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Blog 4999 FCC PBS EM battles
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The FCC PBS electromagnetic wars

RD-blog-number-4999 by Herb Zinser reviews the world-wide electromagnetic wars. We are specifically interested in recent television attacks upon the human eye optical system and radio attacks upon the brain stem.

Let's look at another blog post that reviews the evolution of Nature's optical systems.



- Nature's  eye/ optical nerve PROJECT CODE


with number  6,000 years ago

Rd-blog-number-4995 by  Herb Zinser reviews human perceptions of Nature's messages.

The Solar System electromagnetic waves play an important role on EARTH> The EM waves provide the sunlight necessary to grow farm agriculture crops for human food supply.



Thus many ancient peoples  correctly stated that the sun was a god .... and  worshipped  the sun.

The Inca in Peru, Koreans, and many others  ..with a SUN GOD...  had an accurate understanding of  the Hierarchy   of existential physics ....... they did not have the brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR  Hierarchy Problem we have today ....  with between FermILAB physics  taking orders from  citizens with Hollywood brain programs and music song and dance brains.

The Office of Science denies the existence of the Brownian motion demo ( Micheal Brown) , the Wilson Hall parallel ( Darren Wilson), and denies the existence of the ferrous oxide IRON atom  at the  EARTH LAB sites of Fer =  Ferguson, Missouri and Fer = FermiLAB , Batavia, Illinois.

Below, an INCA symbol ...... a message to Peru-Americans such as Pier Oddone at  FermILAB..



Now, let's look at other messages from the Solar System and Nature ..... the entities whose EM waves and atoms built  dinosaurs and the Botany cellulose plants using photosynthesis  .... ... millions of years ago.

Dinosaur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, 231.4 million years ago, and were the ...‎Theropoda - ‎Dinosaur (disambiguation) - ‎Dimetrodon - ‎Giraffatitan

Nature had many projects   ...and finally the project humanoid.  

Then given the humanoid physical biology platform ..... the eye/ optical nerve / brain project develop a PICTURE processor  in the brain  (with the cave drawings of 8.000 years ago  ...the EPIC (Earth Pictures)  thru  the Greek philosopher Epicurus)

Then, about 6000 years  ago (4000 BC + 2000 AD) , Nature's optical nerve engineers started to work with alphabet symbols and numbers ...... and that continued until  year 1500 ,..... when the Gutenberg printing press and William Shakespeare  provided at standard frame of reference for human optical systems.



  1. Gutenberg Bible - Wikipedia, the free
    The Gutenberg Bible (also known as the 42-line Bible, the Mazarin Bible or the B42) was the first major book printed in the West using movable type.

  1. The Giant Bible of Mainz: Possibly the Model for the
    The Giant
    Bible of Mainz: Possibly the Model for the Typography in the Gutenberg Bible 
    (April 4, 1452 – July 9, 1453) ... the Gutenberg Bible issued just two years ...





The next event in science  and eye optics. ...... was the calculation of the velocity of light.

  1. Speed of Light | Velocity of Light | Travel | mph
    Speed of Light, velocity of light, mph, mile ... Speed of Light in Miles per Second: 186,000 miles per ... the speed of light is the upper limit beyond which ...

  1. Speed of light - Simple English Wikipedia, the free
    George measures the speed of light as 186,000 miles per second. Tom, a passenger on the train, measures the speed of the light beam. What speed does Tom measure?



The speed of light as 186,000 miles  ..... and carries WORDS, nouns,verbs, adjectives ..that are  an optical input data stream to the human eye, pupil, retina and the optical nerve and brain photon SYMBOL PROCESSOR.

The atoms and molecules in the eye must intercept this traveling information wave and stop it and process the data  ..and then understand the social science data ...  which take months or years of study and review and  .... such  analysis may need algebra  equations, biochemistry diagrams,  computer flowcharts, chemistry formula for social chemistry.

Thus we have the equation --> 186,000 --> 186000 --> 180000 + 6000 years ago the creation of the human eye optical wave processor ...  STOPPED  or got  mixed up .... in some human groups.



Thus we see ......  that reading basic physics books on light and its velocity us understand ourselves and our friends.

Keep in mind the human  species id comprised of  brain sub-species.

First we have the atomic species Fe =  Ferrous oxide IRON atom  bio-physics expression known to EARTH LAB scientists as the human fe = female  ..... with representatives  .. the IRON Lady (Margaret Thatcher) and the Iron Maiden (Mrs.Z ...atomic number 26 near Highway 26 Wisconsin  in year 1956 with iron-56)

Other groups ..the EAR people   VERSUS the  EYE  people ( high school math and science textbooks,etc)

EAR people are music heads, talk on cell phones, etc ...and understand very little about  the role of math and science in society.

