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Angela White Fleshlight
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“Ow! Ashley, you just ripped through the fleshlight!!” You yelp, looking down at Ashley aggressively stroking your member with a sex toy.

“O man, my bad! I’ll get you a new one, what site did you get it from?” Ashley asks apologetically, pulling out her phone as she continues stroking with her bare hand.

“I actually got it from the sex shop downtown, and haven’t been able to find the same one online.” You say sheepishly, smirking when Ashley shows her disgust.

“No way am I going to that gross place, you’re on your own.”

The next day you drive downtown, deciding to get the purchase over with asap. The shop owner seems surprised to see you, and somehow remembers you from last year.

“Didn’t think I’d see you again after you picked up that Riley Reid fleshlight, did you even use it?” The guy laughs, making you blush as you stammer an answer.

“Yeah I used it a lot, in fact my girlfriend broke it and I really liked it so I’m actually here to get a new one!” You laugh awkwardly, looking around the shop to scope out the fleshlights.

“Well we had to stop selling those on order of the council, but if it’s just a replacement you need…” The shop owner trails off with a devious smile, running into the back and returning with a plain box. “So you never used the Extra Pleasure Squeeze I’m guessing? There’s a break in the outer shell, so you could press and tighten the thing around your privates!”

“O, my girlfriend likes holding the fleshy part while she uses it on me, I don’t even know where the outer shell for this one went…

Okay, thanks so much.” You thank him as you pay, and jokingly promise to use the Extra Pleasure Squeeze before leaving.

You get in your car and take the fleshlight out to see if it’s the same thing, but you’re surprised to see Angela White on the interior box. You debate whether to go back in before deciding to check out the fleshlight first, and open the box with a smile. You can’t help but get a bit aroused as your finger gently strokes the specifically shaped lips, and you decide to keep the toy.

You reach into the box and grab the fleshlight to see how large it is, pausing when you mistakenly press your hand into the plastic piece and it sinks in. Suddenly a heat builds in your forearm, and a beam of light shoots out from the fleshlight as you point it out the window away from your face. Your eyes open wide as a random jogger jogs into the light without hesitation, coming out the other side with a shockingly tight and skimpy outfit.

He instantly shrinks down from six feet tall to five, and your jaw drops as his chest stretches out the crop top that it quickly fills with giant breasts. His hips round out as a heaving bubble butt develops behind him, and his face reshapes with long black hair flowing behind him. His lips plump up and form a seductive smile, making the jogger giggle as his bulging manhood fades into flatness.

Your heart races as you stare at the graceful voluptuous beauty, and can’t help but feel like you recognize the oblivious jogger. You get out of the car to go ask the shopkeeper about what happened, when you suddenly remember who you’re looking at.

“Angela White?!?!?” You cry out in shock, making the new woman perk up and approach you seductively.

“That’s right, love; sounds like someone’s a fan…” She teases, grabbing at your crotch and making you jump back as she puckers her lips.

“No! I have a girlfriend, and-” Angela squeezes your lips between her thumb and pointer, shutting you up as she stares into your worried eyes.

“She’ll give two hoots about a quick fuck, will she? I don’t think so!” Angela laughs, her boobs jiggling and begging for your grasp.

You jump out of her hands, not wanting to cheat on your girlfriend. You quickly run back into the shop, trying to seem calmer than you are as the shop owner happily greets you. He seems unfazed by the magic transformation you describe, and asks to see the fleshlight box.

“Yeah these things are a lot of fun, but you gotta make sure you read all the rules and NEVER shoot anyone twice. O this one’s missing the rule book, I’ll just tell you everything cuz it was my last one anyway. So that plastic you’re touching is- maybe move your hand so you don’t smell so good, baby!! Ooo…

You’re looking mighty fine, sweety!!”

You sigh in despair as you realize your hand pressed the Extra Pleasure Squeeze again, and the familiar heat surges up your arm. You try to let go quickly, but the light consumes the shop owner in the blink of an eye. His short fit body barely shrinks as his face beautifies, and his red shirt gets stretched tight as it compresses around his softening body. Once all his muscle mass is gone, the shop owner's curves swell out. His shirt almost rips as Angela’s boobs take over his chest, and his pants tear in half as his hips and thighs inflate dramatically.

