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Pretty Dresses™️
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They look so beautiful, natural, sultry, and you can even see the outline of their hanging folds. Soft, graceful, luscious, and just… the way she’s holding her hips and swaying- so sexy!

“I might be on social media a bit too much…” You mutter to yourself, fully erect as you yearn for your vacationing girlfriend.

She’s only been gone a few days of her month-long break, and you’ve already spent at least a dozen hours browsing curvy girls on social media. You can feel your brain crave the stimulus of another sexy girl with each swipe, but that’s exactly how you know this is an issue.

Great time to masturbate!

You start looking for your social media app instinctively, but immediately shake away the calls of your growing addiction. You then spit in your hand and close your eyes, imagining the blowjob your girlfriend gave you before she left. After a minute or two a new thought enters your mind, and you smile deviously.

You go to your closet, the one mostly filled with your girlfriend’s stuff. You don’t really buy clothes too often, but she keeps up with every fashion trend. That’s how you know she’ll have one of those see through dresses, and now you can’t ignore the desire to feel the material on your boner!

It takes a minute to find the sheer blue dress, a small ball of stretchy silk-like fabric. You undress immediately, heart beating as your hard member springs loose from your boxers. You then place the dress at your feet, and slowly slip it up your ankles.

“This is a lot stretchier than I thought…” You mutter to yourself, surprised by the lack of tension as you pull the easily stretching dress up to your knees.

These are really slimming!

You smile as the dress passes over your waist, making you feel a lot thinner than your usual obesity. You don’t think anything too much of it, assuming this must be why the dress is so popular now!

Then you pull it all the way up to your chest, and you feel the slimming flow squeeze your torso. Your tummy cinches in, and becomes perfectly flat as you look down in awe. The mass surges up and spouts beneath your shoulders, carving a blossoming bosom into your chest as millions of nerve endings spread your nipples and turn them femininely tender.

You’re too shocked to pay attention to your hands’ movements, going through an out of body experience as the budding breasts beneath your chin jiggle pertly. Your vision’s then blocked momentarily, confusing you as even your panting becomes delicate.

Next thing you know there’s something pulling at the back of your neck, and you feel hair tickle the back of your shoulders. Your cheekbones rise as your face shrinks, jaw muscles strengthening as it becomes exponentially easier to express your desired countenance- brimming euphoria!

Your mouth stays the same size as your lips rest in a beautiful natural smile, plumping slightly as they become perfectly soft and smooth. You lick them with an air of seductive desire, shivering as you inadvertently turn yourself on even further.

You bite your bottom lip as the transformation moves down your arms, turning them slender as your fingers slim and manicure. Then the feelings rush straight into your head, and you feel bubbles of dopamine fueled ecstasy form. They quickly cloud your worries about losing yourself and make you giggle, eyes glazing over as a new want to dance suddenly blares at the forefront of your mind.

Of course that’s when the final change hits, shrinking your manhood and slurping it up inside your convulsing core. Your body bends at the hip as your womanhood forms, juicy folds that pulsate with desire even as they develop.

Now you’re totally unrecognizable, physically and mentally. You hit record on your phone and place it on the table, dancing for the camera without a care as the stretched fibers of your dress massage your silky smooth lithe body.

“Don’t tell anyone!” You joke to yourself in a sweet voice, lustfully mewing as your sensitive nipples send a deluge of sparks deep into your loins.

You’re too horny to think, now desperate to undress and pleasure your frothing pussy. You grab the collar of the dress behind your neck, and excitedly pull it back over your head.

Instantly you feel the elation subside, and your eyes focus before a wave of worry washes over you.

What the hell was that??

“I’m still a girl!?” You suddenly scream in a deepening voice, letting the material of your dress fall from your hand as your face reverts to your male one.

The dress folds over at your chest, and slowly flows down to your slender hips. This makes your neck and shoulders broaden instantly, all fat in your chest spilling down into your belly as your nipples become masculine again. Your stomach hangs over your still tiny waistline, magic dress barely holding onto your still womanly hips.

You grab at the bunched fabric, not wanting to let it fall further as your body hair grows back- You were just about to masturbate!

“Shit shit shit shit!” You hiss under your breath, finding it hard to stand on such weak legs with your large manly upper half.

Without another thought you quickly pull the dress back up your torso, instantly feminizing you and making you giggle as you put the collar back behind your neck. Your thoughts spin in a confusing ditzy circle of bliss, but now you know to not take your dress off.

It’ll be really bad.

And why would you take the dress off anyway?

“This feels amazing…” You purr, eyes glazing over as you drift back into a meditative state of euphoria.

You wiggle your sultry body in the silky dress, rubbing it all over your smooth skin as a lump of bliss builds in your throat. All you can do is moan, lips wet as you look around the room for something long and hard before picking up your phone.

