Playing fortnite and killing Mason

On the weekend I played Fortnite with Mason and killed him 15 times.

First Me and Mason got into a 1v1 box fight map.Then we got our guns,I chose a shotgun and scar. A scar is a type of assault rifle that can only shoot eight times before it reloads.It also shoots really fast and does 36 damage per shot.

Next when the game started I ran up to Mason and hit him with my shotgun but he blocked it by building a wall.I decided to shoot the wall down with my scar and try to shoot him again with my shotgun, I got a headshot that took 200 heath from him therefore it caused him to die. Then we played more rounds.I won 15 times and he won about 3 or 5 times.

It was fun killing Mason and playing fortnite and I think I’m good at killing Mason, but I think I need to be nicer and let Mason get wins.