Image of a white book with a red umbrella in the center and text that reads "Sex Worker Syllabus."

*As of January 2024, the syllabus is closed to submissions.

Sex Worker Syllabus and Toolkit for Academics

Toolkit and readings originally curated by Angela Jones, PJ Patella-Rey, and Heather Berg

In crafting this syllabus, we stand on the shoulders of giants. Sex workers have been curating and circulating community education resources (including syllabi and reading lists) for decades. These community resources were crucial to our educations, and we encourage readers to support the organizers working to create them. Some of these resources are internal, but many are already doing the public work of challenging academic practices: In 1997, when the International Sex Worker Foundation for Art, Culture, and Education was founded, they wrote up a curriculum for online classes that could be made available to colleges and universities worldwide. More recently, the Chicago and New York City-based Support Ho(s)e Collective has shared a Sex Work Syllabus generated from community reading groups and also created a Sex Work Centered Guide for Academics. Sex worker activist Lorelei Lee curated a reading list for the Law and Political Economy Project, and moses moon (aka thotscholar) created a Proheauxism 101 Syllabus.  In Canada, The Safe Harbour Outreach program published a Sex Worker Rights Reading List. These are only a few examples of the many community-led education efforts.

In our initial draft of this document, we failed to appropriately acknowledge these efforts and thank members of the sex worker community for calling this out. As we continue to revise our current project, we hope to do so in a way that extends and amplifies these efforts. Please contact us if there is missing community work that we should be highlighting.

As current academics with attachments to the sex worker communities, we hope to help create a bridge between classroom and community. We called this “The Sex Worker Syllabus” to highlight that its goal is not to focus on academic research about sex workers but on work produced directly by sex workers. This is important because, chief among our goals is to demonstrate that classroom discussions about sex work can and should center the voices of sex workers—a project we’ve all undertaken in our own classrooms. Our syllabus shows that there is ample sex-worker-produced writing and other media to support this. (We also share a list of volunteer speakers and their fees.) We hope that these resources will, in turn, also promote ethical citational practices and more meaningful community engagement in research. We hope that our syllabus will also serve sex worker communities as a supplement to existing resources.

The sex worker syllabus has three main aims: First, we hope that instructors designing sex work syllabi will use the document to integrate sex worker-produced writing and digital media as assigned texts. Second, we aim to encourage scholars of sex work, especially those who do not come to scholarship with sex working experience, to cite and engage sex worker knowledge production. Both aims are informed by the core principle: nothing about us without us," which urges the inclusion of sex worker voices in policymaking, scholarship, and teaching about sexual labor. Finally, we hope to support sex worker thinkers and organizers inside and outside the academy as we/they engage each other’s work.

A note on terminology and organization: This document uses the broad term sex work to encompass a range of erotic labors. Following many of the thinkers included here, we do not view work language as necessarily connoting consent, favorable working conditions, or uniformly positive experiences of sexual labor. Thus, while we include a section explicitly focused on trafficking, this document’s organization is not meant to imply a hard distinction between consensual work and trafficking. We acknowledge that it is common for people to experience a mixture of choice, economic necessity, and coercion while working in the sex trades. In fact, many of the authors included throughout this syllabus describe personal experiences that fall along a consent continuum.

Table of Contents



The Toolkit: How to Use This Syllabus        


Part I: Books for Adoption                 








Part II: Thematic Writing/Sources


Foundations and Terminology

Ethical Research and Conducting Research On Sex Work

Race and Sex Work

Gender and Sex Work

Class and Sex Work

Sexuality and Sex Work

Disability and Sex Work

Unpacking the Whorearchy



Technology and Online Sex Work





Fatphobia in Sex Work

Sex Work, Family, and Parenting

Sex Workers’ Rights: Politics, Activism and Mutual Aid

Popular Culture and Media Criticism

Community, Empowerment, and Pleasure

Part III: Sex Worker News and Media


News and Media Outlets



Sex Worker Created Syllabi

Part IV: International Sex Worker Rights Organizations


Part V: Available Speakers


Preface: The Creation of the Syllabus

This syllabus is a living document and will continue to be revised. This document was born out of Twitter threads, online conversations, and through engagement with sex workers inside and outside of the academy. The process was designed to maximize current sex workers’ input while also minimizing requests for their unpaid labor. To that end, we invite workers to continue to contribute feedback and suggested resources, while we will continue to do the work of formatting, organizing thematically, and hosting the document.

