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The Gap Principle
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The Gap Principle

Created For His Glory

Is there a principle, in scripture, that God uses previously unrevealed information to teach us something?

Genesis 1:1, 2 (Gap Between verse 1 and 2?)

Is There a gap? Are there other gaps?

This is a controversial topic, but it deals with rebellion and has nothing to do with evolution.  I do not believe in biological, geological evolution. This is not about evolution or death of a pre-Adamic race of people, nor to answer questions about dinosaurs.

Does God use information revealed later to help place information “gaps”? Yes

Does believing in the “gap” mean you believe in death before Adam or evolution? No

2 Corinthians 4:6 - Subsequent Revelation Narrative Information - Intercalation

The Bible is a story of restoration using “new” things.

Creation testifies to a glorious purpose.

Why would the earth be without form and void? God put Adam in a finished work.

It was not a progressive development. All other objects (Sun, Adam, Trees, animals, etc) were created spontaneously, instantaneously in a fully formed developed state. Fully formed capacity to glorify God.

Why is the earth covered in water? - Amos 9:6 Judgment using water.

Genesis 1:1 God created the heaven and earth, notice it does not say hell there.

Genesis 1:2 The earth was without form and void.

If we can see there is information to explain a gap, we can see there must be a gap.

Are there other gaps that we know exist?

There are gaps between verses.

Psalm 2:6-9         (:7 Resurrection

                (:8, 9 2nd Coming

Psalm 22:21, 22         (:21 Suffers on Cross

                        (:22-31 Millennial Kingdom - Hebrews 2:12 quotes verse 22

Daniel 2:18-47 = Times of the Gentiles         (Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25

Daniel is given a “secret” (Daniel 2:30) about Gentile Dominion between the Babylonian captivity and the kingdom. Vision is given to a Gentile, the interpretation is given to a Jew.

Daniel 2:32 = Past


        :33 = Future (Anti-Christ

        :39 = Past


        :40 = Future

Daniel 7:6 = Past


        :7 = Future

Daniel 8:8 = Past


        :9 = Future

        :22 = Past


        :23 Future

Daniel 9:26 = Messiah Cut off =         


        :26 = People of the Prince = Antichrist

Daniel 11:4 = Past


        :5 = Future

Isaiah 40:3 = John the Baptist


        :4 = Kingdom

Isaiah 61:1, 2 (Luke 4:17-19 Gap within the same verse.

        :2 = Acceptable year of the Lord = 1st Coming

        GAP (DELAY)

        :2 = And the day of vengeance = 2nd Coming

Matthew 13: “Mysteries of the Kingdom”

        Jesus reveals details (Mysteries) about the end times, the delay of the Kingdom

        Prepares His disciples for his absence.

Greatest Gap of all = Dispensation of Grace

        1 Corinthians 2:7

        Ephesians 3:9

        2 Timothy 1:2

        Romans 16:25-27

        Colossians 1:25-29

Are there other gaps? Yes! This is something God has done throughout scripture. Those of us in Mid-Acts dispenstaionalism should have the clearest understanding of the gap principle. Not only should we know it, but we should be able to teach it and defend it.

Daniel 9:24-27

Here we have Gabriel reveal a timeline to Daniel concerning the people of Israel and the city. There are seventy (70) weeks of seven (7) years epr week.

        Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself … This is a reference to the crucifixion. Timing word (AFTER) the 69th week, Jesus Christ will be crucified. That creates a gap before the crucifixion. The 69th week ends and then “after” that, Messiah is cut off. The crucifixion takes place in a gap of time created by the revelation of this information from Gabriel. So, from before the crucifixion (triumphal entry) we have a gap of time. The extended year from Acts 1 -7 takes place in this gap and so does the dispensation of grace. Then the  people of the prince that shall come.

Seven weeks - Sixty-two weeks - (Cross - One year extension - (Dispensation of Grace)) Seventieth week.

God created a gap after the 69th week and before the 70th week. Then created a gap within that gap called the Dispensation of the grace of God.

This brings us to the issue of rebellion or fall. Where does the Bible prove there was a fall? This is the key issue we are really studying. When was the fall of Lucifer? Did he fall? Yes! When?

