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21-22 A1 Syllabus Pelham
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GSE Algebra I Course

Dutchtown High School

 School Phone: (770) 515-7510

School Page:

School Year  
2021 - 2022

Algebra 1 Teachers

Ms. Moore, Room 211


Monday and Thursday

3:30 till 4:30 pm

in Rm 211

Mr. Wesley, Room 209 

Ms. Pelham, Room 210


Tuesday online 7 - 8 pm

Monday and Thursday in person 3:30 till 4:30

Ms. Raje, Room 403

Ms. Medina, Room 212

Ms. Patrick, Room 205 

Course Description / Content / Pacing

Textbook:  Into Algebra 1 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (Provided by Henry County)

GSE Algebra 1 Henry Teaching & Learning Standards and Learning Targets

Algebra I is the first course in a sequence of three required high school courses designed to ensure career and college readiness. The course represents a discrete study of algebra with correlated statistics applications. Concepts will be presented in multiple ways such as concrete/pictorial, verbal/written, numerical/data-based, graphical and symbolic.



Algebra 1

(1 semester)

Algebra 1 A/B

(2 semesters)

1- Quantities & Expressions

RN.2,3, N.Q.1,2,3, SSE.1, APR.1

3 Wk

5 Wks

2- Linear Equations/Inequalities

CED.1,2,3,4, REI.1,5,6

2 Wk

2 Wks

3- Function Fundamentals


1 Wk

2 Wk

4- Linear Functions

REI.10,11,12, IF.7a

1.5 Wk

3 Wks

5- Exponential Functions

BF.1a,2, IF.3

CED.1,2, BF.3


2 Wks

5 Wks

6- Quadratic Functions


SSE.2, 3a, 3b

REI.4a,4b, CED.1,2,4


3.5 Wks

7 Wks

7- Compare/Contrast Functions

LE.1a,1b,1c,2,3,5, BF.3

1 Wk

3 Wks

8- Describing Data


1 Wk

3 Wks

Grading Scale

A = 90-100

  B = 80-89

C = 74-79

D = 70-73

F = 0-69

Grading Categories   

Final Exam / EOC




Practice Work


Infinite Campus:

Grades will be uploaded to the online gradebook, Infinite Campus, on a regular basis. Students will be required to set up a student account on Infinite Campus and are strongly encouraged to monitor their mastery of standards on a regular basis. Parents will need to have a log-in as well. Contact the main office for access at (770) 515-7510. Parents can download the app and receive grade notifications as soon as grades are posted. All students and parents have access to the grades in Infinite Campus via the DHS website or a phone app.  


Homework is a method of reinforcement and independent practice.  It is important that students complete homework daily. When completing homework, students should write down questions to ask about the homework during the next class.  They should also make plans to attend tutorial sessions when needed during IF class, before/afterschool, or digital tutoring.

Late Work

If a student is present when an assignment is due/collected, the student will receive a grade of zero (0).  Teachers have the discretion of accepting late work for a reduced grade.  Talk to your teacher.

Procedure for Absences 

If a student is absent, it is the student’s and parent’s responsibility to make arrangements for make-up work.  The number of days allowed to complete make-up work will be one day for each day absent, unless determined otherwise by the principal. (Per student handbook)

Failure to comply with this make-up procedure will result in a zero (0) being given for work and graded assignments missed during the absence.

Procedure for Absence on Test Day

Students who have an absence on the day of a test should come prepared to take that test the day they return to school.  Contact your teacher to determine when you will be taking the test.  

Procedure for Recovery (Test Retake)

If a student does not perform well on a test or standard, he/she will be given the opportunity to do additional practice to prepare for a re-assessment. The date and a time for the reassessment will be determined and is expected to be followed. The grade the student receives on the reassessment will be used to replace the grade for the standard not mastered, if it is better. An 80% is the highest score that will be recorded for a test retake.

Classroom Rules, Routines and Expectations

  1. Be on time and begin working on the bell ringer activity immediately.
  2. Respect yourself, respect others, and respect your learning environment at all times! Do not bring food, drinks or gum into the classroom. Respect other adults in the building by being quiet during announcements and when the teacher is addressed via the intercom.
  3. Come to class prepared to learn. Bring your chromebook, notebook, pencil(s), markers and calculator everyday. Lack of preparation will result in a 4 step process referral. Talking without permission is considered a classroom disruption.
  4. Follow the Henry County Handbook.
  5. Cell phones or other PEDs are not allowed in class unless allowed by the teacher as part of an assignment. Refusal to put away your phone will lead to a written referral for insubordination. Having a cell phone/smart watch/etc out during a graded assignment will be evidence of cheating and result in an automatic zero and a referral.

Procedure for enforcing class, school, and district rules

(For definitions of Section I, II, and III offenses see the Code of Conduct for Students)

  1. For any offense of classroom rules, a 4-step process will be followed

1st Offense

Conference with student

2nd Offense

Parental contact

3rd Offense        

Parental contact

4th Offense

Referral to administration

  1. For any offense that falls into SECTION I, II, or III:      

All Offenses

Referral to administration

Algebra I Supply List


GSE Algebra I Syllabus

I understand the course requirements and expectations outlined in the course syllabus. I understand that I may contact the instructor at Dutchtown High School with any questions or concerns that I might have. I also understand that attendance in a mathematics class is critical to success.


Student Signature                         Student Name (printed)                   Date                


Parent/Guardian Signature          Parent/Guardian (printed)                 Date


 (*This syllabus is subject to change.)