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Strange Break In
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Within five minutes of your family leaving you find yourself lying on the couch, looking at hot instagram girls on your phone and jerking off. You try to make it last as long as you can, but feel yourself reach the edge as you swipe through a busty Latina’s account. Suddenly a tall man bursts through the locked front door, and your phone flies out of your hand in surprise. Before you can react his fists ignite, and you suddenly feel the orgasmic pleasure coursing along your manhood slip down to your crotch. Your cock numbs as the lube you’d applied disappears, and instead of stroking a shaft you’re now moving a plastic stick up and down.

The pleasure increases as a vibrating begins in your groin, then you look down and see ballooning breasts form on your chest. You try to cry out in protest, but instead a feminine orgasmic moan fills the room. Your body stays stuck to the couch as your legs quiver, and your arm continues applying the vibrating wand with force as your flatness opens up into moist folds.

Your ass swells into the couch, lifting you into the vibrator as the stranger’s pants tent up and bulge. You watch your fingers slim down as your stomach does the same, and your soft breasts finally stop growing before they gently settle.

“I’ll be back tomorrow, and maybe I’ll tell you what’s going on…” The mystery man laughs, giving you a wink as he walks out the door.

“Waiiiiiii- fuck… When am I gonna stop- Ooooo… Masturbating?” You ask, letting out a scared ‘eep’ when the stranger slams the door behind himself without a word.

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You spend the next hour trying not to orgasm, but eventually the constant massaging and sexy sounds are too much. You moan in pure bliss, unable to hold back the geyser of cum that gushes out of your virgin folds.

You gain control of your body immediately after that, and regret pushing it off for so long! Your body remains horny and extremely sensitive throughout the day, but the next few times masturbating are by choice. You fall asleep in your tiny body after a sensuous bath, feeling smaller than ever as you sink into your king size mattress.  

The next morning you’re woken up by footsteps in the living room, and your body freezes up before you can even think about hiding. The same man from the day before appears in the doorway, smiling menacingly at your relaxed busty body.

“I see you’ve acclimated to your new form, how was your first night?” He asks, chuckling as your eyes roll in reaction to his comment.

You want to start questioning him, but instead your mouth just gives an honest opinion about your experience, “The first was probably one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had, and the ones I gave myself after weren’t too bad either! I mean smaller boobs would’ve been easier to handle, but they felt so good!”

You slap your hand over your mouth, embarrassed to admit that you actually enjoyed yourself in this girly body as every critical thought you have about your situation spills out of your plump lips. The stranger asks where your vibrator went, but you tell him that you lost track of it early last night.

“What?? That’s your manhood! How am I gonna change you back to normal?” The man asks with a calm smile, looking at his watch impatiently as you run around the house looking for the massive wand.

“I don’t have time for this!” He exclaims, “I’ll just make this easier like you asked and come back tomorrow, maybe you‘ll want the bigger boobs then… Without the vibrator here I have to redistribute the magic, and I’m assuming you don’t want the world’s largest ass…”

What do you- Fuck!” You exclaim before your vocal cords become too tight to speak without extreme effort, and your breasts shrink as the hormonal fat rushes upward.

You hold your head in pain as your swelling brain presses into your skull, your mind becoming overwhelmed by dueling personalities as your facial features sharpen. Then your old thoughts get compressed by the pressure and sheer weight of the new feminine ones, their melodious beckoning easing you into your new mind as the need to change into prettier clothes takes precedence over everything else. The desire to put on lipstick has you standing in front of your mom’s bathroom mirror, applying a thick coating of slutty makeup before smacking your lips together and fluttering your lengthy eyelashes.

You giggle as you put on a bikini top, and moan like a pornstar as you slip a silky pair of tight panties up your slim legs. You pose in the mirror seductively, wishing you had more curves to fill out the shape of your body. The memory of big bouncing boobs and a bubble butt make you jealous of your previous form, and you wish that strange man was back.

In that moment he suddenly bursts into the house with a giant vibrator in his hand, and hurriedly places it in the front of your panties. Your slow mind doesn’t pay that attention as your hands reach up to your chest, and you pout while you give the hulking man puppy dog eyes.

“Bigger boobies please!!”

“Don’t worry about anything, that new wand should give you everything you need with plenty to spare!!” The man laughs, quickly lifting the bimbo fog from your mind.

Your top stretches as boobs bigger than you’ve ever seen fill them, and you quickly put on one of your mom’s maternity shirts in shame. It quickly gets ripped apart by your growing bust, and you demand the stranger change you back as the vibrations in your panties suddenly intensify.