     Create - Fall happens based on the free will of Lucifer and the angels that followed him.

Exodus 19:5, Isaiah 45:17, 18, Ezekiel 36:21-26 Possessor of heaven and earth Genesis 14:19, 22 God is not finished with Israel on the earth.

Numbers 14:21, Isaiah 11:9 Glory in earth, knowledge.

Genesis 1:1 God created the heaven and earth for His glory.

Luke 10:18 Satan, not Lucifer. His name is no longer Lucifer.(2 Peter 2:4 - Angels chose, of their own volition to sin.

        When? Jude 6, 7

                Genesis 6

                John 8:44

        Angels can and did fall - they were not created in that state.

Yes, Lucifer fell along with other angles. He, nor man, was created in a fallen state. We have had people ask why did God create Satan? He did not. He created Lucifer and he fell and became Satan.

We know there was a “fall” = Neither Satan nor man was created in a fallen state.

Lucifer was created as the Son of the Morning with Brightness, then he was corrupted and polluted by the sin of pride

When did the rebellion take place?


Before Genesis 1:1 = Weak = Job 38:7 All of the sons of God shouted for joy

During the “6 days” = before Genesis 3 Can we move it back before Genesis 3?

  1. Day Six - Genesis 1:26-28 Psalm 8:1-9 Why was man created?
  1. Man was put on the earth to rule and reign on earth. He was to subdue the earth. God creates Adam in response to a rebellion.
  1. Day Two - Genesis 1:8 = only day when God does not say that it was good. Why is there water that God divides? There is a problem already.

        Genesis 1:1 H/E (Bible is written for man's benefit not Satan.

                Isaiah 14:12-15

                Ezekiel 28:12-18

God’s creation was fully formed with the capacity to glorify God. Lucifer fell because of pride, then he fell. Man fell because Eve was beguiled due to ignorance and Adam chose to sin. God shows mercy and longsuffering Gene 3:13, Numbers 25:18, Joshua 9:22, 2 Corinthians 11:3, Acts 3:17, 17:30, Ephesians 4:18


  1. Ezekiel 28:12-18 Wisdom - Ezekiel 28:1-5 - Cast Out
  1. “Light” - 2 Corinthians 11:14/Luke 10:18
  1. Built in capacity to illuminate creation
  1. Pipes/Tabrets
  1. Built in capacity to lead worship
  1. Ezekiel 10:5
  1. Built in capacity to Glorify God
  1. Ezekiel 28:14 - “Anointed Cherub that covereth”
  2. Ezekiel 28:15 - Iniquity found in him = Romans 5:12 (Adam
  3. Self Sufficient, Self Reliant, Self Consumed, Independent = Pride that he could orchestrate the affairs better than God.
  1. Isaiah 14:12-15 - Fallen
  1. Satan’s Battle Plan Goal = 5 things to be the  Most High = Genesis 14:19, 22
  1. How? I will ascend into Heaven!
  2. Stars - Angels
  3. Mount of Congregation (Job 1:6, 7, 2:1, 2
  4. Heights of Clouds (Glory of Mighty Angels, Glory of Throne
  5. Most High (Genesis 14:19, 22
  1. Goal was to expand his authority into Heaven
  1. Involves possession of 3 Specific Branches, Realms, or Crowns
  1. Executive
  2. Legislative
  3. Judicial
  1. Prophet - Judicial
  2. Priest - Legislative = Religious Worship
  3. King - Executive = Political
  1. Jeremiah 23:5
  2. Zechariah 6:12, 13 - Includes Religious Arm
  1. Clouds veil the light of Glory (Amos 9:6, Ephesians 4:10, 1:20-21
  1. Exodus 24:15-18
  2. 1 Kings 8:10-11
  3. Job 22:14
  1. Angels (Mighty, David
  1. 2 Thessalonians 1:7 (Not all, Gabriel
  2. Matthew 24:30, 25:31
  1. Realms: How far did he go?

Layout of the Heavens and Earth

The Shape of the Universe

Heaven Revelation 12:7-9

Heaven Job 4:18-19, 15:15, 16, 25:5, 6

Earth Genesis 1:2, 3

Darkness and without form - language associated with judgment and wrath.

