My Focus for this piece of writing my focus is to organistios my work in paragraphs and to link them to the topic which is r6. (from the writing pencils): CHOOSE an organisation GOAL

Choose one of these images to plan a story using story beats

Dimension 1

What does she look like?

Dimension 2

What are her dreams,fears, weaknesses and backstory?

Dimension 3

Who is she really?

What did she chose to do?

What does she need and want?

  1. Ripped jeans
  2. Blond
  3. Jacket
  4. Black bow
  5. Blue eyes
  6. Wears her hair in a side ponytail.

  1.  Dreams of going into the portal to look like a mighty person.
  2. She fears looking like someone that doesn’t stick to her promise of some sort
  3. Her weakness is what people will say after she goes into the portal and put people's lives at risk
  4. Her backstory is she is quiet intimate in school. She has many friends but some of them lead them to do stuiped things.

  1. She really is just a girl that wants to impress a group of girls and boys that she wants to be friends with.
  2. Her choice was to go into the portal.
  3. Her needs and wants is to fit in with all the cool kids in her year.

Once upon a time...

People would walk past the tree with the portal inside, many kids would like to see what was on the other side but the elders, instested that youngsters would trash that idea and stay with them at their own home.

Every day….

A little girl would walk pass with her friend bragging about going  into the portal.

Until one day...

That same girl decided to go into the portal not knowing where the portal would take her because she didn’t like her own home.

Because of that...

Police had to go into the portal to find the girl not thinking about their own safety.

Because of that...

They ended up in a dark place with gray clouds surrounding them.

Because of that...

They were scared of going in any feather to find the lost little girl because they are from a place where there are rainbows and a sun.

Until finally...

They found the little girl and took her home and helped her understand that your home may not be everything that you want but it helps you feel safe.

And ever since then….

Nobody has thought about going into the tree of the portal because they love their own home.

The moral of the story is...

To respect what you have and to love it because if you leave you can end up in a dark place without safety.

Once upon a time there was a tree in the middle of the town with a portal in it people would walk past wondering what is on the other side. Everyday she and some people she wasn't allowed to hangout with would talk about if they were the first people / kids to go in that portal. The kids carried on to school. On the way back a little girl named Nova said “ I will go in the portal” all the other kids said, “You won't do that you will chicken out and run away.'' She was determined to be in their gang so the bulked up her back and she went “ok” and she jumped into the green portal not thinking about where the portal will take her.

The kids ran to the local police station one of the officers said to the kid “ you kids get in some trouble haha got arrested” “no” one of the kids replied. “So why are you  kids here  a little late for some little kids to be here don’t you think” another kids said “ Mr I have just came to say that a little girl from our group went into the portal and we don’t know why.. The kids did no why but back then the would of got arrested because back then the police had no hesitation. The police decided to get a whole army of police guards all to join him on the search for the lost little girl.They reached the tree and they police officer thought he would have to bite his tongue. They looked like they were flying into the portal but the were not the were just tense because he didn’t want to be caught in the sky.

They made it into the portal they looked around the place and they saw black clouds blended with gray. They thought that the lightning cloud were going to come down from the heavens.

The rain started pouring and it started to clash onto their helmets. I think that they wanted to take rain coats but the chief would have told them we got this our men. Yeah I would of sneaked one in my bag disobeying  my chief because I would o being prepared for anything that night. The rain started to make mud combing with the soil. Cause it started to hail the people were not only getting stuck in the mud they were going to be hailed on. The chief told what he called soldiers. “Ok soldiers the girl has blonde hair she wears it in a ponytail , when  she was reported missing they said she had ripped jeans and a jacket , not sure what jacket but a jacket she has blue eyes and she is probably the only girl on this dark island you find anymore, you grab them two”.

They spread out not to long after that , not to long meaning a few hours went by but you know no to long and they found her curled up in a tree hollow screeching for help as quiet as a mouse it sounded like”help,help,help” when they told me that I was freaked out too.

