<Cue up: “Big Time” by Peter Gabriel>

Voice: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Root of all Ashley, your weekly dose of her views of the world of professional wrestling with your host-Ashley!!

(The screen lights up to show us a very nicely done room with Ashley wearing a respectable yellow and black short-sleeved top and a pair of simple blue jeans sitting in a rather comfy-looking black chair with a new monitor with the Wrestleworld logo rotating on the screen between her chair and an identical-looking comfy black chair to the right of the monitor)

Ashley: Hello everyone and welcome to a kind of special edition of the show this week. I feel the need to explain a couple of things first off as to why we’re really late this time.

While I was updating my software and hardware, trying to get the best to help this show be better, I decided to also update the room as well.. which is why I’m here because the room that I actually film the show in is being remodeled to help with the acoustics among other things.

Secondly my older brother, David, was in a hellacious match at the Staples Center a few days ago so I flew out after this week’s Wrestleworld to check up on him and that’s where I came across my special guest for this week, a friend of mine and my brother, ladies and gentlemen..miss Nora Valkyrie.

(The brunette wrestler walks into the camera’s view and takes a seat opposite of Ashley, dressed in a leopard print top and black jeans, looking slightly nervous)

Nora: Thank you for having me on the show, Ash.

Ashley: Not a problem, I just thought it might be nice to have an actual wrestler’s view on this particular show considering everything that happened in the aftermath of Violent Delights. I mean you told me that you caught that show, what did you think of it?

Nora: Oh it was bloody brilliant! But personally, I think that Harry could’ve beaten the pouncey bugger if Babayka didn’t do the mind games. I hate that shiate.

Ashley: You’ve been on the receiving end of that kind of mind games before, haven’t you?

(Nora just shoots a look at Ashley that basically says *EVERYTHING* in one look)

Ashley:...right, moving on. So would you like to start off this one?

Nora: Sure.

(The monitor shows us a shot of Doctor Erik Vance cradling the European championship)

Nora: We open up this tremendous episode of this bloody tremendous epic that is Wrestleworld with the insidious Doctor Erik Vance, who kinda reminds me of that doctor who helped Jigsaw in the end of the Saw franchise of movies, talking about the failures of Harry Sterling during the events of the pay per view as he tries to hype up how fuct’d up his client is and how new subjects needed to be tested for the boogieman of Wrestleworld.

He name drops both Christopher Sabertooth and Tristan Killebrew before we eventually cut to the new opening of the show that shows highlights from Delights as we cut to Felix and Robbie at the broadcasting station where they hype what has happened and what is about to happen when the pina colada song starts up and we get The Chad coming out with Kesley for a special edition of the Casting Couch.

Ashley: I’m still bummed out that Chad got his head caved in by Senn during that fucking tantrum.

Nora: I know right, but girl you got to understand that shit like that does happen. I mean didn’t your brother do an Ode to Vendetta stomp onto one of my old stablemates for something of the same reason once?

Ashley: Yeah, but Chad was actually innocent of this one. Karl von Eichmann was being a jackass.

Nora: It’s a fair cop, I’ll give you that one. But anyway back to The Chad as he tries to downplay any kind of falling out between him and his so-called "life coach", despite proof to the otherwise, even going as far as using that bloody "fake news" phrase that seems to be so bloody popular nowadays.

Chad tries to claim that the beating that he took at Senn's hands made their relationship only stronger and that it could never be broken, claiming that no one in The Heaven's Arena knew what it meant to have a mentor and that we all have wasted our potential and yada yada ya before finally Senn comes down but before Senn can say anything, Ashley's man shows up.

Ashley: He's not my man, Nora.

Nora: Then explain that comment he made about how you were the only one to understand what was really going on when Senn confronted him at VD and called you his girl?

*Insert crickets chirping FX here*

Nora: Anyway BACK to what I was saying, Arata Asakura comes out and Senn quickly jumps on Arata, blaming him for something that Arata easily calls out as bullshit.

