(A close up of the Wrestleworld logo is shown as the camera begins to zoom out)

(The camera reveals it to be a bird’s eye view of the Wrestleworld ring as the camera continues to ascend)

(The sound of old school commentary of professional wrestling matches begins to play as the camera zooms out further to a shot of the Wrestleworld Arena)

“We have a new Champion crowned!”

“What an incredible night!”

“Two of the best athletes competing--”

(The camera continues to rise as it reveals all of the Wrestleworld location from above, as its speed grows faster)

“Don’t you dare change that dial!”

“He wins it! He wins it!”

“You have never seen professional wrestling quite like this ever before--”

(The camera leaves the surface of the Earth quickly as the World itself fills the “O” in the title “Wrestleworld” where the camera finally stops)

… A World of Its Own.

(A recap video package of Violent Delights briefly plays before suddenly cutting out)

(Dr. Erik Vance steps into frame of a pitch black room with the European Championship cradled in his arms)

Dr. Erik Vance: I get it. I truly do understand it.

(Vance looks at the European Championship before looking back up at the camera)

Dr. Erik Vance: We all want to believe in the good of the world. Not the evil. We want to have faith in humanity, even when we’ve seen the worst of it. Even Babayka has seen such a thing. He’s seen that even in humanity’s darkest moments filled with catastrophic failure, disaster, and death… That we can come together to help one another. That there is good in the world, just as there is evil. There is one issue though.

(Dr. Erik Vance looks up, as if looking towards the sky)

Dr. Erik Vance: Just look to the sky at night. Look at all of those stars occupying it. But more importantly, look at the darkness that surrounds the light of those stars. It’s much more vast, isn’t it? That darkness - that bleak, empty darkness - is so much bigger than all the bright stars up in the sky.

(Vance looks back at the camera)

Dr. Erik Vance: For all the good that comes of humanity - in the eyes of Babayka - there is thrice as much evil that caused it, or will ruin it. He witnessed humanity as its worst and humanity at its finest, and even as he saw people sacrifice their lives to work together for a greater good, it made no difference to him. It didn’t make one ounce of a difference to him as he watched them save the world, because HIS world had already been destroyed and there was no rebuilding it. There was no saving it. And this…

(Vance looks around before looking back at the camera)

Dr. Erik Vance: This Wrestleworld… To him, this is nothing short of a cheap replacement. But it is his all the same. Harry Sterling was a very bright piece of humanity. A man with genuine honor and respect. A man with a will unlike any other. And one that even Babayka felt a sense of admiration for. He was a brightly-lit star among the darkness of this world. But that’s all he was. No matter how bright he shone, it was never enough to battle that darkness. And he failed. Perhaps he will be back, but perhaps not. Perhaps he can one day illuminate the sky and take away this darkness, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up. All of this now simply begs the question… What’s next?

(Vance begins to smile)

Dr. Erik Vance: The monster at the end of the story wasn’t killed. So what comes next? Babayka has turned towards a bright star in the sky, and it wasn’t strong enough to liberate the European Championship. So perhaps he should turn towards something else… Perhaps a change in course is needed.

(Vance’s smile fades away as he continues)

Dr. Erik Vance: Tristan Killebrew. Christopher Sabertooth. You have both now been invited to be a part of something much greater than yourselves. An opportunity of a lifetime. A golden opportunity. And all you have to do is simply join me tonight. I won’t attempt to deter you, and neither will Babayka, because I know that, in the end, you will both show. That’s not a guess. It’s an inevitability.

(Dr. Erik Vance clutches at the European Championship as the camera slowly fades to complete darkness)

(The Wrestleworld intro plays; featuring “Finish Line” by SATV Music)

“I’m gonna light like fire”

(Harry Sterling is shown hitting Chloe Leuthard with the Rule Britannia)

“I’m comin’ down like rain”

(Claudia Michaels is shown watching from her balcony with a drink in hand)

“I’m gonna break down barriers”

(Jacob Senn is shown hitting Chad Kennedy with a Weapon X Stunner)

“I’m gonna play through the pain”

(Babayka is shown in darkness)

“I’m gonna rise like a phoenix”

(Tristan Killebrew is shown hopping 3 Ladders to hit Christopher Sabertooth with a Hurricanrana on the 4th Ladder)

“I’m gonna fight through the flame”

(Drake & Jones are shown laughing)

“The Devil won’t drag me down…”

(Arata Asakura is shown proudly holding up the Shogun Championship)

“‘Cause I’m done… I’m all done playing games”

(The camera cuts to Heavens Arena as pyro explodes all throughout it, capping off with one final explosion before the camera takes a moment to pan all around the arena; showing off the set-up of the stage, the ring, and the thousands of rabid fans in attendance as “Finish Line” continues to play in the background)

Felix Mosby: Violent Delights has come and gone, but now we witness the aftermath of it all here tonight as we head towards the end of 2019 and Violent ENDS!!! Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Chapter 4 of Wrestleworld from Heavens Arena!!!

(The camera cuts to Robbie V and Felix Mosby up in the Sky Booth)

Felix Mosby: I am STILL riding the high of Violent Delights after the absolutely incredible event that I can only describe with one word, and that is “EPIC”!

Robbie V: Are you from 2009 or something? I’m surprised you’re not calling it “lit” or “drippin” or whatever the hell else kids say now.

Felix Mosby: Well it doesn’t matter how we describe it as long as we can emphasize what a one of a kind event it was, and it was surely one that I will absolutely never forget! It certainly lived up to its name and then some with the absolutely brutal contests we witnessed on that very night, and some of the best wrestling you could ever hope to see, courtesy of Wrestleworld!

Robbie V: Yeah, but you could argue that it left us with more questions than answers. I’d like to point out that I am still absolutely disgusted and furious at the events that transpired with Brian Daniels in that Unsanctioned Match, and the last I checked, he is still critical condition and likely won’t be able to compete inside a ring again. Just disgusting what happened to him.

Felix Mosby: And I know it must be even more painful for you considering your friendship with him, Robbie, and my condolences to Brian Daniels and his family but it seems as though Jaywalker has decided tonight to name a new Shogun Architect due to all of that.

Robbie V: And that doesn’t even begin to--

(“Escape” by Rupert Holmes abruptly plays all throughout Heavens Arena)

Robbie V: Wait, what?

(Chad Kennedy makes his way through the LED doors of the stage, dressed in his usual attire with Kelsey by his side and an arrogant look on his face)

Felix Mosby: Well it looks as though we’re getting things tonight started off with none other than this man and his controversial “Casting Couch”!

(The camera cuts to the ring where the Casting Couch set is ready before cutting back to Chad and Kelsey making their way down the ramp while Chad dances to the beat of his own theme while also pointing to beautiful women in the audience)

Robbie V: I’m starting to think Chad might have short term memory or something. How hard did Senn drive his skull into the canvas at Violent Delights? Is he forgetting how his night went back at that show?

Felix Mosby: Well let’s take a look at how his night went!

(A replay shows highlights of the Senn and Chloe Leuthard match from Violent Delights; featuring Chad Kennedy getting himself involved in the match and ultimately costing it for Jacob Senn. Afterwards, Senn would hit Chad with the Weapon X before seemingly taking his leave, but ultimately stopping to come back and hit Chad with the Shadow Step. The camera cuts back to Chad and Kelsey now in the ring while Chad ignores the replay on the titantron as “Escape” fades out)

Robbie V: Yeah, I bet that one stings, doesn’t it? Would have been smarter to just not have come out there at all, but I don’t expect someone with a skull as thick as Kennedy’s to comprehend that. I mean Senn LITERALLY told him not to come out during the match…

(Chad grabs a microphone and tries to quiet the crowd down as they mock him)

Chad Kennedy: Look… Look, I know what you’re all thinking. That’s what REALLY gets under my skin more than anything. The media will just take anything and exaggerate it until it becomes nothing but fake news! That’s what this is! Fake news! It’s fake news to claim that Jacob Senn and myself had some kind of “falling out” at Violent Delights! It’s fake news to claim that I cost Jacob Senn his match at Violent Delights! And most of all, it’s FAKE NEWS to believe that Jacob Senn and myself are enemies after all of that! Senn and I are closer than any of you people could imagine! Not like in a gay way, but in a brotherly way! He is my brother! He is the man who volunteered to become my Life Coach, and it’s a job he clearly takes very seriously! What you all saw at Violent Delights wasn’t a breakup of that relationship! Not even close! In fact, what YOU saw… Was the opposite. That’s right. What you saw at Violent Delights was the bond between Jacob Senn and myself becoming THAT much stronger. He and I shared a rollercoaster of emotions that brought us closer together, and now it’s a bond that could never ever be broken!

(The crowd continues to taunt Chad while he makes Kelsey cover his ears)

Chad Kennedy: I don’t expect any of you people to understand, because none of you know what it’s like to have a mentor. All of you wasted any ounce of potential you ever had in your pathetic lives, and that’s what pisses you off the most about me and my journey with Senn! You’re jealous that I have somebody like him to bring out the best in me while you all struggled and failed throughout your lives trying to make it on your own, and if you did have any help, it was help from people who weren’t equipped for the job!

(Chad paces around the ring, looking visibly upset at the mocking crowd)

Chad Kennedy: In fact, I learned a ton from Violent Delights alone! I learned that a man needs to settle his problems on his own! I learned that you absolutely cannot trust women to play fairly because they’re too weak and fragile! I learned--

(“Bulletproof” by Godsmack plays all throughout Heavens Arena as a startled Chad Kennedy looks on)

Robbie V: Oh thank God…

Felix Mosby: It seems as though Jacob Senn himself has heard enough out of Chad Kennedy!

(Jacob Senn makes his way through the LED doors in the same attire from Violent Delights with his signature hooded leather jacket on as he quickly marches down to the ring while glaring at Chad)

Robbie V: You know how animals can sense danger? Yeah, I think Chad has the opposite of those instincts, more than even any other human on the face of the earth, because he should be already hidden in the third row by now rather than standing there like an idiot with the look Senn has on his face.

(Jacob Senn slides into the ring as “Bulletproof” fades out)

Chad Kennedy: I’m glad you’re here, so we can BOTH explain what exactly--

(Senn rips the microphone out of Chad’s hand and glares at him)

Felix Mosby: I’ve got a bad feeling that you’re right on the money, Robbie! Senn looks ready to continue the beatdown from Violent Delights!

(Before Senn can say anything, “I Fell” by Wicca Phase Springs Eternal plays all throughout Heavens Arena)

Robbie V: And it looks like Arata has already heard enough out of Senn!

(Arata Asakura steps through the LED doors, dressed in a nice suit with the Shogun Championship on his left shoulder)

Felix Mosby: Arata Asakura - despite becoming the first man to hold a Championship in Wrestleworld - may not have had a match of his own at Violent Delights, but he was very much involved with this man Jacob Senn in a big way! Let’s take a look!