Self Assessment (based on focus)

Peer Assessment (based on focus)

Teacher Comment:


My Focus for this piece of writing that my writing is in paragraphs and have liked to the topic and it has connections R7. (from the writing pencils): CHOOSE A STRUCTURE GOAL

Choose one of these images to plan a story using story beats

Once upon a time...

A young boy was lurking through the woods when he found a tree with a door carved into it.

Every day….

after that the boy would come back to that tree and inspected it some more.

Until one day...

the boy got to mysterious and decided to pull it open.

Because of that...

the boy was taken into a place where he was tortured.

Because of that...

the boy regretted being nosey and wanted to go home.

Because of that...

The door opened and told the little boy got told to never be nosey to something that is not for him.

Until finally...

The little boy went home.

And ever since then….

The boy never ever went back and never stuck his nose into something that wasn't his scene.

The moral of the story is...

Is don’t be nosey and don’t bud into other people's things.

Self Assessment (based on focus)

Peer Assessment (based on focus)

Teacher Comment:

My Focus for this piece of writing is r4 I can write a variety of sentences that are grammatically correct.

Some of my sentences are structured for effect e.g. length, type, extended phrases and clauses, simple, compound and complex sentences. (from the writing pencils): CHOOSE A VOCABULARY AND IDEAS GOAL

It all started at midnight a mistors figure creepy through the shadows. Not one person had gotten a glimpse of the shadow I can't even say if it is a he or she. I saw a shadow one night and I followed it. It must of sense me coming because when I turned the corner ………. What appeared nothing even the shadow had faded.  As I crept around the next wall I glamps at two green polished wooden doors attached to the back of and old haunted building.. The shadow apaerd it must of wanted to scare me so that the real body of the figure could come out of it hiding and out of the darkness. Moving my head back and forth and I saw three lights all this time people have been scared of someone that lives around our community living as an imposter. Starting  to shiver because I saw this long drape coat hung down to his or her  ankles. It was a mastermind he or she  would come out to steal and want people to  fear so it could feed what it wanted, what he needed what his dicerers needed to come to life. The hand of it was creeping up to the lock on the door, it seemed that it wanted me to go inside, like I was going to listen to that creep. But I made it seem like I was going to do it I reach out my arm and  touch the padlock but the doors were not close they opened leaving a nasty sound creep out SCREECH.

My ears rang I heard something could it be the wind or that that person telling me something that thing said something just as the wind blew “Go inside,walk go I dare you join me join me” Of course I wasn't going to listen to that I was smarter than that. I went to turn away when I felt my body was it just me I could not control myself anymore. This thing grasped it’s it’s hand around me twisting my body back around. It repeated itself.

 I was out of control I got pushed inside. When I reached inside the person came out of the shadows it was tall with beady eyes a long pointy nose was it a witch coming to take me to her pot. I was joking at the finger and it raveled it's identity. cling off this mask not surprise it looked the same but the capedraged even more. It said “come to me my pretty”. I repealed “who are you calling pretty I know our not talking to yourself”. It gave me a terrifying look I said “ I am not scared at you you you abountion”. It snared at me who are you calling that name I will cook you in my  pot and you will be my dinner if you don’t join me” It showed it’s gendar and girl this girl had weird bumps on her arms.

I had read a story about her her name was Lalia, Lalia is a northern pod minplater. She would steal souls to capture her feelings. I have been learning at school how to make a character  round. I think this would go in 3rd dimension because this is what she needed want disedred. Lucky I listen in school by the way my name is ellia yeah. This character was really powerful I didn’t want to get on her bad side. But I think I have already done that without having to do anything. I think the following part was the reason that she is mad or was it because I wouldn't join her old people team because I didn’t want to be hideous like her. Well I was sure that it I made it out alive that I would be the one telling everybody about the scandalise scheme of wanting money or me. Oh wait I forgot that some of you people don’t get what  northern pod minplater means so let me put it into the simpler example so northern pod means that she is from the north side of the country. Minplater well mum said if she could afford one of those web things she would search it well it means it will get you to do something that you don’t want to.