Ashley: Arata calls Senn for having a hissy fit because he didn't get the first shot at the former holder of the Shogun championship and basically offered Senn a shot right then and there.

Senn, in turn, proves Arata right by saying that it should've been him and Daniels in the ring, instead of Arata, and all the while still pretending that he gives two shits about Daniels which is a complete and utter lie.

But Chloe then makes her arrival and points out that is EXACTLY what Senn was trying to force happen and that is what pointed out that the reason why she beat him at the pay per view and pursued him to get that match was to get rid of moments like what Senn had just created where "Legends" like Senn simply threw their "weight" around to get instant title shots.

Nora: You know, I respect this Chloe chick... but you were wrong in your rankings last show about her.

(Ashley blinks for a moment before looking at her friend)

Ashley: What do you mean?

Nora: I'll explain later, keep going with your show.

Ashley: Alrighty then. But back to Chloe who laid it plain and clear that she should get the first shot at Arata for the Shogun championship despite what Senn wants.

Enter Jaywalker.

Jaywalker points out that only he can make the matches and while he is going to be naming the new Architect for that championship later in the night, he and the Architect discussed the situation and in a Violet Delights Rematch, Chloe and Senn would face off with a shot at the Shogun championship at Violent Ends is on the line.

However, the match that followed was simply a pissed off Senn getting what he wanted as he basically tears poor Chloe apart with one finisher after another until finally she submits to the Grim Memento and little Jacob Senn gets his precious number one contendership at the expense of Chloe's hard work.

Nora: You know while I'm a Tarah Nova fangirl at heart, I used to kinda like Jacob Senn when he was first starting out.. but I'm not too sure about this whole new attitude of his.

(The graphic on the monitor changes to that of Raoul and Nasir Moore)

Nora: Now here was something that I hyped up to see, I mean it's the man, Nasir Moore, up against newcomer in Raoul. The former CM Nas was trying to reinvent himself much like the former Heart Break...

Ashley: DUDE!!

Nora: What?

Ashley: Do *NOT* say that name on this show!

Nora: ...why?

Ashley: Do you think that you can take Claudia in a match?

(Nora actually has to stop and think about it for a moment before shrugging)

Nora: Eh, I'd give a bloody good go of it. But since she's your boss and all, I'll behave but all I was trying to state was how some people are here in Wrestleworld trying to reinvent themselves like Nasir and Claudia.

Ashley: Fair enough.

Nora: Now this match started with a traditional collar and elbow tie-up but it kind of just went down the hill from there as Nasir levels Raoul with a spinning back fist that lands him a two count before Raoul hits something that he calls the [does air quotes] "Jackson Five" for his own two count.

An irate Nasir then goes for the Ether only for Raoul to wiggle out of it and get a cheap win over the more experienced veteran.

Ashley: Have you ever gotten a win like this?

Nora: Yes but it was by complete accident to be honest because my opponent got injured by a mistimed move by the ref in that particular match, so we had to change the ending on the fly.

Ashley: Do you think that Nasir was injured during the match?

Nora: Nope, I think that Raoul was being a right cheeky bastard though. But Nasir, big man if you're reading this understand that everyone has an off day and that you'll do killer soon enough!

(The graphic changes to Jack Develin cringing at Harry Sterling)

Nora: Now there's a beaut! Harry Sterling making that bastard Develin cringe!

Ashley: We did have this conversation backstage where Jack Develin attempted to brag about how he was right in that Harry didn't win the European championship but good old Harry wasn't having any of Jack's shit!

Nora: Oi, he's a good mate and if he ever comes over to OWT, I'd be more than happy to tag with him.

(The image on the monitor shifts to that of Christian Zayne and Scott Smith)

Nora: Before this match can even get started, both wrestlers are taken out by someone before we are shot to a commercial break that leads to Nobi calling out the person who cost him the contendership at the American Dream at VD.

