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IT 7993 Capstone Milestone 2 ReportOctober 4, 2020

Table of Contents

Executive Summary        3

Project Plan        3

Overview        3

Project Team        4

Project website        4

Final Deliverables        4

Milestones        5

Future milestone meetings date/time        6

Communication and Meeting Planning        6

Project Schedule and Tasks Planning        6

Requirements – Milestone 1 Work Products        8

Data Sources        8

COVID-19 Cases Data Shaping and Cleanup        8

Twitter Data Collection        9

Facebook Data Collection        9

Social Media Data Shaping and Cleanup        11

Data Shaping Specifications        11

Requirements – Milestone 2 Work Products        12

Data Analysis Minimum Viable Product        12

Descriptive Statistics        12

Time Series Analysis        12

Regression Model        12

Topic Modeling        12

Stretch Goal: Topic Modeling Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in Python        13

Requirements – Milestone 3 Work Products        14

Project Progress Report        14

Milestone 2 Goals        14

Accomplishments        14

Feedback from Milestone 2 Meeting        27

Next Steps        27

Supporting Documents        28

Figure 1 Gantt Chart as of 09/27/2020        7

Figure 2 Example Facebook Post indicating fields to be captured        10

Figure 3 Facebook Collection Template        10

Figure 4 Criteria for Keyword Frequency Counts        13

Figure 5 Gensim vs Mallet LDA implementation - Mallet Model code snippet        15

Figure 6 Gensim vs Mallet LDA implementation - Built-in Gensim and Coherence Score comparison        16

Figure 7 Topic Number Selection        17

Figure 8 Topic Modeling Scripts in MS Teams        18

Figure 9 Combined Facebook and Twitter Posts with LDA Topic Distribution        19

Figure 10 Analysis Report location in MS Teams        20

Figure 11 Data Analysis Summary - Part I        21

Figure 12 Data Analysis Summary - Part II        21

Figure 13 Data Analysis Summary - Part III        22

Figure 14 Data Analysis Summary - Part IV        22

Figure 15 New Infections Time Series Annotated        23

Figure 16 Events vs Messages and Case Trends – May        23

Figure 17 Events vs Messages and Case trends - July        24

Figure 18 Facebook Descriptives - Shares, Likes and Comments        24

Figure 19 LDA Topics Correlation Table        25

Figure 20Milestone 2 Work Products        26

Figure 21 Milestone 2 Supporting Documents in MS Teams        28

Analyzing Risk Communication and Behavioral Change During COVID-19 Pandemic – Milestone 2 Report

Executive Summary

This report includes and extends the Project Plan submitted for Milestone 1, adding guidelines for the development of Power BI visualizations to be executed for Milestone 3.

At the conclusion of Phase 2 (Milestone 2), Social Media data from Twitter and Facebook categorized by Topic and Keyword frequency. Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Analysis has been performed in SPSS. Time series analysis on New Infection trends has been performed and annotated with the timeline of Government imposed restrictions (mask mandates, limitation on gatherings, open and closing of businesses, etc).  

Preliminary conclusions on the Data Analysis have been drawn and are listed under the Project Progress Report.

Changes from Milestone 1 Report are documented in the Requirements section and include:

Overall Project Status: On Schedule

Project Plan


This research project seeks to assess and analyze the relationship between public health advisory statements during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the trends on new infections in Singapore.

Social Media posts from the Singapore Ministry of Health ( Facebook and Twitter accounts will be extracted and cross-referenced against the World Health Organization data on daily new infections reported in Singapore.

Under the direction of Dr Shirley Tian, the KSU student team will collect public social media activity and perform statistical analysis of significant relationships detected in the data. The main deliverable of this project is a Research Report including methodology, findings and data visualizations.

Project Team



Major responsibilities

Contact (Email and/or Phone)

Project owner

Dr Shirley Tian

Provide project scope, goals and requirements; mentor students, assess project and team performance.

Team leader

Elaine Harris

Track project activities, facilitate inter-team communication, provide weekly and milestone progress reports, point-of-contact with Project owner and Advisor.

Team members

Maryline Kwa

Facebook extraction, Visualization and Data Analysis

Chelsey West

Technical Writer: Milestone reports, Final Report, create and maintain project website

Raviteja Pasumarthi

Twitter Data Extraction, support Python tasks

Gabriel Oyebanji

Facebook extraction, additional presentation materials

Sang Nguyen

Support Data Analysis, additional presentation materials, infrastructure support

Michael Farris

Visualization in Power BI, Facebook extraction, support Python tasks

Advisor / Instructor

Dr Meng Han

Facilitate project progress; advise on project planning and management.