In the book it also talked about the green doors and  about the danger behind them which would be the people. It also said that Lalia is very weak in power on the high notes. Well of course I had no clue what the highest note meant . So diced to sing really high. That didn’t work.It actually made it worse for me but I saw her put her hands on her head so it must of been working somehow.I did it again she turned even greener. Then I tried to run but then I got dragged back inside. I walked while singing the high notes. and I made it out. I walked back to my deen singing the high notes. I sang but I woke up everyone up wait I woke everyone up yes that girl couldn't get me if the people are looking at me. I was scared but I was brave. No that I have been talking about her so much I forgot to tell you what I looked like. I hair brown hair, blue eyes, I am tall and I am very very well let's say you don’t want to be on my bad side

Ever since then I know not to go out at night and no to creep around without supervision. So the moral of the story is to never go roaming if you don’t have adult supervision. Also never to chase shadow or something else mysterious and never ever ever do something that you don’t want to because you are your own person.

Self Assessment (based on focus)

Peer Assessment (based on focus)

I think that she is a rubick 5 because she has expressed her ideas and she has a lot of ideas that connected to the topic.

Teacher Comment:

My Focus for this piece of writing  I want to get off R4 because I want to improve my writing  ideas

 I have lots of ideas that connect to the topic with some extra information.


One of my ideas has lots of information.


I have several ideas that have some information.

Vocab R4


My name is Jilka I am a part of the habbudu tribe. We have just lost all our food the last drops of water have just being consumed. The man over the valley have lots of food and water but they don’t like to share. I can't just wait for my tribe to die I must do something fast our I will be joining our ancestors. Am I a monk or  just skin and bone I must find something to eat. In my head I am so angry they are selfish they won’t share when we get food the aren’t getting any those men.

I’ll head over to the man part of the valley and I will sneak in try not to make a sound so that I can get into get some food. I keep on thinking about how to get into the manhut. Once I glance at four big boxes and a big cage. Thinking of a plan of how to get in. staring  at the oversized box. I must make sure that my plan won't get me killed by those big beasts. Still thinking, thinking, thinking I will just you know work as I go because ummmm you never know what is going to happen I think I am saying that right.

This big bulky man with sharp claws was  making  his way towards me. Can I  flee before he sees me or has he already. He flashed this, this light is he trying to blind me. The flash went away he must of being taking photos and I was frowning. You could see the anger on his face he was like a red tomato with black marks like my tribe but my tribe have blue and brown stripes. He has one emotion angry. Maybe that his name angry the man person.

He started chasing me through the cages,breaking the boxes and I flashed the light in his eyes. I was thinking in my head how do you like that hey you don’t like it, so I don’t like it.

Sundnleyl I  ran it to that box with lines and his face got caught in it I told you he was a big man.

We  took him in the box to see my tribe they thought he was the king. He woke up and saw all of us. Why did he seemed surprised that I was alive and I had more people that looked at me. They must have thought I was the last of my kind. We praised him he looked very upset was he not happy that we were praising him well we kept him and we made him get our food from the men and he shall be let go well that's what we tell him. After we have no purpose for him we shall let him go in the sandy brown dry desert. To leave him without food for the rest of his life so that he can crumble like stone by overheating.

He started chasing me through the cages crashing through boxes their wood flying all over the place. He crash BOOM his he fell and the metal bars left an unwanted scar. The bars left 8 red mark crashed agaisn’t his pasty white skin. He feel back did he get an cancoution. I didn’t want to be sorry but I was. The struggle was real trying to carry this over waited man for all you people that don't know what that means that mean fat. I pulled and I pulled tugged and tugged. I was jumping on top of the box trying to pull the box. He woke up and I saw the red mark start to fade away.

Self Assessment (based on focus)

VOCAB - r3 lots of simple words some interesting.


Peer Assessment (based on focus)

R4 I am barely a monk I just skin and bone - uses a range of interesting words.

IDEAS - R4 lots of ideas that connect to topic, with detail.

Teacher Comment:

Try and use a range of sentence beginnings.  

