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QCI - SAO whitepaper
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QuantumComputingIndia Community as a SAO

(Sustainable Autonomous Organisation)




Draft 1: Jul 2

Table Of Content

Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. The Vision of Quantum Computing India SAO

3. Value Capture and Distribution in Quantum Computing India SAO

4. Wellbeing in Quantum Computing India SAO

5. Skill Development in Quantum Computing India SAO (DAOcommons: Skill Development System)

6. Revenue Generation in Quantum Computing India SAO (DAOcommons: Revenue Generation System)

7. Operations and Decision Making in Quantum Computing India SAO (DAOcommons: Operating System)

8. Synergy in Quantum Computing India SAO: Learning, Performing, and Community Building

9. The QCI valuation - A DAOcommons approach

10. Token value & Risk Adjusted Value Fed Bonding Curves and Quantum Computing India as an Automated Market Maker

12. What Next?

FAQs: [Investor Guide]

FAQs: [Community Member’s Guide]

Glossary of Terms

Executive Summary

The document outlines the vision and operational plan for Quantum Computing India (QCI) to transition into a Sustainable Autonomous Organisation (SAO). The goal is to create a decentralized, collaborative, and equitable platform that empowers every member of the community to contribute to and benefit from the collective knowledge and resources in the field of quantum computing.

To achieve this, QCI plans to implement several protocols and systems:

Value Capture Protocol: This will quantify and capture the value created by community members as they contribute to open projects, ensuring that every contribution is recognized and rewarded.

Wellbeing Protocol: This will promote the wellbeing of members, incentivizing becoming a virtuous human and ensuring that members are not only contributing to the community but also taking care of their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.

DAOcommons Protocol: This will act as a guarding rail for the community to onboard, set up an open skill system, generate revenues and set up and optimise processes for the collective value growth.

Skill Development System: This will recognize and reward the skills of its members, fostering a culture of continuous learning.

Revenue Generation System: This will generate revenue and ensure the financial sustainability of the SAO. Revenue streams include fellowships, cohort fees, workshops, jobs and projects, community subscriptions, courses, and the sale or licensing of NFTs.

Operating System: This will facilitate decision-making and manage operations within the SAO. All decisions will be made collectively, with members voting on proposals based on their skill level.

The document emphasizes the synergy between learning, performing, and community building activities in the QCI SAO, each contributing to and benefiting from the others. This synergy is seen as a key driver of the SAO's success.

The document also includes FAQs for investors and community members along with Glossary of Terms, covering topics such as governance, regulatory compliance, technology risk, community engagement, tokenomics, and the discount rate.

1. Introduction

Quantum Computing India (QCI) is a vibrant community of quantum enthusiasts, learners, and builders. Our mission is to foster a multidisciplinary approach to quantum computing, covering everything from quantum physics to quantum finance. We provide a safe space for learning and failure, with a focus on practical application and hands-on experience. Our community is built on the principles of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning.

As we continue to grow and evolve, we see the potential of becoming a Sustainable Autonomous Organization (SAO). A SAO is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members and not influenced by a central governing body. A SAO's financial transactions and rules are maintained on a blockchain which makes it transparent and open to all within the community.

The move towards becoming a SAO aligns with our mission of fostering a collaborative and innovative community. It allows us to create a decentralized platform where every member of our community can contribute to and benefit from our collective knowledge and resources. It also enables us to implement systems and protocols that ensure fairness, incentivize contribution, and promote the wellbeing of our members.

In our journey towards becoming a SAO, we are leveraging The Internet of Value's Open Protocol Stack. TheInternetofValue is a global initiative that aims to build an equitable economic system through the development of open protocols. Their Open Protocol Stack, which includes the Value Capture Protocol, Wellbeing Protocol, and DAOcommons Protocol, provides a comprehensive framework for building and managing a SAO. These protocols align with our vision for the Quantum Computing India SAO and will play a crucial role in its operations.

In the following sections, we will delve into the specifics of our vision for the Quantum Computing India SAO, including how we will capture and distribute value, promote wellbeing, facilitate skill development, generate revenue, and make decisions. We will also discuss our approach to valuation and tokenomics, and how we aim to become an Automated Market Maker through value-adjusted bonding curves.

This is just the beginning of our journey, and we invite you to join us as we explore the potential of quantum computing and build a SAO that truly serves our community.

2. The Vision of Quantum Computing India SAO

The vision of Quantum Computing India SAO is to create a decentralized, collaborative, and

innovative platform that empowers every member of our community to contribute to and benefit from the collective knowledge and resources in the field of quantum computing. We aim to foster a multidisciplinary approach, covering everything from quantum physics to quantum finance, and to provide a safe space for learning, experimentation, and growth.

Our mission is to leverage the principles of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) to build a community that is transparent, equitable, and driven by its members. We believe that by becoming a SAO, we can better facilitate learning, collaboration, and innovation in the field of quantum computing.

The Quantum Computing India SAO will benefit the quantum computing community in several ways. First, it will provide a platform for quantum enthusiasts to learn, collaborate, and innovate together. Second, it will incentivize contribution and reward members for their efforts through a fair and transparent system. Third, it will promote the wellbeing of its members, ensuring that they are not only contributing to the community but also growing and thriving as individuals.

To achieve our vision and mission, we will leverage The Internet of Value's Open Protocol Stack, which includes the Value Capture Protocol, Wellbeing Protocol, and DAOcommons Protocol. These protocols provide a comprehensive framework for building and managing a SAO.

The Value Capture Protocol will allow us to quantify and capture the value created by our community members as they contribute to open projects. This will ensure that every contribution is recognized and rewarded.

The Wellbeing Protocol will help us to promote the wellbeing of our members. It will incentivize becoming a virtuous human and ensure that our members are not only contributing to the community but also taking care of their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.

The DAOcommons Protocol will guide our operations and decision-making processes. It will ensure that our SAO is transparent, equitable, and driven by its members.

In the following sections, we will delve into the specifics of how we will implement these protocols in the Quantum Computing India SAO and how they will shape our operations, from value capture and distribution to skill development, revenue generation, and decision making.

3. Value Capture and Distribution in Quantum Computing India SAO

The Value Capture Protocol is a key component of the Quantum Computing India SAO. It is designed to capture and measure the value created by community members as they contribute to open projects.

The protocol uses several parameters to capture this value:

The protocol has two main functions:

The Value Capture Protocol interacts with the WellbeingProtocol and the DAOcommons protocol. It updates the WellbeingNode with the worker's wellbeing status and the DAOcommonsNode with the worker's contributions to the community.

The optimization function for the Value Capture Protocol is to incentivize users to create more value on the network. This is accomplished by rewarding users who generate high levels of proof of work.

For example, let's consider a community member who contributes to an open project by developing a quantum computing algorithm. They would log their work using the Value Capture Protocol, providing a description of their work, the time they spent on it, and any proof of work they have, such as code or documentation. This information would then be stored and used to calculate the value they have created.

