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Friday, August 11th IC Imagine Second Grade Weekly News
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Updates and Reminders for the week ending 8.11.23

This Week We…

Worked hard to learn our school expectations on the DIVE chart: Do everything safely, I am a leader, Value, and Engage.  We also got to know each other and learn our classroom procedures!

Next Week We Will…

Math: We will begin our first module in Eureka Math.  Students will represent data to solve problems.

We will begin using computers and learning our usernames/passwords and computer safety and rules.

Phonics:  Students will review digraphs /sh/, /ch/, /th/, and /wh/.  We will practie blending words with digraphs and blends.

Science/ Social Studies: We will continue community building activities in 2nd grade.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Students will continue our learning about our school mascot, the Kingfisher, and showing ways that we can DIVE at school.

Moments to Celebrate!

Wow!  2nd grade had an amazing first week, and we are so excited to begin our new school year!  We are so proud of our Kingfishers and look forward to starting academics next week!

We Need Your Help

  • Make sure your child is at school on time, walking in by 7:57 each morning!
  • It is important that your child come each day with a full water bottle, and a snack!
  • Remember to fill out the form for Blue Ridge Health and send back in orange folder.
  • Next week students will be using computers and will need headphones labeled with name.

Announcements and Reminders

As a grade level, 2nd grade will not be sending homework, with the only expectation being 20 minutes of nightly reading.

Dates to Remember

September 4: No School-Labor Day

September 5: No School-Teacher Work Day

Have a Great Weekend! See you on Monday!