge she saw suggested. Pure, dominant male musk wafted off his veiny shaft and thick, round balls and into her nostrils as she could only stand still and shudder wordlessly in awe at the baseball bat-sized pillar that rested on top of her. She could literally feel the demonic power radiating off of it, bending her mind to the demon's will.

"Consider this," he growled in a more controlling and powerful voice than he had used before, "your retribution."

"Gaagh! It's-it's too much! Haaaaaah! So fucking HUGE! I can't handle it!"

Towa screamed out in pained pleasure; she had been pushed down onto her back, her sweat-soaked clothes and juice-drenched panties had been forcefully ripped off her body, leaving only the shredded fishnets dangling from her legs.
Asmodeus shoved his massive cock hard into her tight, pink pussy. His colossal frame pinned her on the poker table, scattering chips all over the floor, ensuring all she could do was powerlessly take every last ounce of his lust. She pawed at his firm, chiseled chest, unsure if she wanted to push him away or pull him closer. Thankfully, due to her infernal constitution, she could withstand a monster of this size without physical damage; her mind, however, was not so lucky. With the full weight of his 200 kg body, he repeatedly slammed inside of her, fucking her like a doll. Each time, he forced himself past her cervix which caused her stomach to bulge out lewdly.

Both the size of his manhood and the sheer ferocity he fucked with overwhelmed Towa immediately; this wasn't lovemaking, or even sex with a partner. She was being used as a living sex toy, and he had no regard for her well-being or her pleasure. And yet, despite that, she was feeling good; she could feel the glowing runes that adorned the surface of the demonic dick working their magic, converting any pain from the intense insertion into satisfaction and warping her sensations. In addition, the ribbing on the shaft bumped against her clitoris over and over; each clash sent a small orgasm through her system.

Towa's usual deep, cool voice was letting out the most womanly squeals and groans she ever made. "Oooooogh! This-I can't...I can feel you fucking my womb! Slow down, my brain is going numb!"

Asmodeus grunted deeply with each thrust as he fucked his brand-new fuckhole; one of his hands reached down and grabbed her small, pert ass, his palm utterly engulfing the pale cheek. "Grrr, you're even better than I expected you to be. This pure, smooth pussy hugs every single inch and doesn't let go...truly a top-grade cocksleeve! I look forward to keeping you around!"

"W-waiiiiiiiit," she whined, "I-I don't want thish...pleashe, jusht let me goooooo...."

Her feeble words caused the archdemon to let out a smug chuckle. "Is that what you truly desire? Because if that is your wish, then..." In an instant, he stopped pistoning, then gradually withdrew every single inch of his manhood from her depths, until finally, his glans passed her labia once again. Breathing was a laborious effort for her, more than it ever had been in her life. A flood of liquid arousal poured out of her smooth pussy, which was bright red on the surface and stretched slightly from what it had just endured.

Asmodeus moved downwards so that his face was level with her chest. He hooked one of his claws around the zipper of her jacket and pulled gently to pop it open; then, with a quick, precise swipe, he clawed away the front of the black tank top underneath and let her breasts pop free. They were small, as expected, but had a wonderful, pointed and perky shape; her nipples were stiff, pointed outwards to the open air. "But I think what you truly desire in your heart is something different," the prince of lust said.

Out between his lips snaked his long, pointed tongue that made its way to the perky tits in front of him. Expertly, he wrapped it around one of her nipples and began to push and pull it around. His right hand took her other breast; his large, meaty fingers gingerly pinched her other nip and twisted it around. His expert technique in both licking and fondling sent more sparks through Towa's brain; how was it possible to feel this amazing just from her boobs being played with? He instinctively knew exactly how to make her melt helplessly. There was no way she could feel this way from anyone else; after all, who could be superior to the archdemon of lust when it came to sexual prowess?