Matthew 25:30, 2 Peter 2:17, Revelation 16:10-11, Job 5:13, 14, Isaiah 5:30, Deuteronomy 28:28, 29, Nahum 1:8, Joel 2:31

How did God create darkness?


Judgment - Isaiah 45:7, 12 Christ on the cross Matth 27:45

Without Form = Jeremiah 4:23-26, Isaiah 45:18 (Wrath) Darkness = Deep = Water - No Light Psalm 22:6, Job 25:6, Isaiah 41:14, Mark 9:44, 46, 48

        Genesis 1:6-8

2 Peter 3:5-7

        Job 38:1-11, 29-30, 9:7-9

                Sea = Revelation 20:11, 21:1, 2

                        Job 26:5-13

                        Amos 5:8, 9:1-6

                        Isaiah 27:1

                        Ezekiel 32:2

                        Proverbs 8:22-31

                        Isaiah 24:18

Earth/Mt Zion

        Psalm 132:13-14, 78:59, 125:1, *68:16

        John 1:1-5, 1 John 1:5

Christ on the cross - Psalm 22

Light of His Presence - Psalm 104 - Clothed with a garment of light.

Water hasted away (quickly) not 150 days like in Noah’s day.

Light of Darkness - Genesis 1:1-5 (Not celestial = 1:14-19

        Darkness = Battleplan

        Light = God’s Response

                Use of man to give dominion and crown Psalm 8:5

2 Corinthians 4:6 (:3-8) = New beginning - new plan exposed

        Just as God’s answer in Genesis 1:1

        New Creation -         Adam = Earth

Body of Christ = Heaven

Greatest Gap - Dispensation of Grace

  1. 1 Corinthians 2:7, Ephesians 3:9, 2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2
  2. Purpose in Lord Jesus Christ to take Heavens        
  1. We get to participate in it
  1. Ephesians 1:3-5 John 17:5, 24
  1. Heavens - Ephesians 1:20-23, 2:6, 3:10, 4:10, Colossians 2:15
  1. Knowledge of God
  1. Romans 11:33-36, Ephesians 1:17
  2. Romans 16:27, Ephesians 3:21

Isaiah 24:21

Lord draws Satan to battle on the earth

Joshua 8:20, 21

Judges 20:38, 40

Original - Revelation 4:1  Restored Revelation 21:1

        Romans 8:22 (:20 God in wisdom cursed

  1. When did heavens?
  2. Psalm 148:1-13 = Capacity to glorify God when created.
  1. Is the earth praising, singing, or joyful now?
  2. Psalm 65:13, 69:34, 96:11-13, 98:7-9, Isaiah 35:1, 2
  1. Response is judgment
  1. Jeremiah 4:23-26
  2. Isaiah 45:18

Genesis 1:1 God created the earth.

Genesis 1:2 The earth is covered with water. God poured water out onto the earth to cover it and into the universe to fill it.

Genesis 1:3-5 God said, Let there Light. There was no place from whence the Light came. The Light shown in darkness, in spite of darkness. Evening and Morning were the first day and the light was called “good”.

Genesis 1:6-8 God created the firmament which separated the waters from the waters. 

There are waters under the firmament and above the firmament. Evening and Morning were the second day. The only day that God does not say that everything is good.

The water is separated instantly not gradually like the flood with Noah. It took 157 days for the water to recede after Noah’s flood. Genesis 8:3, 5, 13.

There is no more sea after Revelation 21:1        Job 9:8, 9

Amos 9:6 Judgment                                        38:30-33

Amos 5:6-8, 13 Judgment

        Reference to cosmic activity

        Job 38:1-11 “decree” “place”                Psalm 132:13, 14

        Psalm 104:1-7 Fled - Hasted away                78:69

        Job 26:5-13                                                125:1

        Psalm 148:4                                                68:16

Isaiah 27:1, 24:18 / Ezekiel 32:2 / Proverbs 8:22-31

Darkness - Judgment

        Water - Genesis 1:2, Exodus 15:4, Hell

God created man out of dust of the earth.

Evolution says man came from the water.