The bottom of the tight shirt gets pulled and stretches past a shrinking manhood, twisting itself into a tight leotard as it straps to the backside of itself. Angela’s collar drops down to show off her massive bounty of cleavage as the key strap around her neck turns into a diamond studded choker. You apologize profusely as her eyes glaze over with arousal, and the accent you’re now used to begins offering extreme sexual favors.

You desperately ask her about the reversal process and how to control the fleshlight, but Angela’s only concern is being filled by a large cock.

“I’m sure you’ve got one of those, don’t you daddy??

I’m totally pretending you’re inside me right now…” She lusciously drips, bouncing her massive bust and moaning orgasmically.

You look around the shop for fleshlight instructions, but don’t find any. You then panic and run home, scared of the consequences of your actions. You take the fleshlight home and decide to throw the plastic out, careful as you take the device out of its plain box. You make sure not to touch the Extra Pleasure Squeeze part, and slowly slide the soft latex out of its plastic sheath.

“Cool!! You didn’t even tell me you were getting a new one of those today!” Your girlfriend exclaims, scaring you into squeezing your hand tightly around the EPS.

The familiar heat travels up your arm, this time forcing you to lift and point the power toward Ashley. She cries out in shock, her screams slowly becoming Aussie as her petite figure takes on more heft. She grows into her normal outfit, quickly ripping it apart before a lavish red gown drapes itself over her swelling curves. Her nipples get hard as she squeezes her ballooning boobs, and your pants tent up as she caresses her hourglass figure.

Just like all the other Angelas, she starts begging you for sex right away. You feel guilt in saying yes, but decide that your girlfriend needs it. There’s nothing you can do anyway, you have a sex crazy pornstar begging for cock in your loving room.

You passionately make out with Angela, grabbing her heavenly curves and bringing her to your bedroom. She crawls on top of you, grinding her panties into your erection as her body melts into yours. You then feel her slowly make her way down, and wait for her perfect lips to wrap around your shaft. Instead you hear her unclasp her bra, and your manhood throbs as she squeezes it in her legendary cleavage. You reach up to stroke her hair, but gulp when you realize you’re still holding the fleshlight.

Your hand mistakenly presses into the EPS button again, and a burst of light shoots directly into your girlfriend’s face. She giggles as the light concentrates toward her forehead, and a few moments later she’s staring ahead blankly.

Your breath catches in your throat as you fear what you just did, remembering the shopkeeper’s warning about never shooting someone twice. For a moment the look in Angela’s eyes is one of confusion, but that quickly turns back to lust as she happily bounces her bust in your lap.

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“You love this, don’t you baby? You’re gonna cum all over my chest, and this sexy face??” Angela teases, pursing her lips dramatically like Ashley always had.


Suddenly Angela grabs the fleshlight, and you jump back in the bed as she points it at you. A bright light fills your vision, and you feel your body shrink under your girlfriend’s. Your face rushes toward her chest, and soon you’re lying nose to nose.

Your lips plump up as a seductive smile involuntarily crawls across your face, but you slap your hand over your mouth before you could speak in your new accent. Your slim manicured fingers barely stop the cascading lust from pouring out your mouth, and your girlfriend just smiles as your jiggling breasts inflate into her’s.

“What the fuck is wrong with you changing me??? Luckily that second blast brought my brain back, though I guess I’m stuck with this dumb accent now…” Your girlfriend trails off, tracing your slimming belly with her manicured nail.

You lose track of what she’s saying as a hazy bubbliness settles on your mind, and feel your penis fade to nothing as your pants soak through. Your hand leaves your mouth to stroke her face as arousal overwhelms your mind, and you lick your lips as you prepare to kiss your twin.

“Maybe soon we find some guys to fuck us…” You whisper, your plump lips just inches from your girlfriend’s.

She giggles as your ass turns into a bubble and lifts you into her, and you grind your hips into hers as she massages your wet folds.

“Besides this accent I'm honestly rather liking this body, but I doubt you’ll appreciate another blast!” Your girlfriend laughs, pointing the fleshlight at your head and pushing the button.

Instantly the fog of lust lifts and you jump out from under Ashley, begging for forgiveness before quickly explaining that the only way to possibly change back is to go back to the shopkeeper. She apologizes for turning you into a busty girl as you both walk to the closet, ready to get dressed and go back to the sex shop. You let out a gasp when you see that your entire wardrobe’s been changed, complete with things you’ve even seen Angela wear before!!

