First & Last Name: ____________________________________  Teacher: _____________________

Library & Technology PARP Project 

Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane BINGO

How to Play:

  1. Put your FIRST AND LAST NAME on this BINGO card. Do not lose it! You will need it for Library and Technology!
  2. Visit at least 4 different stations. Get your BINGO card initialed by the Mrs. Nerkizian or Ms. Eyer.

Hop Like a Rabbit

Craft a Set of Rabbit Ears

About the Author

Kate DiCamillo

Read Knuffle Bunny

Read My Friend Rabbit or Duck Rabbit with a ‘PARP’ner

Learn about

Pet Rabbits

Make a Book Corner

Pick A Reading Partner (PARP)

Use Pic Collage

Make a Wanted Poster

Build a Lego Rabbit 


Write a Story

Scratch JR/Scratch

Your Choice!

Draw a Rabbit



Craft a Set of Rabbit Ears

Make yourself a set of rabbit ears! Do your best with the materials provided.

Draw a Rabbit

Draw a bunny following these easy peasy  directions.

Read Knuffle Bunny

Read Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems. Like Edward, Knuffle Bunny gets misplaced. Draw a place where Trixie misplaces Knuffle Bunny.

Scratch Jr (K-1) or Scratch (Grade 2)


Create a new project and save it with your name + teacher’s initials. Add a background and choose a rabbit sprite, program it to move. Show a favorite part from the book.

Write a Story

Create a 3 - 6 panel storyboard that shows a conversation between you and another character who has found Edward on the garbage heap.

Make a Book Corner


Make a book corner bunny! Watch the “How-To”  video here.  

Hop Like a Rabbit

Let’s hop like a bunny 10 times to get warmed up for the challenge!

Wanted Poster

Pretend you are Edward Tulane. Create a wanted poster for a new home and a new owner. What type of home do you think Edward would prefer since he doesn’t like living with Abilene?

Read My Friend Rabbit or Duck Rabbit with a ‘PARP’ner.

Read My Friend Rabbit by Eric Rohmann and or Duck Rabbit by Amy Krouse Rosenthal with a ‘PARP’ner.

Use Pic Collage

Using an iPad, take a group photo with friends. Using the Doodle feature, turn each person into a rabbit by drawing bunny ears, a nose, and whiskers. Add any other important details from the book.

Pick A Reading Partner


Find the WOS & CLE Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane webpage. If you are behind with any of the readings for this book, read them now.

Build a Lego Rabbit


Watch Lego Rabbit Building Instructions. Create your version of a rabbit using the available lego materials. Be creative during your journey.

About the Author

Read the About Kate and Books pages on her website. What are 3 new facts that you learned about the author? What is one Kate DiCamillo book that you might want to read next? Add a post on the Kate DiCamillo Padlet page. 

Learn about Pet Rabbits

Login to PebbleGO to learn about pet rabbits.

  • Site username: wos
  • Site password: school

Challenge yourself with the “Rabbit Crossword Puzzle”  

Your Choice

Come up with your own activity that relates to Edward Tulane. You MUST share your idea with a teacher first!


Celebrate reading ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’! Log into #SOCESReadtoThem to share your favorite part of the story. Read a quote from the book and tell the community of readers why it was your favorite part.