Published using Google Docs
2018 February 3
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Board of Trustees Strategic Planning Meeting

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Our World Neighborhood Education Corporation

Elementary School

36-12 35th Avenue, Astoria, NY  11106

9:00 am


The Trustees present were:

Jeanette Betancourt, President

Melissa Chin, Vice President

Maura Fitzgerald, Secretary

Charles Guadagnolo, Treasurer

Rich Bogle

Olubunmi Emigli

Also present were:

Brian Ferguson, Chief Executive Officer

Jeanette Betancourt, President of OWNCS Board of Trustees, chaired the meeting. 


Board Business

The Board discussed the information presented at the January meeting by attorney Cliff Schneider about the possibility of creating a new “Friends of OWN” non-profit.  They reviewed the membership and the governance responsibilities, and the mission.

Mr. Ferguson and Ms. Fitzgerald volunteered to be the representatives of the senior management of the school and of the Board, respectively.  Additional prospective membership was also discussed, and board members agreed to reach out to those prospects.


Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Trustees:

RESOLVED to create a “Friends of OWN” non-profit with the mission of supporting the operations of the OWN schools.

Facilities and Possible Expansion

The attendees engaged in a detailed and robust discussion of the status of the leases for each OWN facility, and whether or not to pursue a 3rd charter at the newly proposed LIC location at 44th Road and 10th Street.  Having already agreed that there is a community need, they reviewed timing, and the effects on short-term cash flow as well as long-term financial stability.  They also reviewed the time line for applying for a new charter, and how staffing needs of the Education Corporation might be affected by an expansion.  In conclusion, the Board agreed to keep moving ahead with planning for an application for a third charter, with the aim of submitting a Letter of Intent in June, 2018.

Respectfully submitted by:                        

Maura Fitzgerald, Secretary, OWNCS Board of Trustees                

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