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English translation: "ASL - Taking a stand. Also, more trouble for CNN."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Around the year 2000, support for the transgender community started to spread.  Between 2010 and 2020, that support increased.  Transgender people say that they want equality.  They actually want superiority.  Transgenders demand that public places allow them to use restrooms that correspond with their gender identities.  Many places have allowed it.  Now transgenders are trying to force all of us to accept their perversion.  Now many schools allow transgender girls into the restroom for biological girls.  This means that boys can use the girls’ restrooms.  

In one school in Ohio, parents filed a lawsuit in an attempt to block the district’s new transgender restroom policy.  Parents at that school said that their children don’t use the restroom all day, because of the transgender restroom policy.  The parents say that their children feel anxious over the possibility of encountering a person of the opposite sex in the restroom.  

The school board refuses to answer questions.  As a result, parents are suing.  I say that if you were born as a boy, use the boys’ restroom.  If you were born as a girl, use the girls’ restroom.  It should be simple, because that is basic science - basic biology.  Liberals say they are pro-science, but that goes out the window when it comes to transgender issues.  

In another report, CNN’s downfall continues.  Recently, CNN announced more layoffs.  440 people are getting laid off.  One of the people getting laid off is Chris Cilizza.  Chris was an editor and political reporter.  

In 2017, Chris complained that at a dinner that included Trump and other people, those other people got one scoop of ice cream, while Trump got two scoops of ice cream.  Chris also reported on other useless topics.  I say, good bye, Chris!

In one last report, do you know drag queen story hour?  Children gather at a library and a drag queen reads a story to them.  Two pastors opposed drag queen story hour by each going to a library and reading Bible stories.  

I applaud these two pastors.  Protests of drag queen story hour have been largely unsuccessful.  The pastors’ protests were successful in that parents are actually taking their children to Pastor Story Hour.