When the project is completed and launched, the value captured during its development is used to determine the base value of the project. This base value is then presented to the market in the form of an NFT. The community members who contributed to the project would have equitable ownership of this NFT, based on the value they captured during their work.

The market would then determine the final value of the NFT, and any profits from its sale would be distributed back to the community members, again based on the value they captured during their work. This ensures that the value created by the community is captured and distributed equitably, rewarding those who contribute their time and skills to the community's projects.

4. Wellbeing in Quantum Computing India SAO

The Wellbeing Protocol is a fundamental part of the Quantum Computing India SAO, designed to promote the wellbeing of community members and incentivize virtuous behavior (any behaviour that is going to add to the overall value of the collective). This protocol, part of The Internet of Value's Open Protocol Stack, operates on a set of specific parameters and mathematical functions.

The Wellbeing Protocol works by tracking various parameters related to a member's wellbeing. These parameters are categorized into nodes, each representing a different aspect of wellbeing:

The Wellbeing Protocol uses a set of mathematical functions to calculate the wellbeing score of a member based on the logged activities. These functions take into account the type of activity, the duration, and the impact on the member's wellbeing. The wellbeing score is then used to update the member's WellbeingNode and influence their value capture and decision-making power in the SAO.

The Wellbeing Protocol can be modeled as a dynamical system, where each metric is a function of time and possibly other metrics. This can be expressed as a system of differential equations, where each function represents how the corresponding metric changes over time as a function of all metrics. The wellbeing score can then be defined as a weighted sum of these metrics, scaled to the desired range for interpretation.

Let's denote:

P(t) as the physiological health metric,

E(t) as the emotional health metric,

F(t) as the feelings metric,

T(t) as the thoughts metric,

H(t) as the habits metric,

R(t) as the performance metric.

A simple dynamic model could then be defined by the following system of differential equations:

dP/dt = fP(P, E, F, T, H, R)

dE/dt = fE(P, E, F, T, H, R)

dF/dt = fF(P, E, F, T, H, R)

dT/dt = fT(P, E, F, T, H, R)

dH/dt = fH(P, E, F, T, H, R)

dR/dt = fR(P, E, F, T, H, R)

Each function fN (N being P, E, F, T, H, or R) represents how the corresponding metric changes over time as a function of all metrics.

Finally, we might define the wellbeing score W(t) as a weighted sum of these metrics:

W(t) = wP * P(t) + wE * E(t) + wF * F(t) + wT * T(t) + wH * H(t) + wR * R(t)

This score could then be scaled to the desired range (e.g., 0-1000) for interpretation

By promoting wellbeing and rewarding virtuous behavior, the Wellbeing Protocol helps to create a healthy, vibrant, and productive community. It recognizes that the wellbeing of our members is not just important for their personal health and happiness, but also for the success and vitality of the Quantum Computing India SAO.

5. Skill Development in Quantum Computing India SAO (DAOcommons: Skill Development System)

Quantum Computing India (QCI) SAO is committed to fostering a culture of continuous learning and skill development. The SAO leverages the Skill Development System, a key component of the DAOcommons protocols, to recognize and reward the skills of its members.

Learning Activities

Learning activities within the QCI SAO are categorized into structured and unstructured learning. Structured learning includes workshops, fellowships, and other formal educational programs. Unstructured learning, on the other hand, is more flexible and includes learning circles or peer learning. Regardless of the learning path chosen, the ultimate goal is the creation of an Intellectual Property (IP) or a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), such as a research paper or a working demo.

Skill Recognition and Reward

The Skill Development System recognizes the time and effort members invest in learning activities. Members log their learning activities using the Value Capture Protocol, which forms the basis for skill recognition and reward. The system is designed to be equitable, ensuring that all members who contribute to a project share in the ownership of the resulting IP or NFT.

Key Metrics

The Skill Development System tracks several key metrics to measure the progress and effectiveness of skill development activities. These include:

These metrics provide valuable insights into the learning progress of individual members and the overall effectiveness of the Skill Development System.


The Skill Development System plays a crucial role in the QCI SAO. It not only fosters a culture of continuous learning but also ensures that members are rewarded for their contributions. By aligning individual learning goals with the broader objectives of the SAO, the Skill Development System is instrumental in driving the success of the QCI SAO.

6. Revenue Generation in Quantum Computing India SAO (DAOcommons: Revenue Generation System)

The Quantum Computing India (QCI) SAO is not just a community of learners and innovators, but also a self-sustaining economic entity. The SAO leverages the Revenue Generation System, a key component of the DAOcommons protocols, to generate revenue and ensure its financial sustainability.

Revenue Streams

The Revenue Generation System encompasses a diverse range of revenue streams. These include:

Performing Activities

"Performing" activities logged by individual members play a crucial role in revenue generation. These activities typically involve working on paid projects, which directly contribute to the SAO's revenue. The Value Capture Protocol ensures that the value created through these activities is accurately captured and rewarded, incentivizing members to engage in more performing activities.

Key Metrics

The Revenue Generation System tracks several key metrics to measure the effectiveness of revenue generation activities. These include:

These metrics provide valuable insights into the SAO's financial performance and the effectiveness of its Revenue Generation System.


The Revenue Generation System is a cornerstone of the QCI SAO's financial sustainability. By diversifying its revenue streams and incentivizing performing activities, the SAO ensures its self-sufficiency and ability to continue providing valuable resources and opportunities to its members.

7. Operations and Decision Making in Quantum Computing India SAO (DAOcommons: Operating System)

The Quantum Computing India (QCI) SAO is a democratic and inclusive organization, where every member has a voice. The SAO leverages the Operating System, a key component of the DAOcommons protocols, to facilitate decision-making and manage its operations.

Operating System and Decision-Making Process

The Operating System provides a framework for decision-making within the SAO. It includes mechanisms for open voting and the distribution of decision-making power. All decisions within the SAO are made collectively, with members voting on proposals based on their skill level. This ensures that all members have a say in the direction and operation of the SAO.

Community Building Activities

"Community building" activities logged by individual members play a crucial role in the SAO's operations. These activities typically involve validating the proof of work of other members, participating in decision-making processes, and contributing to the overall development of the community. The Value Capture Protocol ensures that the value created through these activities is accurately captured and rewarded, incentivizing members to engage in more community building activities.

Key Metrics

The Operating System tracks several key metrics to measure the effectiveness of its operations. These include:

Number of Processes Set Up

Number of Processes Executed

Proof of Work Validation / Signature / Transactions to Blockchain

Time Spent in Community Building

These metrics provide valuable insights into the SAO's operational efficiency and the effectiveness of its Operating System.


The Operating System is a cornerstone of the QCI SAO's democratic and inclusive nature. By facilitating open decision-making and rewarding community building activities, the SAO ensures that all members feel valued and have a stake in its success. The Operating System not only drives the SAO's operations but also fosters a sense of community and shared purpose among its members.

8. Synergy in Quantum Computing India SAO: Learning, Performing, and Community Building

The Quantum Computing India (QCI) SAO is more than just the sum of its parts. It is a vibrant ecosystem where learning, performing, and community building activities interact and support each other, creating a synergy that drives the SAO's success.