Ashley: What did you think about what Nobi said during that part?

Nora: I liked it, he's a good lad who got screwed. I mean, while you can't take anything away from Reno Dumont's hard-fought victory, but you also can't take away the fact that Nobi can become just as good one day, possibly sooner.

Ashley: And what about Drake and Jones?

Nora: What a pair of wankers.

I mean seriously, they come out and start to insult Nobi and try to get them to focus more on what they did to Daniels at VD..the sad thing is I know a couple of guys that would eat Drake and Jones alive if they ever decided to give the indies a try again because those two wankers look like they need to have their asses properly kicked.

So they finally get to the so-called "real" reason why they are out there and it is to talk about their Drake and Jones Games, a little tournament to see who would come out as the top contenders for the titles that they hold with the two of them picking which pairs get to be in the tournament, save for Nobi who gets to pick his own partner.

(The image on the monitor then shifts to that of April Song making Valkyria tap out)

Ashley: Our next match put two debuting women against each other as April Song...

Nora: Rwar...

Ashley: ...against Valkyria De'Vilone.

Nora: And there went all the fun because she's fucking French!

Ashley: Anywho, the "Killer Bee" proved why she was one of the most dominant women in the wrestling scene to date as she made Valkyria tap out in a record amount of time.

Nora: It didn't help matters much that Valkyria honestly thought that she was superior to a woman who has earned the accolades that April Song has. I mean I know half a dozen women that would love to face April in the ring, myself included.

Ashley: Really then, who?

Nora: Well myself as I stated. Brenda Storm, Talia Yamahara, Caitlyn Fairchild, Korra Farron, and Selene Redfield.

Ashley: And how long would they last again April, seriously?

Nora: Selene and I would probably top off at six minutes each, I'd give Cait ten minutes due to her conditioning, Brenda...eight minutes, and Talia, I'm not even going to try and figure that one out, that girl is just crazy!

Ashely: [giggling] Fair point. Now back to the show?

Nora: Fair enough, but I have to be honest about something. I think if Valkyria could be a little bit less cocky then she might actually have a real chance against April or even Chloe in a rematch.

Ashley: Okay, that's fair.

(The graphic changes to Stephanie Matsuda and Crazy Violet glaring daggers at each other)

Nora: Our next segment had Stephanie Matsuda talking about her victory at Violent Delights and how she'd been plagued by Crazy Violet and Draconis Balaur since Chapter One...but sure enough out comes Violet to talk, I think, but instead they both get interrupted by Drake and Jones who make them team up for the first time in their games for Chapter Five.

Ashley: Think the team of Stephanie Matsuda and Cravy Violet can work?

Nora: Maybe, I mean I'd give them the same chances that people first gave me and Brenda when we first started teaming which is sixty forty.

Ashley: Sixty you'd kill each other and forty you'd work great as a team?

Nora: Exactly.

Ashley: Well I wish them the best of luck.

(The monitor graphic changes to a very pissed off looking Kanaida Sharpe)

Nora: Aww look! It's my old Dominion running buddy!!

Ashley: This match was made official in light what happened at Violent Delights when Kanaida Sharpe attempted to show Yu Ese that they could be an effective team and win against Drake and Jones.

Yu instead attacked Kanaida and that left the "Funky Headhunter" wanting a piece of his would-be partner and that match is signed for Chapter Five.

Nora: Yu Ese, you may think that Kanaida is a goof... well he is because he's always been so serious in the past and at the next chapter, I think you're going to have you skull caved in.

(The next graphic is Reno handing a contract to Jaywalker)

Ashley: The next segment was the contract signing between Reno Dumont and Claudia Michaels for the American Dream championship at Violent Ends and Jaywalker hoped it would be just an easy event.

Nora: Nope.

