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English translation: "ASL - 'Protection for me, not for thee' (Nancy Pelosi)."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Do you know California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi?  Her husband is Paul.  Recently, a thug broke into their home and beat Paul with a hammer.  The thug bet Paul on his head and his body.  Paul has bruises and swelling all over his body.  Police are investigating the incident.  

What a minute!  Nancy and Paul are Democrats!  Democrats have demanded defunding the police.  Remember?  However, the rules are different for Democrat politicians.  

Another important thing is that Paul was beaten in California.  Democrats control California.  Democrats have demanded that police ignore crime and release criminals.  This means that the man who beat Paul (Pelosi) must be released.  Oops!  However, for Democrats the rules are different.  The man who beat Paul will probably have to say in jail.  

I am not saying that the man who beat Paul (Pelosi) should not receive significant punishment.  That man deserves severe punishment.  It does not matter if we are talking about a politician, her husband, or a regular person.  

Democrat politicians demand that they and their families get strong protection, but you and I don’t get that protection; we don’t get police officers.  Additionally, Democrats are trying to take our guns by repealing the Second Amendment.  Democrats are, once again, proving that they are hypocrites.  

Also, do you remember when Congresswoman Maxine Waters demanded that Democrats confront Trump’s Cabinet members?  Now Democrats get mad when they are confronted by Republicans.  Democrats are hypocrites.  

In another report, do you know John Fetterman?  He is competing in the election for Senate in Pennsylvania.  Recently, John had a stroke.  He now struggles to speak and struggles to debate.  He needs a teleprompter, just like Biden, but we will push that aside.  Anyway, the truth is that Fetterman’s wife is competing for the Senate set.  She is crazy.  

Recently, John Fetterman’s wife said that in America, swimming is racist.  Many people who drown are people of color.  This makes swimming racist.  

In one last report, there are 50 states in America.  Recently, though, Biden, once again, showed everyone that he has dementia.  He said that there are 54 states in America.