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Video Games
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“‘As part of the exclusive group of people who got free samples of our game, you’ve been selected to test out our latest feature’…” You read aloud as your game pauses, “‘We detected a VR headset connected to your device, and suggest you put it on to try out our new Live Character feature’?

That’s sounds weird, but could be fun!”

You put on your headset without another thought, and are instantly dazzled by an almost completely realistic version of the game you were just playing. The one thing telling you it’s just a video, the slight lag as your head swivels from one piece of furniture to the next.

“This is Phoenix’s house, wow!

I even hear my voice as hers!!” You muse excitedly, amazed at the lengths VR gameplay has come to.

Suddenly a knock at the door, and you hear a familiar voice demand entrance.

It’s Vincent!

You feel yourself daintily prance toward the door, curves jiggling as you silently wonder how the full body sensations are so real. Even grabbing the doorknob feels tangible, and you don’t even have any controllers!

Wait a second…

You become aware of a numbness on your mind, holding back critical thoughts as your thighs press together femininely. The weight of your headset faded long ago, and you can’t even feel the strap as you reach for the back of your head.

In fact, when you reach back you grab voluminous locks of hair, smoother than silk as your eyes open wide with realization. The fidelity of your reality is now indistinct from real life, but a deep voice cuts through your confusion as you open the door.

“I need five hundred bucks, a backpack full of ammo, and three taffies.” The main character of the game you’re in demands, picking at his teeth as you feel a sudden urge to give him a backpack with all that stuff.

As his stepmom, your role in the game is to provide bare essentials after the main character loses. It’s a mini cut scene you can skip before you start the mission over, your character demanding money and random stuff before leaving with all of it.

Now that you’re part of the cutscene, you feel more than inclined to participate fully. You smile brightly and run off to the closet, grabbing a bag with everything Vincent needs before happily handing it to him.

“Thanks mom, have a good one!” He shouts behind him as he leaves, and you wave him goodbye as the light fades.

Once Vincent is out of sight, you regain control of your body. You hurry back inside, confused and scared as you search for some type of exit. You don’t feel anything on your head, the VR headset not existent in this reality.

Then you see a little text box hovering above the phone: ‘Choose Player Tag to call.’

Your eyes open wide with relief, and you rush over to type in your friend, Joseph’s player tag. After a few seconds you see his profile appear, and only several more moments later you see a live feed of him.

“Whoa, Phoenix is looking scared…” You hear him say, “When did I load this game up?”

“Joseph, it’s me- Alex!

I got sucked into the game or something, I don’t know how this happened- you have to help me!!” You shout, “We’re in school together, and have been friends our entire lives!”

“No way!!” Joseph laughs, “You actually put on the VR headset???”

You look down in shame as your friend laughs at your expense, his mocking chuckles almost painful as you sheepishly shuffle your feet and try to ignore the jiggling curves hanging off your body.

“So can I have five hundred bucks and some ammo?” Joseph laughs, joking about the game as something triggers within you.

“Sure, dear!” You reply cheerfully, body prancing to the hall closet against your will to grab a backpack for Joseph.

He stays silent as you skip back to the room, bag ammo and cash in hand. You can’t see Joseph, but you could tell his jaw is to the floor right now.

“Did you try to do that?

You looked so sexy…” He mumbles, clearly turned on by your in-game appearance.

“I uhmmm… I can’t really control myself right now, that’s why I wanted your help.” You respond, breath hastening as you start to feel something in Joseph’s voice change.

“Is it okay if… You know what, I just have a couple of mods to try out…” Joseph trails off as your eyes open wide, “Let’s see here, I’ll just…”


Suddenly the lighting changes, and you feel a breeze on your upper thighs as you’re forced to hop in place. Tight latex squeezes your shoulders and hips, and your tongue rubs against rough leather as you lick- a spanking stick??

“I created a program called Fetish Phoenix, just something I did one day to ease my boredom. The game code actually lets you customize her character a lot, even her deepest emotions and feelings. Do you feel any different? The power stats claim to be completely changed…” You hear Joseph say, his keyboard still clacking away as you try to ignore your faster heartbeat.

You want nothing more than to punish the naughty boy, thinking he can do one over on mistress?

Oh man, he really changed how you think and feel. You don’t want help from your friend anymore, you want to punish him for being such a little brat. Your mouth waters at the thought of spanking his little behind, and your thighs rub together at the thought of impaling yourself on his-

“Let’s try another one; you’re just standing there, it’s kinda boring.” You hear Joseph opine callously, “I have one here that’s a little more entertaining, you should like it too…”  

Before you can register his opinion, you feel another shift in reality. The lights revert back to normal, and you feel the thrilling fog of bdsm lift from your mind.

The tight unitard you were in no longer strains your joints, now a sports bra and yoga pants hug your femininity. You try to stand still as your thoughts race, but your body sways peacefully as your muscles beg for a stretch. You feel your energy levels exponentially increase, and your lust for sex becomes a drive to workout!

You bend at the hip as Joseph’s chuckles hit your ears, eyes begging for him to somehow join you in the game as your pussy gushes.

“Now go have fun, show everyone how much you can stretch!” Joseph chuckles, and you feel a sudden impulse to go find someone to show off to.  

Before you can conjure another thought, you’re headed towards the door. Your hand gets shocked when you touch the knob though, and a little message appears over your head: ‘Yoga Phoenix cannot leave the house.’

“Oh right, your character’s restricted cuz of the bra…” Joseph mumbles as he plays on his keyboard, leaving you to fend for yourself as your body demands some type of exercise.

Next thing you know; your breasts are bouncing wildly as you jump in place, hands coming together over your head as your curves jiggle with the rhythm of your jumping jacks. You still fear what Joseph plans to do, but you can smile for a moment as your body gets to finally do what it wants.

Then reality shifts.

“Oh shit, I’m too horny to stand!” You moan, rubbing your neck and shoulder as silky dress material drapes over your body.

“Party Phoenix, my favorite mod.” You hear Joseph say smugly, “She has max stats for anything she needs, and really just breaks the whole game…”

Breaks the whole game??

“Now go find Vincent, and show him how much you really love him. If you see anyone on the way, make sure they know you’re in a party mood.

I’m still working on the mod, but by tomorrow I should be able to insert my own avatar in there so we could really have some fun…”