Ashley: Exactly as Reno, being the professional that he is, was in the ring waiting for the arrival of Claudia who didn’t show up and instead cut a strong promo on the former “One Man Crime Spree”, not fully understanding that Reno has heard everything that she has said before.

 Nora: But before your boss even cuts her promo, Jaywalker explains that he had arranged for the match to happen at the next pay per view in order to make Claudia Michaels face Reno Dumont on a more..equal I guess..grounds, especially since Reno feels that he needs to beat Claudia for everything that she put the other people involved in that match through at VD.

But I didn't know she had a castle.

Ashley: Yeah, we do things a little bit differently in Wrestleworld.

Nora: A castle though, next thing you'll be telling me is that Drake and Jones have a haunted pizzeria where they do shiate jumpscares in hopes of getting very bad cheap heat?

Ashley: I think Jaywalker nixed that one.

Nora: Good. That five nights at Freddy's shiate is shiate.

Ashley: Anyway...

Nora: I actually have a solid question though. If you say beat and Architect for his or her title, does that mean you also get their territory? You know, keep what you kill kinda thing?

(The two women look at each other then over at the camera directly)

Ashley: Jaywalker, I'm leaving that question up to you boss. You're the Master Builder of Wrestleworld.

Nora: Sorry, got a wee bit off-topic there but it's a good question. So Claudia cuts this promo on Reno after first blasting Jaywalker for choosing to go after her more than Drake and Jones for what they did to Brian Daniels.

Ashley: Exactly, plus you got to admit that she cut a really good promo though.

Nora: Aye, she did. But the only problem that I have with it is where she asked him what championships he's won and all that when in fact Reno could say the exact same thing about her.

Ashley: You make a fair point there, you want to cover that briefly later?

Nora: Sure.

Ashley: Alright then. So in the end, Reno signs the contract and tells Jaywalker to get her to sign it as well before we cut backstage after the following commercial break to find Reno looking for someone until he finds Nobi and to much of the crowd's approvals, he steps right up and offers to be Nobi's tag team partner for the D&J Games next week at Chapter Five without hesitation or anything.

Nora: They did work well together during VD, I mean did you see that one moment where Nobi threw a guy and Reno caught him in mid-air with that jumping cutter?

Ashley: Yep, they might make a very effective tag team.

Nora: Could be. But after that bit of conversation we cut to our next match which is Daniel Ventura against Richard Dweck, Graham Baker, and where it was Larry Wheels would later have it turned around to be the mysterious masked man who attacked Nobi at VD.

The masked guy takes out all four of the guys that was supposed to be in this match and then heads for the hills without any reason as to why he did that.

Ashley: Like Wil Pierce said to Kanaida Sharpe during the lead-in promo during the God of the Junior Heavyweights tourney earlier this year in that some people just like to watch the world burn while others actually start the fire.

Nora: True that.

(The monitor switches to a graphic of Christopher Sabertooth and Tristan Killebrew confronting Doctor Vance)

Nora: Our next bit of action has that creepy bastard, Doctor Vance, informing Christopher and Tristan there that the Babayka has them in his sights basically and that next week at Chapter Five, the two of them would face off against each other in a match to see who would face the Boogieman for the European championship at Violent Ends.

Ashley: Hey Nora, I've got a question for you later on this subject.

Nora: Alrighty.

(The match graphic then changes to a shot of Jimmy Johnson having a very effective guillotine choke locked on the rather larger Barney)

Ashley: Our main event of the evening was Jimmy Johnson against Barney and it was a pretty effecitve match with several power moves from the masked madman almost getting the win over the much smaller Jimmy.

Nora: One of my favorite bits of the match, even though he didn't pull off the move, was when Barney went up for a top rope gutwrench powerbomb that he calls the Avalanche SuperBarney. You don't see many people doing that move much.

Ashley: How come?

Nora: Well unlike say a double underhook facebuster or the "King's Landing" as Thomas Knight used to call it hit from the top rope allows you to land a certain way so that you don't practically kill the other person that you're wrestling.