You grab the least revealing outfit you can find, a tight leather catsuit that rides up your butt. Ashley decides to embrace her new curves assuming they’re only temporary, and straps herself into the plushiest push up bra in the closet. You can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy at how much cleavage she’s able to show off without shame, proving there’s still some Angela in your mind even after the second blast.

The car ride is short, and you both hustle into the sex shop before anyone can see your luscious twin bodies. Upon entering you find the former shop owner riding a large man on top of a high shelf, with another petite woman massaging Angela’s folds. They don’t even seem to notice you enter, so you just walk up to the shelf they’re on top of. You know that another blast from the fleshlight will give the shopkeeper his memories back, so you pull it out of the box and carefully aim to not hit the other two people.

Angela then puts a nagging thought in the back of your mind to at least let the shopkeeper orgasm before changing her, and you wait till you see a vein in the large man’s cock bulge. You press the button and hit Angela square in the forehead, instantly turning her face from that of blissful lust into that of disgust. She tries to get up and escape the incoming orgasm, but she’s held down as an eruption of cum fills her womanhood.

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She collapses off the shelf and lands on her giant ass beside you, thick cum dripping from her folds as she stares at you angrily.

“Are you the bloody fool that did this to me?? You’re unbelievably daft!!” Angela screams at you, immediately covering her mouth when words she doesn’t mean to say pour out.

She explains that the longer you’re in Angela’s body before the second blast, the more like her you’ll be after. She demands you give her the fleshlight, but you quickly throw the box in your backpack. You could see the spark of revenge in her eyes as the man above notices Angela White triplets, and you run to the back storage room before he can come down to start feeling you up.

You hear both Angelas and the other girl begin to moan as the man gropes their bodies, their minds ready to have sex on a hairpin trigger. Hiding in the back isn’t a permanent solution, and all the smells of sex from the front is making you weak in the knees! You start drooling as the muscular man’s grunts fill your ears, and try to picture yourself riding his cock as you hear one of the Angelas demanding to be let go between orgasmic squeals. You then hear dainty footsteps come toward the back room, and hold your breath behind the pillar as a dripping pussy approaches.

“I don’t need that dumb dildo thing to make this all better, Angy!! I’ve got this Super Bimbofier that I used on the other girl to get that threeway going from before, and I think it’ll make for a most perfect revenge! You could’ve swapped me back right away or just listened to my damned advice, but instead you cursed us both to this life of happiness!!

O I can’t even say what I want, where are you???” The shopkeeper cries out with Angela’s voice, not even bothering to look around as she sets the vacuum cleaner looking device down in middle of the room.

A loud whirring starts, and instantly you feel pressure in your head. Soon your thoughts warp as your plan to leave in your original body fades away, instead you feel a new desire to fill your pussy. A fluffy cheerfulness makes you slowly step away from the pillar, your eyes staring blankly ahead as you walk toward the shopkeeper with a bright smile. Your lips meet as your bodies rub into each other, and you wrap your right leg around her waist as she does the same.

After a few minutes of making out the smell of cum makes you perk up, and you run into the front room to see an exhausted Ashley laying atop the smaller bimbofied girl in a heap.

The large man still has an erection, and instructs you to hop on. Your eyes roll back in ecstasy as you impale yourself on his giant member, and you feel a new energy help you bounce on the throbbing cock. When you look ahead you see your body is consumed in a blast from the fleshlight, and you can only giggle euphorically as it turns you into an empty headed bimbo.

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The shopkeeper uses the bimbofier on Ashley too, turning you both into her triplet slaves as she shoots Ashley with the fleshlight.

“Simply twisting the fleshlight could’ve reversed the entire mess, but once you shoot someone a second time they’re permanently transformed. A third time just reverts your mind to the original transformation, and more after that should just make you even hornier bimbos!!” Mistress laughs, making you and Ashley bask in the fleshlight glow for hours before finally releasing you as twin prostitutes.

It doesn’t take long for you two to become famous, even the police union hires you guys for parties! The money doesn’t matter though, you’re just happy to see a hard cock. Ashley’s the one that likes to be penetrated, while you’re content with a couple of loads to the face.

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Together you help mistress move into a giant mansion, and soon you don’t have to leave the house to work. Mistress has guys coming over at all hours of the day, and the only thanks she needs is for you to be happy.

What a life!