Anyhow,  6000 years ago  ....... the humanoid with water mocule H2O 18  and carbon atomic number 6 --> formed an numeric bio-math alliance 186





The water molecule 18 and the carbon atom 6  ....... had created a  molecular biology PLATFORM  ...known in physical biology as a humanoid  with 72 percent water  ......

which was announced by President Nixon in year 1972 ----> 72 and the Watergate  science news affair.

Watergate timeline - Wikipedia, the free

  1. Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free
    The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972, break-in at the ...



Thus we have  water 18 + carbon 6 -->  numeric device 186  .... bio-math intercept number 186  ... for the INPUT optical data stream of 186,000 miles per second

..the city within the velocity  to light.

Thus, in year 2015,  we suggest that many universities and theology departments ought pay attention to Nature's REALITY ...

.besides reading restaurant menus on what to eat next.

Now, let's look at the television problem  ..... over the Public Broadcast System (PBS in The USA)  and their Federal Communications Administration (FCC)  approval of ATTACK electromagnetic (EM)  carrier waves  ..that carry

the  brain command --> create --> code letters ---> cr + eat + ate --> Cranium eat  ate --> the process sequence command to brain cells in the Cr = cranium  ...... present verb action requested .... EAT reach the brain goal of past verb tense (ATE).

Cran → Cranium battles


The atomic EARTH brain levels ….

Atomic rock/  stone/ marble/ brownstone ….

geological levels

geological levels

….. logic   levels


Above. atomic COMPUTER EARTH

Chicago … Devon Avenue …..
Maple Street  … earth language Map

This was one of the factors involved in the shooting battle with the Virginia TECH English department.

  1. Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic ...

Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  2. Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, ... Approximately one year before the incident at Virginia Tech, Cho also wrote a paper for …

Cho Seung-Hui, 23, the Virginia Tech English major ...

  1. 4 comments ·
  2. 12,167 views ·
  3. Added Apr 19, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui, 23, the

Virginia Tech English major

responsible for the atomic mass massacre  on that campus on  Base 16 hexadecimal Monday, April 16, 2007.



 Let's look at CREATE TV.


Create TV: Public Television's top shows in Cooking, Travel ...


Cooking Shows, Gardening, Arts & Crafts, Travel, and Home Improvement. How-to shows all on Create TV.



Create (TV network) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Create is an American digital broadcast television network that is owned by ... generally those that are members of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS),







 Create --> EM  commands to the brain STEM of James Holmes in Colorado  

.. to create a CRIME  to amuse  researchers in

 super-symmetry existential physics  MIRROR event technology.


  1. 2012 Aurora shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside of a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. A ...

James Clerk Maxwell (theory) 



James Eagan Holmes (applications)



- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Eagan Holmes (born December 13, 1987) is the accused perpetrator of a mass shooting that killed 12 people at a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, on ...



The shooting  AND the BBC parallel

television camera  shooting of

the Sherlock Holmes series  ..

that was  broadcast on  America

PBS EM attack waves

The shooting occurred in theater 9 at the Century 16 multiplex (operated by Cinemark), located at the Town Center at Aurora shopping mall[3] at 14300 E. Alameda Avenue.[4]


 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

1937 film- Wikiquote

Each day the vain queen consulted  her magic mirror,

"Magic Mirror on the wall,

who is the fairest one of all?"


 and as long as the mirror answered, "You are the .....


and one day ..the MIRROR answered

 ...James Maxwell Sherlock Holmes.


 Suspect -->







Suspect -->  



A Physicist Explains Why EARTHLY

Parallel Universes May Exist - NPR › News › Science › Space


Jan 24, 2011 - It is possible that there are many other EARTHLY universes that exist parallel to our universe. Theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant ...



Thus we see how CREATE TV is broadcast into the human eye/ optical nerve with the very vague, general command  

--> Create  crimes

--> Create babies in the bedroom for the Baby war in the Babylon region of IRAQ

--> Create problems for society

--> create automobile accidents to generate economic activity for hospitals, automotive repair industry,  insurance companies

 --> create incomplete explanations in newspapers about the Virginia TECH Base 16 HEX  April 16, 2007 shooting


--> take the BASE  16 HEX ... April 16,2007  shooting AND create the Century 16  movie theater shooting in Aurora



Let's look at another EM shooting in the greater Milwaukee area of Oak Creek.




Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...


On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life ...

Incident - ‎Victims - ‎Perpetrator - ‎Reactions



The SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools of keyword ...



Sikh --> subset letters --> Si + Kh --> sine wave KHZ








Gunman, six others dead at sin wave WAR at Wisconsin Sikh temple -


Aug 5, 2012 - At least seven people, including a gunman shot by a police officer, have been killed in an attack at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee.






500 kHz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an international calling


  distress frequency for Morse code




The citizen communities of the United Staes deny the existence of this SIGNAL ...... they have refused to help understand this situation  and will not  help the author of this blog post.


 Thus we see that .... besides me .... the world may be depending upon you.