But with an avalanche gutwrench powerbomb, you got that whole spinning motion to it and that happens in mid-flight technically, so there is a lot more chance of injury.

(Ashley actually winces at the thought)

Ashley: Yeah, I can see your point there.

Nora: Now don't get me wrong, doing a move like that takes a lot of trust and if Barney call pull it off then that means he has a very dangerous move well under control and that speaks highly of his talent to me.

Ashley: Well that's cool.

Nora: This entire match from how Jimmy seemed to absorb everything that Barney threw at him and yet he kept going to how it ended was excellent, I'd give this match four stars out of four.

Ashley: And you remember what happened next?

Nora: Oi, I'm not taking anything away from the match but when Drake and Jones came out, I wanted to throw a shoe at my TV.

Ashley: Yep, Drake and Jones came out and made the two men who had just fought a hellacious match the last team in their little games set for chapter five. But what happened next was much more awesome as Jaywalker came out and announced that he wanted Drake and Jones to stay for the introduction of the new Shogun Architect.

Nora: Of course the two wankers couldn't help but make a snark about what they did to Brian Daniels.

Ashley: Of course, but at any rate Jaywalker moved past that with a Master's grace and introduced a man who is huge part of the newly returned Strong Style Wrestling in the form of Jaydayne Pendragon.

(The graphic shifts to that of Pendragon himself...kicking the *SHIT* out of Drake Jaeger!)

Nora: And just like that, Pendragon gets my support.

Ashley: I knew that you would, but before what happened in that image both Drake and Jones made the fourth team in their little game next week the unlikely duo of Arata and Senn, just to see if it could get a rise out of Jaydayne and it did.

Nora: And with that, we had a very interesting chapter end. But let's take a look at what happens next time on Wrestleworld when things enter into a Paradigm Makeshit?

(The graphic on the monitor changes to that of six men, three to a side, of the Wrestleworld logo appears)

Ashley: The first match is a three on three tag team match putting Christain Zayne, Graham Baker, and Daniel Ventura on one side against Scott Smith, Larry Wheels, and Richard Dwekc on the other in what could be a rather vicious six man tag.

Nora: Yeah, having been apart of a'many six-person tag matches over the years, I can tell you that they are not an easy thing to pull off, especially if it's done with Lucha rules.

But what I'm really looking forward to seeing is how things turn out because right now it's too early to see who'd come out the winner.

(The graphic then changes to the masked man)

Nora: And speaking of things that I'm looking forward to.

Ashley: That's right, the masked man has been identified as the "Professional" and will speak on something at Chapter Five. What it is exactly, none of us know quite yet.

(The graphic changes to a rather confident Chad Kennedy looking unconcerned at the face of the man known as Maverick)

Ashley: The second match is a one on one putting The Chad against newcomer Maverick.

Nora: I've heard some interesting things about this bloke, so it should be interesting to see how Maverick handles himself against someone who has had little training under the supposed "Iconic One".

(The graphic changes to that of Raoul holding up a beer bottle)

Nora: Oh yeah, and apparently we're going to be stuck watching that clown Raoul celebrate his victory over Nasir Moore.

Ashley: I wonder how long that'll last before Nasir comes out and kicks his head off?

Nora: I give it three minutes at most.

(The graphic changes to Harry Sterling looking across the ring at April Song, which makes both women look in surprise at first each other then at the graphic and back)

Ashley: OH...MY...GOD!!

Nora: Seriously?! This is seriously happening?!

Ashley: I guess so, I'm sorry gang but this one kinda is news to me but apparently we're going to see two professionals go at it as Harry Sterling faces off against April Song.

Nora: I believe this is going to be a technical masterclass of sorts.

(The graphic changes to that of Claudia Michaels, looking smugly confident)

Nora: Ashley's favorite boss will be making a big announcement regarding Violent Ends. Which makes me automatically think that it won't bode well for Reno Dumont.