Critically, we need to trouble the insider/outsider binary. Some sex workers are academics; some academics have a background in sex work. In both scenarios, due to whorephobia and stigma it may not be safe to be out. Thus, sex working academics may be cautious of how much they share publicly. For example, someone might write about experiences working as a stripper but not discuss their full service work history. Also, we are also cautious about adding the writing of academics we know do sex work, but who may not be out, and have only added such authors with their permission. Please see the reading in the syllabus on being an out sex work in academia. If you are a sex worker, just as we invite you to continue to submit your work for inclusion, please do not hesitate to contact us about removing your work at any time.

Designing a comprehensive syllabus compiling sex-worker-produced media only comes with challenges we want to call out and recognize here. Given rampant whorephobia, stigma, and criminalization, many sex workers are disinclined to share their work history and experiences publicly. In some instances doing so could affect one's housing, parents’ risk state inventions regarding their children, and a wide range of other adverse unjust consequences. Given these conditions, there are sex workers' voices around the world that are not captured in this syllabus. It is critical that we acknowledge that while we can strive towards the broadest inclusion possible, we can only ever achieve partial representation of such a vast and diverse community.

An additional note on inclusion: We respect people’s self-identification and do not believe it is our place to determine who counts as a sex worker and who does not. In this syllabus, we added sources from sex workers currently working in erotic labor and writing by authors who are currently retired. We encourage users of the syllabus to consider the positionality of writers when discussing these materials with students and when citing sources in their academic writing. As many sex workers have said in spaces such as Twitter, does a quick trip around the pole, make one an authority on sex work? If professors are teaching classes about current sex industries, those with current work experience may be best poised to speak about such markets. However, those with past experiences can offer important insights into sex industries as well, but differences in positionality should be considered and unpacked.

Instructors might consider encouraging students to purchase course texts from Bluestockings, a sex worker-owned bookstore with significant sex worker leadership.

The Toolkit: How to Use This Syllabus

First, as a primer before preparing your syllabus, we suggest reading the following (these will also be valuable to students):

D'Adamo, Kate. 2017. Sex (Work) in the Classroom: How Academia Can Support the Sex Workers' Rights Movement. In Challenging Perspectives on Street-Based Sex Work. eds. Katie Hail-Jares, Corey S. Shdaimah, and Chrysanthi S. Leon.

Corado, Ruby. 2017. Nothing about Us without Us: The Trans Response to Survival Sex Work. In Challenging Perspectives on Street-Based Sex Work. eds. Katie Hail-Jares, Corey S. Shdaimah, and Chrysanthi S. Leon.

babylon, femi (aka Moses Moon). 2020. 85 Ways to Make Sex Workers' Lives a Little Easier. VICE.

Waring, Camille Melissa. 2021. Out in Academia.

Heineman, Jenny. Pussy Patrols in Academia: Towards a Disobedient, Sex-Worker Inclusive Feminist Praxis. Feminist Formations.

Mistress Snow. 2019. I Told My Mentor I Was a Dominatrix. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Bee, Victoria. 2021. Vital Statistics.

Support Ho(s)e. 2021. Sex Work Centered Guide for Academics.

Second, when you select readings we suggest professors do so with the decolonization of classroom in mind and seeking to challenge systems of oppression such as white supremacy, ableism, cisgenderism, and transmisogyny, we encourage anyone using this syllabus to ensure that they are including and centering marginalized voices such as Indigenous, Black, and other folks of color, trans, non-binary people, disabled sex workers, and those experiencing poverty.

Third, in conjunction with this syllabus, we also suggest that, when possible, professors invite sex workers to give guest lectures in class. However, we encourage educators to do so only when they can offer an honorarium. When professors do invite sex workers to speak, they should also be transparent about how long the bureaucratic machine will take to process the payment. Academics may be asked to do unpaid labor as part of their professorial work, but it is unethical to ask sex workers to speak for free. We are inspired here by sex workers’ commitments to mutual aid and compensating each other for labor, even when resources are sparse. If your institution does not offer honorarium support, please consider self-funding, or use the various digital media here to bring sex worker perspectives into class time. Please see the last section of the syllabus for a list of sex worker speakers, which we will continue to update.

Fourth, if using news or other mainstream articles about sex workers, please be sure to include sex worker journalists— list of sex worker news outlets and journalists is at the end of the syllabus.

Fifth, if referencing and discussing platforms, please ensure to highlight sex worker created and run platforms. For example, Tryst is a sex worker created and run ad site and blog.