(A replay is shown of the confrontation between Jacob Senn and Arata Asakura following the Unsanctioned Match at Violent Delights as both men got in one another’s faces before being split up by Chad Kennedy and Jaywalker. The camera cuts back to the ring where Arata Asakura enters while Jacob Senn stares down with him)

Robbie V: Well might as well forget about whatever Senn was about to do to Chad, because I think he just found a new target…

(“I Fell” fades out as Arata picks up a microphone and locks eyes with Senn again)

Arata Asakura: I believe you and I have some unfinished business, right?

Jacob Senn: I’m surprised you’d already go showing your face around here after being the man who’s the reason Brian Daniels is still in a hospital and may never compete in a ring again. Or was that the plan all along?

(Arata gets in Senn’s face as Chad nearly gets between them but backs out on the idea)

Arata Asakura: I’m not gonna argue with you about that again. It is what it is. I did everything I could to help him, and it’s not like you were anywhere to be found. Besides, I know what was REALLY on your mind, and it wasn’t Brian.

Jacob Senn: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Arata Asakura: I respect Brian Daniels, and I respect the guts he showed to put himself in such a tough situation by putting this Championship on the line against me before that Unsanctioned Match. He didn’t back down from the challenge I presented to him. Not for even a second. I did what I could, but in the end, I couldn’t stop what happened to Brian at Violent Delights. If he’s gone for good, then the least I could do is honor him by not backing down from any challenger. So just say the word, Senn. You think I stole this spot from you? You think it should have been you facing Brian and the man holding the Shogun Championship? If you really feel that way, then do something about it. If you want me for the Shogun Championship, then let’s make it happen. Not next week, not at Violent Ends. Let’s do this tonight.

(The crowd lights up with cheers as Senn slowly nods)

Felix Mosby: Woah, hold on! Hold the phone! Is he serious?!

Robbie V: Can he just make the match?!

Jacob Senn: There’s not a thing that’s going to change my mind about you, Arata. I do think you took an opportunity from me. And I do think it should have been me and Brian in this ring. And you bet your ass I should be the Shogun Champion, and should have been weeks ago. But better late than never right? You deserve to get your ass kicked and you deserve to get humiliated for costing Brian his career, so you want to make that happen this soon? Say no more. Let’s do this.

Chad Kennedy: Wait, wait, hold on now…

(Senn immediately grabs the Casting Couch and flips it over the ropes as it crashes to the outside)

Chad Kennedy: Hey! Come on! I paid for that myself, man!

(Arata grabs the chairs and starts tossing them out to the bottom of the ramp)

Chad Kennedy: Stop! Stop, damn it! Wait, is this another lesson, Coach?

Robbie V: Jesus…

Felix Mosby: I can’t believe this! Arata and Senn are dismantling the Casting Couch set together to get ready for an impromptu Shogun Championship match right here and right now! They’re really not kidding around about this at all!

(“Sorrow the Storm” by Epica suddenly plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Chad, Senn, and Arata all look on from the ring)

Robbie V: Oh now what?!

(A cocky and confident Chloe Leuthard makes her way through the LED doors in her ring attire and a microphone while chuckling)

Chloe Leuthard: Boys, boys, boys…

(“Sorrow the Storm” fades out as Chloe continues to make her way down the ramp)

Chloe Leuthard: I know how badly you want to play with each other and all, but I’m going to have to be the bearer of bad news tonight. See, in case all of you missed it, I did exactly what I said I would and at Violent Delights, I beat Jacob Senn right there inside the ring. I beat the so-called “Legend”, and why did I pursue him at all? What was the meaning behind me beating him? To get rid of moments like THIS. Where people just like Jacob Senn think they can just waltz in and get HANDED a Championship opportunity.

(Chloe shakes her head as she gets to the bottom of the ramp)

Chloe Leuthard: I don’t think so. You lost. You can go ahead and blame it all on your boyfriend there, or you can blame me and claim that I cheated, but you know what? All that matters is who won in the end. And it wasn’t you. It was ME. So what’s a girl to do about this? What can I do about such a HUGE victory for me? You know what I’ll do? I think I’ve decided to… Challenge Arata Asakura for the Shogun Championship!

Robbie V: Is she for real?

Felix Mosby: It seems like it! I honestly don’t know if she genuinely even wants to pursue it either! I think she just wants to make Senn suffer some more by going after the Championship he so badly wants!

(Chloe Leuthard laughs and nods as she stares down with Arata and Senn in the ring)

Chloe Leuthard: So in case you’re not able to keep up with what’s going on here, allow me to clarify: Senn, get out of MY ring, because if there’s a Championship match that’s about to happen, it’s going to be ME in it! Not you!

(A furious Jacob Senn steps through the ropes and goes to the apron as Chad attempts to talk him out of what he’s about to do)

Robbie V: I think we’re about to see another fight, and I’m not even sure if anyone down there is safe from it!

Felix Mosby: I honestly don’t know what we’re about to see! We’ve got a ton of hostility going on between everyone out there, and you can be sure it’s all about to boil over! Senn looks like he’s ready for a fight!

(“Play For Keeps” by BoB suddenly plays all throughout Heavens Arena)

Robbie V: Oh what? Is Jaywalker looking to join in on this too?

(Jaywalker steps through the LED doors with a smirk on his face, dressed in a suit with a microphone in hand as “Play For Keeps” fades out)

Jaywalker: Alright, alright, let’s just calm down, everyone. I fully understand all of the tension and issues you all have with one another. It’s not all just going overlooked, and I promise you that it will be not only rectified tonight, but right NOW.

Felix Mosby: Sounds like the Director has a plan!

Jaywalker: As it was announced heading into Chapter 4, I will be naming a brand new Architect for the Shogun Championship tonight. That is still to come tonight… HOWEVER… That Architect and I were speaking backstage, and it seems as though he’s wasted no time doing his job.

Robbie V: Wait, we don’t even know who the Architect is and he’s already making decisions?

Jaywalker: Senn, Arata… The Architect fully understands the issues the both of you have. He’d love nothing more than to make this match happen here tonight. However, now it seems as though we have not one, but TWO challengers for the Shogun Championship. But there’s certain factors you need to take into account in deciding who the one getting the Title shot would be. For instance, he made it a point that Chloe Leuthard did, in fact, defeat Jacob Senn at Violent Delights.

(Chloe Leuthard claps as the crowd boos while Senn visibly rolls his eyes)

Jaywalker: …. However… This Architect also decided to take other factors into account.

Chloe Leuthard: What? What other factors?

Jaywalker: Well, for instance… You did win that match, but you were dominated for the vast majority of that match, and it felt as though you were even on the verge of losing it until Chad Kennedy got himself involved. And regardless of what he was doing out there, he ended up costing Senn the match. There’s no getting around that.

Felix Mosby: Chloe Leuthard looks none too happy about that!

Jaywalker: So… What is there to do then? Who deserves a Title shot? Well, our new Architect has decided that a match WILL happen right now, but it won’t be Arata against Senn, nor will it be Arata against Chloe. What we’re going to have right now is a Violent Delights REMATCH--

(The crowd erupts with cheers as Chloe Leuthard starts to throw a fit)

Jaywalker: It’ll be Jacob Senn against Chloe Leuthard once more, and the winner of this will decide who will challenge Arata Asakura for the Shogun Championship at Violent Ends!

Robbie V: You’re kidding me!

Felix Mosby: What a match! The new Architect is already making big moves!

Jaywalker: I suggest the two of you get into the ring, because this match is coming up next. And Chad?

Chad Kennedy: Woah, are you adding me to this match too?

Jaywalker: Not exactly. Instead you’re going to be banned from ringside. So feel free to get out of the ring and go backstage immediately.

Robbie V: Now that’s more like it!

(Chloe Leuthard desperately tries to argue with Jaywalker as he walks away)

Felix Mosby: What a match we’re about to have to open Chapter 4! Oh my! It looks like it’s happening whether Chloe Leuthard likes it or not! And it’s coming up when we return!


(The camera cuts back to Chapter 4 as Jacob Senn and Chloe Leuthard are shown getting ready in the ring while Arata Asakura watches from outside the ring)

Felix Mosby: Welcome back to Chapter 4 of Wrestleworld, ladies and gentlemen, and what a Chapter it’s already been as we’re about to witness an impromptu Number 1 Contender’s Match between Jacob Senn and Chloe Leuthard!

Robbie V: And you can bet Arata will be watching this one closely. Also if you’re just now joining us, Chad Kennedy was also removed from the area and banned from ringside so whoever wins this one, it’ll be decisively.

(The Referee checks to make sure both competitors are ready)

Felix Mosby: I’m so excited! I never expected to be seeing a rematch between these two this soon!

(The Referee finally calls for the bell)



Robbie V: No! Look at that! Senn catches it! He saw it coming from a mile away! Chloe almost pleading with him! He spins her around! Kick to the gut!! No way--


Robbie V: Just DRIVING the skull of Chloe Leuthard into the canvas with so much force! I can’t believe it! Senn immediately rolls her over for the cover!!

Referee: ONE!!!!!!

Felix Mosby: No! Senn stops it?! He breaks the pin attempt himself as he second guesses going for the end right now! You can see it on his face! He could have won this one in record time, but he doesn’t look interested in that! He lets go of Chloe as she struggles to attempt to crawl away! Chloe is doing everything she can to get out of this one as she crawls towards the ropes… Senn just watching the whole time! Arata looks as confused as the rest of us! Senn with a cold look on his face as he follows Chloe while she crawls out onto the apron… Senn right there above the onlooking Arata… Chloe’s doing all she can to get--

Robbie V: AND ANOTHER SHADOW STEP THIS TIME ON THE RING APRON!!!! Jesus! I guess we’re seeing why he’s called “The Punisher”!

Felix Mosby: We saw a glimpse of it at Violent Delights, but now we’re truly witnessing it! Senn isn’t in this just for a win! Not just for a Title shot! He wants vengeance! He was denied at Violent Delights but he won’t be denied this time as he watches Chloe’s body fall off of the apron! She’s still doing all she can to get up! Still attempting to move! Senn’s showing no sense of urgency with this! He just watches as she gets up on all fours! SENN LEAPS FROM THE APRON AND DRIVES CHLOE FACE-FIRST INTO THE MAT ON THE OUTSIDE WITH A THIRD SHADOW STEP!!!!!! This has become nothing short of a one-sided affair and that’s putting it lightly! Senn is taking his sweet time with this as he drops down and drags Chloe up! He nose is busted! Blood running down her mouth as she’s sent rolling back in!

Robbie V: Senn rolls back in, grabbing Chloe once more by the hair to pull her up! She looks out of it! Completely out of it! She’s got nothing left in her! Senn doesn’t give a damn! He looks her in the eyes!

(Jacob Senn gives a middle finger to the face of Chloe Leuthard before a kick to the gut)

Felix Mosby: AND AN EMPHATIC WEAPON X!!!!!! Chloe Leuthard is out! I can’t believe the domination we’ve witnessed here in this match! Senn is unleashing everything he has! Every ounce of aggression and frustration!! He’s unleashing it all onto Chloe Leuthard as Arata Asakura watches from the outside! Senn now grabbing Chloe and turning her onto her stomach! He violently steps onto the back of her legs before grabbing her arms! He’s got her pointed straight in Arata’s direction! SENN PULLS CHLOE BACK INTO A SURFBOARD POSITION!!! AND HE’S PULLING HER BACK FURTHER INTO A DRAGON SLEEPER!!! THE GRIM MEMENTO IS LOCKED IN!!!!!!! IT’S LOCKED IN AS CHLOE LEUTHARD TAPS OUT!!!!! THAT’S IT!