Ashley: I agree, my friend. It could be anything knowing the Matriarch of the HiVE.

(The graphic changes again to a screen filled with the various teams involved in the Drake and Jones Game's first-round...with the font for it done up like it's a FNAF game)

Ashley:...okay, who let MatPat into my studio?

Nora: I think it's more because those two are treating this less of a wrestling match and more like a game, Ash.

Ashley: Well at any rate, this match puts a mixture of veterans and rookies against each other in a one pinfall means your out of the tournament situation. But other than that, we don't have any other information on the match.

Nora: Yeah, we have bitter rivals Stephanie Matsuda and Crazy Violet, Hated and Heated foes in Arata Asakura and Jacob Senn, the unlikely yet dynamic duo of Nobi and Reno Dumont, and finally the true wild cards in Jimmy Johnson and Barney.

Ashley: I'm thinking it might be Jimmy and Barney to win the match.

Nora: Not Nobi and Reno?

Ashley: I'm seeing a huge wild card win somehow.

Nora: Alright, I'll give you that one.

(The graphic changes to that of Jaydayne Pendragon with the faceplate of the Shogun championship behind him)

Ashley: Jayadyne will also meet with Jacob Senn and Arata Asakura about the Shogun championship.

Nora: I hope that it can be done with the respect due to the man and the title.

Ashley: So do I.

(The graphic changes to a visibly angry Kanaida Sharpe glaring at an uncaring Yu Ese)

Nora: FINALLY!!! Kanaida Sharpe has another match here in Wrestleworld!

Ashley: Yeah, he really hasn't had one since Chapter One... so he's finally due for one right?

Nora: Agreed, and it's against Yu Ese, the very person who could've been his tag team partner and walking around a champion already.

Ashley: I wouldn't go that far but at chapter five, we finally get to see the blow up of this pairing.

(The graphic changes to the horrendus mask of Babayka looking down at Tristan Killebrew and Christopher Sabertooth)

Nora: The Fiend of the Former Warsaw Pact chooses who will face him for the European championship with a match that actuallly has both the "Shogun of Havoc" himself, Christopher Sabertooth, facing off against Tristan Killebrew.

Ashley: I know that's going to be a great match for the main event!

(The match graphic disappears and it's replaced with the spinning Wrestleworld logo)

Nora: Now, I want to talk to you about Chole.

Ashley: Alright.

Nora: I think you might have her in the wrong division there, girl.

(Ashley looks at her friend as she leans back and motions for her to continue)

Nora: You had her in the Shogun rankings when I think that she's more suited for the European rankings.

Ashley: No, I've already explained myself to people on that one as to why I feel that she belongs in the Shogun ranks.

Nora: I know and I understand that, but you are also looking at things from the direction of someone who isn't an actual wrestler. I love you da and everything, but you yourself are not a wrestler, Ash, and thus I'd like to present my case for her being in the European rankings?

Ashley: Alright, go ahead.

Nora: Now you placed her in the Shogun rankings because he style is a fast, hard hitting style that focuses on submission holds and I can understand that because you spent sometime at the Slayton Dojo unp in Cameron where that style is taught.

But I can honestly tell you that after watching how Chloe moves in that ring that she wrestles a much more grounded British style. I don't know who taught her, but I was trained in part by Peter Graves, who as you know is not only British but was trained in that same style that your own big brother uses in the ring.

Ashley: Yeah, a very high impact but slow-paced submission focused style... I can almost see that in Chloe.

Nora: That's becasue she's like me and Brenda, we're both fast-paced strikers that know how to slow a match down with our submission holds, which is exactly what Chloe does in that ring each and every time.

Ashley: Then explain to me why Jacob Senn was able to squash her this week?

Nora: Well, as much as I hate to say it, Senn is a veteran over Chloe whereas Reno Dumont is a veteran over Jacob Senn. This is nothing against Chloe but sometimes the timing of a match can turn against you rather quickly and I think that's what happened to her here.