        Where did the swine go when Jesus cast them out Matthew 8:30-32

        Luke 8:33 Lake (5:1

        Luke 16:19-28

  1. Sea        Response to the rebellion of Satan Revelation 21 = No more sea
  2. Heavens        Habakkuk 3:8-10, 2 Samuel 22:8-19
  1. Firmament - Firm, Solid, Barrier, Isaiah 40:22 = Curtain - to keep out
  2. Barrier - Psalm 104:2, Job 37:18 Strong
  1. Below                Psalm 69:1, 2, 14, 15, 88:6, 7, Jonah 2:2-5
  2. Hell                Matthew 25:41

Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:2 Dark on Face, no light

        Isaiah 45:7 = Darkness is the absence of light, cold is the absence of heat.

Darkness = Why?

  1. John 1:1 God - 1 John 1:5 Lucifer was the light bearer. He could not produce light, but only reflect it. God took the light away.
  1. Literal - Revelation 21:23, Isaiah 60:19 ? Hebrews 3:3-4 / Matthew 17:2 / Mark 9:3 / 1 Timothy 6:16 Acts 9:3
  1. Genesis 1:2 - Why Darkness? God removed the light from creation like a garment.
  1. 1:3 = Let there be light - Did not “create” / Make Put on Romans 13:12, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6
  1. Cosmic Sea / Ocean used by God to stall Rebellion
  1. No need in Revelation 21:1
  2. Cosmic sea creature = Isaiah 27:1, 24:18-21, Ezekiel 32:2
  3. Job 40:10 “decked out” “array”
  1. Psalm 104:2 Light is a covering/garment
  1. Did God take that covering off in Genesis 1:½
  2. Psalm 104:6 Water = Cover/garment = Removed
  1. Genesis 1:1, 1:3 “Put the garment back on”
  1. Heavens: Curtain - Job 26:9-13
  1. Hold back Cloud Job 36:32, Job 38:9 - Garment
  1. Darkness 2 Corinthians 4:6, 10, 11, Ephesians 5:8, Colossians 1:13
  1. Darkness is the connective substance - Deep gets darker as you go down further in water, Genesis 1:2 has darkness at the face. It doesn’t get darker the farther you go down, it is darkness all the way.

The Glory of the Gap

  1. 2 Corinthians 4:6 / Genesis 1:1-5
  1. Ephesians 3:18
  1. Conext - Ephesians 3:9-11
  1. Ephesians 1:10
  1. The Most Glorious Aspect of the Gap is God’s secret plan to restore Heaven! 2 Corinthians 4:6 Satan never thought he would lose the heavenly places. 2 Kings 15:3-4, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 1:25, Job 1:6
  1. Ephesians 3:9-11, 18-21, Ephesians 1:20-23, 2:6, 3:10, 4:10, 6:12
  1. Fits in Gap
  1. 1 Corinthians 2:7, Ephesians 1:4, 3:9, Titus 1:2, 2 Timothy 1:9-11
  1. Spoken - Acts 3:21, Luke 1:70, Matthew 25:34 = Kingdom
  2. Secret - Romans 16:25, Colossians 1:26
  1. Knowledge of Glory = Father’s purpose to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ
  1. Romans 11:33-36, Ephesians 3:21, ROmans 1:17-18, 16:27
  2. Glory of Wisdom
  1. Psalm 72:19 Earth
  2. Isaiah 11:9
  3. Habakkuk 2:14
  1. Ephesians 3:18, Job 11:4-9 (no knowledge)
  1. Romans 8:35-39 Height/Depth (creatures) - Ephesians 3:9-11, 14-20 (Job 11:4-9, Romans 8:35), 6:12, Colossians 2:15
  1. Romans 11:33-36 - Isaiah 40:12-14, Job 38:1, 4, 6, 40:2, 42:1-7
  2. 1 Corinthians 2:15 (Content; Wisdom)
  3. Ephesians 3:8 Since the beginning Colossians 1:26
  4. Ephesians 1:5-11 Before the foundation Romans 16:25, 26 Acts 3:21 luke 1:70
  1. Wisdom in a secret
  1. Joshua 8:20-21
  2. Judges 20:38-40
  3. 2 Corinthians 4:6 - We are light = Ephesians 4:17, 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:5, 2 Corinthians 6:14, Colossians 1:12, 13, Philippians 2:15, Romans 13:12
  4. Our participation
  1. Romans 5:2, 8:18, 9:23, Ephesians 1:18, Colossians 1:27, 2:4. 2 Thessalonians , 2 Timothy
  1. Purpose for Earth - Job 38
  1. Job 38:1-7 = Genesis 1:1
  2. Job 38:8-11 = Genesis 1:”Gap”
  3. Psalm 104:1-35 = Genesis 1:2-ff
  1. Re-Creation
  1. 38:4 “I laid”
  2. 38:7 “Morning stars of Revelation 22:6 - Genesis 1:1
  1. Stars = Revelation 1:20
  2. Sons of God = Job 1:6 / 2:1
  1. 38:8 “Sea” = Revelation 20:11, 21:1, 2, Job 26:5-13 / 38:29-30
  1. Psalm 148:4, 27:1, Ezekiel 32:2, Job 9:7-9
  2. Proverbs 8:22-31, Isaiah 24:18, Amos 9:5, 6, 5:8
  1. 38:9 “Cloud” = Job 36:29, 26:8-10
  2. 38:10 “My Decreed Place” of Earth, Psalm 104:3, 132:13-14, 78:69, 125:1, 68:16,
  1. Darkness (Judgment) - 1 John 1:5
  1. Isaiah 45:7 - Calamity/Evil,  Create Darkness
  2. Job 12:22, Psalm 105:2, 107:10
  3. Psalm 107:10-14
  1. Exodus 10:21-23 / Isaiah 5:30, 13:9-11
  2. Jeremiah 4:23-26, Amos 5:18-20, Zephaniah 1:14, 15
  3. Joel 2:31, 3:15, Matthew 8:12, 27:45, 46
  4. 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6
  1. Ignorance/Wickedness = Ephesians 6:12
  1. Language of Redemption - 2 Corinthians 4:6
  1. We were in darkness
  1. Ephesians 5:8
  2. Colossians 1:12
  3. 2 Corinthians 6:14

