2081 Choice Menu:

Directions: Complete any 6 activities on this sheet.

Movie Review

 Submit a review of the movie through

this Google Doc

Dear Diary

Write a series of diary entries as if you were a character from the movie. Post this to your blog.

Add link(s) HERE.


Create a 10 song playlist related to  the 5 Ws and H of  the movie. Identify the 10 songs, writers and why you chose these songs.

Post this to your blog.

Add link(s) HERE.

Summarize and Hashtag

Summarize 2081 using 25 words and create 5 hashtags.

Post this to your blog.

Add link(s) HERE.

Select any 6 activities.

Some of them need to be posted to your blog and some need to be in your BCA folder.

About the Author

Create a Google Slide presentation about the author of the movie (text Harrison Bergeron)

Put this in your BCA folder.

Add link(s) HERE.

.PowerPoint or Google Slides

Create a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation on a driving topic from the movie.

Upload this to your BCA folder.

Add link(s) HERE.

Twitter or IG posts

Create a social media post conversation between two story characters. 6 posts total = 3 posts as character 1 and 3 posts as character 2.

Post this to your blog.

Add link(s) HERE.


Compose a Public Service

Announcement video about a driving topic from your story.

Upload this to your BCA folder.

Add link(s) HERE.


Create a Google doc web page about a driving topic or event from the movie. 

Upload this to your BCA folder.

Add link(s) HERE.

Meme it

Create 10 memes related to the 5 Ws and H of the movie. Use ImgFlip or Google slides.

Post this to your blog.

Add link(s) HERE

Character Map

Use this Google Draw Template and complete the Character Map on one of the main character’s in the story.

Add link HERE

Upload this to your BCA folder.

Add link(s) HERE.

Best Quote

Use Google Draw or Google Slides to write and illustrate one of your favorite quotes from the movie. Be sure to include the movie title, why you picked this quote.

Upload this to your BCA folder.

Add link(s) HERE.   .

VENN Diagram

Use this Venn Diagram Template to compare YOU and a character in the movie.

Upload this to your BCA folder.

Add link(s) HERE.