(“Bulletproof” by Godsmack plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Jacob Senn keeps the Grim Memento locked in on Chloe Leuthard)

Felix Mosby: And he’s not letting it go!! He’s keeping it in!! He doesn’t give a damn! Jacob Senn keeps that brutal submission in tight on Chloe!! He aims to punish her regardless of the match being over!

(The Referee attempts to pull Senn off of Chloe as Arata Asakura enters the ring)

Robbie V: I can’t even imagine the damage he’s done to her! Who knows what kind of injuries she’s sustained from this beatdown!

(Jacob Senn finally breaks the hold and immediately gets to his feet to get in the face of Arata Asakura)


Felix Mosby: I don’t think it gets anymore emphatic than what we just saw, Robbie! That was far from anything like their Violent Delights contest! Jacob Senn came here for one reason and one reason only, and that was for Arata Asakura, not Chloe Leuthard! He needed a win like this to finally get her out of the way of all of this, and he did that in spades!

Robbie V: Yeah, to say the least! Jesus Christ, he maimed her! Jacob Senn proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s the rightful number 1 contender for that Championship! He’s been aiming for it since day 1, and he’s finally got his chance! It’s official! Jacob Senn and Arata Asakura for the Shogun Championship at Violent Ends!

Felix Mosby: I can’t wait! I absolutely cannot wait!

Robbie V: Usually your fanboying wants me to get absolutely as far away from you as possible, Felix, but in this case, I actually happen to feel the same way. I genuinely can’t wait to see what these two men can do against one another in a real contest for that Shogun Championship. There’s a lot on the line beyond that Championship.

(Arata Asakura raises the Shogun Championship as he and Jacob Senn continue to stare down and exchange words before the camera fades to commercial)


(The camera cuts back to Heavens Arena as Chapter 4 returns from commercial)

(“Remember The Name” by Ed Sheeran ft. Eminem & 50 Cent plays all throughout Heavens Arena as a confident Raoul makes his way through the LED doors, dressed up in a hoodie and black, red, and white tights)

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for ONE fall!.... First, making his way towards the ring…. From The Land of the EST!.... Weighing in at 230 Pounds!.... HE’S “THE BEST IN THE WORLD”.... RAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOUL!!!

Robbie V: Oh great here comes mister original again.

Felix Mosby: Come on partner, he’s just a bright-eyed kid trying to make something for himself in the world! Plus don’t you see all those “Gun Squad” shirts?

(Raoul waits in the ring as “I Am Electric” by Heaven’s Basement plays as Nasir Moore comes out to a response of adoration from the fans and he seems to nod trying to soak up their energy.)

Announcer: Next, making his way towards the ring, from Newark, New Jersey, weighing in at 222 pounds! He’s “THE GREATEST WRESTLER ALIVE”…NASIR MOOOOOREEEE!!!!!!

Felix Mosby: Here’s a guy Raoul could learn a lot from to make his name in the business! A man who has changed his ways as of late, but decided to actively perform again due to the likes our American Dream Architect reviving her career!

Robbie V: He has good taste trying to take cues from Claudia, and let me tell you that those “CM” guys never truly change their stripes, so that kid better watch out before Nas destroys him out there.


Felix Mosby: It begins with the traditional collar and elbow tie up, both jockeying for position as the dominant wrestler to start the match! Nasir Moore manages to show an impressive display of power as Raoul goes tumbling backwards into the corner…no?! Raoul perfectly rolls into a seated position at the bottom of the turnbuckle with a smile on his face! He’s yelling something about “perfect best in the world body control” for being able to backwards roll into that position!

Robbie V: What’s wrong with this kid….what was the point of that?  

Felix Mosby: Nasir makes him pay for it with a running knee that rocks Raoul! Nasir now drags him to the center of the ring, gets Raoul to his feet, and lands a devastating spinning backfist that knocks Raoul’s lights out! He goes for the pin!

Referee: ONE!!! TWO!!!!!.....

Robbie V: Raoul kicks out! The kid looks like a man that just got his head out of the water after nearly drowning! He’s now trying to crawl to the outside to escape! As if! Nas grabs one of his legs!

Felix Mosby: Raoul hangs onto the ropes! Nasir tries to pull him off, but in the struggle Raoul manages to land a kick into Nasir’s face with his free foot! He seems to have abandoned his escape plans, as he gets up while Nas is reeling and lands a superman punch that downs Nasir as soon as he turns around!

Robbie V: The fool seems proud of himself as he gestures to the crowd like he’s actually Superman! Now he’s bending down waving his open hand at Nasir as he starts a five knuckle shuffle, he moonwalks into the ropes? And bounces back and drops his fist into Nasir’s face! He even made that annoying “hee-hee” sound!

Felix Mosby: He calls that the Jackson Five! He goes for the cover!

Referee: ONE!!! TWO!!!

Robbie V: Kick out by Nas! Nas is irate now! This kid might have brought the passion for wrestling back into Nas as Nas takes advantage of the kid’s shock at the kick out to start throwing fists into Raoul’s face!

Felix Mosby: Raoul is trying to protect himself, but Nas is relentless! Raoul eventually escapes the cagey veteran and begins kissing up to him about how both of them being able to be best in the world!

Robbie V: Nas doesn’t look too impressed, putting his hands to his own hips and shaking his head. He grabs at the kid for a lackadaisical GTS!

Felix Mosby: NO! Raoul wiggles out of it and waist locks from behind and rolls him up after bouncing him onto the ropes!

Referee: ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!

Robbie V: NO!

Felix: YES!

Referee: THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(“Remember The Name” by Ed Sheeran ft. Eminem & 50 Cent plays as Raoul heads to the outside and the referee raises his arm on the ramp.)

Announcer: The Winner of this contest by


Robbie V: I can’t believe what we just witnessed! What an upset!

Felix Mosby: It’s a great win for the kid, but the real story is Nas…there just something not right with him, he doesn’t seem as motivated as he can be. He didn’t live up to this chapter’s name tonight, but rebuilding is something he’ll surely have to do!

(Nasir Moore looks dejected inside the ring, disappointed in himself.)

(The camera transitions backstage to Jack Develin standing by with a microphone in hand and a smirk on his face)

Jack Develin: Ladies and gentlemen, there are people in this world that are right… And there are people in this world that are wrong. I think after Violent Delights, we know which one I am, and which one my guest is. Ladies and gentlemen… Harry Sterling.

(The camera pans to the left to show a solemn Harry Sterling in jeans and a “Rule Britannia” t-shirt on)

Jack Develin: You know I hate to say I told you so, but… Well, who am I kidding? I love saying I told you so! So I--

Harry Sterling: Yeah, we get it. I didn’t win. I lost to Babayka at Violent Delights. I could make excuses about it. I could go on about how close I believe I came to being the first man in probably his entire career to truly put him in his place. I could talk about how it felt like I was mere moments away from becoming the first ever European Champion of Wrestleworld. But the fact is that none of those details matter. All that matters is what the result says, and that is that I lost, and Babayka won.

Jack Develin: I never thought I’d say this, but I couldn’t agree more with you, Harry. You are absolutely right. None of that stuff matters. All that matters is that I was right, and you were wrong. I tried to tell you that it would all be for naught, but did you listen? Nooo, instead you got HOSTILE towards me.

Harry Sterling: And honestly any other guy would be putting you through this wall right now and ending the interview.

Jack Develin: Huh?

Harry Sterling: Oh yeah, anyone else in my place would have beaten you within an inch of your life and thought nothing of it.

Jack Develin: Are you…

Harry Sterling: Don’t start shaking in your stupid expensive shoes just yet, Jack. I’m not going to do that to you. Because I’m not like those people. That doesn’t make me a coward or a pushover. It makes me an honorable man. A man that has actual class. I ripped the mask from Babayka’s face, and I could have done anything with it. I could have tossed it into the crowd or broken it right then and there. I saw how weak he was without it. But I didn’t do any of that, because I didn’t come to Violent Delights looking exploit someone that way. I wanted a fight. I wanted a match. And I had no intention of being a Champion if that’s the way I did it. It’s no different from how I could just beat you into a coma for all that you’ve said to berate me since first arriving here. And let’s be honest, Jack, you’re not worth the skin on my knuckles.

Jack Develin: …

Harry Sterling: Nothing to say? Good, just hold the microphone. I may have lost at Violent Delights, but I’m not done yet. Not by any stretch of the imagination. In a way, I don’t feel like I even adequately earned the opportunity I was given. Why me? Who knows. But one victory in this company isn’t enough to warrant it in my mind. People have been wondering what’s next for Harry Sterling. Do I challenge Babayka again? Oh I fully intend to. But not yet. Whether he’s still the Champion by then or whether I go after some other Architect or Champion - that’s not important. What I want is to earn my spot here and earn those opportunities. This is only Chapter 4. We’re only in the beginning, and as far as I’m concerned, everything up to Violent Delights was nothing but the Prelude to my story. Now comes the first Chapter of it. So I’m gonna take on anyone who wants to get in the ring with me. It’s as simple as that. Good enough for you, Jack?

Jack Develin: … Well, not exactly a winning attitude, if you ask--

(Harry moves like he’s about to hit Jack, only to stop as Jack flinches at it. Harry chuckles and shakes his head as he walks off while Jack Develin slowly regains his composure and looks on)


(The camera cuts back to the ring as Chapter 4 returns from commercial)

Felix Mosby: Before the commercial break, we saw a very determined Harry Sterling essentially telling the world he intends to work his way up to the top, and will take on just about whoever wants a piece of him! I like the sound of that!

Robbie V: I’m sure you do, Felix… But I suppose I can’t fault him for it. He came dangerously close to something big at Violent Delights, but by the end of that match with Babayka’s hand down his throat, it must have felt like it was all for nothing.

(“GO!! Fighting Action Power” by Area 11 plays all throughout Heavens Arena)

Felix Mosby: But speaking of stepping inside the ring with anyone, we’ve got a match we haven’t yet witnessed before coming up as Christian Zayne is set to take on Scott Smith! Scott Smith has been a part of Wrestleworld all the way back to Chapter 1 while Christian Zayne made a big splash in his debut back at Chapter 3 in a Ladder Match!

Robbie V: And it’s crucial to point out that both of these guys could definitely use a win here tonight. Scott Smith also competed in that match and came up short like Zayne. In fact, Smith has yet to capture a win here in Wrestleworld so you can imagine that’ll be fueling him heading into this one.

Felix Mosby: No doubt about it, but Christian Zayne would likewise love to get his first W tonight!

Robbie V: … Speaking of which, where is he?

