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6th Grade Science Syllabus: Lovera
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SFX 6th Grade Science Syllabus: Mrs. Lovera

                                                                         E-mail: slovera@sfxlg.org                 

Dear 6th grade Students and Parents of SFX,

I am extremely excited to share phenomenal scientific experiences with all of you this year in discovering science in kinesthetic, audio, and visual processes. Science provides an opportunity for students to observe how the world works in mysterious ways!

Course Description: 

In this sixth-grade HMH Science Dimensions course, scholars will explore a wide range of scientific concepts that build upon the previous scientific background knowledge. The curriculum is designed to educate scholars about the overall scientific processes in researching geology, ecology, and forces of motion.

Course Goals: By the end of this course, scholars will be able to:



Homework assignments will be given regularly to reinforce concepts learned in class. Homework is an essential part of the learning process and will contribute to the overall understanding of the material. Make sure to show ALL work and provide clear explanations when necessary. We will be using an INTERACTIVE science notebook to be used as a study guide.

Quizzes and Tests: 

Quizzes will be conducted to assess the overall understanding of the topics covered in class. There will be regular unit tests to evaluate the grasp of broader concepts.


Projects will encourage the application of scientific skills to real-world situations. These projects will require creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Details and guidelines for each project will be provided well in advance.

Class Participation:

Active class participation is crucial for a meaningful learning experience. Engage in class discussions, ask questions, and contribute thoughts. Working together and sharing ideas will help classmates to grasp complex concepts.

Grades: (This is the overall breakdown of how grades will be assessed for 6th grade science):

Participation: 10%

Homework: 25%

Tests/Quizzes: 30%

Projects/Labs: 35%

***SFX policies will be adhered to at ALL times in the classroom; Absenteeism, Incomplete Work, and Procedures***

Signature(s): *This sheet will be kept in scholars’ notebooks for reference throughout the year.

I, ________________________________________________________________, understand what is expected of me as a student to be successful in 6th Grade science class this school year, 2023-2024.

Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________