Interconnectedness of Activities

Learning, performing, and community building are not isolated activities within the QCI SAO. They are deeply interconnected, each contributing to and benefiting from the others. Learning activities enhance the skills and knowledge of members, enabling them to contribute more effectively to performing and community building activities. Performing activities generate revenue for the SAO, which can be reinvested in learning and community building. Community building activities strengthen the SAO's social fabric, creating a supportive environment that facilitates learning and performing.

Spanning Across Systems

These activities span across the Skill Development System, Revenue Generation System, and Operating System of the SAO. The Skill Development System supports learning activities, the Revenue Generation System drives performing activities, and the Operating System facilitates community building activities. However, these systems do not operate in isolation. They are interconnected, with activities in one system influencing and being influenced by activities in the others.

Examples of Interaction and Mutual Support

For instance, a member might start by participating in a learning activity, such as a workshop. The skills and knowledge gained from this activity enable the member to contribute to a performing activity, such as a project. The revenue generated from this project can then be reinvested in more learning activities. At the same time, the member can participate in community building activities, such as validating the proof of work of other members, which strengthens the SAO's social fabric and facilitates more learning and performing activities.

SAO Health Ratios

The holistic functioning of the SAO can be measured through various SAO Health Ratios.

Skill Development System Ratios

Revenue Generation System Ratios

Operating System Ratios

These SAO Health Ratios provide a comprehensive view of the SAO's operational efficiency, financial performance, and overall health. They are crucial tools for assessing the SAO's performance and identifying areas for improvement.

9. The QCI valuation - A DAOcommons approach

Estimate Future Value Flows:

This involves using the absolute parameters and ratios from the Supply/Labour/Skilling System and the Demand/Money/Growth System to estimate future "value flows" for the SAO. For instance, if you know the current number of people at each level, the upskilling rate, and the per-hour rates at each level, you could estimate future revenue from labor. Similarly, you could estimate future revenue from projects, workshops, courses, etc. based on current revenue and growth rates.

Value Sources:

Skill Development System: The upskilling of community members and the creation of intellectual property (IP) in the form of NFTs. The value here is derived from the increase in skill levels, the number of people leveled up, the number of creations (documents, videos, audios, pictures, etc.), the number of courses/handbooks/workshops, and the time spent in learning.

Revenue Generation System: The revenue generated through jobs, projects (including gigs), workshops, community subscriptions, courses, and the sale or licensing of NFTs. The value here is derived from the return on NFTs, return on workshops, return on courses, return on learning circles, and the revenue through staking NFTs/licensing creations.

Operating System: The efficient operation of the SAO and the completion of projects. The value here is derived from the number of processes set up and executed, the number of projects completed, and the rate of project closure and efficiency.

Risk Areas:

Adjust for Operating Efficiency: The valuation is then adjusted based on metrics from the Operating System. For example, a higher Project Closure Rate or Project Efficiency Rate might increase the valuation, as it suggests the SAO is more effective at completing projects.

Risk assessment for a SAO can be complex and multi-faceted, just like traditional company risk assessment, and it would involve a wide array of factors. However, here's a basic outline of how you might approach it using the parameters and ratios provided by DAOcommons:

Operational Risk: This can be gauged using metrics from the Operating System, such as the Project Closure Rate and the Project Efficiency Rate. Lower rates might suggest a higher operational risk. Mathematically, you could use the inverse of these rates as a measure of operational risk, i.e., Operational Risk = 1 / (Project Closure Rate * Project Efficiency Rate).

Market Risk: The risk that the overall market for quantum computing or SAOs could decline or not grow as expected.

Regulatory Risk: The risk that changes in laws and regulations will materially impact a security, business, sector, or market.

Reputational Risk: The risk of loss resulting from damages to a firm's reputation, in lost revenue; increased operating, capital, or regulatory costs; or destruction of shareholder value.

Risk Mitigation Strategies:

LabourBonds: These bonds act as a risk mitigation tool by ensuring that the members of the SAO are invested in its success. They provide a form of "skin in the game" and align the interests of the members with those of the SAO.

Wellbeing Protocol: By focusing on the wellbeing of individual members, the SAO ensures that its most valuable assets - its people - are healthy and productive. This reduces the risk of burnout and turnover, which can disrupt operations and lead to loss of value.

Value-Adjusted Bonding Curve: This mechanism ensures that the SAO's valuation is closely tied to its actual value creation, reducing the risk of overvaluation or undervaluation. It also allows the SAO to function as an Automated Market Maker, providing liquidity and reducing market risk.

Open and Transparent Governance: By allowing all members to participate in decision-making, the SAO reduces the risk of poor decisions or misalignment between the SAO and its members. This also helps to build trust and protect the SAO's reputation.

Compliance with Regulations: The SAO is committed to complying with all relevant laws and regulations, reducing regulatory risk. This includes classifying its token as a security token in accordance with the Howey Test.

Diversified Revenue Streams: The SAO generates revenue from a variety of sources, reducing the risk that a decline in one area will severely impact its overall financial health

Please note that this is a draft model and there are a lot of complexities and uncertainties involved. The actual value of a SAO could be influenced by many other factors not captured in this model, including the value of the SAO's brand, the strength of its community, the potential for future growth and innovation, and more.

Financial Model:

Risk Adjusted & Discounted Value Flow - RA-DVF

the concept of Risk-Adjusted Cash Flows is a well-known concept in finance, often used in the context of project evaluation and capital budgeting. It was popularized by Aswath Damodaran, a professor of finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University.

The idea behind Risk-Adjusted Cash Flows is to adjust the expected cash flows of a project or investment for their riskiness. This is done by applying a risk adjustment factor to the expected cash flows. The risk adjustment factor can be derived from the riskiness of the project or investment, often measured by its volatility or standard deviation.

In the context of Quantum Computing India SAO, we can adapt this concept to create Risk-Adjusted Value Flows. Instead of cash flows, we consider the value flows generated by the SAO. These value flows can be adjusted for their riskiness using a risk adjustment factor.

Let's denote:

V(t) as the expected total value flow at time t, which can be calculated based on the SAO health ratios and the LabourBonds.

R(t) as the risk adjustment factor at time t, which can be derived from the riskiness of the SAO.

r as the discount rate, which reflects the time value of money.

The present value PV of the future risk-adjusted value flows can then be calculated as follows:

PV = ∑ ((V(t) * R(t)) / (1 + r)^t) for t = 1 to T

This formula sums up the discounted risk-adjusted value flows over the time horizon T. Each value flow V(t) is adjusted for risk using the factor R(t), and then discounted back to the present value using the factor (1 + r)^t.

Discount Rate:

The discount rate is a crucial component in any present value calculation, as it represents the time value of money. Essentially, it's a rate of return that could be earned on an investment in the financial markets with similar risk. The discount rate takes into account the riskiness of the future cash flows, and the principle that money available now is worth more than the same amount of money in the future.