Project website

Final Deliverables

  1. Research Report with findings on the relationship between the Social Media collected and new COVID-19 cases
  2. Power BI or Tableau Workbook with data and visualizations included in the Final Report
  3. SPSS Workbook(s) with data and statistical analysis results
  4. All data files used in the analysis
  5. All source code used to extract and prepare data for analysis


#1 - By 9/20/2020

#2 - By 10/04/2020

#3 - By 10/25/2020

Future milestone meetings date/time

Milestone #1: 09/10/2020 – 9:15pm

Milestone #2: 09/24/2020 – 9:15pm 09/29/20 – 2:00pm

Milestone #3: 10/08/2020 – 9:15pm 10/15/2020 – 9:15pm

Communication and Meeting Planning

Microsoft Teams will be used as the Collaboration Platform.

Team Manager will use email for tasks and requests that do not require immediate feedback (asynchronous). New files added to Teams will also be included in a Post in the General Channel. Team members are expected to check their KSU Outlook email on a regular basis. Note: we will not be using D2L email for this project.

All team members can use the Chat feature in Teams for peer-to-peer communication. Outside communication via text, email, etc, can be used between agreeing parties, however, every team member is expected to respond to chats initiated in Teams, as well as responding to the General channel in Teams when the “mention” feature is used.


Project Schedule and Tasks Planning

Gantt Charts also submitted as attachment.

Figure 1 Gantt Chart as of 09/27/2020

Requirements – Milestone 1 Work Products

Data Sources

This project will utilize three data sources: Social Media extract from Twitter and Facebook, and the Daily COVID-19 infections log published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Facebook and Twitter posts will be collected from 02/01/20 to 08/01/20.

Only posts from the Singapore Ministry of Health official accounts will be collected. Public replies or comments in either social media platform will not be collected.

The raw data will be cleaned up using Excel Power Query tool. Each extract will then be available as a regular Excel sheet that can be imported into other tools for Modeling and Analysis.

In addition to Social Media data, the Data Sources Workbook will contain the Cases data from WHO and a Calendar helper dimension that can be used in Power BI.

Shaped Data Workbook contains the following sheets:

Published Excel Sheets can be easily imported into modeling tools (SPSS and PowerBI)


Facebook Data


Twitter Data


Facebook and Twitter data identified by Source field (1 = Facebook 2 = Twitter)


Data for New Cases and cumulative cases


Helper Dimension for future Time Series visualization in Power BI

COVID-19 Cases Data Shaping and Cleanup

The number of daily cases and fatalities is published by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Project Sponsor has supplied a data feed for Singapore called Singapore.xlsx.

Data will be used as is, and merged to Social Media data via Excel Power Query when needed.

Layout of Cases file:

Field Name



Calendar Date cases were reported


Literal “SG”


Literal “Singapore”


Literal “WPRO”


Reported New Cases on Date_reported


Running Total of New Cases from first date reported (01/23/2020)


Reported New Deaths on Date_reported


Running Total of New Deaths from first date reported (01/23/2020)

Twitter Data Collection

An open source Python project will be used to collect historical tweets from account @ sporeMOH

Extract all available fields into the raw output. Data Shaping procedures will be applied later to select and clean up desired fields.

Link to Github (includes source code and usage directions)

Available fields

id (str)

permalink (str)

username (str)

text (str)

date (date)

retweets (int)

favorites (int)

mentions (str)

hashtags (str)

geo (str)

Facebook Data Collection

Facebook does not provide free good API’s for data extraction. We will obtain Facebook data by screen scraping the following fields from the Facebook posts: date, posts (text), No. of likes, No. of comments, and No. of shares. Captured data will be saved in multiple Excel files, one for each team member involved in the collection process. Data Shaping procedures will be applied prior to Data Analysis to clean up the text and consolidate the raw files.

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

Figure 2 Example Facebook Post indicating fields to be captured

 Facebook Collection Excel Template in Teams

Figure 3 Facebook Collection Template

Social Media Data Shaping and Cleanup

The data from each social media channel is basically the same, however, the raw extracts are shaped slightly differently. In order to facilitate future analysis, the raw data will be transformed to standardize field names, clean up text data and consolidate the Facebook files.

All data shaping operations will be performed in Excel, using Power Query as a personal ETL tool. Power Query is easy to use and performs very well on small data volumes, such as the extracts used in this project.

The final product of the Power Query transformations will then be published as regular Excel Sheets that can be easily imported into SSPS and Power Query.

Data Shaping Specifications

Create an Excel Workbook

Import data from raw Twitter Extract

Place all Facebook extracts in the same folder. Import the Folder. Power Query will generate the steps to combine all files located in the folder. New files can be added to the folder later, and the Power Query steps will automatically detect and process the new file.