Finally, considering the different learning styles of students, and that sex workers often speak through forms of media that are different from those conventionally found in an academic setting, please consider adding podcast episodes, youtube videos, sex worker conference panels, which can be found in Part III of the syllabus as well as in the thematic sections of the syllabus.

Part I: Books for Adoption


Aimee, Rachel Eliyanna Kaiser & Audacia Ray. 2015. $Pread: The Best of the Magazine that Illuminated the Sex Industry and Started a Media Revolution. The Feminist Press.

Dawn, Amber and Justin Ducharme. Hustling Verse: An Anthology of Sex Workers’ Poetry. British Columbia: Arsenal Pulp Press.

Delacoste, Frédérique and Pricilla Alexander. 1987/1998. Sex Work: Writings by Women in the Sex Industry, 2nd ed,. New Jersey: Cleis Press.

Lee, Jiz. 2015. Coming out like a porn star: Essays on pornography, protection, and privacy. Berkeley: ThreeL Media.

Nagle, Jill. 1997. Whores and Other Feminists. New York: Routledge.

West, Natalie and Tina Horn, eds, We Too: Essays on Sex Work and Survival. The Feminist Press.


Berg, Heather. 2021. Porn Work: Sex, Labor, and Late Capitalism. UNC Press.

Bowen, Raven. 2021. Work, Money and Duality: Trading Sex as a Side Hustle. UK: Policy Press.

Davina, Lola. 2017. Thriving in Sex Work: Heartfelt Advice for Staying Sane in the Sex Industry: A Self-Help Book for Sex Workers. ‎ Erotic as Power Press.

Egan, Danielle. 2006. Dancing for Dollars and Paying for Love: The Relationships between Exotic Dancers and Their Regulars. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Frances, Jacqueline. 2017. Striptastic!: a celebration of dope-ass c*nts who like money. CreateSpace Independent Publishing.

Frank, Katerine. 2002. G-Strings and Sympathy. Duke University Press.

Grant, Melissa Gira. 2014. Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work. New York: Verso Books.

Jones, Angela. 2020. Camming: Money, Power, and Pleasure in the Sex Industry. New York: NYU Press.

Mac, Juno and Molly Smith. 2018. Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight For Sex Workers’ Rights. New York: Verso Books.

Perkins, Roberta. 1991. Working Girls: Prostitutes, Their Life and Social Control. Natl Gallery of Australia.

Perkins, Roberta and Frances Lovejoy. 2007. Call Girls: Private Sex Workers in Australia. UWA Publishing.

Suprihmbé. 2019. heauxthots: On Terminology, and Other [Un]Important Things. bbydoll press.

Silt, Irene. 2020.  The Tricking Hour.


Akira, Asa. 2015. Insatiable: Porn—A Love Story. Grove Press.

Akira, Asa. 2016. Dirty Thirty: A Coming of Age Story. Cleis Press.

Almodovar, Norma Jean, 1993. Cop to Call Girl. Simon & Schuster.

Belcher, Chris. 2020. Pretty Baby. Simon & Schuster.

Bright, Susie.2012. Big Sex, Little Death. Seal Press.

Burana, Lily. 2001. Strip City. Miramax Books.

Burns, Tara. 2014. Whore Diaries: My First Two Weeks As An Escort

Calloway, Marie. 2013. What Purpose Did I Serve in Your Life. Tyrant Books

Crabapple, Molly. 2015. Drawing Blood: A Memoir. Harper.

Crane, Antonia. 2017. Spent: A Memoir. ‎ Rare Bird Books.

Daniels, Christopher. 2013. Money’s On the Dresser: Escorting, Porn, and Promiscuity in Las Vegas. Ctopherdaniels.

Dawn, Amber. 2013. How Poetry Saved My Life: A Hustler's Memoir. Arsenal Pulp Press

del Rio, Vanessa. 2007. 50 Years of Slightly Slutty Behavior. ‎ Taschen America Llc.

Doroshow, Ceyenne. 2012. Cooking in Heels: A Memoir Cookbook. Red Umbrella Project.

El Saadawi, Nawal. 2007. Women At Point Zero. Zed Books.

Eng, Mercedes. 2016. Mercenary English. Mercenary Press.

Hollibaugh, Amber. 2000. My Dangerous Desires: A Queer Girl Dreaming Her Way Home. Durham: Duke University Press.

Hollander, Xaviera. 2002.  The Happy Hooker: My Own Story. Harper Books.

Jameela, Nalini.2014.  Autobiography of a Sex Worker. Westland.