In the context of a SAO like Quantum Computing India, the discount rate could be thought of as the required rate of return for an investor considering investing in the SAO. This rate would need to be high enough to compensate the investor for the risk they are taking on by investing in the SAO, as opposed to investing in a less risky asset.

The exact value of the discount rate can be difficult to determine and is often a subject of debate. It could be based on the rates of return of similar investments, or it could be set by the SAO's governance process. It's also important to note that the discount rate is typically higher for riskier investments, reflecting the higher potential returns required by investors to take on more risk.

In the context of the Risk-Adjusted Value Flows model, the discount rate would be used to discount the future risk-adjusted value flows back to their present value. This allows the SAO to calculate its present value based on its expected future value creation, adjusted for risk and the time value of money.

Based on general knowledge and industry standards, early-stage tech startups often use a discount rate in the range of 30% to 50%. This reflects the high level of risk associated with these ventures.

For Quantum Computing India SAO, considering it's a unique blend of a tech startup in the emerging field of quantum computing and a SAO in the nascent Web3 space, a discount rate towards the higher end of this range could be justified. Therefore, we could consider a discount rate of 50%.

This rate reflects the high risk and high potential reward scenario of Quantum Computing India SAO. It's important to note that this rate is just an estimate and the actual rate could be different based on a more detailed risk assessment and market analysis.

Current Valuation Sheet :

10. Token value & Risk Adjusted Value Fed Bonding Curves and Quantum Computing India as an Automated Market Maker

The QCI Token: Everything we have been building up till now is to provide meat or value to the token. Think of QCi token as a share of a publicly traded company. Just that setting up a public company in the initial stages will be difficult and time consuming so we will use decentralised exchanges to list the token and QCI - SAO will become an Automated Market Maker. Don’t worry we will cover each of these in the next few pages.

QCI Token and the Howey Test

The Howey Test is a test created by the Supreme Court of the US for determining whether certain transactions qualify as "investment contracts." If so, then under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, those transactions are considered securities and subject to certain disclosure and registration requirements.

A transaction is an investment contract if:

The QCI token satisfies all these criteria:

Investment of Money: Acquiring QCI tokens involves an investment of money. However, it's important to note that not only monetary contributions but also contributions of value, such as time, effort, and resources, are considered an investment.

Expectation of Profits: QCI token holders have an expectation of profits. The value of QCI tokens is expected to increase as the Quantum Computing India SAO grows and succeeds, and token holders may profit from selling their tokens at a higher price.

Common Enterprise: The Quantum Computing India SAO is a common enterprise. All QCI token holders are part of the SAO and share in its success or failure.

Profits from the Efforts of Others: The profits of QCI token holders depend significantly on the efforts of the founding team and other members of the SAO. The team's work in managing the SAO, implementing its protocols, and driving its growth directly influences the value of QCI tokens.

Therefore, the QCI token is considered a security token under U.S. law. As such, it is subject to the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Quantum Computing India SAO is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and ensuring the legal and transparent operation of its token economy.

The allocation of tokens in a SAO is a critical aspect of its design, as it determines who has control over the SAO and who benefits from its success. Here is a potential breakdown for the token allocation in Quantum Computing India SAO:

Step 1: Current Valuation which was the output of the last stage, The QCI Valuation.

Step 2: Total Token Supply

Next, we need to determine the total supply of tokens. This could be a fixed number, or it could be a function of the SAO's valuation and other factors. For simplicity, let's assume a fixed total supply of 10 million tokens.

Step 3: Token Price

With a total valuation of $3 million and a total supply of 10 million tokens, the initial price per token would be:

Price per Token = Total Valuation / Total Token Supply = $3,000,000 / 10,000,000 = $0.30

Step 4: Risk Adjusted Value fed Bonding Curve

To become an Automated Market Maker (AMM), the SAO would implement a value-adjusted bonding curve. This is a smart contract that automatically adjusts the price of the token based on supply and demand.

The exact shape of the bonding curve would depend on the specifics of the SAO and its valuation. However, it would generally be designed to increase the price as the supply of tokens decreases (and demand increases), and decrease the price as the supply increases (and demand decreases).

This mechanism ensures that the price of the token is always aligned with the underlying value of the SAO, and it allows the SAO to automatically adjust to changes in market conditions.

Step 5: Vesting Schedule

Finally, a vesting schedule is established to gradually release tokens to stakeholders over time. This helps to align the long-term interests of stakeholders with those of the SAO.

Founding Team: The founding team could have a vesting period of 4 years, with a 1-year cliff. This means that they would start receiving their tokens after 1 year, and then gradually over the next 3 years. This is a common practice in many organizations to ensure that the founding team is committed to the long-term success of the project.

Advisors: Advisors could have a vesting period of 2 years, with tokens being released every 6 months. This would ensure that they remain engaged with the SAO for a significant period of time.

Community Members: Community members could receive their tokens immediately upon earning them. However, to encourage long-term participation, there could be a mechanism where a certain percentage of the tokens are locked for a period of time (say, 1 year).

Investors: Investors could have a vesting period of 3 years, with tokens being released on a quarterly basis. This would align the interests of the investors with the long-term success of the SAO.

Treasury: The tokens allocated to the treasury could be locked for a period of 1 year to provide stability to the token supply. After that, they could be used for various purposes such as funding community initiatives, providing liquidity, etc.

Liquidity Pool: The tokens allocated to the liquidity pool could be locked for a period of 1 year to ensure a stable and healthy market for the tokens. After that, they could be gradually released into the market.

This process provides a rigorous, mathematically sound approach to token allocation and pricing for the Quantum Computing India SAO. It ensures that the value of the token is aligned with the underlying value of the SAO, and it provides a mechanism for the SAO to become an Automated Market Maker.

12. What Next?

The Quantum Computing India SAO is not just another crypto project. It is a pioneering initiative that stands at the intersection of quantum computing and decentralized governance, aiming to revolutionize both fields.

By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, the SAO fosters a vibrant, self-sustaining ecosystem that rewards contribution, promotes wellbeing, and drives innovation in quantum computing. It implements unique protocols for value capture, wellbeing, and skill development, and innovatively generates revenue and operates systems, creating a thriving community that is unlike any other in the crypto space.

The potential impact of the Quantum Computing India SAO extends far beyond its structures and mechanisms. It lies in the collective intelligence, creativity, and passion of its community members. It lies in the breakthroughs in quantum computing that this community can achieve. And it lies in the positive impact that these breakthroughs can have on society.

We believe that the Quantum Computing India SAO represents a new paradigm for community organization and value creation. It is a model that could be replicated in other fields and industries, potentially transforming the way we work, learn, and collaborate.

But the true potential of the Quantum Computing India SAO can only be realized with your participation. We invite you to join us in this exciting journey. If you're interested in becoming a part of our community, start by completing the quest at If you're considering investing in the OpenProject or the QCI SAO, schedule a call at

Together, we can shape the future of quantum computing. Join us, and let's make a quantum leap forward. This is not just a call to join a project, but an invitation to be part of a revolution.

