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21-22 ECA Program Completion Requirements
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  1. Most ECA content-area courses are worth 1.0 HS credit. ECA CLICK courses are worth 0.5 HS credit.
  2. Each EMU 3-5 credit course is equivalent to 1.0 HS credit. Each EMU 1-2 credit course is equivalent to 0.5 HS credit
  3. Requirements may be met with a combination of prior high school, ECA, online courses, EMU or other college courses, waivers, and/or test-outs; complete and accurate transcripts from previously attended schools are important for this reason.
  4. Grades in EMU courses must be at the level of C or better. Anything less (C-, D+, D, D-, E, W, I, etc.) will not count toward completion of this certificate. Students must reimburse the program for the cost of tuition for all grades of F, I, or W. *
  5. Grades in ECA courses must be at the level of LCR (Less than proficient, with credit) or higher in order to count toward program completion.
  6. Each requirement for ECA program completion must be met with a separate course. You may not apply the same course to two different ECA program completion requirements.
  7. ECA may enroll students in high school level online courses. Each single online course (0.5 HS credit) reduces the EMU credit allocation by 2; each online content sequence (1.0 HS credit in a content sequence) reduces the EMU allocation by 3.
  8. ECA students may dual enroll in Washtenaw Community College courses.
  9. Remember to cross-check these requirements with the EMU General Education Requirements.
  10. Check with your CORE Advisor for details about any of this information, including the test-out & waiver options.
  11. Course substitutions permitted ONLY with a waiver approved by the ECA Administration.
  12. Full-time enrollment for Fall & Winter semesters can be made up with 12 EMU credits, 4 HS credits between ECA/Online courses, or a combination of the two. If taken, Spring & Summer semester full-time enrollment consists of 1 EMU course, or 1 HS credit via ECA/Online courses. Utilize the EMU/ECA to HS credit equivalencies listed above (#1 and #2) to help calculate a hybrid schedule.
  13. Students must complete an ECA Schedule Request Form (SRF) each semester to request EMU courses. Refer to the Instructions for Completing your SRF for help in looking up classes and filling out the form.
  14. This revision applies to all F2020 Cohort students and beyond; students in previous cohort groups may process under these requirements IN FULL (students must complete each requirement, not pick and choose).

*Extenuating circumstances are handled by the ECA Administration on a case-by-case basis.

English ~ EMU General Education Requirements Area I: Effective Communication (GEEC)

Mathematics ~ EMU General Education Requirements Area II: Quantitative Reasoning (GEQR)

These courses serve as minimum mathematics courses; students must earn qualifying scores on the EMU MPT and/or complete prerequisite courses as required by Eastern Michigan University to be eligible to register for EMU mathematics courses. This includes a minimum of Algebra I mastery as determined by ECA Math Department:

Science ~ EMU General Education Requirements Area IV: Knowledge of the Disciplines, Natural Sciences (GEKN)

Students may need to earn qualifying scores on the EMU Math Placement test and/or complete prerequisite courses (ie. mathematics courses) as required by Eastern Michigan University to be eligible to register for certain EMU science courses. **Students must complete at least one EMU Natural Science lecture & lab course**

Social Studies ~ EMU General Education Requirements Area III: Perspectives on a Diverse World (GEGA & GEUS) and Area IV: Knowledge of the Disciplines, Social Sciences (GEKS)

**Students must complete at least one EMU course listed below, or an elective EMU US Diversity or Social Science course.**

Physical Education and Health ~ EMU General Education Requirements Area V: Learning Beyond the Classroom (GELB)

Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts ~ EMU General Education Requirements Area IV: Knowledge of the Disciplines, Arts (GEKA)

World Language ~ EMU General Education Requirements Area IV: Knowledge of the Disciplines, Humanities (GEKH)

World Language can be in any language the student chooses, including but not limited to Spanish, French, German, Latin, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, or American Sign Language. **Students must complete at least one EMU course listed below, or an elective EMU World Language, Humanities or Global Awareness course**

US Diversity ~ EMU General Education Requirements  Area III: Perspectives on a Diverse World (GEUS)

Online Experience ~ EMU General Education Requirements Area V: Learning Beyond the Classroom (GELB)

**Students must be enrolled in a CLICK course every semester of ECA enrollment**

Volunteer and/or Work-Based Learning Experience ~ EMU General Education Requirements Area V: Learning Beyond the Classroom (GELB)

 ECA @ EMU Minimum Academic Proficiency Standards -  Program Completion Requirements (Rev. 2021-22)