The elongated tongue left her nipple, then trailed upwards. It gently traced her collarbone, the sensation of which made her quiver. "I can read you perfectly; I know exactly what you're like," he murmured, "You put on a front of pride and haughtiness. Constantly, you're trying to prove that you deserve the respect of others. To show that you're powerful, you're wonderful, you're truly important. Every minute of your day is spent trying to force this in the minds of everyone you know. But deep down, what you want..." his tongue made its way up her neck and across her cheek, a trail of saliva in its wake until his face came right next to her ear. "Is for someone to come and tear that facade down," he whispered huskily into her ear.


"You want a superior to remind you of where you truly belong. Your boasting and arrogance are a challenge; no, rather, a cry for help for someone to show you how weak you really are." His tongue snaked out of his mouth once again and licked her ear, eliciting a small moan from her lips.


"I can do that for you. I can be the one to bring you down to your proper place. To show you how fulfilling it can feel to be completely at the mercy of another. I can show you what absolute domination feels like. All you need to do is beg me for it."

Towa squirmed around a bit. Was that it? All this time that was spent trying to earn others' awe and admiration...was it just self-delusion? What would it feel like to simply let go? If she gave up here, she would never return home; she would be used day in and day out to serve this lord of hell, to elicit the surely thick, potent sperm from his bulging testicles. The thought of it made her feel...

"I-I want it."

"Speak up, little devil. I don't have the patience to waste on girls who don't speak clearly."

"I want it!"

"One more chance. Say exactly what you want, loud and clear."

She gulped. This was it, there was no going back after this. But she couldn't lie to herself anymore. Not after she had gotten a taste of it. If she did, she'd spend the rest of her life aching for what she needed, regretting her decision. No, there was only one choice.

"I want you to use me! I want you to make my insides take the shape of your cock! I want you to fill my womb with your glorious cum! I want to belong to you for the rest of my life! Please, Lord Asmodeus! TAKE ME!" she screamed out in desperation.

The demon smirked. Once again, he moved up so that his pelvis was in line with Towa's. With one large hand, he gripped his battering ram of a cock and pressed the glans against her plush labia. "Good girl," he murmured, then with one mighty swing of his pelvis, embedded all two feet of his manhood inside the girl. Her eyes flew wide open, as did her mouth, yet not a sound escaped her throat. The shock of being skewered like the piece of fuckmeat she was took the breath out of her lungs; all she could do is twitch in bliss while he wore her as a cock sock, his full size outlined by a huge, prominent bulge that went past her navel.

This time, both of his hands went down to Towa's lower half and grabbed her ass cheeks with a grip so firm it was sure to bruise the flesh after all was over. Any concern over the possibility, however, was obliterated from her mind when he lifted his strong hips, pulled out of her until only the very tip remained, then smashed it all in once again. This time, finally, the noises escaped Towa's throat.

"OOOOOOOOH! SHO FUCKING GOOD! BEING YOUR FUCKSHLEEVE FEELSH SHO FUCKING GOOD!" she howled in a voice closer to a beast than anything like a human. More guttural, animalistic noises poured out of her mouth as Asmodeus fucked her harder, faster, and deeper than before. There was no other way to put it; he was pulverizing her womb. Every single impact hit the innermost wall with an inhuman force, and fuck did it feel incredible for her. Two feet of ribbed demonic meat would exit her, then two feet would enter, all about twice a second. His huge balls swung with his movement as well, each hit against her ass making deafening CLAP, CLAP, CLAP sounds ring out.

The archdemon aggressively growled as he completely ruined this small devil's hole. "Every single part of you now belongs to me, pet! Be grateful that I, Asmodeus of the archdemons, have graced you with the honor of being used to please me!" he roared out.

"Yes, my lord! Thank you so much for using this weak, useless slut as your stress relief! Please, ruin me however you wish!" she panted out. She stretched her arms out as wide as she could to fully embrace his chest and press against his warm, strong body. His thrusts made her slide along the floor, tossed around like a ragdoll, yet not once did he slip out of her pussy's tight, wet embrace.

