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Kenya Math Camp Report August 2023: Nyarongi Community
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Kenya Math Camp Report 2023: Nyarongi Community, Homabay County, Kenya

Dates 21st  -  25th August 2023

Unlocking Mathematical Horizons: A Journey of Discovery

Participants at the Nyarongi Community Maths Camp pose for a photo outside the Church where the camp was hosted


In the heart of Nyarongi Community, where the pursuit of knowledge meets the vibrant spirit of learning, an exhilarating mathematical odyssey unfolded at the Nyarongi Community Maths Camp. It was a journey inspired by an unquenchable love for mathematics and STEM, one that transcended the boundaries of the classroom and transformed students into more. This report is not just a collection of facts and figures; it is a vibrant tapestry woven with the experiences and transformations of those who embarked on this incredible journey of numbers, patterns, and critical thinking.

The Nyarongi Community Maths Camp was not just an ordinary event; it was a testament to the power of passion, education, and community. As we delve into this report, we invite you to step into the world of young minds, whose aspirations were ignited by the wonders of mathematics and the boundless possibilities of STEM.

In our journey through this report, we will explore the remarkable transformation of students, as beautifully chronicled in themes and the experiences at the camp. This report reveals the profound impact that the camp had on both students and facilitators alike. From conquering mathematical challenges to imparting knowledge with unwavering enthusiasm, this report captures the essence of what it means to be truly inspired by the world of numbers and equations.

Additionally, we will embark on an exhilarating journey through the camp's vibrant beginnings marking the first ever maths camp in Nyarongi Community. This report takes us on a vivid exploration of the camp's early days, where curiosity ran wild, and the thirst for knowledge was unquenchable. It reflects the camp's dynamic atmosphere and the enthusiasm that radiated from both students and mentors.

Gathering a cohort of 60 students hailing from 30 different secondary schools, with 15 of the students from the nearby Nyarongi Mixed Secondary School, this math camp truly embodied diversity. This inclusive group consisted of 43% female and 57% male students, from ages of 13 to 20. Importantly, this event served as a maiden voyage into the world of math camps for all attendees, none of whom had previously had the privilege of such an experience.

The camp was further enriched by the presence of nine facilitators. Among them, four were international volunteers, five were local volunteers, and three were esteemed Church elders who lent their wisdom throughout the camp week. The facilitators' backgrounds as former participants added a distinct and valuable perspective to the camp's dynamics. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Samuel Okoth, Owen Mulinya Kizito, Festus Elias, Talu Lucian Mayabi, Feleria Adinda, Titus Kinuthia, Stella Bagchi, Dario Domingo, Andrea Vaccaro, and Austin Hubbard for their unwavering dedication and support as facilitators. Their tireless efforts significantly contributed to the resounding success and the positive experiences gained at the math camp.

A section of maths camp facilitators playing Dobble Game

Join us as we delve deeper into the Nyarongi Community Maths Camp, where the fusion of education, passion, and community spirit created an unforgettable experience. From humble beginnings to remarkable transformations, this report will unveil the incredible journey of those who embarked on this mathematical adventure.


Data Science: Visualizing Insights

The realm of data science beckoned our 60 eager participants, with only two participants having ever interacted with Microsoft Excel before. This session was the gateway to practical tools for visualizing data, and Excel's charting capabilities became the magic wand. Through this, our campers acquired the skills to present data in captivating ways, enhancing their prowess in numerical analysis and effective communication.

But that was just the beginning. In our Data Representation using Microsoft Excel session, students dove into a dataset of climatic data for Homabay County in August 2023. Once more, the power of visualization was harnessed. Armed with 2-D pie charts, 3-D pie charts, and bar graphs, they unveiled the secrets hidden within the data. Insights into Homabay County's climatic patterns during that time period emerged as campers wielded the visualization techniques with finesse.

Programming and Robotics: Crafting the Future

At the intersection of programming and robotics, our campers embarked on a journey that nurtured logical, linguistic, and problem-solving skills. Robotics offered a tangible canvas to apply classroom theories, with active learning methods like project-based and cooperative learning taking the lead. The programming session featured captivating activities such as the human robot game and Edison robot programming. Here, computational thinking thrived, leading students to dissect challenges, identify patterns, and craft systematic solutions.

Meet Edison

The synergy of educational robotics with inquiry-based and problem-based learning was illuminated. Our campers witnessed the seamless fusion of subjects like programming, transforming learning into an interactive voyage. Tools like Blockly Game - Maze heightened engagement, offering an enticing realm of interactive coding challenges.