Should you be using your phone now?

You don’t have much willpower against your body, or the ability to really worry. And not wanting to stop being a girl, you just keep the dress on as your body acts on its own volition. The last tiny vestige of your male self is left begging from a place of little authority as your body texts your best friend, telling Keith to come over ASAP.

You find yourself telling him everything the moment he walks in, and blush knowingly as he stares at your sexy body.

“I’ve heard about these dresses. You think your wife has anymore?

I heard they can put you in different forms…” Keith trails off, deep in thought as you smile like a lottery winner.

He’s into it!!

Now you can’t wait to seduce him!

You follow him to your closet where he picks out several dresses, claiming they’re all magical in the same way as yours. You’re not sure if he’s telling the truth, but some of the dresses have really large busts and rears; your mouth waters at the prospect of filling them out…

“What’s up man?” You ask ironically as you peel the dress off your reverting body, feeling like a fish out of water as Keith helps you into a tiny yellow one.

The changes from before don’t prepare you for these, instant pangs of arousal attacking your core as you step into the dress- before you even begin to transform!

First your feet become dainty, legs slimming as you pull the dress up. Then the dress comes up your waist, cinching it and toning your stomach as the fat all goes to your ass. Your hips are spread by the surge of mass, and you feel your thickening thighs stretch the silky dress.

Your nipples perk up as you pull the dress right up past them, breasts quickly filling the empty space left on your chest. You then gracefully put the straps over your shoulders, and a ponytail plops down on each of them as they narrow.

Your mouth waters as your mind changes, face feminizing as you turn into a cock hungry bimbo. You moan as your eyes roll back, hips bucking uncontrollably as your giant erection slurps up inside you. Then a meek squeal escapes your plump lips, sexier than you’ve ever sounded as juicy lips drip out of your core. Arousal overpowers every other thought, and you’re left begging Keith to satisfy your aching needs.

“Bro, you know I can’t fuck you. Come on!

Any way we get your pussy out of that dress, I’ll just end up dick deep in your ass!” Keith laughs, making your seductive O face turn into a frown.

“Can I at least blow you??” You plead, ravenously stripping Keith nude as he protests.

“Dude, I’m pretty sure that would be gay, and I’m not gay. So no.” Keith says, bulge in his pants throbbing as he crosses his arms.

You sulk for a moment before a lightbulb suddenly goes off in your head, laughing as you grab a magical dress and throw it onto Keith’s head for revenge. He reaches up to take it off as he yells obscenities, but within moments you hear his deep voice rise in pitch. Instead of taking off the dress, his hands gracefully pull it down his torso.

Keith giggles sweetly as his body instantly slims, shrinking down almost two feet as curly locks tie into a bun atop his head. You smile proudly as his ass suddenly juts out, jiggling behind him as it rounds out and settles.  

Your mouth waters as you watch his massive erection throb on his petite frame, but then it disappears in the blink of an eye. It furls up between Keith’s legs as he moans, knees quivering as a beautiful rose descends moistly.

“Like, this is totally unreal!” Keith giggles, holding her arms out as she basks in the sultry movements of her new body.

“Wow, you’re a real bimbo, Keith…

I’m so jealous, I wish I tried that dress!” You laugh, not nearly as girly and still very much aware of your former masculinity.

“Like, could you call me Kendra?

Keith is totally an icky boy's name!” Kendra giggles, swaying her hips as she slowly approaches you.

Her lips touch yours before you can really think about it, and soon you’re both caressing each other in a twisted pile on the bed. Your dresses stay on as you hold Kendra tightly, tongue deep inside her mouth as she reverberates your face with her moans.

Kendra didn’t even know about the dresses, but you convinced her to keep it on. You spent hours cuddling and making out with her, relief nowhere in sight as your pussies crave the warm length of a man. All you can do is finger each other carefully, desperate to stay in your slutty bodies as you play with them.

You pass out after a while, waking up to an empty room and the black dress on the floor. Keith texted you that he had to leave for work in the morning, but he had a great time as Kendra. You just roll your eyes condescendingly; if he enjoyed it so much, he’d still be her.

You spend the rest of the day as in the yellow dress; really wanting to try out the other ones Keith found, but literally too anxious to change back for even a moment.

Are you addicted to the dress now??

You can feel the tendrils of craving pulling at your dopamine receptors, a key signal that you’re overdoing it!

But you can’t find the willpower to care. 

So maybe you’re addicted to being a woman, isn’t that normal? Half of humanity lives like this!

You smile as your new hobby becomes justified in your sex addled mind, conflict no longer nagging at you as you take a deep breath and step out of the dress to change. 

Extended/Alternate Ending 😘