My Focus for this piece of writing R3 for ideas and R3 for vocab. I am trying to get off these.


WARM UP: Fix up these sentences

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help?

The boy held out some meat. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.

The boy is holding out the meat. The dragon is now eating the meat. He has green sparkly horns.

My writing:

Me, my brother Bradley and brother Khayson are going to see our pet dragon Oncaho. Our father said that we could not eat meat until dinner. My tummy was rumbling I felt my tummy it sounded like a hurricane. We sneaked into the shedd quietly and I put my hand on this big pitchfork. Tiptoeing through the kitchen and I  open up the fridge SQUEAK the fridge made me and my brothers shouted “ oh no dads going to hear us RUN RUN”. I took a big breath grabbing the steak tried not to make a sound but the floor went BOOM I sundley had chills up my back going up the palace stairs getting past the guards. We got onto the roof there was Oncaho, he is like a living oven and stove that could cook my meals. I reached out my arms and he took in the humongous breath and he huffed and he puffed and he let out his breath and he had cooked my meat not to raw and not cooked just right. My brothers were armed and they wanted to keep me safe one brother Bradley was holding a sharp dagered knife ready to pounce if something had gone wrong.

After we had eaten we set of on his back. We glided through the air up above the clouds. We then landed on a big mountain it was the Swift mountains they back and fourth of course I would know that well after all I was the princess. A swarm of  dragon flew above our head one almost grabbed me by my waist. My brothers slowly grabbed me I fell backwards and skinned my knee on the ground I scream”OOOOCCCHHHH” slowly my brothers gazed at my knee. “A-a-r-r-e-e y-y-o--o-u-u okkkk”. “Yes’ I replied I was but I was still in pain. We hopped back on Onchao and flew up into the sky we stopped to gaze at the sunset it was beautiful.

We flew back to the castle sneaking in because mum and dad didn't know my brothers carried me to bed because they thought my leg was going to fall off. They got caught sneaking out my room and as good as brothers they are they took the blame.

We woke up in the morning and Brad and Khays we there at my door brad said “good morning princess” I said “hi” we raced to the kitchen well to be correct  he carried my to the kitchen running so that counts as racing right. Mum and dad were making my fav waffles brad pulled out my chair and kays put me on it. Mum and dad both asked “ why are you carrying her” they told me ” be quiet”. They said “because we are good brothers” “ok” mum said with a weird voice.

We finished our food and went to rinse our disher well know I am telling lies again they rinse the dishes well I sat there they kind of feel sorry about me having a sore leg so I guess they are going to do everything for me. This time they asked if we could go and play mum said “yes,but after your guys leson” “what lesson said my brothers”. “Your royal leson’ once again took me to the class I was so happy I called it Loving day they day my brothers wanted to do everything for me.

Self Assessment (based on focus)

I think that I have many ideas on the topic and I have got so interesting information. With lots of details. I think I did a good piece of writing.

Peer Assessment (based on focus)

Teacher Comment:

My Focus for this piece of writing R3 for ideas and R3 for vocab. I am trying to get off these.


WARM UP: Fix up these sentences

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help?

The boy held out some meat. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.

The boy is holding out the meat. The dragon is now eating the meat. He has green sparkly horns.

My writing:

Me, my brother Bradley and brother Khayson are going to see our pet dragon Oncaho. Our father said that we could not eat meat until dinner. My tummy was rumbling I felt my tummy it sounded like a hurricane. We sneaked into the shedd quietly and I put my hand on this big pitchfork. Tiptoeing through the kitchen and I  open up the fridge SQUEAK the fridge made me and my brothers shouted “ oh no dads going to hear us RUN RUN”. I took a big breath grabbing the steak tried not to make a sound but the floor went BOOM I sundley had chills up my back going up the palace stairs getting past the guards. We got onto the roof there was Oncaho, he is like a living oven and stove that could cook my meals. I reached out my arms and he took in the humongous breath and he huffed and he puffed and he let out his breath and he had cooked my meat not to raw and not cooked just right. My brothers were armed and they wanted to keep me safe one brother Bradley was holding a sharp dagered knife ready to pounce if something had gone wrong.

