Hey gals
Oh. hello
Cool web site
Im a fan
How do i chat
New favourite website? I think so
Wow, this place is definitely for luddites.
I might be writing to nobody… but that’s
Not everything is the fastest, the latest,
The greatest. In fact few things are. Almost none.
I hope someone else looking for a
Drop of relief in this hyper-fast
World finds it here
In weird font.
Badly formatted.
And perfectly honest.
D'INTERNET by john maradik
I get all my food there
my decorative Scandinavian rock
my job
dear jeez/jeeves
I can't sleep
I've got D'Internet
humans crawled from the sea
millions of years ago
up the muddy slope
into the chocolate pudding
looking for D'Internet
history was nothing but people
doing loud things
next to the woods
looking for a place to put D'Internet
staring at books for ages
expecting to see D'Internet
but books are ludicrously flat
their pages flap stupidly
their sad weight
those dumb ruins
all that dumb art
boredom burned like a fever
people just sat there
had long wars or
drooled into their hands
before D'Internet emerged
from the muck of things
a huge shining mirror
a deep well of water
people saw it and began to cry
Hellllllllo :)
i was here!
I just keep wanting to grab my skin off my hands and toss it over the side to you and when you catch it you put on my skin glove and think you look beautiful