2024-25 Bennington Public Schools Facility Use Guidelines
All BBA Select Teams 3rd-8th grade must contact Nic Cemer at ncemerbba@gmail.com for practice times. Your location will only be at the Middle School Facilities.
- There will be sign ups 3 times a year, you will no longer be able to sign up from September through March. At the end of each session, registrations will begin again with the in-season sports having priority for day and times.
Registrations for Youth and Adult groups -
- Fall Activities Sign Up - Aug. 26, 2024
- Winter Activities Sign Up - Oct. 28, 2024
- Spring Activities Sign Up - Feb 24, 2025
- Practices will begin and end promptly at your assigned time. There are 4-time slots available Mon-Fri evenings:
*5:00-6:00 *6:10-7:10 *7:20-8:20 *8:30-9:30
- In-season sports (NSAA high school sports schedule) will receive priority when scheduling teams. Other sports may be scheduled if there are openings.
- Gyms may be used for teams made up of at least 50% of Bennington District students in the following activities:
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Baseball/Softball (pitching and catching only, no team practices)
- Each team will be allowed 1 practice per week to accommodate requests for practice times for all teams.
- A 10-minute transition period has been incorporated into the gym schedule for teams to enter and exit and help remain on the schedule.
- We ask coaches to keep all people with your team in the designated area/gym. It is easiest for parents just to drop off and pick up. Please do not park in the fire lanes outside of the gym areas.
- Coaches need to bring in their equipment: basketballs, volleyballs, etc.
- Basketball hoop adjusters will be available to lower or higher the basketball hoops if needed.
- Volleyball nets need to be set up and taken down by coaches as directed by the gym coordinator.
- The gyms will be closed if school is canceled for inclement weather or other situations!
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support! Go Badgers!
Elementary Gym Coordinator’s
K-1 Anchor Pointe Meggie Widholm mwidholm@bennps.org
2nd-3rd Heritage Callan Phillips cphillips@bennps.org
4th-5th Pine Creek Andrew Keane akeane@bennps.org
6th-7th Bennington Elem. Ryan Johanek rjohanek@bennps.org
8th-BYVB-Adults Stratford Teresa Rischling trischling@bennps.org
Winter Registrations are now live:
Please register here: 24-25 Winter Session Registration