FAQs: [Investor Guide]

Risk Mitigation:

While the whitepaper discusses risk mitigation strategies such as LabourBonds and the Wellbeing Protocol, how effective are these strategies in practice? What evidence or data do we have to support their effectiveness?

The risk mitigation strategies employed by Quantum Computing India SAO, namely LabourBonds and the Wellbeing Protocol, are designed with the inherent risks of a SAO in mind.

LabourBonds: The concept of LabourBonds is not entirely new. It's akin to the idea of "sweat equity" in traditional startups, where early contributors are rewarded with equity for their time and effort, even before the startup generates any revenue. In the context of a SAO, LabourBonds serve a similar purpose. They provide a mechanism to reward early contributors for their work, thereby incentivizing them to contribute to the SAO's success. This not only helps to attract and retain talented individuals but also aligns their interests with the long-term success of the SAO. While it's a novel concept in the SAO space, the underlying principle has been proven effective in numerous successful startups.

Wellbeing Protocol: The Wellbeing Protocol is a unique approach to ensuring the wellbeing of SAO members. It's based on the understanding that the success of a SAO is closely tied to the wellbeing of its members. By incentivizing members to improve their wellbeing across multiple dimensions (physiology, emotions, feelings, thoughts, habits, and performance), the protocol aims to create a virtuous cycle where improved wellbeing leads to increased productivity and contribution to the SAO, which in turn leads to greater rewards for the members. While the effectiveness of the Wellbeing Protocol will be measured and refined over time, the underlying principle is supported by a wealth of research showing that improved wellbeing leads to increased productivity.

In terms of evidence, as the SAO is in its early stages, we are in the process of gathering data to validate these strategies. However, we are confident in their effectiveness based on the soundness of the underlying principles and the positive feedback we have received from our community members.

Valuation Methodology:

The valuation methodology is based on a novel concept of Risk-Adjusted Value Flows. How robust is this methodology? How does it compare to traditional valuation methods?

The Risk-Adjusted Value Flows methodology is a novel approach designed specifically for the unique characteristics of a Sustainable Autonomous Organization (SAO) like Quantum Computing India. It is robust in the sense that it takes into account the various sources of value in an SAO, adjusts them for risk, and discounts them to their present value.

Past Stories or Analogies: Traditional valuation methods, such as Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), are designed for traditional businesses that generate cash flows. However, an SAO like Quantum Computing India operates on a different model. It does generate cash flows through events, fellowships, courses, and potentially jobs/projects in the future. But it also generates value through the contributions of its members, the creation of intellectual property, and the growth of its community. The Risk-Adjusted Value Flows methodology is an adaptation of the DCF method that takes these unique value sources into account. It's akin to how the venture capital industry uses methods like the Venture Capital Method or the First Chicago Method to value startups that have a mix of traditional and non-traditional value sources.

Pure Logic: The Risk-Adjusted Value Flows methodology is logical in the context of an SAO. It recognizes that the value of an SAO comes not just from its cash flows, but also from its community members, their skills, and their contributions. It also recognizes that these value sources carry risks, which need to be adjusted for. Finally, it recognizes that the value generated in the future needs to be discounted to its present value, taking into account the time value of money and the riskiness of future value flows. While it's a novel methodology, it is based on sound financial principles and is tailored to the unique characteristics of an SAO.

In terms of comparison to traditional valuation methods, the Risk-Adjusted Value Flows methodology provides a more accurate and relevant valuation for an SAO. Traditional methods may not fully capture the value sources and risks inherent in an SAO, and therefore may not provide an accurate valuation.

Difference between Traditaionl Org and a SAO?

In traditional organizations, human resources are often viewed as costs to be minimized. In contrast, SAOs view community members as valuable investments that can generate significant returns over time. This perspective is reflected in the concept of LabourBonds.

Past Stories or Analogies: Consider the difference between a traditional factory and a community garden. In a factory, workers are resources that are used to produce goods. The goal is often to get the most output from the least amount of input, which can lead to a focus on minimizing labor costs. In a community garden, on the other hand, each gardener is an investment. The time, effort, and care they put into the garden can lead to a bountiful harvest that benefits everyone. The garden thrives when each gardener is thriving. Similarly, an SAO thrives when its community members are thriving.

Pure Logic: The LabourBonds concept is a logical extension of the SAO's view of community members as investments. By logging their time and contributions, community members earn LabourBonds that represent a claim on the future value of the SAO. This aligns the interests of the community members with the success of the SAO, and incentivizes them to contribute their best efforts. It also provides a mechanism for the SAO to recognize and reward the value created by its community members, which can lead to a more engaged and motivated community.

Token Allocation:

The token allocation plan assigns a significant portion of tokens to the founding team and advisors. How can investors be assured that this will not lead to a concentration of power or potential manipulation?

ast Stories or Analogies: Consider the early days of a startup. The founding team and advisors often hold a significant portion of the company's equity. This is not seen as a concentration of power, but rather as a necessary incentive to attract and retain the talent needed to build the company. Over time, as the company grows and brings in more investors and employees, the equity gets diluted and the power gets distributed more widely. The same principle applies to the token allocation in QCI-SAO. The founding team has been working together since 2019, building value and laying the groundwork for the SAO. The initial allocation to the founding team and advisors is a recognition of their past efforts and an incentive for their continued commitment.

Pure Logic: The token allocation plan of QCI-SAO is designed with checks and balances to prevent concentration of power or potential manipulation. First, the tokens allocated to the founding team and advisors are subject to a vesting schedule. This means that they cannot sell all their tokens at once, which reduces the risk of manipulation. Second, the SAO operates on the principle of decentralized governance. Major decisions require consensus among token holders, which prevents any single party from having undue influence. Finally, the transparency and immutability of blockchain technology provide an additional layer of security. All token transactions are publicly visible and cannot be altered, which makes any attempt at manipulation easily detectable. The fact that the founding team has been together since 2019 and has been consistently contributing to the community further reduces the risk of power concentration or manipulation.

Revenue Generation:

The whitepaper discusses various revenue streams, but how reliable are these streams? What is the track record so far? What are the projections for future revenue?

Based on the information provided in the Investment Deck, Quantum Computing India (QCI) has already generated revenue through various channels such as events, fellowships, and courses. The deck also provides a detailed breakdown of the revenue channels, including projects, courses, community subscriptions, jobs, workshops, tools affiliate marketing, consulting, hackathons, validation of work, sponsorships, fellowships, and conferences & events.

In terms of traction, QCI has shown significant growth in various metrics such as the number of job offers, graduates from fellowships, and community revenue. The community has also seen growth in terms of public events, learning circles, apprenticeship batches, publications, and hackathons.

Given this track record, the revenue streams of QCI can be considered reliable. The future projections for revenue would depend on the continued growth and success of these channels. The risk-adjusted value flows methodology takes into account these revenue streams and adjusts them for their riskiness, providing a robust and comprehensive approach to valuation.

As for the future, QCI has a detailed roadmap for the next 12 months, which includes community/DAO relaunch, international conference, project kickoff, hackathons, pre-seed closure, seed round raise, and DAO token launch. These planned activities are expected to further boost the revenue and value of QCI.

