The Promise:

By learning how to rapidly learn and retain what you’ve learned, you will gain self-realization and the confidence that comes with limitless possibility. We understand that more can be achieved by teaching our fellows how to learn than by simply teaching them how to do.

By learning how to design and build, you will access self-actualization and realize that if you can imagine it, you will have the skills to create it or the confidence to know you can rapidly learn any additional skills necessary to build almost anything. This will redefine what’s possible for you and present you with limitless potential.

With OSE’s latest programs, you will learn the art of learning in ways that will inspire you, challenge you, and fulfill you. You will also participate and make a meaningful impact on OSE Extreme Builds, such as building an entire home with your cohort in only five days. You’ll even learn how to build the tools necessary to accomplish this. Not only will you gain all the skills needed to succeed, you’ll have the confidence, the mindset, and the collaboration skills necessary to solve problems and overcome challenges as they appear.  By becoming a part of this program, you’ll be part of a very powerful community of problem solvers, creators, and innovators with unlimited potential to improve any industry and overcome any challenge. This program will unlock potential and possibility in your life in unimaginable ways.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

The Relationship: I dunnit you can do it framework. 4 years of time + financial independence.

You’ll have two separate relationships with OSE during your time in the program. You’ll most importantly be a student and a learner where you’ll be expected to commit to embracing the art of collaboration. We believe that what’s possible for many in harmony is impossible for many individually or competitively.

Once you’ve built the necessary skills, you’ll also be an apprentice and you’ll be participating in the Extreme Builds, and as such, you will be compensated at a fair market rate.

The expectations of you are different in each of these relationships and what success looks like will be different as well. It’s important to know that effort, attitude, creativity, trust, and enthusiasm from you and from OSE are the keys to success in both relationships. We prioritize collaboration and critical thinking both in the classroom and on the worksite.

As a paid apprentice, you’ll be expected to produce at a level commensurate with your skill level and your talent. You’ll be held accountable to meeting expectations, deadlines, and showing up on time ready to work. Your performance will be evaluated and regularly reviewed with you so you can understand and focus on areas where you have the opportunity to improve or make an even greater contribution.

As a student, you’ll be expected to be mentally and physically present. To show up with curiosity, an open mind, humility, and passion to learn. If you do, you’ll succeed and achieve growth you didn’t know was possible. Your performance as a student will be regularly evaluated and reviewed with you as well again to call out areas where you have the opportunity to improve or make an even greater contribution.

The Commitment: This section needs work!

4 year program:

A typical week will have 2 days of classroom time, 2 days of building, and 1 day of Collaborative Problemsolving:


You’ll live off site and on site facilities include:

Time Off:


Any benefits being provided??? Workman’s Comp, paid vacation, certifications for achievement…