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[NEC21]: Instructions to Presenters
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Your NEC21 submission is accepted. What next?

Updated: Sept 3, 2021.

If you require further clarifications, please share your queries in our Discord server.

Your submission will have been accepted with one of the three following decisions:

  1. Talk (Accepted): You will present your work as a pre-recorded 10 mins video talk (and an optional poster) in a theme-dedicated session. (Details)
  2. Poster/Mini-Talk (Accepted): You will present your work as a landscape poster (and an optional 3 mins mini-talk video) in a digital poster hall. (Details)
  3. Poster/Mini-Talk (Reservation): Same as (b). However, your final submission will be reviewed again by our scientific committee before it is decided if it will be included in our official Conference Abstracts ebook.
  4. Startup Showcase: same as (b). Additional instructions will also be provided for after 30 August 2021 and, hence, you will have a later deadline.

Deadlines: 15 August 2021 and  30 August 2021

As soon as possible and no later than 15 August 2021!!!

If you missed the deadline to submit your camera-ready version, please email ASAP!!!

Make a “Final Upload” of your Abstract in ConfTool:

  1. Extended abstract (.doc or .docx)
  2. AND (!) Extended abstract (.pdf)
  3. Signed release form (.pdf)

a. Extended abstract: prepare and submit a final version of your extended abstract (.doc or .docx) via ConfTool. This version should incorporate the reviewers’ comments and be an improved version of the original submission. This will also be the version that will be shared with all conference attendees. It will appear in the Conference Abstracts ebook, published by Frontiers S.A.

b. Extended abstract: please also submit a pdf copy of your extended abstract

c. Signed release form: please download, fill in, and sign this form. It assigns the organizing team of NEC21 the right to share your abstract and presentation materials.

As soon as possible and no later than 30 August 2021!!!

  1. Prepare your video talk (3 or 10 mins) and poster (landscape). They should be titled [ID]_video and [ID]_poster respectively (e.g., 197_video.mp4 and 197_poster.png)

  1. Fill in this Google Form for the details on how the material will be linked to our digital conference venue.

The Best Poster and Best Talk prizes will be determined by the juries based on these materials.

Prepare and pre-record a video talk: Talks should be 3 mins for poster presenters and 10 mins for talk presenters. Here is a link to instructions on how to pre-record a talk with Zoom. Videos should not be larger than 150 Mb in order to minimise downloading times. Please use mp4 encoding to ensure universal access. After it has been created, provide us with the public viewing link in the Google Form. You can create a publicly accessible link with the following options:

i.  Upload to YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion

ii. Upload to a public cloud storage with access for public viewing. We recommend Dropbox (see Figure).

Create a poster: We recommend submitting a “BetterPoster” (See There are two ways of providing a poster.

Option 1: Go to this link in Google Slide and make a copy for yourself. (recommended).

  1. Make your poster using Powerpoint or directly in Google Slide
  2. When it is done, click on: File > Publish to Web
  3. Choose the tab “Embed” (not “Link”)
  4. Click on Publish
  5. An embed link will appear. Submit the “iframe src” in the Google Form. This link should start with “…” and end with “...&delayms=3000ms”
  6. You will be able to update your poster in Google Slide for as long as you wish (even during NEC21) and retain all control and rights over the content.

Step 1: File > Publish to web

Step 2: Select “Embed” tab

Step 3: Copy and paste iframe src in Google Form: “https://…..delayms=3000”

Option 2: Alternatively, you should create a landscape image (.bmp or .png) and provide a publicly accessible and downloadable link in the Google Form. (not recommended)

If these instructions require further clarification, please discuss them in our Discord server, in the channel “nec21-submissions”. Link:

How will Presentation of your Work take place?

The conference will take place at a digital venue, namely Gather.

The next two sections provide details on how Talks and Posters/Mini-Talks will take place in our digital venue. A program will be published by 30 Aug 2021 that will indicate the number of your poster board (and - if applicable - assigned talk session). You may already visit the conference venue (still under construction) via this link:


Link to Lecture Hall in Gather Town

Each talk will be assigned to a session. Each session will include 4 pre-recorded talks with a common theme, followed by a joint live Q&A at the end. Sessions will take place in one of two halls that will be connected to a Zoom webinar (see Figure). Interacting with the phone signs will bring participants to a secured Zoom webinar.

Your pre-recorded talk will be a 10 mins video that will be played during the session. We request pre-recordings to avoid potential technical issues (e.g., bad internet connections).

Talks will be part of the synchronous program. They will also be available asynchronously as posters; that is to say, presenters of talks will also be provided with a poster board where they can share a poster/slides and their talk video to those who might have missed it. See next section for how poster boards work.

Finally, we will be happy to host your talks on our YouTube channel as a playlist after the conference. Your signed release form will be required for this.


Link to Poster Hall in Gather Town

Posters will be exhibited in one of several poster halls (A to F) in designated numbered booths (1-25).

Each presenter will be allocated a poster board and a TV, with a designated ref-number.

Finally, we will be happy to host your mini-talks on our YouTube channel as a playlist even after the conference. Your signed release form will be required for this.