After we had eaten we set of on his back. We glided through the air up above the clouds. We then landed on a big mountain it was the Swift mountains they back and fourth of course I would know that well after all I was the princess. A swarm of  dragon flew above our head one almost grabbed me by my waist. My brothers slowly grabbed me I fell backwards and skinned my knee on the ground I scream”OOOOCCCHHHH” slowly my brothers gazed at my knee. “A-a-r-r-e-e y-y-o--o-u-u okkkk”. “Yes’ I replied I was but I was still in pain. We hopped back on Onchao and flew up into the sky we stopped to gaze at the sunset it was beautiful.

We flew back to the castle sneaking in because mum and dad didn't know my brothers carried me to bed because they thought my leg was going to fall off. They got caught sneaking out my room and as good as brothers they are they took the blame.

We woke up in the morning and Brad and Khays we there at my door brad said “good morning princess” I said “hi” we raced to the kitchen well to be correct  he carried my to the kitchen running so that counts as racing right. Mum and dad were making my fav waffles brad pulled out my chair and kays put me on it. Mum and dad both asked “ why are you carrying her” they told me ” be quiet”. They said “because we are good brothers” “ok” mum said with a weird voice.

We finished our food and went to rinse our disher well know I am telling lies again they rinse the dishes well I sat there they kind of feel sorry about me having a sore leg so I guess they are going to do everything for me. This time they asked if we could go and play mum said “yes,but after your guys leson” “what lesson said my brothers”. “Your royal leson’ once again took me to the class I was so happy I called it Loving day they day my brothers wanted to do everything for me.

Self Assessment (based on focus)

I think that I have many ideas on the topic and I have got so interesting information. With lots of details. I think I did a good piece of writing.

Peer Assessment (based on focus)

Teacher Comment:

I think that we can do it. Where altogether to         gether. If we can stand in. Where thinking if we can.

My Focus for this piece of writing spelling  (from the writing pencils): to use subject specific vocabulary

Date: 30/7/19

We have spotted the four children that had gone missing without their parents consent. After the had derived 140km they ran low on gas. As they were too young to be purchasing fuel. As they wanted to be unseen they had they red handedly took fuel and frazzled the gasoline into the car. The kids are 14 two are 13 and a little girl is 10. Names are Kowhi he is 14 , James he is 13 , Zhyone is 13 and the 10 year old girl is Jade if you have any other further information you can call 0211569688. They have traveled from paihia almost to paraparaumu we are searching. They are in a Nissan black 4 wheel drive if spotted car with four underaged kids can you also call the number they are  reported having an out numbered amount of cash and fishing rods so that they can feed on fresh fish.

Self Assessment (based on focus)

Peer Assessment (based on focus)

Teacher Comment:



Link to Science Fair Planning information

My Focus for this piece of writing (from the writing pencils): to use subject specific vocabulary


Group: Jorjah, Jade & Angela

Date: 22/7/19

Make sure you write your answers in complete sentences.

1. What is your question?

2. What research or observations do you need to do?  What do you need to find out, come up with at least 4 questions related to your topic

Norway rats, sometimes called brown or sewer rats, are identifiable by their stocky, gray-brown bodies. Their tails are shorter than their body length and their ears and eyes are small relative to their body. Norway rats are larger than most other rat species. They burrow in gardens and fields, as well as beneath building foundations, trash or woodpiles. Roof rats, sometimes called black rats, are superb climbers that tend to nest above ground. In the wild, roof rats inhabit shrubs, trees and dense vegetation. In domestic environments, they seek out secure, elevated places such as attics, walls, sheetrock ceilings and cabinets. They may enter homes through trees close to windows or eaves. As opposed to the Norway rat, roof rats tend to limit their geographical range to warmer climates often along the coast. Rats are generally larger than mice. While young rats can sometimes be mistaken for mice, they can be distinguished by their disproportionately long feet and oversized head. Both rodents are capable of chewing through hard, wooden surfaces, but rat teeth marks are much larger than those of mice.

