Dear Kemp Mill Families and Students,

Monday, April 22, 2024, is an asynchronous learning day for students. Students should receive physical copies of assignments from their classroom teachers that they are to work on at home this coming Monday. Just in case the students do not have a copy of the work, please see the grade level materials linked below. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s classroom teachers.

Queridas familias y estudiantes de Kemp Mill, El 22 de abril de 2024 es un día de aprendizaje asincrónico para los estudiantes. Los estudiantes deben recibir copias físicas de los maestros de su salón de clases que van a completar este lunes que viene. En caso de que los estudiantes no tengan una copia del trabajo, consulte los materiales de nivel de grado, vinculados a continuación. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con los maestros del salón de clases de su hijo.

Grade Level - Nivel

Student Work for April 22 -  Trabajo de estudiantes para el 22 de abril


The Pre-K office sent materials which Dr. Price will send out. Waiting for a copy.


susantivo 4.22.pdf 

Kindergarten ELA

1st Grade


2nd Grade

Work At Home Packet

3rd Grade

3rd Grade English Materials

3rd Grade ESPANOL

4th Grade

Math: Module 6 Lesson 4 Application and Problem Set


22 de abril Espanol

5th Grade

Math: Equip supporting content G

ELA: Spanish: Benchmark assessment getting pushed out on their chromebooks.

ELA English: English Assignment Group 1         English Assignment Group 2

Compacted Math 4/5

Math 4/5 April 22

Compacted Math 5/6

 Grade 6 Mod.4 Lesson 28


Pre-K/K/GR1 Artist's Choice Board

GR2 - GR 3 Artist's Choice Board

GR 4 - GR 5 Artist's Choice Board


 Elementary General Music: Elementary General Music Choice Boards


Students should engage in at least 25 minutes of physical activities inside or outside. This could include a sport, such as soccer, basketball, tennis, etc. Students can also go for a jog or play in the park.


Read a book for 20 minutes or more. You can access an amazing online library on the Sora app linked in your Clever.

Lea un libro durante 20 minutos o más. Puede acceder a una increíble biblioteca en línea en la aplicación Sora vinculada en su Clever. 

Together We Can!  iJuntos Podemos!

Dr. Bernard X. James, Sr.

Dr. Bernard X. James, Sr.