Combine both extracts in a standard layout. Create Source field as 1 for Facebook and 2 for Twitter.

Use the following key to rename and reorder the columns into standard layout:

Standard Field





Literal 1

Literal 2

Data Source Id




Post or Tweet Date






No. of Share


Number of times post was shared by users


No. of Likes


Number of times post was liked by users


No. of Comments


Number of comments (Facebook only)

Apply Text clean transformation to remove all non-readable characters

Remove all commas from text, in case data needs to be exported as CSV

Change all text to lowercase, for future Text Topic Modeling

Publish Shaped Data as Excel Sheets in the same workbook (Load to Table option in query)

Requirements – Milestone 2 Work Products

Milestone 2 focuses on performing ad-hoc Data Analysis in SPSS, finding and explaining insights found in the data. As such, requirements are not rigid, but will rather focus on the general methodology used and the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) specified by the Project Sponsor.

As Data Exploration progresses, the insights will be captured as SPSS Outputs and compiled in the Final Report Draft due for Milestone 2.

Data Analysis Minimum Viable Product

Descriptive Statistics

Use SPSS to run Descriptive Statistics on collected metrics: Shares, Likes, Comments, Posts Frequency

Report the Descriptive Statistics for each Social Media Channel in separate tables.

Time Series Analysis

Use SPSS to perform Time Series Analysis on New Cases and identify which days represent turn points. Then trace back those days to the Social Media data. Mark any significant findings on the Time Series Chart.

If nothing is found, attempt to find alternative explanations.

Regression Model

Next, we will need to find if the social media posts have relationships to the confirmed cases 14 days later. For example, 2/1 social media post will correspond to 2/14 new cases because of the character of the Covid-19.

Topic Modeling

Which topic is most mentioned? What kind of information is useful to help control the new cases in Covid-19 and change people behavior?

For the MVP, topics will be identified based on patterns observed in the Social Media Posts. Frequency counts can be obtained by looking for the presence of certain keywords in the text, and counting the topics as 1 (present) or zero (not present) in the post.

A preliminary list of topics and corresponding keywords is provided below:


Search keywords


social, distance, gathering, -ft, feet, meter, crowd, restriction


hand, wash, hygiene, clean, alcohol, sanitizer


mask, coverings, bandana, gaiter, nose, mouth


vaccine, immunization


test, positive,negative,free


travel, airport, foreign, visitor, migrant, temporary, visa, cruise


new, additional, cluster, tracing


recover, discharge


intensive, death, fatal


rumour, fake, whatsapp, incorrect, misinformation, social media, false, unfounded


contact, trace, tracing

Milestone 2 updates after execution of Topic Modeling

The following keywords will be used to count frequency of themes in the text:

Figure 4 Criteria for Keyword Frequency Counts

Stretch Goal: Topic Modeling Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in Python

Topic Modelling is defined as a technique to automatically identify topics in a corpus (collection of texts). The technique requires the use of some Unsupervised Machine Learning algorithm to read the text and identify topics and keywords without human intervention.

A popular algorithm for Topic Modeling is Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). The algorithm is offered in several popular open source Python Libraries, including Gensim and Keras.

 LDA assumes documents are produced from a mixture of topics. Those topics then generate words based on their probability distribution. Given a dataset of documents, LDA backtracks and tries to figure out what topics would create those documents in the first place. (Bansal, 2020)

LDA will be performed as a Stretch Goal for this project. None of the team members has experience with Text Mining libraries and techniques. If analysis cannot be concluded in a timely fashion, then the Observation Method described in the MVP will be used for the Final Solution Report.

Requirements – Milestone 3 Work Products

Milestone 3 focuses on creating attractive Visual Presentation in Power BI. A Story will be created in Power BI and will include charts representing the findings of the Data Analysis.

Visuals created in Power BI will be added to the Final Solution Report, and the PowerBI Workbook itself will be published to the Web and included in the Google Site for this project.

The content of the Power BI workbook will be defined by selecting meaningful insights from the data Analysis work product. Analysis of the findings will be extended with interactive visualizations based on the significance of the Data Analysis results.

Rather than writing down requirements for the visuals, the team will use an Agile prototyping approach to design the story in Power BI.

Project Progress Report

Milestone 2 Goals


Topic Modeling is complete.

Stretch Goal of LDA Topic Modeling has been achieved. The final model uses the Mallet LDA algorithm, executed in the Gensim library LDA wrapper.

Facebook and Twitter posts were broken down into sentences using the NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) sentence tokenizer.

