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Email, R.J. DeSilva, communications officer, Legislative Budget Board, July 31, 2018

"Selby, Gardner (CMG-Austin)" 7/30/2018 2:32 PM



Good afternoon.


The other day (along with the email I am providing below) we fielded the attached documents from Rep. Howard’s chief of staff.


I am writing now to ask about the origin of the documents—is each one from a particular report or presentation as of a certain date? Also, I write to ask if the LBB staff has more up-to-date information of late?


We’re trying to analyze the accuracy of the claim in this tweet that in Texas, “charters get 100% state $/pupil funding while district schools (95% students) get about 1/3 funding from state w/ rest coming from local prop taxes (which is why those taxes are so high). Districts getting less b/c scarce $ going to charters,” Howard wrote.


Is that an accurate statement? Why or why not?


Jacob Cottingham in Howard’s office later told us the numbers in these attachments came from the LBB earlier this year; Aaron Henrickson was the analyst, Cottingham said.


I’d be happy to hear back soon by email of phone. As ever, we rely on attributable on-the-record information for our stories.






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W. Gardner Selby

Reporter / News

Austin American-Statesman

PolitiFact Texas

4:42 p.m.

July 31, 2018

Charter schools do not have authority to levy a property tax, thus their Foundation School Program funding is from the state through statutory funding formulas that incorporate attendance.


The second attachment (the pdf titled "State share spreadsheet...") is not ours.


Legislators request information on various aspects of the budget from our agency and we provide them the information. The representative's office requested data on the Foundation School Program and we provided the other two attachments. Both charts were compiled earlier this year, there is no updated information.

R.J. DeSilva

Communications Officer

Legislative Budget Board