Ashley: Alright... I will take what you said under advisement for the next time that I do the rankings.

Nora: That's all that I ask.

Ashley: Now, for my question to you and it's a bit of an interesting one. But who do you think would win in a match of creepy bastards?

Babayka or Locke Helms?

(Nora blinks at that question and actually looks thoughtful as she leans back in her chair)

Nora: Shiate, that is a poser. I mean both of them have a very high impact form and are capable of absorbing a lot of punishment each... plus they both have incredible sumissions with Babayka's Axphisation and Locke's Witching Hour.

I...I honestly don't know.

Ashley: Alright then, let's ask an expert on creepy shit.

(Ashley turns to the monitor and a moment later, the screen comes to life with a view of none other than Celes Dumont)

Celes: Hello Ashley and Nora.

Nora: Oi, hey Cel! Ashley has posed a real poser of a question. Who do you think would win in a match of the creepy bastards...

Celes: Either Tiberous Jones or Jack Develin.

(Now that answer stops Nora dead as she blinks a couple of times)

Nora: Why do you say one of them, they are not even one of the two answers?

Celes: Jones because he acts like Michael Afton from Five Nights and Jack Develin because did you see the way he was creepy at Harry due to his loss to Babayka.

Ashley: Okay...I’ll give you those two but you play Five Nights?

Celes: No, but Miho does and you try not travelling with her and that game.

Ashley: Again, I can give you that but who do you think would win in a match, Babayka or Locke Helms?

Celes: Babayka.

Nora: Really, why?

Celes: Because I’m familiar with Babayka’s work and as much I would dearly love to fight him in the ring, just to have that experience under my belt, I also know that I would last maybe the same amount of time that Harry Sterling did before he’d finally catch me flat-footed in the ring and that it would be all over.

(Ashley nods at that answer before a new, thoughtful look comes over her face)

Ashley: Alright, since we know that at least one title match has been set for Violent Ends. Who do you think will win between Claudia Michaels and Reno Dumont?

Nora: Reno Dumont. Because as confident as your boss is, I really don’t think she understands what she’s gotten herself into by poking Reno like that. I mean the man has a reputation of trying to break his own body just to make sure that he can beat his opponent.

Celes: She has a point.

Ashley: Honestly I think it’s too early to tell for certain but I’m kind of throwing my money behind Reno right now as well because of that reason.

But by the same nature, I don’t think Reno truly knows what he’s going up against Claudia, I mean I understand that she thinks that she has the upper hand on him and everything and Reno really hasn’t fully shaken the ring rust off of himself yet and that could cost him the match in the end.

Celes: I’ll give you that one, but I also know that Claudia Michaels is vastly superior to her daughter, Sweet Roxy.

Nora: Aren’t you concerned that Roxy will just start shit with you for that?

Celes: Please, she’s so hung up on Devon Slayton that I’m thinking she might have a major crush on the poor guy. I mean seriously, I would not be surprised because if he got gifts from her the next OWA show.

Besides, Roxy has enough shit on her plate than to try and even start shit with me.

Well, I’ve got to head back out now. Catch you two later!

(Celes’ face then disappears from the screen at which point the camera refocuses on Ashley and Nora)

Ashley: And with that, I think that’s all the time that we have for the show this week. I want to thank both Nora and Celes for appearing on the show.

Nora: Not a problem.

Ashley: And hopefully next time I’ll have the show out on time and nothing to interrupt me or cause it to be late. Until then, I hope that you all have a killer week and come back next time!

<Cue up: “Big Time” by Peter Gabriel>

(Ashley and Nora waves at the camera as the show’s theme comes back as the feed ends)

Voice: Ladies and Gentlemen, that was the Root of all Ashley..your weekly dose of her views of the world of professional wrestling with your host-Ashley!!