Link to script in MS Teams:

Figure 5 Gensim vs Mallet LDA implementation - Mallet Model code snippet

Figure 6 Gensim vs Mallet LDA implementation - Built-in Gensim and Coherence Score comparison

The LDA algorithm is an unsupervised machine learning approach, meaning that the algorithm will find similarities in the vocabulary usage without a training set previously classified by a human. It is a Statistical Language Model based on the “Bag of Words” technique. A Bag of Words is simply a vector that counts the frequency of every word in a corpus. In our case, the corpus is the collection of all Facebook and Twitter posts extracted in Milestone 1.

The LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) algorithm performs two basic steps:

  1. Identifies x number of topics based on the keyword frequency distribution in the corpus
  2. Compares each text (in our case, each sentence in the posts) to the topics defined in step 1 and calculates the match percentage of that text to each of the topics.
  3. Based on the topic distribution by text, the developer can then select the Dominant Topic by sorting the array and picking the highest probability match for the text.

The number of topics to be produced can be set as a hyperparameter. It is good practice to compare the Coherence Score between different number of topics and create the final model based on the best score. This is a trial-and-error procedure. In our case, we have adapted code from and selected the number of topics by creating a graph that represents the Coherence Score curve as the number of topics increase.

Figure 7 Topic Number Selection

The highest Coherence Score was 0.6357, for 42 topics. However, 42 different topics becomes unmanageable for further analysis. The Coherence Score for 15 topics was 0.6022, which is not much worse than 42 topics at 0.6357, and yields a much more manageable number of topics for further analysis.

Python Code – Fine Tuned Models

File location

Figure 8 Topic Modeling Scripts in MS Teams

Python script output – Classified Posts with Topic Probability Distribution

File location

Figure 9 Combined Facebook and Twitter Posts with LDA Topic Distribution

Data Analysis is complete.

Data Analysis on Cases, Posts and Time Series has been performed in SPSS and Excel. The Excel Workbook is available in Teams and will be used as input to the Power BI Visualizations phase.

Data Analysis Workbook location


Details and Findings from the Data Analysis will be compiled in the Final Solution Report. For the scope of this Management Report, we will provide a selected number of screen shots as evidence that the Data Analysis was executed.

All screen shots below come from the “Step4_Analysis.xlsx” file, which has been included in the D2L submission and is also available in MS Teams under folder “5 Data Analytics and Results/Reports”

Figure 10 Analysis Report location in MS Teams

Preliminary Findings in Summary sheet

Figure 11 Data Analysis Summary - Part I

Figure 12 Data Analysis Summary - Part II

Figure 13 Data Analysis Summary - Part III

Figure 14 Data Analysis Summary - Part IV

Figure 15 New Infections Time Series Annotated

Figure 16 Events vs Messages and Case Trends – May

Figure 17 Events vs Messages and Case trends - July

Figure 18 Facebook Descriptives - Shares, Likes and Comments

Figure 19 LDA Topics Correlation Table


All Work Products described in Accomplishments have been uploaded to Teams under folder “2 Milestone Reports\Milestone 2\Work Products”.

In D2L, the contents of the folder have been submitted as a zip file “Work

Figure 20Milestone 2 Work Products

Learnings from Data Analysis Phase










hand, wash, soap, hygiene



mask, shield, mouth, nose


Stay Home

Stay-Home Notice, SHN, quarantine, self-isolate, stay, isolation



elderly, seniors, grand-parent, grandparent



travel, visitor, foreign, advisories, airport, cruise, advisory, nursing, elder

Safe Distancing

distancing, metre, gathering, function, religious, worship, place, centre


legal, enforcement, breach





Correlation analysis returned one strong positive correlation (0.69) between the frequency of “Stay Home” messages and the number of cases 6 weeks later. Because this is a positive correlation, it indicates that the number of cases and the frequency of posts increase together. A simple explanation is that the Government increases the frequency of messages as the number of new infections rise. This conclusion does not offer insights into the effectiveness of the messages on the MOH Social Media sites.

Feedback from Milestone 2 Meeting


Next Steps

For Phase 3 (Milestone 3), the team will execute prototype and finalize the Power BI workbooks featuring the most significant findings of the Data Analysis phase.

Some level of additional Data Analysis will be performed based on feedback from sponsor and from team members. All findings will be documented in the Final Solution Report.

Supporting Documents

All Meeting Notes and Weekly Project Reports for work concluded through 09/27 are uploaded to Teams under folder “2 Milestone Reports\Milestone 2\Supporting Documents”.

In D2L, the contents of the folder have been submitted as a zip file “Supporting

Folder Location in Teams:

Figure 21 Milestone 2 Supporting Documents in MS Teams


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