Image result for louis sachar

Hi, I am Alex w, and I am here to talk about louis sachar, and what books he has made.

Right so let’s start on his childhood !!

Before we start we probably all know childhood can be embarrassing

Any ways. Now, with that we will have to start on where he was born. He was born on 20’th of March in 1954 (in New york.)

Next we will go to his books.

I know that we are going straight to his books.But if we go through his life we won’t get time for his books !!

Talking about books let’s get onto it

There are 36 books !!

First it’s holes (1998),there’s a boy in the girl’s bathroom (1987),sideways stories from school (1978), Stanley Yelnats' Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake (2002),small steps (2006).there are two more,so let’s get into it.The Cardturner is next (2010), and then the last one but not the  lest: fuzzy mud (2015.)

Bye for now !?

P.s: I know that I did say 36 books but I can not do it all.