The erotic feeling filling your chest travels up your neck, and you feel a smile form on your face even through your immense anger. Your face matures as your head fills with motherly thoughts, and you become attuned to your body’s aching for a man. The gleeful smile on your face turns into one of seduction as your skin becomes more sensitive, and the vibrator starts dripping with cum as it increases your libido to an astronomical point.

“Maybe you’ll like- shit… Maybe I totes stay this way…” You giggle lusciously, your voice now that of a mature bimbo as your original thoughts get trampled by an increasingly large invasion of slutty bimboness.

Soon every movement feels like an orgasm, especially the jiggles and bouncing of your massive breasts. You wanna scream at the stranger, but just pressing your lips together makes your eyes roll back in your head. Your tortured mind weeps as it’s overwhelmed by pure orgasmic bliss, and you giggle euphorically as you show off and seductively play with your plush boobies for the smiling mystery man.

Suddenly a woman that could be your twin bursts in, bust jiggling as she demands to know what’s happening. The mystery man laughs as he removes the vibrator from your folds, leaving you in a convulsing pile of euphoria as he approaches the angry busty woman.

“Get away from me with that thing! It’s covered in her juices or whatever!” The lady cries, backing away from the guy as he reaches for her manly khakis.

“Get away? This ‘thing’ is your manhood!! You don’t want it back??” The stranger asks rhetorically, trapping the scared lady in a corner and forcing the intensely vibrating wand deep into her loose pants.

She screams orgasmically before collapsing into your bed, writhing in ecstasy and pulling out her massive mammaries as her shirt stains with lactation. You watch with lustful curiosity, your hand unconsciously massaging your moist folds as the woman’s fight for free will slowly withers away.

“You won’t win- Oooo… This is like totes- NO!! My mind is mine, you won’t last long when I get these lips around that cock! Shit…” The heaving milf trails off in defeat, her frown slowly turning into a smile as she frees her hard nipples from her tightening shirt.

The spectacle keeps you occupied as the man pleasures your womanhood, stroking the small of your back as your hips bend over his curled fingers. You tell him to stop as he walks behind you, but you just gush onto the floor and moan as he continues. Your body contorts as it tries to deal with the immense pleasure, your ass sticking out as your naked breasts swing beneath you. When he rips your panties off you want to protest strongly, but the spreading of your folds makes you gasp orgasmically.

You reach forward as the muscular man thrusts into you, and hold in your squeals as his cock fills your womanhood. All the apprehension you felt before seems silly as the man grabs your hips for grip, and you feel him bulge inside you as your boobs swing wildly.

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You hear whines of lustful protest from the new bimbo, and laugh along with the stranger as he turns her into your slutty daughter. He makes you several years older but tightens up your body, making your boobs balloon out and fill with saline as your hips cinch in to give you an extreme hourglass figure.

The stranger is able to now effortlessly lift your light body, and brings you face to face with your new daughter’s nude pussy. You levitate sideways as the man guides your body up and down his throbbing shaft, and you lose all control as the sweet smell of pussy fills your nostrils. You become aware of your racing heartbeat against the couch as the man holding you sits next to your daughter, and your open lips stretch for her exposed dripping folds.

“Mom stop!!! Why am I naked?? What’s happening right now???” Your daughter exclaims, jumping onto the arm of the couch as she backs away from you.

“O honey, stop being so like… sexy and stuff…” You gush, crawling up the couch with a thrusting cock inside you.

The mystery man repositions himself as you plant your plump lips on your daughter’s succulent folds, and you moan orgasmically as you suck on her labias. A sudden bulge from behind makes you wiggle your hips, and you prepare for a salty explosion as sweet drops of your daughter’s cum drip into your mouth. Her protests are now just overwhelmed moans, and you grab your swinging breast as a geyser of cum bursts inside you.

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You scream ecstatically into your daughter’s folds, making her convulse in orgasmic bliss as a mind bending climax makes her cry out lustfully. You smile as she slides down to cuddle with you, smelling like sex as she grinds her smooth hips into your sensitive dripping pussy. The strong man pulls out of you and teases your adjoint pussies, laughing as you and your daughter hold your mouths open in aroused anticipation of his penetration.

Suddenly the door opens, “Who are you people???” Your dad yells.

The stranger quickly gets up and runs out the door, chased by you and your nude daughter. You wanna go back and explain what happened to your family, but first maybe a few more rides on Big Daddy’s cock…