(“GO!! Fighting Action Power” continues to play for several moments as nobody comes out)

Felix Mosby: I… I’m not exactly sure..

(The theme fades out as the crowd stirs while nothing else happens)

Robbie V: Hello? Anyone? Where’s Zayne?

(The titantron shows a camera in the backstage area with several Officials rushing around in a panic)

Felix Mosby: Hold on a second!

Official: We need some help here!

(The camera follows the Officials and other Backstage Workers until it shows Christian Zayne seemingly out cold on the floor with Scott Smith also knocked out nearby and a steel pipe next to them)

Felix Mosby: Oh my goodness! What on earth happened?!

Robbie V: I have absolutely no idea, but it looks as though somebody attacked both Christian Zayne and Scott Smith!

(A concerned Jaywalker rushes through as he asks what’s going on and checks on both men)

Jaywalker: Get Doctors! We’re probably gonna need Ambulances!

(The camera cuts back to Robbie V and Felix Mosby in the Sky Booth as both men look confused and surprised)

Felix Mosby: I don’t know what to make of that, Robbie! Who on earth would have attacked those two? For what reason?

Robbie V: Hey, why are you asking me? Hell, Jaywalker has more of a reputation for doing stuff like that…

Felix Mosby: Well whatever the circumstances of it may be, it’s clear that neither man will be able to compete here tonight, so it would seem the match has been called off! I was so excited to see it too!

Robbie V: I think I’m more excited to find out who the hell just laid those two out, and I have no doubt Jaywalker’s gonna be none too happy about having to cancel a match tonight on top of having two competitors get attacked like that.

(The camera cuts to a determined Nobi making his way through the halls of the backstage area as “Finish Line” plays in the background)

Felix Mosby: Well speaking of mysterious attacks, look no further than this man! Nobi was screwed out of a Ladder Match at Violent Delights by an unknown man and he’s come here to Chapter 4 to look for some answers! We’ll hear from him when Chapter 4 returns!


(A recap is shown of the 5-Way Ladder Match at Violent Delights; featuring several huge spots, but focusing primarily on Nobi’s attempt to win the match, only for an unknown Masked Man to appear and stop him - assaulting him and throwing him off of the stage before escaping)

(The camera cuts back to Heavens Arena as “Welcome Home” by Coheed & Cambria plays all throughout the arena)

Felix Mosby: And here comes a man that’s been just surrounded by questions since Violent Delights!

(Nobi makes his way through the LED doors with a microphone in hand and dressed in street clothes as he heads towards the ring)

Robbie V: And if not for that attack, we might have a completely different number 1 contender right now for the American Dream Championship, so you can’t help but wonder what exactly that man’s motivations were by getting involved.

Felix Mosby: Your guess is as good as mind in that situation, I’m afraid. All we know for now is that he ensured Nobi would not be winning that Ladder Match, and you can bet that it hurt all the more to know he failed to capture his first victory in Wrestleworld when it occurred!

(“Welcome Home” fades out as Nobi enters the ring and paces around)

Felix Mosby: You can really just feel the animosity radiating off of this man - I can’t imagine how it must feel to come close to such a big break, only for it to be ripped away from you.

(The fans in attendance cheer Nobi on as he nods and finally stops to speak)

Nobi: I wish I could do this a lot differently. I know that there’s probably plenty of people out there who might have some kind of issue with me for one reason or another. I’ve always tried to be a good person, both to my colleagues and anyone who’s stepped inside the ring with me. But I’ve come to learn that it’s next to impossible to go through this industry without making enemies no matter how hard you try to do what’s right. Sometimes when you try to do what’s right in your eyes, it becomes what’s wrong in someone else’s eyes.

(A visibly upset Nobi stops for a moment before raising his head and looking back at the camera to continue)

Nobi: And at Violent Delights, I saw the eyes of the man who decided to attack me when I was so close to winning that Ladder Match. I saw his eyes, and didn’t see anything familiar. Nobody that I knew. All I could see was a cold stare. Hate, even. Nothing that I could understand before he beat me down and threw me off of the stage to make certain I wouldn’t be back in the match. I wish I could come out here and say that man’s name and attempt to bring all of this to some kind of closure, but… I don’t know who he was, or why he wanted me to lose. I don’t know what his endgame is or how he got here. All I know is that someone out there has something against me, and they’re hiding it all behind a mask.

(Nobi looks towards the stage as he continues)

Nobi: I didn’t come here tonight to fight anyone. I just want answers. But if it comes to it. If this person truly does have some kind of hate for me, and intends to come after me again… I won’t hesitate to fight back. And it won’t be fighting back from behind this time, when I didn’t see it coming. It won’t be getting attacked while I’ve already been exhausted. If you want to fight, then come out here and fight me like a man! Do whatever it is you came here to do, because if you intended to end me at Violent Delights, then you failed! Because I’m still standing! I’m not going anywhere! Just give me answers! That’s all I want!

(Nobi steps towards the ropes as he looks on at the stage)

Felix Mosby: Nobi doing exactly what I believed he would! He doesn’t intend to fight, but if it comes to it, he’ll do exactly that!

Robbie V: He SHOULD fight, and I mean regardless of whatever this joker intended to do at Violent Delights. He should be focused on getting revenge, not working anything out…

(After several moments, nothing happens as a disappointed Nobi looks on)

Nobi: I know you’re here. You didn’t just disappear after Violent Delights. And I don’t doubt you heard I’d be coming here to call you out, so just show yourself. Whether you want to talk or not is up to you, but I want you to come out here and show yourself for everyone to see!

(Nobi looks on as several more moments pass by)

Nobi: …. I’ve made all of this very clear for you, and if you don’t--

(“Bite The Bullet” by contRoVersy plays all throughout Heavens Arena)

Felix Mosby: What? What are these two doing?

(A confused Nobi looks on as Drake & Jones make their way out through the LED doors with microphones in hand)

Drake & Jones: Heyooooo!

(“Bite The Bullet” fades out as both Drake and Tiberius smile and look around at the now booing crowd)

Drake Jaeger: Don’t worry, Nobi, don’t worry. We’re not a part of… Whatever the hell it is you’ve got going on. In fact, I think we should honestly start to question why the hell Jaywalker is allowing valuable TV time for stupid shit like this. Who CARES about a “masked man”? Who cares that you were “screwed”? It’s not like you would have won the stupid match anyway! Why not just be optimistic like that? Maybe what that masked guy was doing was giving you a proper excuse as to why you lost, since you probably would have gotten stopped by someone or fell off the ladder like a dumbass had he not shown up!

Felix Mosby: Ugh, these two, I swear they just don’t care who they attack…

Tiberius Jones: Now that’s what I call looking at the glass half-full! And you’re absolutely right, Drake, why should this show allow people like Nobi to come out here and try to Mr. Rogers his way to making friends with the guy who tried to kill him? The bigger question is why ISN’T there a public and televised celebration going on? We’re dedicating time to a LOSER when we should be dedicating it to a WINNER, because in case you didn’t notice or forgot, I BEAT Brian Daniels once and for all at Violent Delights!

Drake Jaeger: BEAT Brian Daniels? Let’s be honest, you absolutely DESTROYED Brian Daniels. You literally ended his career! He’s gone! Done! He’s probably gonna spend the rest of his life sucking food through a straw and wondering why he thought it was a good idea to screw with us! He’s gone and never coming back, so he can suck THAT through a straw!

Tiberius Jones: But come on, Drake, should we even keep talking about him by this point?

Drake Jaeger: You’re absolutely right, TJ. Absolutely right, because I think it’s best that we a company, culture, race - everything - should do what’s right and move on from Brian Daniels’ entire existence. He’s old news. We need to move on to bigger and better things!

Tiberius Jones: Now I like the sound of that! What do you got in mind?

Drake Jaeger: I’m glad you asked, TJ, because if you all recall, Jaywalker congratulated my friend here on a great victory before pleading with us to come up with something awesome for this non-existent Tag Team Division! And I did just that! I told the world we’d be creating Tag Teams, and we already have! And not just creating tag teams, but putting them in our own special little type of Tournament that we call “The Drake & Jones Games”!

Tiberius Jones: Love it. Love it, love it, love it. Muy bueno!

Drake Jaeger: Si! It’ll be FOUR Teams pitted against each other at Chapter 5, and one team will take the fall and be eliminated, and then you know what? It’ll continue onto Chapter 6 between the three remaining teams until another team is eliminated! And then at Violent Ends, between the two final teams, we’ll have our winners! We’ll be creating three teams for it, but you know what? I think we should change it up a bit with this big reveal. Don’t you?

Tiberius Jones: Absolutely. What are you thinking?

Drake Jaeger: I’m thinking…

(Drake points towards Nobi)

Drake Jaeger: YOU, Nobi, will get something a little more special. We’re not going to just pair you up with anyone. We’re going to let you choose your own partner!

Tiberius Jones: Wow! What an honor! Congratulations, Nobi! Oh, wait… Drake, I think there is one issue…

Drake Jaeger: What’s that?

Tiberius Jones: Nobi has no friends!

(Drake and Tiberius laugh and point at Nobi as he looks on with disgust)

Drake Jaeger: Damn, Nobi, what happened? What happened to all the little friends you had before that battled us? Where’d they all go? Oh that’s right, they all left you behind! You’ve got no one! And guess what? If you don’t find someone to partner up with, you’ll be heading into that match all by your lonesome! I can’t wait to see that! Good luck, amigo!

(“Bite The Bullet” picks back up as a frustrated Nobi looks on while Drake & Jones take their leave)

Robbie V: Well… That didn’t exactly go the way Nobi was hoping for, I imagine…

Felix Mosby: I think that may be an understatement! Nobi came here tonight looking for answers, and I think he might be leaving with even more questions than anything else!

Robbie V: Well it seems evident he’s been roped into some sort of Tournament for make-shift tag teams… What’d they call it? “The Drake & Jones Games”?

Felix Mosby: I believe so, and while it does sound exciting, you gotta wonder what Nobi could do! If no one will be his partner, he’ll have to compete by himself!

Robbie V: Well he better get to making friends soon, because Chapter 5 isn’t far from now.

(A disappointed Nobi looks around before reluctantly dropping his microphone and taking his leave as the camera fades to commercial)


(The camera transitions back to the ring as Chapter 4 returns from commercial)

Felix Mosby: Now it's time for a match that I think might be one of the highlights as two very capable young women make their debuts here for Wrestleworld!

Robbie V: That's right, Felix. Tonight we got the debuts of none other than the "Killer Bee" herself, April Song, as she takes on the rather confident and self assured "Queen", Valkyria Isis De' Villone.

Felix Mosby: It should be a rather interesting match up, I mean we all know what April can do in that ring as she has done it across a number of promotions, but we really don't know what the self proclaimed "Transcended" can do.

