The information in this document has been checked as current and will be updated regularly. Please do not print the document but go to  for the latest live version.

Last update 1700 07/01/2022

The format has been changed to put the more current FAQs first.

What is the current guidance for vulnerable groups?

Those at higher risk of severe illness from COVID 19 due to reduced immunity may not have such a good response to the vaccine and may remain at increased risk. İf you fall into this category, you should have received a letter from the NHS confirming that you may benefit from one of the new treatments. You are advised not to undertake prolonged close contact work or work in areas with high levels of exposure to others. This may involve asking for adjustments to be made, please contact your rep

You are additionally advised:

This group includes some people who have

I booked a holiday for my A/L, can I go abroad?

Check whether your destination is on the red list at www There were no countries on the red list on 7th January 2022

If red you are advised not to travel.  You must self isolate for 10 days on return, vaccinated or not and the company will only pay for the isolation period if the destination was added to the red list after you travelled.

İf the country is not on the red list, if fully vaccinated you must take a PCR or LFT test before the end of day 2 of your return. You do not need to self isolate unless you test positive.

Does the Omicron variant change the self isolation rules?

Current management and NHS guidance is that, if you are notified of a contact with any COVID 19 case, you must self isolate for 10 days if not fully vaccinated. You do not need to SO if fully vaccinated but you Must take daily lateral flow tests for 7 days or for 10 days after contact.

I am not fully vaccinated. What self isolation rules apply to me?

If you have not had two doses of a COVID vaccine, you are still legally required to self isolate  if you have been instructed to do so by NHS test and trace or after close contact with an infected person. You still have to self isolate if someone in your household or support bubble has COVID or symptoms that could be COVID. The latest guidance says that from 22nd November if you COULD have been vaccinated but chose not to, your period of self isolation will count as an item. Despite assurances at company council level that COVID related absence will not count as an 'item', the management guidance still does not reflect this. İf you are unvaccinated, and need to self isolate because of a contact, please self isolate immediately and contact your local rep. Reps, please alert level or tier 2 if you have a member in this situation

I have had 2 doses of a COVID vaccine. When do I still have to self isolate?

From 16th August, if you are fully vaccinated, the government no longer requires you to automatically self isolate after being identified as a close contact of someone with COVID. However, you should take daily lft tests for 10 days after contact. It is a good idea to order a batch of tests from

You must still self isolate if:

İn these instances, you should self isolate. You should take an LFT on day 6. İf negative, you should take another 24 hours later. İf both are negative and you don't have a high temperature, you can end your self isolation. İf positive, or if you have a high temperature, you should continue to self isolate for 10 days.


The company threatens disciplinary action if you do not self isolate when you're supposed to. They are also subject to fines if they allow you to come to work when you should be self isolating. We would defend any member in these circumstances but would urge you to observe the self isolation guidance. Please keep yourselves, colleagues and families safe.

When should i self isolate?

  1. İf you have symptoms yourself, whether or not you are vaccinated

İf you have a high temperature, continuous cough and/or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, you should self isolate immediately and order a PCR test. İf you test negative, you may come back to work.  Your time off before your result will not count as an 'item'

  1. İf a household member has symptoms and you are not fully vaccinated

İf you are well but a household member has symptoms, you must self isolate for 10 days if not fully vaccinated. The latest guidance says that from 22nd November if you COULD have been vaccinated but chose not to, your period of self isolation will count as an item. Despite assurances at company council level that COVID related absence will not count as an 'item', the management guidance still does not reflect this. İf you are unvaccinated, and need to self isolate because of a contact, please self isolate immediately and contact your local rep. Reps, please alert level or tier 2 if you have a member in this situation

  1. İf you develop symptoms while self isolating, whether or not you are vaccinated

You should take a PCR test and self isolate for 10 days from when you first developed symptoms.  İf vaccinated, this can be reduced to 7 days provided that you test negative on days 6 and 7 and do not have a temperature

4) If you are informed by LU that you have been in close contact with a colleague who has COVID and you are not fully vaccinated

In this instance, you must self isolate for 10 days and order a test.  Please note that the original 10 days self isolation must stand even if you test negative. The latest guidance says that from 22nd November if you COULD have been vaccinated but chose not to, your period of self isolation will count as an item. Despite assurances at company council level that COVID related absence will not count as an 'item', the management guidance still does not reflect this. İf you are unvaccinated, and need to self isolate because of a contact, please self isolate immediately and contact your local rep. Reps, please alert level or tier 2 if you have a member in this situation

5) Contacted by NHS Track and Trace and you are not fully vaccinated

If you are notified by NHS track and trace to self isolate, you must do so. They will calculate 10 days from the date of potential infection and instruct you accordingly. If you develop symptoms, you should order a test and continue to self isolate for 10 days from the start of your symptoms OR until you receive a negative test result. The latest guidance says that from 22nd November if you COULD have been vaccinated but chose not to, your period of self isolation will count as an item. Despite assurances at company council level that COVID related absence will not count as an 'item', the management guidance still does not reflect this. İf you are unvaccinated, and need to self isolate because of a contact, please self isolate immediately and contact your local rep. Reps, please alert level or tier 2 if you have a member in this situation

I have been diagnosed with long covid and am coming to the end of my company sick pay entitlement

This has been taken up at the highest level of the Union but long covid has still not been recognised as an industrial disease. Negotiations continue.