In conclusion, the revenue generation strategies of QCI are grounded in its community activities and educational initiatives, which have already shown promising results. The risk-adjusted value flows methodology provides a robust framework for valuation, taking into account the various revenue streams and their associated risks. This approach, combined with the planned activities and growth strategies, positions QCI for a sustainable and successful future.

Governance: How does the SAO ensure fair and effective governance? How are decisions made and conflicts resolved within the SAO?

Quantum Computing India (QCI) SAO ensures fair and effective governance through its OpenSkillSystem, which is a decentralized and meritocratic system. The OpenSkillSystem is designed to recognize and reward skills, and it determines the skill levels of community members and their base per hour rate. This system ensures that the power within the SAO is distributed based on merit and contribution, rather than being concentrated in the hands of a few.

In terms of decision-making, the SAO operates on a principle of open voting. Decisions within skill levels are open to all, and people can vote on decisions within the same skill level or lesser if invited. This ensures that all members have a say in the decisions that affect them, and it fosters a sense of ownership and participation among the community members.

Conflict resolution within the SAO is handled through a democratic process. If a conflict arises, it can be brought to the attention of the community, and a vote can be held to decide on the best course of action. This ensures that conflicts are resolved in a fair and transparent manner, with the best interests of the community in mind.

An analogy to understand this would be a well-functioning democracy. Just like in a democracy where citizens have the right to vote and voice their opinions, in QCI SAO, community members have the right to participate in decision-making processes and voice their concerns. The OpenSkillSystem ensures that those who contribute more to the community have a greater say in its governance, similar to how experienced politicians often have more influence in a democratic government.

In conclusion, the governance model of QCI SAO is designed to be fair, transparent, and inclusive. It ensures that power is distributed based on merit and contribution, and it provides mechanisms for open decision-making and conflict resolution. This model fosters a sense of ownership and participation among the community members, which is key to the success and sustainability of the SAO.

Regulatory Compliance: Given the evolving regulatory landscape for SAOs and cryptocurrencies, how does Quantum Computing India SAO plan to ensure compliance with regulations in different jurisdictions?

Quantum Computing India (QCI) SAO is acutely aware of the evolving regulatory landscape for DAOs and cryptocurrencies, and is committed to ensuring compliance with regulations in all jurisdictions where it operates.

Firstly, QCI SAO considers its token as a security as per the Howey's Test. This is a significant step towards regulatory compliance, as it means that the SAO is subject to the same regulations as traditional securities, including disclosure requirements, registration requirements, and anti-fraud provisions. This approach is in contrast to many other DAOs and cryptocurrencies, which often try to avoid being classified as securities.

Secondly, QCI SAO provides a high level of financial transparency, offering more financial metrics than a traditional company that would go public as per SEC or SEBI guidelines. These metrics include the DAO health ratios, which provide a comprehensive view of the SAO's financial health and performance. This level of transparency not only helps to ensure regulatory compliance, but also builds trust with investors and community members.

Thirdly, the activities and worklogs of the QCI SAO community are transparent and open for everyone to see. This transparency extends to all aspects of the SAO's operations, from decision-making processes to conflict resolution mechanisms. This level of transparency is often lacking in traditional companies, and it helps to ensure accountability and good governance within the SAO.

To ensure ongoing regulatory compliance, QCI SAO will continue to monitor the regulatory landscape and adapt its practices as necessary. It will also seek legal advice as needed, and will work closely with regulators to ensure that it is meeting all of its compliance obligations.

An analogy to understand this would be a company that is going public. Just like such a company would need to comply with various regulations and provide a high level of transparency, QCI SAO is doing the same. The difference is that QCI SAO is doing this in the context of a decentralized autonomous organization, which presents its own unique challenges and opportunities.

In conclusion, QCI SAO is committed to regulatory compliance and is taking proactive steps to ensure that it meets all of its compliance obligations. This commitment is reflected in its approach to token classification, financial transparency, and community transparency.

Technology Risk: Quantum computing is a rapidly evolving field. How does the SAO plan to stay at the forefront of technological advancements and maintain its competitive edge?

Quantum Computing India (QCI) SAO is well-positioned to stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the field of quantum computing, thanks to its innovative OpenSkillSystem.

The OpenSkillSystem is a dynamic and adaptive framework that allows QCI SAO to continuously update and refine its skill levels and tools to keep pace with the rapidly evolving quantum computing landscape. This system is evaluated on a monthly basis by highly skilled members of the community, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and relevant.

In fact, QCI SAO is not just keeping pace with the industry - it is setting the roadmap. By defining and refining the skill levels within the OpenSkillSystem, QCI SAO is effectively shaping the standards and benchmarks for skills in the quantum computing field. This leadership position gives QCI SAO a significant competitive edge.

An analogy to understand this would be a tech company that invests heavily in research and development to stay ahead of the competition. Just like such a company would continuously innovate and update its products to keep them relevant, QCI SAO is continuously updating its OpenSkillSystem to keep it at the cutting edge of quantum computing skills.

In conclusion, QCI SAO is well-equipped to manage the technology risk associated with the rapidly evolving field of quantum computing. Its OpenSkillSystem provides a robust and flexible framework for staying at the forefront of technological advancements, and its leadership position in defining skill levels gives it a significant competitive edge.

Community Engagement: The success of a SAO largely depends on the active participation of its members. How does Quantum Computing India SAO plan to attract and retain a vibrant community?


Past Stories: Quantum Computing India (QCI) has been successful in building and maintaining a vibrant community since its inception in 2019. The community has grown organically through various initiatives such as public events, learning circles, apprenticeship batches, hackathons, and publications. For instance, QCI has hosted 44 public events, 12 learning circles, 3 apprenticeship batches, and 2 hackathons, which have attracted a large number of participants and fostered a sense of community. The community has also produced 12 publications, which have contributed to the collective knowledge and reputation of QCI.

Pure Logic: QCI plans to attract and retain a vibrant community by providing value to its members in multiple ways. Firstly, through the Open Skill System, QCI offers a platform for members to learn, develop their skills, and gain recognition for their expertise. This not only attracts individuals interested in quantum computing but also motivates them to stay engaged with the community. Secondly, through the Growth System, QCI provides opportunities for members to work on real-world projects and earn revenue. This creates a strong incentive for members to actively participate in the community. Lastly, through the Operating System, QCI ensures fair and effective governance, which fosters trust and encourages members to contribute to the community's decision-making process.

In addition, QCI has a robust plan for community engagement and growth, as outlined in its roadmap. The roadmap includes initiatives such as the relaunch of the community/DAO, international conferences, and hackathons, which are expected to attract new members and keep the existing members engaged.

Moreover, QCI's tokenomics model also plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining a vibrant community. The model is designed to reward active participation and contribution to the community, thereby encouraging members to stay engaged.

In conclusion, QCI's approach to community engagement is multi-faceted and well-thought-out, which makes it well-positioned to attract and retain a vibrant community.