Jameela, Nalini. 2018.  Romantic Encounters of a Sex Worker. Om Books International.

Kaylin, Sita.2018. Anything but a Wasted Life. HarperCollins.

Knight, Tyler. 2016. Burn My Shadow: A Selective Memory of an X-Rated Life. Rare Bird Books.

Pinzer, Maimie. 1997. The Maimie Papers: Letters from an Ex-Prostitute. New York: The Feminist Press

Rose Lee, Gypsy. 1999. Gypsy: Memoirs of America's Most Celebrated Stripper. North Atlantic Books.

Roux, Liara. 2021. Whore of New York: A Confession. Penguin Random House.

Réal, Grisélidis. 2009. The Little Black Book of Grisélidis Réal: Days and Nights of an  Anarchist Whore. Semiotext(e).

Shane, Charlotte. 2016.  Prostitute Laundry. TigerBee Press.

Shane, Charlotte. 2016.  N.B. TigerBee Press.

Smith, Alice. 2016.  Alice: Memoirs of a Barbary Coast Prostitute. Heyday.

Smith,  Zak. 2009. We Did Porn: Memoir and Drawings. Tin House Books.

Spelvin, Regina. 2008. The Devil Made Me Do It. Georginas World Inc.

Steffans, Karrine. 2006. Confessions of a Video Vixen. Amistad.

Sterry, David Henry. 2003. Chicken: Self-Portrait of a Young Man for Rent. HarperCollins.

Tea, Michelle. 2004. Rent Girl. Last Gasp.

Therese, Rita. 2020.Come: A Memoir. ‎Allen & Unwin.

Walsch, Mia. 2020.  Money for Something. Echo Publishing.


Dawn, Amber & Justin Ducharme. 2019. Hustling Verse: An Anthology of Sex Workers’ Poetry. Arsenal Pulp Press.

Kaylor, Stephanie. 2021. Four Poems. Hobart.

Suprihmbé. 2018. libra season. bbydoll press.

Taylor, Erin. 2021. Bimboland. Simon & Schuster.

Troyan, Cassandra. 2020. Freedom and Prostitution. The Elephants Press.

White, Rachel Rabbit. 2019. Porn Carnival. Wonder Press.


Angel, Joanna. 2021. Club 42. Simon & Schuster.

Carlisle, Vanessa. 2021. Take Me With You. Running Wild Press.

Lawless, Tilly. 2021. Nothing But My Body.         Allen & Unwi.

Miren, Frankie. 2021. The Service. Influx Press.

Zeischegg, Christopher. 2015. The Wolves that Live in Skin and Space. Rare Bird Books.


Fitzgerald, Juniper. 2018. How Mamas Love Their Babies. Feminist Press.

Frances, Jacqueline. 2017. Striptastic!: a celebration of dope-ass c*nts who like money.

Frances, Jacqueline. 2017. How To Not be a Dick in a Strip Club: a patron's guide.

Frances, Jacqueline. 2017. The Inquisitive Stripper.

Frances, Jacqueline. 2015. The Beaver Show.

Horn, Tina. 2020. SFSX (Safe Sex) Volume 1 &2. Image Comics.

S.B., 2017. Sex Work is Work. And it Needs a Safe Workplace.The Nib.

Tea, Michelle. 2004. Rent Girl. Last Gasp.

Part II: Thematic Sources

Foundations and Terminology

Carlisle, Vanessa. 2021. Sex Work is Star Shaped. South Atlantic Quarterly. (Reading Sex Work special issue). 120(3). 573-590.

Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee. Sex Workers' Manifesto, First National Conference of Sex Workers in India, 14-16 November 1997, Calcutta,

Leigh, Carol. 1997. Inventing sex work in Whores and Other Feminists. New York: Routledge.

moon, moses, (fka) Suprihmbé, Defined/ Definers: My Thoughts on Common Terminology Around Erotic Labor and Trafficking.

moon, moses (credited here as femi babylon). 2021. Erotic Labor within and without Work. South Atlantic Quarterly. (Reading Sex Work special issue). 120(3). 631-640.

moon, moses. 2021. Symposium Introduction: Sex Worker’s Rights, Advocacy, and Organizing. Columbia Human Rights Law Review.

On the Whorizon. 2021. “The War on Whores” [ft. Carol Leigh, Moses Moon, and Kaytlin Bailey].

