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2022-2023 school compact english (1).docx
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Cox Elementary School

School-Parent Compact for Achievement

2022 - 2023

Revised Date: May 4, 2022

What is a School-Parent Compact?

A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade-level standards.

Effective compacts:

Jointly Developed

The parents, students, and staff of Cox Elementary School partnered together to develop this school-parent compact for achievement. Teachers suggested home learning strategies, parents added Input about the types of support they needed, and students told us what would help them learn. Parents are encouraged to attend annual revision meetings held each spring to review the compact and make suggestions based on student needs and school Improvement goals. Parents are also encouraged to participate in the annual Title I parent survey that is also used as a tool to collect parent feedback regarding the current Title I programs and policies.

To understand how working together can benefit your child. It Is first important to understand the district's and school's goals for student academic achievement.

Colquitt County School System Goals

Cox Elementary School Goals:

Our school will focus on the area of reading and math:

To help your child meet the district and school goals, the school, you, and your child will work together to:


In the classroom, teachers will:


At home, parents will:


As a student, I will:

Communication About Student Learning

Cox Elementary School is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about children’s learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:

Do you have questions about your child’s progress? Contact your child’s teacher by phone at (229).890-6190 Email addresses are the teacher first name.last

Activities to Build Partnerships:

Cox Elementary School offers ongoing events and programs to build partnerships with families.