Mathematical Thinking: Unleashing Minds

Mathematical thinking, the cornerstone of our camp, found expression in captivating activities like the Handshake problem, Olympic rings, Tower of Hanoi, graph coloring, genius square, mixed up socks, and more. Here, the campers' critical thinking skills were summoned to discern patterns and construct problem-solving blueprints.

Every session unveiled a new mathematical frontier, nourishing young minds with the nourishment of knowledge. By the camp's end, they departed with fortified mathematical foundations, sharpened organizational skills, and a methodical approach to conquer any challenge.

Journey into Complexity: Mathematical Challenges

The Handshake Problem, a classic combinatorics math puzzle, revealed its secrets at Nyarongi Math Camp. Through creative demonstrations, campers grappled with the mathematical dance of handshakes. The elegant combinatorics technique, n(n-1)/2, emerged as a weapon of choice, finding practical applications in fields like computer networking and social science.

The Genius Square, a brilliant activity building from Tic-tac-toe, navigated campers through intricate strategies. The "15 Game," a variation of this puzzle, stretched their mental faculties and honed their problem-solving acumen. Minds were lit up as participants grasped the concept of a "magic square," connecting seemingly unrelated dots in the mathematical cosmos.

Graph Coloring brought graph theory to life as students explored the art of coloring maps. Armed with a palette of just four colors, they navigated complex maps, adhering to the crucial rule that regions sharing edges must wear distinct hues. The elegant answer to the question of minimum colors required, always four, unraveled profound connections between graph theory and this beguiling puzzle.

Chess: Where Strategy Meets Mathematics

The ancient game of chess, revered for centuries, found its rightful place in the camp. Beyond its recreational allure, chess unfolded as a cognitive exercise fostering mathematical reasoning, problem-solving, and strategic acumen. Campers discovered that the lessons drawn from chess are a treasure trove, enriching their mathematical and analytical thinking.

The Tower of Hanoi: A Mathematical Stacking Challenge

The Tower of Hanoi, a mathematical puzzle of elegant simplicity, beckoned our campers. They conquered it using both inductive and iterative methods. The inductive path began with a single disk, paving the way to recursive solutions for larger towers. The iterative approach, a symphony of patterns and sequences, allowed students to master this classic challenge, unlocking deeper insights into problem-solving, patterns, and recursion.

Olympic Rings: Venn Diagram Mastery

The use of Venn diagrams came to life as campers grappled with the Olympic rings. A puzzle that challenged them to place numbers 1 to 9 in nine regions, ensuring equal totals in each ring. Some embarked on trial and error, while others crafted systematic solutions. The exercise celebrated the diversity of thought.

Plinko Probability: A Playful Exploration using PhET Interactive Simulations

The world of probability emerged through a playful Plinko game. Coin tosses and dynamic probabilities unfolded in a tangible learning experience as the first part of the session.

Students play the Plinko Game with directions on the floor

By engaging in interactive simulation: “Plinko Probability”, students witnessed how probability distributions take shape in real-world scenarios, sparking critical and creative thinking.

Students engaging with the PhET Interactive Simulations

Mixed Up Socks: Celebrating Uniqueness

The Mixed Up Socks activity was a whimsical journey of creating distinct mismatched pairs. It celebrated individuality in randomness, proving that even in chaos, patterns emerge. It was a light-hearted reminder that diversity is a wellspring of creativity.

Binary Numbers: The Magic of Zeroes and Ones

Magic tricks revealed the world of binary numbers. Campers marveled at the transformation of numbers into binary, decoding the language of zeroes and ones. The session illuminated the beauty of mathematical ideas woven into everyday magic.

Brick Walls: Unraveling Patterns

The challenge of constructing a brick wall of length 10 with 2-high bricks spurred our campers into action. Problem-solving techniques, patterns, and the enchantment of Fibonacci numbers all played a part in conquering this intriguing task. Minds were honed in critical thinking, discerning patterns, and unraveling mathematical mysteries.

Game of Chance: Dynamic Probability

In the Game of Chance, probabilities were not static; they evolved with each selection. Students' choices shaped the game, showcasing the dynamic nature of probability. It was an interactive journey through uncertainty, fostering observation and analysis.

Factors and Multiples: Hypotheses to Strategies

Participants immersed themselves in puzzle grids, unlocking factor tricks and deducing strategies. Hypotheses evolved into solutions, and campers honed their problem-solving skills.

Math Game Envoy Training: Becoming Maths Game Ambassadors

At Nyarongi Math Camp, a Math Game Envoy Training program to make learning of Mathematics enjoyable and interactive. Training significantly enhanced the Camp experience for students.