As the minutes went by and the savage pounding continued, Towa knew more and more that this was truly the right decision. Asmodeus was right; all this time, she was just subconsciously begging for someone to come and take her down a peg, and now that it was happening, she could never go back to the act. The feeling of being completely at the whims of someone so much more capable, more commanding than she was exhilarating. She had no choice but to lie there and take what he gave to her. He would use her until he was done, and she had no say in the matter; not that she would protest, anyway. Even without the titillation of complete submission, her lord was simply the greatest at sex out of anyone, anywhere. His thrusts were unrelentingly forceful, yet also precise and skilled; he managed to hit every single sensitive spot throughout her genitalia every time, even ones she had no idea she had. His demonic advantages were also an incredible bonus; the ribs hit places a normal man never could, and the magic that coursed through the shaft simply enhanced every positive sensation she felt while removing any negatives. Everything was so intense that the entire time, she was in a constant state of orgasm; as soon as she thought it was going to end, another good thrust set her body ablaze and made her mind go blank once again. There was no doubt; she NEEDED to spend the rest of her days by his side.

Eventually, Asmodeus felt his balls tightening and his shaft throbbing harder. He was getting closer and closer to his release; it was time to grant his pet a taste of his seed inside her; the first of many. "Prepare yourself, devil slut. In a few moments, you will receive my sperm within you; be thankful."

The news made Towa's heart jump in her chest. "Yes! Please! Give me all of your cum inside, lord Asmodeus! I want you to fill my womb to the brim! Nothing could be better!" She reflexively tightened her pussy to try and get him to finish faster; not that there was much of a way to tighten around the sheer girth of his shaft inside her. He raised his pistoning to a fever pitch; several times a second he slammed his demonic cock in and out of Towa's deliciously tight cunt. Her brain fried even more as he sped up, and her never ending orgasm simply reached a new height of intensity. All that left her vocal cords were the wails of a bitch ready to be pumped full.

And with one last ram to press their pelvises together, Asmodeus let out a deep yell and unleashed himself inside her. Rich demonic semen surged out of his testicles and flowed directly into her small, eager womb. It filled quickly, causing the space to begin to swell to make room for more of his precious seed. More and more gushed into her, to the point where her stomach even began to grow a small amount. Towa, too, was experiencing an orgasm like none other before; the warmth of his cum conquering her sent a rush of submissive joy through her brain as her female instincts eagerly accepted everything it could receive. However, there was only so much room inside of her; his load was simply too great, so it pushed back past his length and squeezed out of her stuffed pussy, flowing out onto the floor below. Finally, after about a minute, he was finished, and his cock began to soften. Firmly, he pulled it out of the purple-haired devil, and with his cock no longer plugging her up, his cum poured out of her stretched cunt. As he looked over her, it seemed she had passed out from the overstimulation; she simply lay there on the floor, a dumb smile across her face. "Hiiiiiii...hehehe...heeeeee," she subconsciously babbled, having been fucked out of her wits.

Asmodeus stood up and fixed his clothes so that he was modest once again. He strolled to the door and opened it, signaling to the guards standing behind them to come inside. "Get her cleaned up and put her in a slave's room. One of the luxury, private ones, too. I want her to be treated well, understand?"

"Yes, my lord!" they responded, then quickly picked her up and carried her away. Asmodeus sat back down in the center of the room; the ordeal had tired him out. His mouth curved into a small smirk. This new pet of his was a very, very good one indeed. He would enjoy what she had to offer in the times to come.


"Haaaaah? What do you mean Towa-sama's been captured by some demons!? There's no way one with as much dark power as her could fall to any of the weaklings the underworld has to offer! ...I don't care if you're certain, imbecile! Begone from my sight! ...YES I KNOW I'M ON THE PHONE WITH YOU!"

A small hand angrily smashed the "hang up" button and chucked the phone it was holding across the room. The owner grumbled in frustration as she contemplated this troubling news. Finally, she sighed and rose to her feet. "Very well. Those weaklings shall rue the day they crossed me! I, the all-powerful Laplus Darkness, shall smite those fools and retrieve Towa-sama from them! Ahahahahaha!"