High School of Hospitality Management
Yves Mompoint, Principal
Katia Drouillard, Assistant Principal
525 West 50th Street
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 586-0963 / Facsimile: (646) 557-3936
Cell Phone Policy
HSHM strives to provide a ‘Distraction Free Environment' to all its students in order to promote academic excellence and increase opportunities for interpersonal interactions. As a result, cellphones and other electronic devices should not be used in class during school hours, except during lunch.
If a student uses a cellphone or other electronic devices in class without the expressed permission of the classroom teacher, the student may be subject to disciplinary procedures, which may include but not limited to being assigned a Yondr Pouch for a specified period of time for the duration of the school day.
Yonder pouch is considered school property. It is the student’s responsibility to return the assigned pouch at the end of their instructional school day.
Building Entrance: As students enter the building, they will:
Each student will maintain possession of their cellphone for the duration of the school day.
Student Lunch Period:
Building Exit: As students exit the building at the end of the school day, they will:
Below is a list of potential student violations. Each of these violations will result in the student’s phone and/or pouch being confiscated by the school Dean.
Disciplinary Action
Yondr cases are school property and HSHM is a distraction free environment. Students who violate this policy may face additional consequences in accordance with the New York City Department Disciplinary Code.
Thank you for your cooperation and participation to help us create a distraction-free environment. Please contact Mr. McHale, Dean, at (212) 586-0963 with any questions or concerns.