(Suddenly the very slow beat of Valerie Broussard's "A Little Wicked" begins to play as none other than the "Queen of the Damned" herself starts to slowly stride down the entrance ramp, decked out in a resplendent ring robe of the finest blends of blue and gold as she ignores all of the fans at ringside who are telling her EXACTLY what they think of her)

Announcer: The following match is schedule for one fall, introducing first... she is making her Wrestleworld debut from the Halls of VALHALLA!!! Weighing in tonight at one hundred and forty pounds, she is the "MOURNING LIGHT OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING"... SHE IS VALKYRIA ISIS DE' VILLIONE!!!

(Valkyria steps up the ringsteps, holding her robe like a a true queen would before she motions for the ref to hold the ropes open, which he does begrundingly, before she steps between the ropes and brings out her arms like she's accepting the acknowledgements of her greatness from the fans)

Felix Mosby: Man, Valkyria seems to think that she is the cock of the walk doesn't she?

Robbie V: When you have a supreme confidence in yourself, Felix, you can do and think whatever you want and Valkyria seemingly has that kind of confidence.

(Suddenly the music abruptly changes as does the fans reactions as "Insane" by Centaur begins to play as none other than April Song steps out onto the entrance way to a massive fan pop as she looks out at the fans before she starts making her way down to the ring)

Announcer: And introducing her opponent, she is ALSO making her debut here tonigh!! She hails from Colorado Springs, Colorado and weighs in tonight at a striking one hundred and twenty pounds...this is the "BEAUTIFUL BOUT MACHINE"...THIS IS THE "PROFESSIONAL", APRIL SSSOOONNNGGGG!!!!

Felix Mosby: Man, the announcer really put some power behind that name!!

Robbie V: Well considering the sheer respect that April commands, can you blame him?

(April strides down to the ring and when she gets there, she quickly enters the ring and climbs the nearest turnbuckles to hype up the fans while Valkyria looks on with disgust as she waits for the bell to ring)


Felix Mosby: And we're off with Valkyria not wasting any time as she quickly comes up behind April and catching her with a beautiful snap suplex that drives April hard into the mat, but that doesn't do much to April as she simply rolls with it and quickly catches Valkyria in the head with one of her patented shoot kicks that quickly drives her opponent to the mat before Valkyria rolls to the outside to try and gather her wits somewhat.

Robbie V: A sound tactic at times but April is not having any of it as she quickly slides out of the ring and quickly moves to try and catch Valkyria with another set of kicks but Valkyria is using the height difference between the two women to keep April at bay with some kicks of her own before she quickly spins around and catches April with a short range discus clothesline that drills her veteran opponent to the ground before she quickly slides into the ring and does a mocking bow as the ref restarts his count.


Felix Mosby: Valkyria showing absolutely no respect for her opponent as April gets up and back into the ring at eight and runs at Valkyria, catching her by stepping up onto her slightly bent right knee before swinging herself around to quickly hit her patented AIR CUTTER!!!

Robbie V: That jumping ace cutter catches Valkyria from out of nowhere as April attempts to go for the pin but Valkyria powers out of it but as she goes to kick her with a rather horrendous sneer on her face, April quickly catches the leg and hits a Dragon Screw Legwhip that drives Valkyria to the mat but instead of releasing it, April floats over Valkyria’s prone body!!

Felix Mosby: KILLER CLUTCH!! KILLER CLUTCH!!! April Song has her signature finish locked onto Valkyria smack dab in the middle of the ring and it looks like Valkyria is trying to power her way out of it but April caught her flat and prone!!!

(DING!!! DING!! DING!!!)

Announcer: The winner of your match via submission, APRIL SONG!!!

(April releases the hold at the ref’s command and she rolls backwards quickly to get out of Valkyria’s striking range as the “Queen of the Damned” rolls to the outside with a very hate filled glare at the other woman who simply smiles as the ref raises her arm in victory)

Felix Mosby: What a huge debut and victory for April Song! I can’t wait to see more from here and what she can do here in Wrestleworld!

Robbie V: No doubt about it, that was impressively done. Congrats to April on a big first win!

(The camera transitions backstage to Joy with a microphone in hand)

Joy: Tonight, many things have happened. Some good things, and some bad things. A Number 1 Contender for the Shogun Championship was decided. A Tag Team Tournament was announced. Other things happened as well. One of the things that happened at Violent Delights involves the guest I have here with me who is standing to my left. This is Stephanie Matsuda.

(The camera pans to the right to reveal a reluctant Stephanie Matsuda dressed in street clothes)

Joy: Thank you for joining me, Stephanie Matsuda. You won a Triple Threat Match at Violent Delights over Crazy Violet and Draconis Balaur. How do you feel about that?

Stephanie Matsuda: How do I feel? I feel GOOD. Really good, Joy. I feel better than I’ve ever been in this company since I first arrived here. Since Chapter 1, I’ve been plagued by those two in some way. I didn’t come here to screw around. I came here to win and to pursue gold. But clearly I needed to get those two out of my way first. A lot of people considered me the dark horse in that match because Draconis was a so-called “monster” and Crazy Violet was some sort of “wild card”, but I’ve been around for a long time.

(Stephanie shakes her head)

Stephanie Matsuda: Long enough to know better than to buy into bullshit hype like that. Long enough to know that everyone has their weakness, no matter who they are. You think Violet or Draconis were thinking about what MY weaknesses were? Not a chance. They were both stuck in their own little worlds. That’s why they lost. If you come to play with me, then you better have one hell of a gameplan in mind, or I’m gonna carve you up in that ring and we’ll see who the stepping stone really was when it’s all said and done. And if--

(Joy points behind Stephanie, who stops talking and turns around as the camera reveals a nervous Crazy Violet standing there)

Stephanie Matsuda: I’m through playing games with you. You want some more? We’ll take this to the ring.

(Crazy Violet puts her hands up)

Crazy Violet: Wait, wait! I… Look, I just want to say that I respect you after seeing what all you could do. I’m new to all of this, and I was so excited about beating you at Chapter 3. I really thought I could do it again. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I wanted to just say that, but… They’re not happy about it. About any of it.

Stephanie Matsuda: Who?

Crazy Violet: In fact, they believe they were cheated in that match, and they want another shot at you. But it’s okay! I’m in control right now. I’m getting better at it… I think.

(Stephanie gets in Violet’s face)

Stephanie Matsuda: If they want a fight, they’ll get one. I don’t trust you or anyone up there in your head, understand? If they don’t like what happened at Violent Delights, then by all means, try me again.

Crazy Violet: You… Shouldn’t say that. That’s not a good idea.

Stephanie Matsuda: What are you gonna do about it?

???: Hey, hey, hey!

(Drake Jaeger and Tiberius Jones rush into the scene as they surround Violet and Stephanie)

Drake Jaeger: What’s going on here?

Tiberius Jones: It seems like we’ve got ourselves a little bit of a stand-off, don’t you think?

Drake Jaeger: Looks like it to me, TJ.

Tiberius Jones: Hmm, well you know what?

Drake Jaeger: What’s that?

Tiberius Jones: I think Nobi is rubbing off on me a bit. What was that he was going on about? Settling differences and all that stuff? You know what? Maybe we should follow his lead. Maybe we should get into the business of making amends. Maybe more people should be friends.

Drake Jaeger: Are you saying what I think you’re saying?

Tiberius Jones: Absolutely. I think we just found our next brand new team! Girls, at Chapter 5, you’ll be making your tag team debut! Stephanie Matsuda and Crazy Violet!

Drake Jaeger: Hold on a second… Wouldn’t that be a handicap match then with the 40 people she’s got in her head?

(Drake and Tiberius laugh as Stephanie and Violet look at one another with confused expressions)

Tiberius Jones: Good luck, mamacitas!

(Drake & Jones walk off, leaving Stephanie and Violet behind as they look on while the camera fades to commercial)


(The camera cuts back to Felix Mosby and Robbie V in the Sky Booth as Chapter 4 returns from commercial)

Felix Mosby: What a wild night it’s been, and it’s all made me that much more excited to see what’s to come at Chapter 5! The “Drake & Jones Games” should be a wild one!

Robbie V: That’s right, but it sounds like we have another big match announced for the show as well.

Felix Mosby: Seriously? Well don’t leave me in suspense! What’s the match?

Robbie V: Well let’s take a look at this first…

(A recap is shown of the segment between Drake Jaeger, Kanaida Sharpe, and Yu Ese at Violent Delights, leading to an impromptu tag team match in which Yu Ese attacked Kanaida in an attempt to cost him the match, only for Kanaida to make a comeback and dominate his opponents to win the match. The camera cuts back to Robbie and Felix)

Robbie V: Well now I’ve just been told that both men want to settle all of that, so at Chapter 5, it’s going to be Yu Ese going on one on with with Kanaida Sharpe.

Felix Mosby: Wow! What a match that’s gonna be! And I suppose it was inevitable as well after what we saw at Violent Delights!

(A recap plays; featuring Reno Dumont’s victory in the 5-Way Ladder Match and the following sudden assault by Claudia Michaels as she attempted to have the match happen immediately, only for it to be stopped by Jaywalker. The camera cuts to the ring where a desk and two chairs have been set up with a contract in the middle as Jaywalker stands by with a microphone in hand)

Jaywalker: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the Official Contract Signing for our first ever American Dream Championship contest at Violent Ends between Reno Dumont and Claudia Michaels. Now many of you already know how these contract signings go, and plenty of people have come to me asking if something like this was even really necessary.

(Jaywalker holds up the contract)

Jaywalker: I do, in fact, believe that it’s all necessary. All of it. Every single detail of this. When I first started up this company, I sought out the best possible people for each Architect role. Claudia Michaels is someone that I’ve known for many years, and someone I trusted for the job. However, the fact is that as an Architect, one essentially has a great deal of power at their command. They can make matches, and they can do basically whatever they please under the guise of doing what’s right for their respective Championship.

(Jaywalker opens up the contract and flips through the pages)

Jaywalker: I do believe in all of the Architects that I’ve selected, but it’s become pretty obvious that there have been some questionable decisions made, especially from Claudia Michaels. Since Chapter 1, she has used her authority to pit people against one another, not to simply determine a contender, but for her own amusement. She put several people - many of them brand new to Wrestleworld - against one another in a Ladder Match out of the blue that did not make the winner the Number 1 Contender, but instead placed them in a SECOND Ladder Match at Violent Delights. I am not blind or deaf or ignorant or stupid. I’ve been watching. I’ve seen every moment of it. I did everything I could to not simply step in and override her authority, but I couldn’t stand by idly anymore at Violent Delights when she attempted to use her power to force Reno Dumont into a Championship Match immediately following that second Ladder Match.

(Jaywalker stops reading through the contract as he looks towards the camera)

Jaywalker: So yes, I believe all of this is necessary. It’s for Claudia’s own good. It’s for my own peace of mind. This match will take place at Violent Ends, and once this contract has been signed, there will be no alterations made to it. I have had it all written up personally with a lawyer and made certain that this will simply be a match in which an Architect will face a challenger for the American Dream Championship. Now without further adieu, I’d like to introduce that challenger. A veteran of the business that climbed - both figuratively and literally - up the ladder to make it to this point. Ladies and gentlemen, Reno Dumont.