In LU, covid related absence, however long, is not subject to disciplinary measures and a short extension can be given to company sick pay.  Area managers have the authority to grant this.

 However, this still leaves some members exhausting CSP through no fault of their own and suffering severe financial hardship. The Union is continuing to pursue this matter on a regional and national level.

My manager has demanded the dates of my vaccinations. Do I have to tell him/her?

No. Your manager does not have a right to know your vaccination status. However, they will assume that you are vaccinated and expect you to attend work unless you tell them otherwise. They have been instructed to have these conversations respectfully and confidentially.

. Do I have to wear a face covering?

LU is now requiring members of staff to wear a face covering when working in public areas unless there is a medical exemption. They consider it a reasonable instruction unless you have an exemption.  Your manager is likely to refer you to occupational health if you do not wish to wear one. If they tell you that they don't recognise your need for an exemption and you have an independent medical opinion from your GP or clinician, contact your rep.

I am sick with coronavirus symptoms and my annual leave is due.  Will I lose it?

No. As you are sick, your annual leave will be cancelled and can be  taken at a later date

I believe a colleague is off work with COVID 19 and am worried that I may have been exposed. What can I do?

If you may have been in close contact with a colleague who has COVID 19, your manager has an obligation to inform you and to instruct you to self isolate for 10 days from the date of last contact if you are not fully vaccinated.  Close contact is classified as:

How long must I self isolate and will I be paid if it is more than 10 days?

If you still have a temperature after 10 days, you must continue to self isolate for a further 10 days.  You will receive full pay. If you do not have a temperature and feel well enough you may return to work.

What does the end of social distancing rules on 19th July mean for me?

LU is still actively encouraging social distancing for its employees. SD measures should still be in place. Do what you can to social distance from customers. If you were previously classified as clinically vulnerable or clinically extremely vulnerable, you should have had a role specific risk assessment. Special arrangements should be made if your journey carries a risk of close contact. If you were in one of these categories you may also wish to clarify with your manager any tasks that may bring you into close contact.  Your manager may ask for a doctor's letter.If your health condition changes, ask for a reassessment from LUOH.

Can I use the NHS track and trace app at work?

Yes, the government recommends that you use it and your employer cannot prevent you from doing so.

My manager says that my station is to return to normal minimum numbers and normal rosters. Is this correct?

Although stations are getting busier, the agreement still stands that special rosters to minimise staff on the station will stay in place until the end of the pandemic. This can only be changed through a formal agreement with your local rep, who should consult you about this. Managers cannot revert to business as usual without consultation.

Many stations have returned to Mon-sat minimum numbers, making it harder to shorten shifts and give on call days. However, the agreement still stands and managers must make every effort to reduce numbers to the minimum required to safely operate, in order to avoid unnecessary exposure to the virus. Please report any mention of a return to 'business as usual' to your SFC reps

I returned from abroad and me or one of my traveling companions has tested positive on arrival

If it's you that's tested positive, you will have to isolate for 10 days, vaccinated or not. Company sick pay will be provided and it will not count as an item if you are fully vaccinated. If it's a traveling companion, you only need to self isolate if you are not fully vaccinated OR if an Omicron case is suspected. The latest guidance says that from the 22nd November  if you COULD have been vaccinated but chose not to, your period of self isolation will count as an item. Despite assurances at company council level that COVID related absence will not count as an 'item', the management guidance still does not reflect this. İf you are unvaccinated, and need to self isolate because of a contact, please self isolate immediately and contact your local rep. Reps, please alert level or tier 2 if you have a member in this situation

İ have been called to a disciplinary meeting accused of coming to work with COVİD symptoms

See your local rep. İt is important to check what the NHS and company guidance was at the time of the incident and whether you had access to it. İt is also important to note whether you had made your manager aware of your situation, whether they gave you any advice and whether you followed it.