Ship and Norway rats, Kiore, Brown Rat, Water Rat and Sewage Rats or the Normal everyday house Rat.

Girls are more lighter in fur and the boys are more darker in fur

There will be little teeth marks in the food and it will be set off or hopefully it has caught a rat.

 3. What is your hypothesis?

    4.   What equipment do you need? You can use some photos of your equipment for your presentation.

  5.    How will you conduct your experiment and test the hypothesis?  This is called the method.  Write down the specific process of how you will carry out the experiment.

  1. Bait the traps with peanut butter
  2. Place the trap by the Office, by Ricardo’s shed, under room zero, by the whare & by the creek.
  3. We are going to set them and then leave them for a couple of hours.
  4. We are going to check them at 8:30am in the morning & 2:30pm in the afternoon.
  5. Then we are going to be taking photos and we are also going to be measuring the rats so we know what species they are & so we know if it is a boy or girl and if they are pregnant.
  6. Then we are going to write our data down and see which places & what Bait catches the most rats.

 6. Identify the variables you will explore:  

Rat Bait:

  1. Bacon,
  2. Chocolate
  3. Dried fruit
  4. Gumdrops
  5. Peanut butter
  6. Thin slices of hot dog or sausage
  7. Nesting materials such as dental floss

Mice Bait

1.Tiny bits of

Peanut Butter

2. Soft Cheese

3. A Pinch or two of

Skv 9euie84

The writing in blue is an example from our Paper Rockets experiment)

Independent Variables

(What will you change 1 or 2)

Dependent Variables

(What you will measure / observe? The outcome of the experiment)

Control variables

(What things will stay the same?)

The area that we put the traps

What type the rat is what breed and how many we catch.

  • The same amount of food
  • The same area for each trap the is set in that place.
  • Checking them on the same day.

Self Assessment (based on focus)

Peer Assessment (based on focus)

Teacher Comment:


My Focus for this piece of writing spelling  (from the writing pencils): to use subject specific vocabulary


6. Show the data from your experiment. How are you going to share it?  (Graphs, pictures)

Whe are going to make a graph and we are going to be taking photos on jade camra each time that we catch a rat so that we can show what we have been doing.

  1. Analyse the data?  Relate this back to your hypothesis, was your hypothesis accurate?

  1. What is your conclusion?

  1. How does this relate to the real world?  (2-3 sentences per question)

Self Assessment (based on focus)

Peer Assessment (based on focus)

Teacher Comment:

House Mouse Facts

Scientific Name:

Mus Musculus meaning "little thief"


Dusty gray


½-1 ounce


2.5-4 inches

Tail Length:

As long as body - up to 4 inches


Small head & slender body


Moderately large ears


Small & somewhat protruding; color blind


1-2 years


¼ inch long with pointed ends; dark color


  1. Behind the greek and in the middle of the sewer king of in the middle of the 2 because we are going to try to get a mix type of groups.
  2. Under the class o because it is old and they could be building rats underneath.
  3. Behind Te Ngahere in the bush that is close to the exit by Te Maunga.
  4. At the front of the school b the bike shed.

We are going to examine if in a tree which is going to be by the creek if the rats climb more than they will search.

Wilderness rats

Scientific Name:




Tail Length:






Wilderness rats

Scientific Name:




Tail Length:






Wilderness rats

Scientific Name:




Tail Length:






Wilderness rats

Scientific Name:




Tail Length:






Kia ora Mrs lindsay i have been working on rat traps and area’s that we are going to set them. We want to ask if we can please borrow 6 rat traps so that we can eliminate the amount of rats we have at our school. If you need to talk to us you can talk to either Jade or Angela because tomorrow I will be going to my doctors appointment. Please let us know as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Angela, Jade & Jorjah


We are trying to figure out which places in our school cach the most rats.


  1. I think we will catch the most rats down at the creek because I have seen rats down there lately.
  2. By the whariki because there is a lot of food around it.