(“Indestructible” by Disturbed plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Reno Dumont makes his way through the LED doors and down the ramp)

Felix Mosby: I can’t even begin to imagine what kind of emotional rollercoaster Reno Dumont was on at Violent Delights as he prevailed over four other hungry competitors to win that Ladder Match, and then suddenly had to compete again in a Championship bout, before it was all ruled a No Contest and his Championship shot was saved!

Robbie V: The only rollercoaster he should have been on is one that goes directly down and nowhere else! Claudia had every right to make that match! She’s the damn Architect!

(Reno Dumont enters the ring and grabs a microphone as “Indestructible” fades out)

Jaywalker: Welcome, Reno. And don’t worry, I’ve taken every proper precaution. I have security standing by in case anything goes wrong, as well as--

Reno Dumont: Thanks for your concern, but I’m not worried about any of that. If Claudia wants to fight me tonight, then do you honestly think I’m gonna decline that offer? After what she did to me - Hell, after what she’s done to practically EVERYONE… I’m not gonna turn down a chance to beat her ass all over this ring.

(The crowd cheers Dumont on as Jaywalker attempts to calm them)

Jaywalker: I see. Well, then perhaps I should clarify. I don’t want any fighting going on period between the two of you. I’ve had enough of those antics. If that’s what you want, then sorry, but it won’t be happening. I’ll make sure this will go smoothly.

Reno Dumont: Suit yourself. As long as I get my Championship Match, I really don’t give a damn. And wasn’t I supposed to get it at any time of my choosing?

Jaywalker: Well we’ll talk about that more once we have the both of you out of here. So allow me to introduce the woman you’ll be up against--

(Claudia Michaels - dressed in a crimson red dress and sipping a drink and sitting in a chair made up of melted down Championships - appears on the titantron as Jaywalker and Reno look towards it)

Claudia Michaels: Oh, I’m sorry. Did I interrupt? Did I screw up your little introduction, Jay?

(Claudia takes a sip of her drink and smiles)

Claudia Michaels: I know you intended for this to all go off without a hitch, but I’m afraid there are more important matters to tend to.

Jaywalker: What? Where even are you?

Claudia Michaels: Where am I? I think you know exactly where I am, Mr. Director. I mean, you did give me this location to make anything of my own with it, didn’t you?

Jaywalker: You’re in your Territory?

Claudia Michaels: “Territory” sounds so bleh. This is the Wrestleworld Castle! A place fit for the Queen of the World.

Jaywalker: You should be here to sign this contract!

Claudia Michaels: I’m sure you’d like that. It’s no wonder why you made this company, Jay. You seem to be in your own little world. You don’t take into account all the damage you’ve done. You gave me the authority to do as I see fit for the American Dream Championship, and right when I gave everyone such a huge surprise with a sudden Championship Match and my big debut… You come out and ruin it. You ruined all of it!

Jaywalker: I’ve thoroughly explained to you--

Claudia Michaels: I don’t want to hear your excuses! Where were you when Nobi was getting attacked by some masked brute, huh? Where were you when Brian Daniels was getting turned into a quadripalegic by Tiberius? So many things have gone wrong under your so-called supervision, and these are things far, far worse than anything I’ve done! Yet, you only felt the need to get yourself involved THEN? I’m not buying it! I demand an apology for what you’ve done!

Jaywalker: An apology? I think you and I both know that’s not going to happen, Claudia.

Claudia Michaels: Then this is what you get. I’m not moving an inch! I’m going to sit here in my Castle! I’m going to wait here until Violent Ends where I will finish the job I started at Violent Delights and beat that bald fool. Until then, if you want some contract signed, you can send it to me and I’ll look it over. Who does contract signings anyway? Everything is done electronically now, Jay, isn’t this company supposed to be futuristic?

Jaywalker: Claudia… I’m gonna be very clear with you. If you don’t--

Reno Dumont: Let me handle this.

(Reno Dumont immediately grabs a pen and signs the contract before handing it off to Jaywalker and stepping closer to the ropes as he looks at Claudia on the titantron)

Reno Dumont: If she wants to hide away in her Castle until Violent Ends, then so be it. No skin off my bones. Go ahead and mail the contract to her. Hell, deliver it to her in person, I don’t care. But Claudia…

(Reno smirks as he looks at a repulsed Claudia)

Reno Dumont: You and I both know you’re not here because you’re protesting anything. You’re hiding in your Castle because you know what would happen if you stepped inside this ring with me. You saw what I did to four of the supposed best in this company in a Ladder Match. You’ve seen everything I’ve done since coming to this company. You know what I’m capable of, and let’s be honest, I’ve dealt with bigger bitches than you.

(The crowd cheers as Claudia laughs and smiles)

Claudia Michaels: You look so appropriately small from here, Reno. Just like when I watched you compete from my balcony. You look exactly like what you truly are from my point of view every time: A small, insignificant little man. One that’s led a life of wasted potential. What accolades have you achieved? What Championships have you won? Who have you beaten? I’m sure you could start giving me a list of all of those off the top of that bald head of yours, and yet I wouldn’t know literally any one of them. You know why that is? Because none of them mean ANYTHING. You’ve done nothing worthy of me ever knowing about it! You are just some sad old man who lucked out by getting even an ounce of my attention.

Reno Dumont: And now I’ve got all your attention. You gambled one too many times with your authority, and you lost. Now you’re stuck in your biggest nightmare. You know what that is, don’t you? Having to genuinely face a challenger. A REAL challenger. Isn’t that what you’ve been doing here since day 1? You’ve just been stringing us all along and avoiding a real challenge all this time.

Claudia Michaels: Is THAT what you think you are? A challenge?

Reno Dumont: I know I am. I’m the guy you tried to make into a joke. I was nothing but a punchline to you at Violent Delights, but now? Now you have no choice but to face me one on one, and I promise you I’m taking that precious American Dream Championship from you. I don’t give a damn about what you promised that it could be used at any time. I don’t want it any time later. I want it at Violent Ends. I want it on MY terms.

Claudia Michaels: On your terms. That’s cute. Sure, Reno. You’ve got your match. Do all your preparations for it. Pray for good health and luck. Spend time with your family and reenforce how much this match means to you. I want to see that this is the biggest match of your life, because it’s going to make it all the more satisfying when I take it from you. You’ll get your 15 minutes of fame at Violent Ends, but no time sooner and no time later. I have no time at all for someone like you. Congrats on the win at Violent Delights. Just know that that is as good as it’s ever going to get.

(The feed ends as Reno Dumont looks on)

Felix Mosby: What a war of words between those two!

(Reno Dumont looks back at Jaywalker before taking his leave)

Robbie V: Pfft, WAR? Come on, Felix. “War” would imply that there’s two equal sides going at it. Claudia Michaels just spent the entire time verbally slapping this guy around like it was nothing.

Felix Mosby: Well, I don’t know about all that, but it certainly got me all the more excited for this match!

Robbie V: Literally anything gets you excited, Felix, but you actually have a good reason to be this time. Because we’re finally going to see the proper in-ring debut of Claudia Michaels at Violent Ends! And something tells me the name for that show is going to be more than appropriate, because I have a strong feeling that Reno is in for a violent end of his own!

(Reno makes his way to the back as the camera fades to commercial)


(A visibly angry Reno Dumont is shown making his way through the backstage area as Chapter 4 returns from commercial)

Reno Dumont: …

(Reno remains silent as he makes his way over to Nobi talking with an unknown backstage worker)

Reno Dumont: You.

(A surprised Nobi turns around as he and Reno stare down)

Reno Dumont: I saw what happened with you earlier. And I saw what happened at Violent Delights too.

Nobi: What do you mean?

Reno Dumont: You need a partner right? For this Tag Team Match?

Nobi: … Well, yeah, but why--

Reno Dumont: I’ve seen your work and I respect you a hell of a lot more than most of the people around here. I want a fight, and it looks like I won’t be getting one tonight or any other night until Violent Ends. You need a partner? Then make it me.

(The crowd can be heard cheering in the background as Nobi looks slightly confused)

Nobi: You want to be my partner at Chapter 5?

Reno Dumont: You haven’t found anyone yet, right? It’s either me or no one. If you don’t want to, then I’ll go find someone else to step into the ring with--

Nobi: No, it’s fine. If you’re up for it, then I’m certainly not going to decline. I accept. You’ll be my partner.

(Reno says nothing as he nods and walks off while Nobi looks on)

(The camera cuts back to Heavens Arena)

Felix Mosby: Wow, what a turn of events we’ve seen here tonight! It seems like Reno Dumont has volunteered to be Nobi’s partner in the “Drake & Jones Games” Match at Chapter 5!

Robbie V: That’s… Not a combination I was expecting, but they did seem to have some kind of chemistry at Violent Delights, so maybe it’ll work, who knows.

(“People = Shit” by Slipknot plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Daniel Ventura makes his way through the LED doors and down to the ring)

Announcer: The following contest is a Fatal 4-Way Match scheduled for one fall!.... First, making his way towards the ring!.... From Reno, Nevada!.... Weighing in at 224 Pounds!.... DANIEL VEEEEEEEENNNNNNTURA!!!....

Felix Mosby: I can’t wait for this one! We’ve got a huge Fatal 4-Way up next between four new names to Wrestleworld, including this man!

(“Could’ve Been Me” by The Struts plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Richard Dweck makes his way through the LED doors and down to the ring)

Announcer: And his opponents!.... First, making his way towards the ring!.... From Wall Township, New Jersey!.... Weighing in at 250 Pounds!.... RICHARD DWWWWWEEEEEEEEEECK!!!....

Robbie V: I’m gonna be honest with you, Felix, I have absolutely no idea who any of the people in this contest are.

Felix Mosby: That makes it even better because now you’ll know who they are!

(“Satellite” by Rise Against plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Graham Baker makes his way through the LED doors and down to the ring)

Announcer: Next, making his way to the ring!.... From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!.... Weighing in at 215 Pounds!.... GRAHAM BAAAAAAKKKKKKER!!!....

Felix Mosby: I’m excited to see this guy!

Robbie V: Is there literally anyone you’re not excited to see?

(“Egyptian Nightclub” by The Enigma TNG plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Larry Wheels makes his way through the LED doors and towards the ring)

Announcer: And lastly, making his way towards the ring!.... From--

Felix Mosby: OH--FROM BEHIND!! IT’S HIM!!

(A Masked Man in a suit suddenly nails Larry Wheels from behind with a shot to the back of the skull)

Robbie V: It’s the guy from Violent Delights! What the hell is he doing now?!


Robbie V: What’s this guy’s problem?! This reminds me - is he the one who took out Christian Zayne and Scott Smith earlier tonight?!

Felix Mosby: You might be right! It could have very well been this man who was behind it! I wouldn’t doubt it! And he doesn’t look like he’s done yet as he makes his way down to the ring! Daniel Ventura goes to the outside to stop him!! The Masked Man with a knee to the gut! He drives Ventura spine-first into the apron!! HE SENDS VENTURA FACE-FIRST INTO THE NEARBY RINGPOST!!!