Tokenomics: The whitepaper discusses the use of a Value-Adjusted Bonding Curve for token pricing. How does this mechanism work in practice? How does it ensure a fair and stable token price?


Past Stories: The concept of Value-Adjusted Bonding Curves has been successfully implemented in various DeFi projects. For instance, Bancor, a decentralized liquidity protocol, uses a similar mechanism to maintain a balance between the supply and demand of its tokens. This has resulted in a fair and stable token price, despite the volatile nature of the crypto market.

Pure Logic: The Value-Adjusted Bonding Curve mechanism works by adjusting the price of tokens based on the total value locked in the SAO. The curve is designed in such a way that as more value is locked in the SAO, the price of tokens increases, and vice versa. This ensures that the token price is always aligned with the actual value of the SAO, thereby preventing overvaluation or undervaluation.

In practice, the Value-Adjusted Bonding Curve mechanism works as follows: When a member wants to buy tokens, they can do so at a price determined by the current point on the bonding curve. The funds they pay are locked in the SAO, which increases the total value locked and moves the point on the bonding curve upwards, resulting in a higher token price. Conversely, when a member wants to sell tokens, they can do so at the current price on the bonding curve. The tokens they sell are burned, which decreases the total value locked and moves the point on the bonding curve downwards, resulting in a lower token price.

The Value-Adjusted Bonding Curve mechanism ensures a fair and stable token price by dynamically adjusting the price based on the total value locked in the SAO. This prevents sudden price fluctuations and provides a stable environment for members to buy and sell tokens. Furthermore, by aligning the token price with the actual value of the SAO, the mechanism ensures that the tokens are always fairly priced.

In conclusion, the Value-Adjusted Bonding Curve is a robust mechanism that ensures a fair and stable token price, thereby protecting the interests of the members and contributing to the sustainability of the Quantum Computing India SAO.

Discount Rate: The discount rate used in the valuation is quite high at 50%. How was this rate determined? Could a lower rate be justified?


Past Stories: The discount rate is a critical factor in any valuation model. It represents the risk associated with the future cash flows or, in our case, value flows. In the world of startups and especially in the crypto space, the risk is usually high due to the uncertain and rapidly evolving nature of the industry. For instance, venture capitalists often use a high discount rate when valuing startups to account for the high risk. Similarly, in the crypto space, projects like Ethereum and Bitcoin have seen significant volatility, justifying a high discount rate.

Pure Logic: The discount rate of 50% was determined based on a thorough analysis of the risks associated with the Quantum Computing India SAO. These risks include the technological risk of quantum computing, the regulatory risk associated with DAOs and cryptocurrencies, and the operational risk of managing a decentralized organization. Each of these risks contributes to the overall risk profile of the SAO, which is reflected in the discount rate.

Could a lower rate be justified? It's possible, but it would require a significant reduction in the risks associated with the SAO. For instance, if the regulatory landscape for DAOs becomes more clear and favorable, or if quantum computing technology matures and becomes more widely adopted, these could justify a lower discount rate. However, as of now, given the current state of affairs, a discount rate of 50% is deemed appropriate.

It's important to note that the discount rate is not set in stone. It will be reviewed and adjusted periodically to reflect the changing risk profile of the SAO. This ensures that our valuation remains accurate and fair at all times.

How is Labour Equity different from traditional Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs)?

Labour Equity in our DAO is designed to be more decentralized, accessible, and potentially more liquid than traditional ESOPs. It's distributed to community members based on their contributions, not their employment status. If our tokens are publicly traded, Labour Equity could potentially be sold or traded more easily than traditional stock options.

How is the value of Labour Equity determined?

The value of Labour Equity could be determined by market forces if the tokens are publicly traded. This could make the value more transparent and potentially more volatile. In contrast, the value of stock options in an ESOP is usually based on the company's private valuation, and the exercise price is set in advance.

How does the legal and regulatory framework for Labour Equity compare to ESOPs?

ESOPs operate within a well-established legal and regulatory framework. The legal status of Labour Equity in a DAO is less clear, and could vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific design of the DAO. We are committed to operating within all applicable laws and regulations, and we will provide updates to our community as the legal landscape evolves.

Who can earn Labour Equity in the DAO?

Labour Equity in our DAO could potentially be more accessible and inclusive than ESOPs. Anyone who contributes to the DAO could earn Labour Equity, regardless of their location, employment status, or other factors. In contrast, ESOPs are usually limited to employees of the company.

Is Labour Equity subject to a vesting schedule like ESOPs?

The terms of Labour Equity, including any vesting schedule or other restrictions, will be determined by the DAO's governance process. We aim to design our Labour Equity program to align the incentives of all community members with the long-term success of the DAO.

FAQs: [Community Member’s Guide]

Difference between a SAO - a sustainable autonomous organisation and a DAO.

A Sustainable Autonomous Organization (SAO) and a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) are similar in many ways, but there are subtle differences in their focus and objectives.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): A DAO is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members, and not influenced by a central government. DAOs are a form of global business where company bylaws are replaced by smart contracts. The primary focus of a DAO is on the decentralization of authority and decision-making.

Sustainable Autonomous Organization (SAO): An SAO, like a DAO, is also an organization that operates autonomously through encoded rules and is controlled by its members. However, the term "sustainable" indicates an additional focus on long-term viability and resilience. This could involve financial sustainability, environmental sustainability, or other forms of sustainability depending on the context. The term "sustainable" does not necessarily imply any difference in the level of decentralization compared to a DAO.

Can autonomoy exist without decentralisation ?

As for your question about autonomy and decentralization, they are related but not the same. Autonomy refers to the ability of an entity to govern itself or manage its own affairs. Decentralization, on the other hand, refers to the distribution of authority, decision-making, or other functions away from a central location or authority.

In theory, autonomy can exist without decentralization. For example, an autonomous vehicle can operate independently without human intervention, but this doesn't mean that its control systems are decentralized. However, in the context of organizations like DAOs and SAOs, autonomy is often achieved through decentralization. By distributing authority and decision-making throughout the organization, each member can operate autonomously while still contributing to the collective decision-making process.

What is a SAO and how is it different from a traditional organization?

A SAO, or Sustainable Autonomous Organization, is a type of organization that is run by smart contracts on a blockchain. Unlike traditional organizations, SAOs are decentralized and democratic, meaning that decisions are made collectively by the members of the organization. In the case of Quantum Computing India SAO, it also focuses on sustainability and the well-being of its members.

What are LabourBonds and how do they work?

LabourBonds are a unique feature of Quantum Computing India SAO. They represent the future work commitment of a member and are used to align the interests of the member with the SAO. When a member commits to work for the SAO, they receive LabourBonds which can be redeemed for QCI tokens in the future.

What is the Value-Adjusted Bonding Curve and how does it affect the price of QCI tokens?

The Value-Adjusted Bonding Curve is a mechanism used to determine the price of QCI tokens. It adjusts the price based on the total value generated by the SAO, ensuring a fair and stable token price. The more value the SAO generates, the higher the price of QCI tokens.

