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WOCAL instructions for pre-recorded video in IS & English
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


Registration to WOCAL10 will be necessary to get access to the on-line presentations, panels and social events during the conference, so please register as soon as possible. Information on how to register is found on this page: WOCAL 10 REGISTRATION. Registered presenters will have to submit their pre-recorded presentations by the 7th of May.

During the registration process it will be possible to request International Sign interpretation and indicate any other accessibility issues, read also here.

Instructions for recording a presentation for the WOCAL10 Sign language workshop

The workshops languages are International Sign and English. By “International Sign”, we mean a form of contact signing that is used by deaf signers in international communications. Its form depends on the linguistic background of the signers involved. As many of us are mostly working in Africa, this contact signing is likely to be influenced by sign languages used in Africa.  

We realize that creating a bimodal presentation is challenging. Therefore, each presentation has been assigned a contact person for advice where necessary. Your contact person will contact you to see if you need any help. If you need help finding an interpreter, please contact us at  


Your pre-recorded bimodal presentation is a video file with:

  1. Slide show
  2. Voice-over (optional)
  3. International Sign*
  4. Subtitles in English

To prepare your pre-recorded presentation in IS and English you will need:


Possible workflows

There are many workflows possible, depending on your language profile, as well as on technical skills and equipment. If you have an established workflow, please feel free to use it. If not, you can use this document with instructions for suggestions. You can use the flow diagram below to decide on a good workflow for your presentation.

To assist everyone regardless of their workflow, we outlined instructions for each component below.

Create a slideshow

To accommodate for variation in vision in participants, a dark mode layout with bright letters is advised. Leave space for English subtitles below and for the International Sign video on the side. We encourage you to use the WOCAL SL format, which you can find here as a PowerPoint slide template (106KB download). Past example using this format here (YouTube video).

Record signing

Sign your presentation of each slide and record it on your phone or computer. Tip: It is easiest if you record a separate clip for each slide.

Tips for a good video recording:

2.        Add each clip to its corresponding slide in your PowerPoint file.

3.        You can trim your video in PowerPoint: On the (Video Tools) Playback tab, click the Trim Video button to trim off the beginning or end of a video. You see the Trim Video dialog box. On the timeline bar, drag the start marker and end marker toward the center of the timeline and click OK. What is between the markers remains in the video. See here.

You can also crop the video: ‘Video Format’ > Crop

Alternatively, you can edit your clips in open source video editor Shotcut.

5.        Remove the audio from your videos by going to ‘Video playback’ and selecting ‘Mute’.

Record voicing

For non-signers, several workflows are possible.

1.        Record the voicing of your presentation in Powerpoint by clicking ‘Slide show’ > ‘Record Slide Show’. For more information, go here.

2.         Send your presentation to the person who will sign the slides (Tip: ask for a separate clip for each slide) . If you need advice, contact the peer coach you were assigned, or contact us at

3.        Integrate the video clips of the signer to your PowerPoint slides.

Make a video of the slideshow

Your bimodal presentation should have subtitles, and most subtitling programs work on a video file. You can convert your PowerPoint presentation into a video file as follows (images below):

Export your presentation as an .mp4 clip: On ‘File’ click on ‘Export’ and then on ‘File Format’ click on ‘MP4’. For more information, go here.

Include subtitles

Your bimodal presentation should have subtitles. Ideally, these will be hard-coded (that is, subtitles embedded in the video file). There are various tools for manual subtitling, including ELAN, video editing applications (e.g., iMovie) and various specialised applications, like Subtitle Workshop (Windows only) or Subtitle Edit - Video Editor (Mac App Store; Lite version free but limited, Pro version $10).

If the video has  voicing, you can also use automatic subtitling, e.g. in or YouTube. (NB is free for videos smaller than 50MB and <10 minutes). The subtitles can be automatically generated but need to be checked manually.

A workflow that allows automated subtitling is based on YouTube:

  1. Create a YouTube account and upload your video there
  2. Add subtitles using the instructions here.
  3. To merge the subtitles and the video, you can either
  1. send us the link of your YouTube and send it back to you, or:
  2. You can now download the subtitles using and embed them in your video using VLC

Submit the video file

Before submitting your presentation, check if

Instructions for submitting your presentation can be found here:

Useful online tools