Robbie V: Richard Dweck and Graham Baker look absolutely baffled by what they’re seeing! This guy just laid out two of their opponents with ease! And now he’s looking up at them… Hold on… He’s got something…

(Graham Baker and Richard Dweck look on as the Masked Man pulls out handcuffs and wraps them around his right hand)


Robbie V: He’s not finished! He grabs Baker now! Using those handcuffs… He uses them on Baker as he handcuffs him to the top rope!!


(Several Officials rush down to the ring as the Masked Man stops his assault and escapes to the outside and into the crowd)

Robbie V: What the hell just happened?! He just beat the hell out of every single guy in this match! None of them look like they’re even conscious right now!

Felix Mosby: And I don’t think that’s the first time he’s struck tonight either! This guy has some kind of agenda, and it may not be just about Nobi! He has some sort of grudge against someone or something! I don’t know what could be going through this guy’s mind! Hopefully we get some sort of answer!

Robbie V: Something tells me I don’t think that’s gonna happen…

(All four men are shown damaged and laid out as the camera fades to commercial)


(A recap is shown of the beginning of Chapter 4 with Dr. Erik Vance’s words; inviting Christopher Sabertooth and Tristan Killebrew to join him later on in the night)

(The camera cuts to a reluctant Christopher Sabertooth making his way through the halls of the backstage area before finally coming to a stop as he looks annoyed at something off-screen)

Christopher Sabertooth: He called you too, huh?

(The camera pans to the right to reveal Tristan Killebrew leaning against a door)

Tristan Killebrew: Yup. I don’t know what the hell he wants, but I had nothing better to do.

Christopher Sabertooth: And why were you waiting here for me? Scared of Babayka and needed someone to hold your hand?

Tristan Killebrew: I would have happily left you behind, but apparently they’re only going to let the both of us in, not one of us.

(Tristan pounds his fist against the door. After a few moments, it opens as the two men cautiously look at one another before slowly entering into the dark room with only a single light to illuminate Dr. Erik Vance’s face)

Tristan Killebrew: Are you kidding me with this? Is this supposed to scare us?

(Erik Vance smiles)

Dr. Erik Vance: Forgive me, but I have somewhat of a… Point to make.

Christopher Sabertooth: And what would that be? That you don’t pay your electric bills?

Dr. Erik Vance: You came to this company to win Championships, correct?

Tristan Killebrew: Yeah…

Dr. Erik Vance: Then I think you should simply humor me for now. Because I invited the two of you here not simply to talk, but to offer you an opportunity that I’m sure neither of you would be willing to pass up.

Christopher Sabertooth: I’m listening.

Dr. Erik Vance: The two of you have something that interests you, and you also both happen to have something that interests Babayka.

Tristan Killebrew: And what would that be?...

Dr. Erik Vance: Harry Sterling was somewhat of a failed experiment. In the end, he had too much mercy. Too much honor. He shone just far too bright. That’s why Babayka has turned to the both of you.

Christopher Sabertooth: You’ve lost me.

Dr. Erik Vance: The two of you have something that Harry Sterling didn’t. You lack empathy when it all comes down to it. The two of you have something deep inside you that fascinates him. Something that you feel the need to hide rather than truly confront.

Tristan Killebrew: What?

Dr. Erik Vance: I could go more into it to explain to you, but I think you already know what I’m talking about. You see, I’ve spent years dealing with people such as yourselves. People who have a deeper darkness inside them. People who so badly want to just let all of that control go and become something so much more natural to them. You have both spent your lives hiding your true selves behind walls of normalcy. You pick up a weapon, and your first instinct isn’t to use it to your advantage to win a match… But to hurt somebody. Just hurt them. Nothing more. That’s all there is to it to satisfy you.

Tristan Killebrew: I’ve already had enough of this bullshit. Get to your point or I’m out of here.

Dr. Erik Vance: That’s alright. All of this is just a formality. He just wanted to see you in person.

(Killebrew and Sabertooth look around at the pitch black room as if they’re being watched)

Dr. Erik Vance: Don’t mind all of that. The point of all of this is that Babayka wants to see more of you, because he needs a new challenger for the European Championship. Someone far from what Harry Sterling was. Someone not all that far removed from himself. He believes one of you two could be that challenger.

Christopher Sabertooth: One of us?

Dr. Erik Vance: That’s right. I wanted to inform you that at Chapter 5, you two will compete in a match against one another, and you will prove your worth to Babayka. That’s all there is to it.

Christopher Sabertooth: You brought us all the way here for that?

(Dr. Erik Vance smiles again)

Dr. Erik Vance: That’s right. And we do look forward to seeing what you can do, because we know you. We know the both of you. You’re not like Mr. Sterling was. You don’t shine.

(The only light in the room suddenly goes out to make it pitch black)


(The camera cut back to Heavens Arena where the Ring Announcer is shown standing in the center of the ring)

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen… The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is your Chapter 4 Main Event!!!.....

(The crowd cheers)

(“Thy Sorrow Bequeathed” by Hectate Enthroned plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Barney makes his way through the LED doors dressed in all black attire)

Announcer: First, making his way towards the ring…. From Dundalk, Maryland!.... Weighing in at 285 Pounds!.... HE IS “THE MASKED BEAUTY”.... THIS IS BAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRNEY!!!....

Felix Mosby: Certainly an… Interesting competitor Barney is, but one I’m definitely hyped up to see make his debut here in Wrestleworld! We’ve been hearing a lot from him as of late, and I can only imagine what he could be like inside the ring!

(“Ocean Man” by Ween plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Jimmy Johnson makes his way through the LED doors in a black and yellow singlet)

Announcer: And his opponent!.... Making his way towards the ring…. From Taradale, Victoria, Australia!.... Weighing in at 92 Kilos!.... HE IS “THE UNDERCARD”.... THIS IS JIMMY JOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHNSON!!!....

Robbie V: Barney may be making his debut tonight, but this man we saw make his debut back at Chapter 3 where he competed in a 7-Man Ladder Match and though he did put up a hell of an effort, in the end he came up short, so you can imagine how badly he wants his first victory here in Wrestleworld tonight.

(“Ocean Man” fades out as the Referee reluctantly checks both men who both tease him as he attempts to check for weapons before he finally calls for the bell)


Felix Mosby: And they’re off to the race as both men explode out of their respective corners! And… They miss each other! Both men go into the opposite corners and explode out of those as well! Incoming! They collide with one another in the center of the ring! Jimmy and Barney now exchanging words with one another… Both men are charging again as they immediately rush into opposite sides of the ring and into the ropes! We’ve got a crisscross going between these two! They keep going and going! They’re still going! Both men refusing to slow down! This crisscross may never end!

Robbie V: What the hell am I watching?

Felix Mosby: Hold on! It looks like Barney is the first to cave as he runs out of both steam and breath! He starts gasping for breaths of air in the center of the ring while Jimmy keeps going! He’s got a one-man crisscross going! Hold on! Barney now asking for some assistance as Jimmy puts his crisscross to a stop! Jimmy trying to check on his opponent… AND BARNEY ROCKS HIM WITH A HEADBUTT UPSIDE THE JAW! That’ll put you out for a while!

Robbie V: Oh, they’re doing actual moves in this match? Barney seems to finally getting to work as he stomps down into his opponent! He charges into the ropes to pick up some momentum! And he comes down with a big Leg Drop straight onto Jimmy Johnson!

Felix Mosby: He calls that the “Beefy Leg Drop”, I believe!

Robbie V: Of course he does… But nonetheless! At least it’s a move! And perhaps we might get lucky as he seems to be cooking up another one! He seems to be… Smacking his thigh… He’s not gonna do another one of those, is he? I’m not saying that name. But he seems to have something bigger in mind as he makes his way towards the corner! He’s climbing up! How much does this guy weigh again? 285? 500? Well he’s about to bring down every pound of it onto Jimmy if Jimmy doesn’t get it together soon! He’s perched on the top!!

Felix Mosby: AND HE LEAPS FOR A SUPER BEEFY LEG DROP!!! But nobody’s home!! Jimmy Johnson manages to save himself as he rolls out of the way! Barney favoring his leg and… Bottom… After crashing and burning to the canvas!

Robbie V: Jimmy has a perfect opportunity to capitalize! He’s feeling it! Jimmy’s looking around at this crowd and shaking his head! He could be looking for something big of his own as he…. Picks his nose?! What the hell is he doing?!

Felix Mosby: AND HE GOES FOR THE MANDIBLE CLAW FOR WHAT HE CALLS THE “JOHNSON SNACK”!!! But look at this! The mouth of Barney is covered by the mask! Jimmy Johnson can’t do it! BARNEY WITH A MANDIBLE CLAW OF HIS OWN ON JIMMY JOHNSON INSTEAD!!! Forcing his hand down the throat of Johnson!! Jimmy is struggling!! He’s doing everything he can to get out of this!! Barney’s taunting him as Jimmy attempts to fight it!! Both men slowly rising to their feet! Jimmy looks desperate! He nails Barney with a hard shot! Another connects! Another! BUT BARNEY PULLS JOHNSON IN FOR THE HANDSOME MAN SLAM!!! Big Sidewalk Slam connects! Barney doesn’t go for cover! He wants to capitalize further!

Robbie V: I can’t even begin to imagine whatever the hell he has planned this time around as he grabs Jimmy Johnson by his singlet and drags him over to the nearest corner of the ring… Barney now… Smacking his own… No, I’m not gonna say it. I’m just not going to in all seriousness say that a man is preparing for anything by smacking his own ass. I’m just not!

Felix Mosby: Barney looks more fired up than ever as he charges into the opposite corner of the ring! HE’S GOT MOMENTUM AT HIS BACK AS HE COMES CHARGING!! BIG HIPSTRIKE CONNECTS!!! NO--JIMMY WAS ABLE TO MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!! “Catch These Cheeks” was no good as Johnson dodged it and Barney was sent crashing hard into the corner! Johnson is quick to get back to his feet as a damaged Barney stumbles forward! Johnson nails him with a hard shot to the jaw! Another big right hand connects! Forearm smash! And a spinning forearm smash connects as Barney goes stumbling backwards and leaning against the ropes… Almost going all the way to the outside! He’s tipping!!... BUT BARNEY TIPS BACK INTO THE RING AND EXPLODES FORWARD AT JIMMY!!

Robbie V: JOHNSON ANTICIPATES IT AS HE PICKS UP BARNEY TO CONNECT WITH A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!! That’s what it’s actually called, right?! Please tell me it is!

Felix Mosby: I believe it is as Jimmy doesn’t go for the cover! He wants something else! He’s already back to his feet as he rushes over to the nearby corner! He’s climbing up! Jimmy Johnson on the top! AND HE GOES FLYING--

Robbie V: Barney pushes the Referee forward with his boot and into the ropes as Johnson gets crotched on the top turnbuckle and collapses down to the canvas in the corner!! He could be hurt from that one! Jimmy Johnson is doing everything he can to recuperate, but Barney looks to be back in this as he rises to his feet! HE COMES CHARGING!! BIG HIPSTRIKE NAILS THE FACE OF JOHNSON!!!