The Waves

Psalm 33:6, 7 “Storehouses” - Waves gathered Job 9:8

        Held in reserve as an armory

        Job 38:22, 23, 38:8-10, 29-32

Cosmic Sea - No more Sea = Revelation 21:1, Genesis 1:1, Job 38:8-10, 29-32, 9:8-10, Amos 9:1-6, 5:6-8

  1. Enemy - Job 38:22, 23
  1. “Reserved” reference to the Day of the Lord - Future use of Sea
  2. 38:13 - “Wicked”
  1. 38:15 “High Arm” Military Might/Power
  2. Daniel 11:6 (Lord has a high arm too)
  1. Nature of the enemy - Enemy is a water/sea creature
  1. Job 26:5-13
  1. :12 “Proud” = Rahab means  “Arrogant” Crooked serpent
  1. 1 Timothy 3:6
  2. Isaiah 14:12, 13
  3. Ezekiel 28:2
  1. Rahab: Connected with Satan’s ID as a water creature
  1. Ezekiel 28:2 “Seas” (As God 2 Thessalonians 2: ) The Anti-Christ will claim that he is God.
  1. “Rahab” = Psalm 89:8-11, Isaiah 51:9-11
  1. God uses language of past to describe events in future!
  1. Events of Egypt/Red Sea - A precursor of future figure
  1. Sea Creature = Psalm 74:13-17
  1. Isaiah 27:1
  2. Ezekiel 29:3, 32:2 Pharaoah and Egypt Future as well
  1. Water as a weapon of destruction Psalm 107:17-32
  1. Isaiah 24:18-23
  1. 24:18 = “windows” Genesis 7:11 Drop Hailstones
  2. Isaiah 28:1, 2-5
  3. Isaiah 30:29-31
  4. Ezekiel 13:11-13
  5. Revelation 8:7, 11:19, 16:21
  1. The Lord returns through the Sea! Daniel 10:13, Where was Gabriel withostood? He came through the sea (deep). Who withstood him? The Prince of Persia.
  1. Daniel 7:1-28
  2. Habakkuk 3:15, 16 (:8-16)
  3. 2 Samuel 22:8-19
  4. Psalm 18:10
  5. Psalm 77:16, 19, 20
  6. Psalm 18:7-50
  7. Psalm 104:3