Play to Learn, Learn to Play, and Problem-Solving Modules illuminated mathematical concepts through games. Campers left equipped to inspire peers and make mathematics enjoyable for all. The training aimed to prepare students to act as Math game ambassadors, helping their peer students to understand and enjoy Mathematical concepts, and activities from SAMI Card decks through games.

Physical Activities: Math in Motion

Physical activities wove mathematics into play. Games like concentration, flag game, mingle mingle, find the ball, buzz, and card game merged fun with core mathematical ideas. It was a testament that math isn't confined to paper; it's a living, breathing part of our world.

Concentration games enhance your memory, coordination, and focus while having fun. The team leader tells the members to focus on the game and try to keep the beat while they stand in a circle. The crowd claps twice and taps its legs twice before repeating. Keep clapping in that manner. The leader alternates between saying his own name twice and another person's name twice.

Flag game after being divided into two teams, the individuals stand in two lines facing one another. To call and decide, one person must be in the center. An object is placed in the center of the two teams. Each player is paired with a number from the opposing side. Each time a matching pair is called, they have one round to race to retrieve the ball and return to their line without being touched. Points may be kept if the ball touches someone before going to the other side.

Card game Cards ranging from Ace to Ten are dealt to each team. Each team's 10 cards are dealt face down at random onto a table in front of them. The players run up one at a time and flip a card over. If it isn't the Ace, they turn it over again and sprint back to their team, where the following player gets a turn. They can lay the ace face up at the head of the table once it has been revealed. Card two is needed next, and so on. Play continues until one team has all of its cards properly flipped face up.

Buzz  The participants sit in a huge circle. The count begins with one player stating "1," and continues around the circle with the next player shouting "2." Any number that contains a 3 or is divisible by 3 needs to have the word "Buzz" substituted for it. When someone makes a mistake, the game resumes at step 1.

Mingle mingle  The leader chants, "In twos, In threes, etc." as the players from the groups with the total number that is spoken aloud go around mingling.

Find the ball  This is a group activity where each team must guide a member of their team who is blindfolded towards a specific object. The activity encourages effective teamwork from the team as well as communication and individual focus.

Games and Puzzles: The Joy of Problem Solving

Puzzles adorned our camp, not just as challenges but as invitations to explore, learn, and teach. Daily puzzles became take-home treasures, Quick Maths honed minds in mental acrobatics, and group work fostered collaboration and deeper understanding. The students not only solved puzzles themselves but also acted as facilitators, assisting others in solving puzzles. This role allowed them to develop problem-solving skills, foster collaboration, and deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts. The math camp provided a valuable opportunity for students to engage in critical thinking, support each other's learning, and enhance their overall mathematical abilities.

Daily Puzzles:  At the end of each day, students were given two puzzles to solve whenever they were free, most of the students could write them up and do as take home assignments.

Quick Maths: This session involved five mathematics problems given to participants every day for ten minutes before lunch. Renamed “Quick Math” During this session, the students went into their houses, and each house received points for each accurate response. The lesson challenged students to utilize their minds alone, no pens,no calculators. The questions displayed in this session normally build on each other concept-wise from day one.

Journals: Reflections of Growth

Campers chronicled their journeys in journals, providing invaluable feedback. Their reflections illuminated moments of triumph, challenges faced, and the profound impact of group work and support. The journals painted a vivid portrait of growth and provided the compass for future camps.

The journals from each day of the camp showed students' enjoyment of certain activities and challenges with specific concepts. They suggested more time and examples for better understanding. The reflections also highlighted the benefits of group work and collaboration. Students acknowledged their progress and expressed appreciation for facilitators' support. The journals demonstrated the students' learning and provided insights for enhancing future camps. Overall, the journals were a valuable tool for improving the math camp experience for everyone involved.

Houses: Bonds of Collaboration

Four houses united campers, kindling collaboration, playing, strategising and competition. The names of notable mathematicians from Homa Bay County. These houses became spaces of camaraderie and friendly competition, each representing a unique spirit. The names of these houses were thoughtfully chosen to inspire the students, reminding them that they are part of something greater and that they have the potential to achieve remarkable things.

House Dr. Beatrice A. Obiero: Named after the accomplished Dr. Beatrice A. Obiero, this house embodies the spirit of determination and innovation. Dr. Obiero's remarkable journey from the same soil as the students instills a sense of possibility and ambition. Her story is a testament to the fact that with hard work and dedication, dreams can be turned into reality.

House Dr. Geoffrey Mboya: In honor of Dr. Geoffrey Mboya, this house represents the power of curiosity and continuous learning. Dr. Mboya's contributions to the field of mathematics serve as a reminder that the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds. Just like the students, he too began with a thirst for learning and transformed it into a lifelong passion.