How can I earn QCI tokens?

There are several ways to earn QCI tokens. You can earn them by contributing to the SAO, such as by learning, performing tasks, or building the community. You can also earn tokens by staking your LabourBonds.

How does the SAO ensure fair decision-making?

The SAO uses a system called the OpenSkillSystem to ensure fair decision-making. This system allows all members to participate in decisions within their skill level or lesser. This means that decisions are made collectively by the members, ensuring fairness and inclusivity.

What are the benefits of being a member of the Quantum Computing India SAO?

As a member of the SAO, you can learn and grow in the field of quantum computing, earn QCI tokens for your contributions, participate in decision-making, and be part of a vibrant and supportive community. The SAO also focuses on the well-being of its members, ensuring a sustainable and fulfilling experience.

How does the SAO plan to stay at the forefront of quantum computing advancements?

The SAO uses the OpenSkillingSystem to stay updated with the latest advancements in quantum computing. This system evaluates and updates the skill levels and tools every month, ensuring that the SAO and its members are always at the cutting edge of technology.

What are the risks involved in participating in the SAO and how are they mitigated?

Like any organization, the SAO has its risks, such as technology risk, governance risk, and regulatory risk. However, the SAO has several risk mitigation strategies in place, such as the LabourBonds, the Wellbeing Protocol, and the OpenSkillSystem, which help to minimize these risks.

Glossary of Terms

Sustainable Autonomous Organisation (SAO): An organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members, and not influenced by a central government.

The Internet of Value's Open Protocol Stack: A global initiative that aims to build an equitable economic system through the development of open protocols.

Value Capture Protocol: A protocol designed to capture and measure the value created by community members as they contribute to open projects.

Wellbeing Protocol: A protocol designed to promote the wellbeing of community members and incentivize virtuous behavior.

Skill Development System: A system that recognizes and rewards the skills of its members, fostering a culture of continuous learning.

Revenue Generation System: A system that encompasses a diverse range of revenue streams to generate revenue and ensure the financial sustainability of the SAO.

Operating System: A system that provides a framework for decision-making within the SAO and manages its operations.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT): A type of digital asset that represents a wide range of unique tangible and intangible items, from collectible sports cards to virtual real estate and even digital sneakers.

Proof of Work (PoW): A piece of data which is difficult (costly, time-consuming) to produce but easy for others to verify and which satisfies certain requirements. In the context of this document, it refers to evidence of the work performed by community members.

Tokenomics: The study of the economic systems that drive the cryptocurrency market. It involves the study of various economic policies that manage the various aspects of a token to ensure its stability, growth, and overall economic sustainability.

Discount Rate: In finance, the discount rate is the interest rate used in discounted cash flow analysis to determine the present value of future cash flows. In the context of this document, it refers to the rate used in the valuation of the SAO.

Decentralised Storage: A method of storing data across multiple nodes or computers, each of which has a fraction of the data. This is in contrast to traditional, centralized storage systems where all data is stored in one place, such as a server or a data center.

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): A protocol and network designed to create a content-addressable, peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing hypermedia in a distributed file system.

Blockchain: A system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): An organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members, and not influenced by a central government. DAOs are a form of global business where company bylaws are replaced by smart contracts.

Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. They automatically execute transactions when certain conditions are met, eliminating the need for a trusted third party.

Cryptocurrency: A digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security. It's decentralized and operates on technology called blockchain.

Blockchain: A digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly.

Token: In the context of blockchain and cryptocurrency, a token is a type of cryptocurrency that represents an asset or a utility.

Staking: The process of actively participating in transaction validation (similar to mining) on a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain. Cryptocurrency holders can earn rewards for staking their holdings.

Proof of Stake (PoS): A type of consensus algorithm by which a cryptocurrency blockchain network aims to achieve distributed consensus. In PoS-based cryptocurrencies, the creator of the next block is chosen via various combinations of random selection and wealth or age (i.e., the stake).

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): A protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. IPFS uses content-addressing to uniquely identify each file in a global namespace connecting all computing devices.

Node: In the context of blockchain, a node is a computer that participates in the blockchain network. Each node keeps a copy of the digital ledger and sometimes processes transactions.

Governance: In the context of blockchain, governance refers to the mechanisms by which decisions are made within a blockchain ecosystem. It involves determining who can make decisions, how they can make them, and how to resolve disputes.

Bonding Curve: A mathematical curve that defines the relationship between the price and the supply of a token. Bonding curves are used in token models to predefine the price at which the protocol will buy back tokens or issue new ones.

Automated Market Maker (AMM): A type of decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol that relies on a mathematical formula to price assets. Instead of using an order book like a traditional exchange, assets are priced according to a pricing algorithm.

Liquidity: In the context of cryptocurrencies, liquidity refers to the ability to convert a cryptocurrency into cash or other forms of assets without affecting the market price.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): A blockchain-based form of finance that does not rely on central financial intermediaries such as brokerages, exchanges, or banks to offer traditional financial instruments, and instead utilizes smart contracts on blockchains.

Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to laws, regulations, guidelines, and specifications relevant to its business processes. In the context of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, it refers to following the rules set by regulatory bodies regarding the use, trading, and operations of cryptocurrencies.

Quantum Physics: The branch of physics dealing with the smallest particles of the universe, including their behavior and interaction.

Quantum Finance: A field of finance that applies quantum theory, particularly in complex financial calculations such as those involved in financial derivatives and portfolio optimization.

Learning Cohorts: A group of students who work together to achieve the same learning goals over a specific period.

Workshops: A meeting at which a group of peopleengage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project.

Community Subscriptions: A type of business model where members pay a recurring fee to access the content, services, or benefits provided by the community.

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Unique digital assets that use blockchain technology to establish proof of ownership. They can represent a wide range of tangible and intangible items, from collectible sports cards to virtual real estate.

Fellowships: In the context of this document, fellowships refer to financial grants given for the pursuit of specific activities or research.

Quantum Mechanics: A fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.

Decentralized: In the context of blockchain technology, it refers to the absence of a central authority or intermediary in the network.

Open Source: A type of software where the source code is released under a license where the copyright holder grants users the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P): A decentralized form of network architecture in which all parties have equal power and are equally capable of initiating communication sessions.

Consensus Mechanism: A process used in computer science to achieve agreement on a single data value among distributed processes or systems. Consensus mechanisms are essential to blockchain systems, they help to ensure all nodes in the network agree on the truth.

Proposal: In the context of this document, a proposal refers to a plan or suggestion put forward by members of the SAO for consideration or discussion by the community.

Synergy: The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

Governance Tokens: Tokens that give owners the right to vote on decisions concerning the protocol.

Decentralized Storage: A method of storing data across multiple nodes or computers, each of which has a fraction of the data. This is in contrast to traditional, centralized storage systems where all data is stored in one place, such as a server or a data center.

Quantum Computing: A type of computation that utilizes quantum mechanics to perform computational tasks. It is an area of study focused on the development of computer-based technologies centered around the principles of quantum theory.