I have been offered a vaccination against COVID-19

Your manager should offer flexibility around your shifts in order for you to attend. The company no longer offers special leave with pay, your sfc reps are challenging this

I have had my vaccination but am unwell due to side effects

You should tell your manager you are unfit to attend due to side effects of the vaccine. You will receive company sick pay but this should be logged as "sickness explanation accepted" on your return to work and

 will not be classed as an 'item' under the AAW procedure

I had to self isolate because I had been in contact with a person who had COVID. I cannot get evidence of their test result and my manager says I will not be paid for the absence

Your absence will be treated as sickness under the normal AAW and may count as an item. This should depend on whether you can demonstrate that the absence was unavoidable. There is no justification for withholding company sick pay

I am a csa2 with a csa1 licence. I have been allocated csa1 duties but my manager refuses to pay me for higher grade working because s/he says I have to be flexible during the crisis

The framework continues to apply and if you are deployed as a CSA1 or cover a CSA1 shift, you should be paid HGW as usual. Your manager/admin cannot allocate CSA1 shifts to you in a cover week without your explicit consent and you should not accept such shifts unless you wish to and have been assured that you will be paid overtime and HGW for the entire shift

I am still on probation and worried that my probation will be extended if I am absent for reasons related to coronavirus

COVID related absence will not be used to extend probation

I am not on cover week and have been asked to change my shift time with less than 7 days notice.  Does the framework still apply?

Yes, the framework still applies and such changes should be by mutual agreement

I have been contacted by NHS Test and Trace

You must follow the instructions you have received. If you are told to self-isolate, you must stay at home for the specified length of time if you are not fully vaccinated. This applies regardless of any lack of symptoms and regardless of any negative  test. You risk a fine otherwise. You should show your manager a copy or a screenshot of the instruction and will be paid company sick pay. Since 22nd November if you COULD have been vaccinated but chose not to, your period of self isolation will count as an item. This will be challenged by your SFC reps

Will I be disciplined or have pay withheld if I have symptoms of the virus and have to stay at home?

You will receive full company sick pay and this will not count as an item under the AAW policy. However, they will expect you to take a test if you can. Your manager may be able to order a home testing kit for you even if a drive through test is not available to you. LFTs will be accepted and are usually available. If a test is available and you choose not to take it, it may count as an item.  If you take a test and it is negative, your period of sickness before the test should still not count as an item.

Someone in my household is to have an operation and the entire household has been instructed to self isolate before and after the surgery. Will I lose pay?

No. Show the letter to your address instructing the household to self isolate and you will be paid in full. The management guidance says that this will be sick leave. If you have to self isolate because of a household members operation, this should not be treated as an "item" under the AAW policy. Your manager will ask for a copy of the NHS guidance sheet requiring you and your household to self isolate

I am well but I am afraid that I am risking infection by working with the public

There are many measures that can be taken to reduce risk.  Please speak to your health and safety rep if you feel that you are being required to work unsafely and remember your right to refuse to work on the grounds of health and safety.  

Wear a face covering unless you are exempt. This should be provided but you are allowed to wear your own. If you are medically exempt, have you asked for or been offered an assessment by LUOH to determine whether it is safe for you to perform your normal duties?

If you previously had an luoh assessment and been assessed as at high risk (Red) , please check with your GP that you can now safely work and travel to work without restrictions

Stay at least  2 metres away from colleagues and members of the public. If you are asked to undertake any task that would risk closer contact, get in touch immediately with your health and safety rep. Be careful when assisting customers at poms and remember your right to refuse to work if it cannot be done safely.

The current priority should still be to have enough staff to enable essential journeys to take place safely. To minimise the risk of infection, temporary BNS have been shared to your managers and reps so that stations do not have an excess of staff (which makes it difficult to social distance). This could involve shorter shifts or spending alternate shifts at work and on standby at home. Watch out for updates and speak to your local rep.

 Changes to staffing arrangements must not occur unless agreed by local reps at a formal level one meeting. Please alert your level 2 and tier 2 reps immediately if there are any unagreed changes.

ALL EMPLOYEES RETURNING FROM LONG TERM ABSENCE whatever the reason, should not be expected to jump straight in. Managers must consider refamiliarisation, a briefing on what safety arrangements have been put in place and a staggered return or period of shadowing if necessary. If your manager has not set up an adequate arrangement for your return, refer them to the link on page 25 of the current COVID management guidance.



Important information

The information in this document is based on LU guidance, NHS England guidance and guidance current at 1700 on 7th January 2022

This document should not be printed, as it will be updated regularly. Please link to the live document to make sure you are accessing the latest version.

If you have any questions not covered in this document, think something else should be included or your manager is acting differently, contact your local rep. This document is for your information. When writing to management, quote the latest LU Guidance (currently version V1.71) and the current government guidance.  If your manager continues to refuse to act on the above,  please write a referral, give it to the manager and copy it to your stations functional council rep.

Marie Harrington 07814 740308   Eamonn Lynch 07578 769943 Phil Rowan 07891 100820

Norman Thomson 07853 288184  Mac McKenna 07801 071 363 Paul Schindler 07730 032665