House Prof Omollo Ongati: The name of this house echoes the principles of perseverance and resilience. Prof Omollo Ongati's journey is a testament to overcoming challenges and pushing boundaries. Through his achievements, students are encouraged to never give up, even in the face of adversity.

House Dr. Elisha Achieng Ogada: This house is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of Dr. Elisha Achieng Ogada. With roots in the same community, his accomplishments stand as a beacon of hope and inspiration. The students are reminded that they too have the potential to reach great heights, regardless of their background.

The differentiation of houses through black, cream, red, and yellow ribbons not only added a vibrant touch to the camp but also fostered a sense of unity and identity among the participants. Each ribbon is a symbol of belonging, of being part of a community of learners united by a passion for mathematics. In addition to the hands-on experiences, the students were encouraged to explore the stories of the remarkable scholars whose names adorned their houses. Dr. Beatrice A. Obiero, Dr. Geoffrey Mboya, Prof Omollo Ongati, and Dr. Elisha Achieng Ogada—these are individuals who once stood where the students stand now. Their stories serve as a testament to the potential that lies within each student, waiting to be realized.

With the ribbons of unity adorning their wrists, the students were now connected not only by mathematics but by a shared aspiration to make a difference. As they continue their exploration of data science, programming, robotics, and mathematical thinking, they will carry with them the lessons of the first day—a day that ignited a spark of curiosity, friendship, and the belief that anything they interact with has been carefully designed to positively affect them.

Note: To learn more about the distinguished scholars who have inspired the names of the houses, you can explore their profiles:


- Dr. Beatrice A. Obiero

- Dr. Geoffrey Mboya

- Prof Omollo Ongati

- Dr. Elisha Achieng Ogada

Conclusion: A Mathematical Symphony

The Nyarongi Community Maths Camp was more than an event; it was a symphony of mathematics, curiosity, and community. The campers departed with not just knowledge but with ignited minds, fortified skills, and a shared love for mathematics. The journey into the world of numbers continues, for mathematics is not a destination; it's an everlasting adventure. This transformative educational initiative brought together 60 students from 30 secondary schools, alongside 15 students from Nyarongi Mixed Secondary School, creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment. With ages ranging from 13 to 20 and a balanced representation of 43% female and 57% male students, the camp united individuals from various academic backgrounds and provided a platform for their collective mathematical exploration.

One of the most significant aspects of this camp was that it marked the first-ever math camp experience for all participants. This pioneering spirit infused the camp with curiosity, enthusiasm, and a shared commitment to mathematical learning. Students were not only introduced to new mathematical concepts and problem-solving techniques but also fostered enduring friendships and collaborations that transcended the camp's duration.

The contributions of the nine facilitators, including international volunteers, local volunteers, and experienced Church elders, cannot be overstated. Their diverse backgrounds and wealth of experience, gained through previous participation in similar programs, brought a unique and invaluable perspective to the camp's activities. Their dedication and passion for nurturing young mathematical minds were instrumental in creating a positive and empowering learning environment.

Throughout the camp, students engaged in a rich tapestry of activities encompassing Data Science, Programming and Robotics, Mathematical Thinking, Physical Activities, Games and Puzzles, Journals, and inter-house competitions. These activities were designed not only to enhance mathematical skills but also to cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and effective communication.

The journals maintained by the students served as a testament to their growth and development during the camp. These reflections provided valuable insights for future improvements, underlining the importance of continued evaluation and enhancement of the camp's curriculum. They also highlighted the profound impact of collaboration and shared learning experiences.

The camp's four-house system successfully promoted camaraderie, healthy competition, and unity among the participants. It emphasized the significance of working together to achieve common goals and showcased the potential of collective effort.

As we conclude this report, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to all facilitators, volunteers, and participants for their unwavering dedication and enthusiasm. We extend our sincere appreciation to the kind sponsors who made the Kenya Math Camp 2023 possible: Supporting African Maths Initiative (SAMI), University of Geneva, African Maths Initiative (AMI), INNODEMS, and Nyarongi SDA Church. Your commitment to the Nyarongi Math Camp 2023 has not only made it a tremendous success but also illuminated the path for future endeavors. We are excited to build upon this foundation and continue inspiring generations of mathematicians and problem solvers. Together, we have demonstrated that mathematics is not just a subject to be studied but a vibrant and dynamic field offering boundless opportunities for exploration and growth. Thank you for making the Nyarongi Math Camp 2023 an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. For more information and access to additional resources, please visit