Felix Mosby: CATCH THESE CHEEKS CONNECTS EMPHATICALLY AND SUCCESSFULLY THIS TIME AROUND AS BARNEY CELEBRATES LIKE HE’S ALREADY WON!!! Barney looks more than pleased with himself after that as he immediately grabs a hold of Johnson and drags him up! He’s calling for the end to this one! Johnson doesn’t look like he has anything left in him! BARNEY PULLS HIM IN!! SUPERBARNEY!!!!! BIG GUTWRENCH POWERBOMB CONNECTS AS BARNEY GOES FOR THE COVER!!

Referee: ONE!!!!!!........ TWO!!!!!!!!!.........

Robbie V: And it’s not enough for a three as Johnson gets a shoulder up! Barney is beside himself! He thought that was it! He rises back to his feet… And stomps down into Johnson! Barney just stomping away at his opponent! He’s not done yet as he charges into the ropes! Coming back… And a big running senton connects as all 285 pounds crash onto Jimmy Johnson!! Johnson is in big trouble here! He better hope for a saving grace as Barney drags him up! HE PULLS HIM IN ONCE AGAIN! No--Johnson fights it this time as he immediately forces both men into the nearest corner!! Barney with clubbing blows to the back of Johnson’s back! He grabs him again!! HOLD ON--BARNEY’S GOING UP! HE’S CLIMBING THAT CORNER WITH JOHNSON IN HIS GRASP!! HE’S GOT HIM UP THERE! HE COULD BE LOOKING FOR A TOP ROPE GUTWRENCH!!!

Felix Mosby: AVALANCHE SUPERBARNEY!!!!! NO--JIMMY JOHNSON TURNS IT INTO A HURRICANRANA AS BARNEY COMES CRASHING DOWN TO THE CANVAS!!! What a reversal that was!! Jimmy Johnson is coming back to life!! He could win this one yet! He can still take control! Johnson is back on his feet with help from the ropes! Barney is grabbing the Referee to help himself get back up!! Both men are up!! THEY’RE ON THEIR FEET AS THEY CHARGE AT EACH OTHER! JIMMY LEAPS ONTO BARNEY FOR A GUILLOTINE CHOKE!!!! THE JOHNSON SPECIAL IS LOCKED IN!!!

Robbie V: No! Barney forces Johnson immediately into the corner this time with a shoulder thrust!! Another shoulder thrust as the hold is broken! Barney grabs Johnson and pulls him up to the top!! He’s looking for something big again as he climbs up there!! JOHNSON SLIPS THROUGH THE LEGS OF BARNEY!! BARNEY TURNS AROUND AS JOHNSON RUSHES UP THERE!!



(“Ocean Man” by Ween plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Jimmy Johnson has his hand immediately raised by the Referee)

Announcer: The Winner of this contest by Submission…. JIMMY JOOOOOOHHHHHNNNNSSSOOOOONNNNN!!!!

Robbie V: I’m just stunned they actually did moves in that contest! I wasn’t expecting that, but it did end up actually being oddly competitive in a way…

Felix Mosby: One heck of a match! I don’t think I’ve seen anything quite like that, especially not here in Wrestleworld! What a huge first victory for Jimmy Johnson tonight! A well-earned one at that! Barney put up one hell of a fight, but in the end Johnson was able to smother him with that Guillotine Choke!

(“Bite The Bullet” by contRoVersy plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Drake & Jones make their way through the LED doors as they both clap and make their way down to the ring while a confused Jimmy Johnson looks on)

Felix Mosby: Huh? Now what?

Robbie V: Hey, don’t ask me… I’m sure it’s something stupid though.

Felix Mosby: It seems as though the Architects for the Campeonatos de Parejas are once more making their presence known here tonight!

Robbie V: And they’ve already gone out of their way to stain the show multiple times tonight, so you can only imagine what the hell they intend to do now…

(“Bite The Bullet” fades out as Drake & Jones enter the ring. Tiberius continues to clap as Drake is handed microphones for the both of them)

Drake Jaeger: Congrats, buddy!

Tiberius Jones: Seriously! Big congratulations! One heck of a match that was! We’re impressed!

(Jimmy Johnson looks more confused as Barney looks up at the two men as well)

Drake Jaeger: We wanted to wait and surprise you, and that’s why we’re out here. See, all night we’ve been coming up with all four VERY special teams to join our Drake & Jones Games Match that begins at Chapter 5, and we secretly made it so that the winner of THIS main event match would become a part of it with a partner!

Felix Mosby: Wow! I wasn’t expecting that!

Robbie V: You weren’t expecting something like that as soon as these two showed up? Are you stupid?

Tiberius Jones: But, Drake… He needs a partner, doesn’t he?

Drake Jaeger: You’re right, TJ… So I’d like to introduce to you, Jimmy, your partner….

(Drake points towards the stage)

Felix Mosby: Who’s it going to be?!

(Drake’s pointing finger begins to move as he turns around and points it at Barney)

Drake Jaeger: This guy!

Robbie V: Of course…

Felix Mosby: Drake & Jones have evidently just made the two men who competed against one another tonight the newest team in the Drake & Jones Games Match!

Robbie V: Well at least he wasn’t lying when he claimed these teams would be random, because even when hand-picked these teams are anything unlike what I would have expected.

(Drake & Jones continue to clap as Barney gets to his feet while he and Jimmy Johnson look at them)

Tiberius Jones: Congrats to the both of you! Great job! I’m sure you’ll do awesome!

(“Play For Keeps” by BoB suddenly plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Jaywalker makes his way through the LED doors with a microphone in hand)

Felix Mosby: Hold on! It looks like the Wrestleworld Director wants to be a part of this!

(Jaywalker makes his way towards the ring as Drake & Jones look on)

Robbie V: By this point, I don’t even care. Anything to get these two morons to stop making this into the Drake & Jones Show.

(“Play For Keeps” fades out as Jaywalker enters the ring while Jimmy Johnson and Barney exit the ring. Drake & Jones begin to take their leave as well)

Jaywalker: Hold on there, guys.

(Drake & Jones stop in their tracks and look back at Jaywalker)

Drake Jaeger: Oh hey there! Fancy seeing you here! We were just doing our job and doing exactly what you told us to--

Jaywalker: Well, I don’t know if I’d call that exactly, but… I’m not going to stop you from it.

Tiberius Jones: Seriously? I mean, yeah! Of course you won’t! It’s a great idea!

Jaywalker: I actually wanted the two of you to stay here to help me welcome the new Architect for the Shogun Championship.

Drake Jaeger: Oh no! NEW Architect? What happened to the old one?

(Tiberius and Drake laugh)

Jaywalker: That’s funny. Yeah, you guys sure did it. You got rid of Brian Daniels. Hell, you did more than that, didn’t you? You essentially ended his in-ring career and made him unable to even continue to do his job here as an Architect.

Tiberius Jones: I know, right? That’s like, what, three or four birds with one stone? But hey, don’t get mad at me or Drake. HE brought it upon himself, you know that. We had no other choice.

Jaywalker: Yes, of course. You had no other choice. So anyway, to introduce his replacement… I’d like to introduce someone who happens to be quite well known in this business. Someone who’s achieved plenty of things. Someone that’s as talented as they come.

Drake Jaeger: That sounds like me. Is he about to make me the Architect?

Jaywalker: Someone who was a huge part of the company known as Strong Style Wrestling--

Drake Jaeger: Woah, woah, woah! Hold up! No Goddamn way! No way in hell! You are NOT going to do what I think you’re about to do! Don’t you do it! I swear to God if you bring Aria Jaxon out here as the new Architect! I swear to God I’ll kill you and then kill everyone else and then kill myself! I swear!

Jaywalker: Relax. I had something else in mind. Ladies and gentlemen… Jaydayne Pendragon.

(The Wrestleworld Theme plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Jaydayne Pendragon proudly makes his way through the LED doors and down to the ring as Drake & Jones look on)

Felix Mosby: Are you kidding me?! No way! What an announcement! Jaydayne Pendragon has arrived in Wrestleworld to replace Brian Daniels as the Shogun Architect! I couldn’t agree more with a decision like that!

Robbie V: Hell, even I’ve heard plenty about this guy. Pendragon has been one of the few people I’d actually be willing to step inside the ring with if I ever did again.

Felix Mosby: You have to! Do it! Come on! I’d love to see that!

Robbie V: Jesus, will you just be cool for one second?

(The Wrestleworld theme fades out as Jaydayne Pendragon enters the ring and is handed a microphone of his own)

Drake Jaeger: Phew! Close one! You had me going there for a second, Jay! You really did! So this is him, huh? This is the guy?

Tiberius Jones: Congrats! Welcome to Wrestleworld! Try not to screw up as much as the last guy in charge though, just an fyi.

(Jaydayne says nothing in response as he seems to ignore Drake & Jones and instead shakes hands with Jaywalker)

Drake Jaeger: Oh I see how it is… But hey, I get it! That’s fine, sure! So you’re the guy who made that big match for Violent Ends then, right? Arata Asakura and Jacob Senn? Wow, what a huge match. Props for that, dude. But you know what?

Tiberius Jones: What’s that?

Drake Jaeger: I think I’ve become a super big fan of Arata recently too. Haven’t you, TJ?

Tiberius Jones: Oh absolutely, he was great to have around at Violent Delights.

Drake Jaeger: I thought so too, and Jacob Senn? Great guy! You know what? I just had an idea! We need FOUR teams for this Drake & Jones Games Match, so you know what? I think we’re gonna go ahead and borrow your boys Arata and Senn and make them a tag team!

Tiberius Jones: Brilliant! Great idea, Drake!

Drake Jaeger: Now THAT is a match people want to see! So at Chapter 5, it’s going to be--

Felix Mosby: OH--JAYDAYNE PENDRAGON NAILS DRAKE JAEGER WITH A SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE KICK TO THE SKULL!!!! Drake just got laid out!! Tiberius Jones now getting in the face of a serious Jaydayne Pendragon! That one might have been for the fallen Brian Daniels!

Robbie V: I have no doubt about it, and rightfully so!

(Tiberius Jones slowly backs away and exits the ring as he pulls Drake out with him before the two men take their leave)

Felix Mosby: Jaydayne Pendragon has made his presence known! Jaywalker doesn’t seem too upset about it either! He just sent a powerful message to Drake & Jones as well as anyone else that he does not intend to be made a fool of!

Robbie V: Who knows what might come of that, but it was so satisfying to watch regardless! I think I like our new Shogun Architect!

Felix Mosby: We’ve ran out of time for tonight, ladies and gentlemen, but what a show it’s been! And we’ve got so much to look forward to for Chapter 5! I cannot wait! I’m sure you can’t either, so thank you all for joining us for another exciting Chapter tonight! We’ll see what’s to come soon enough as we head towards Violent Ends! Signing off for Robbie V, I’m Felix Mosby, and we’ll see you in our next Chapter!

(Jaydayne Pendragon watches as Drake & Jones take their leave while the camera fades to black)

(Wrestleworld Logo Buzzes)