Worthmore ApS
Bryghusgade 10, 1473 København, Danmark
+45 81910195

Cookie Policy of Worthmore ApS

Scope of Policy

This cookie policy is applicable when you, as a user ("customer"), opt to sell a phone, donate your phone, or browse our website, www.worthmore.io (the "Website"), operated by Worthmore ApS ("Worthmore").


Upon visiting our website, data pertaining to your activity and preferences is accumulated. This data aids in personalizing and enhancing our website's content tailored for you. Should you wish to prevent this data collection, it's recommended to delete any stored cookies and discontinue website usage.

The following sections detail the nature of this collected data, its utility, and the entities that can access it.


A "Cookie" is a text file stored on devices like computers, mobiles, or tablets, primarily for recognizing the device, retaining user settings, generating statistical data, and fine-tuning advertisements.

Cookies are harmless and cannot harbor malicious software such as viruses.

While cookies can be deleted or blocked, doing so may lead to less tailored advertisements and potentially hinder optimal website functionality.

Instructions for avoiding cookies: https://erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/saadan-undgaar-du-cookies


Any data that can be associated with you, even remotely, is deemed as personal information. As you navigate our website, such data is accrued and processed. This may occur when you access specific content, subscribe to our newsletter, or make transactions on the website.

Commonly, we gather and process details like: A unique user ID, technical specifications of your device, IP address, geographical position, and specific pages you engage with. In situations where you've explicitly provided consent or input data, we may also process: Name, address, contact number, email ID, and payment details. This usually coincides with transactions or subscriptions.


We have instated both technical and organizational safeguards to prevent unwarranted incidents like accidental or unlawful deletion, disclosure, loss, unauthorized data access, and other forms of illegal data processing.


The primary aim of gathering this data is user identification, ensuring content relevancy, logging your transactions, and providing requested services like newsletters. Furthermore, this data assists us in refining our services and content.

Period of Storage

Data retention is in strict accordance with legal provisions, and it's terminated once it surpasses its utility. The retention duration hinges on the data type and the reason for its storage. Hence, no universal timeline for data deletion exists.

We collaborate with several third parties for data storage and processing. These entities function exclusively on our behalf and are prohibited from using the data for independent purposes. All our data collaborators are based either within the EU or in nations ensuring comprehensive data protection.

Insights and Complaints

You reserve the right to access, rectify, or delete any personal data concerning you. Additionally, you can obtain a data copy.

To exercise these rights, please contact founders@worthmore.dk.

The Data Officer is:

Worthmore ApS

Bryghusgade 10,

1473 København, Danmark

Phone: +45 81910195

For concerns regarding our data processing practices, you may contact:

Borgergade 28, 5
1300 København K
Tel. 33193200