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2020 AATF Fall Webinar Series.docx
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AATF Fall Webinars for French Teachers

(All AATF webinars are free of charge to current members.
Descriptions of these AATF webinars with links to documents are below.)

Coming in January-February

NOIRES AMERIQUES. Conversations littéraires animées par Rodney Saint-Éloi

Lilian Thuram (Guadeloupe), Patrick Chamoiseau (Martinique), Chloé Savoie-Bernard (Canada), Alain Mabanckou (États-Unis), Emmelie Prophète (Haïti) participeront à la série de conversations littéraires en ligne qui se tiendra du 26 janvier au 23 février 2021. Écrivain et éditeur, Rodney Saint-Éloi abordera les questions du racisme et du vivre-ensemble à travers les œuvres et les expériences des cinq auteur.e.s invité.e.s.

Vous trouverez ici une description complète et le lien pour vous inscrire.  Empruntez gratuitement les livres de ces auteur.e.s, et des milliers d’autres, dans la Bibliothèque des Amériques!

Une initiative de l'Alliance française de Chicago et du Centre de la francophonie des Amériques en collaboration de la Délégation du Québec à Chicago, le Consulat du Canada, American Association for Teachers of French et les éditions Mémoire d’encrier.

 Past Fall AATF Webinars

(recordings are posted when available on the AATF YouTube channel /

Documents posted here as available)

Each speaker will talk about how they and their chapters have transformed or plan to transform events into virtual celebrations.

Tom will present on possible French Club and National French Week activities that he is reimagining for the virtual and hybrid worlds.   These suggestions can be implemented in local schools and at the chapter level.   Tom will be supported by his colleagues, Andrea Isabelli and Heather Meindl, who will help with follow-up discussion.

Check out a model of how a schoolwide world language week celebration went fully online this past May, and learn how you can adapt some of the concepts for National French Week.   Jon will present the successes and areas for improvement from this event and share ideas of how to fully Frenchify some engaging online celebration activities.

Karen invites everyone to come along on a virtual journey packed with possibilities to promote Franco-Fun within your school and greater community for National French Week.  Allons-y!