Schulte, B. & A. Hammes. “Sex Work Centered Guide for Health / Wellness Professionals.” Published by The Support Ho(s)e Collective

Stella. “Langage Matters: Talking About Sex Work.”

SWOP Behind Bars. “What is Sex Work;” “What is Decrminalization;?” What is Trafficking?”

Ethical Research and Conducting Research on Sex Work

babylon, femi (aka Moses Moon). 2020. 85 Ways to Make Sex Workers' Lives a Little Easier. VICE.

Bee, Victoria. Vital Statistics.

Katie Bloomquist, SWOP USA Board of Directors, Ethical Guidelines.

COYOTE RI Survey Collection. (collection contains the organization's data collection and analysis protocols, survey and interview instruments, and aggregate data.)

D'Adamo, Kate. 2017. Sex (Work) in the Classroom: How Academia Can Support the Sex Workers' Rights Movement. In Challenging Perspectives on Street-Based Sex Work. eds. Katie Hail-Jares, Corey S. Shdaimah, and Chrysanthi S. Leon.

Heineman, Jenny. Pussy Patrols in Academia: Towards a Disobedient, Sex-Worker Inclusive Feminist Praxis. Feminist Formations.

Dayton, Liz. Learning to Read the Room:A Call to Review Feminist Research Methods Post FOSTA-SESTA.

Frank, Katherine. (2007). Thinking Critically about Strip Club Research. Sexualities.

Holt, Victoria. 2020. Seminar: Sex Workers and Researchers: A Contentious Relationship.

Mistress Snow, I Told My Mentor I Was a Dominatrix, The Chronicle Review, 5 December 2019,

National Network of Sex Workers India. n.d. Sex Workers respond to Harvard and Yale on shutting down red-light areas.

Support Ho(s)e. 2021. “Sex Work Centered Guide for Academics.”

Waring, Camille Melissa Out in Academia.

Race and Sex Work

Brooks, Siobhan. 2021. Innocent White Victims and Fallen Black Girls: Race, Sex Work, and the Limits of Anti–Sex Trafficking Laws. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 46(2), pp. 513-521.

Brooks, Siobhan, 2010. Hypersexualization and the dark body: Race and inequality among black and Latina women in the exotic dance industry. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.

Brooks, Siobhan, 2005. Exotic dancing and unionizing: The challenges of feminist and antiracist organizing at the Lusty Lady Theater. SIECUS.

Carter (aka Nelson), Vednita & Giobbe, Evelina. (1999). Duet: prostitution, racism and feminist discourse. Hastings Women's Law Journal, Symposium Issue: Economic Justice for Sex Workers. 10 (1): 37–58.

Cascarilla, Domina. 2017. For Black Sex Workers, The Deck is Already Stacked Against Us. Wear Your Voice.

Doezema, J., 1999. Loose women or lost women? The re-emergence of the myth of white slavery in contemporary discourses of trafficking in women. Gender Issues, 18(1), pp.23-50.

Jones, Angela., 2015. For black models scroll down: Webcam modeling and the racialization of erotic labor. Sexuality & Culture, 19(4), pp.776-799.

Mistress Velvet. I'm A Dominatrix Who Teaches Black Feminist Theory To Clients. BuzzFeed News.

Nelson (aka Carter), Vendita. (1993). Prostitution: Where Racism & Sexism Intersect. Michigan Journal of Gender & Law.

Peepshow Podcast, Peepshow Podcast Takes on Issues of Race in the Sex Industry,

Sayers, Naomi. 2017. “Canada 150 and the decriminalization of Indigenous Sex Workers.AWID.

Schiel, Natassja. 2021. What Stripping in Guam Taught Me About Colonization. Bitch Magazine.

Snow, Aurora. 2021. Asian Porn Stars Open Up About Adult-Industry Racism and Stereotyping. Daily Beast.

Snow, Aurora. 2021. Black Porn Stars Come Forward With Their Racism Horror Stories.

Suprihmbé. 2018. Black and Brown Sex Workers Keep Getting Pushed To The Margins. Wear Your Voice.

Gender and Sex Work

Horn, Tina. 2018. “How Women and Tech Took Over Porn: Inside the 2018 AVNs.”Rolling Stone. 

Jones, Angela., 2020. Where The Trans Men and Enbies At?: Cissexism, Sexual Threat, and the Study of Sex Work. Sociology Compass, 14(2).

Jones, Angela., 2021. Cumming to a screen near you: transmasculine and non-binary people in the camming industry. Porn Studies, 8(2), pp.239-254.

Jones, Angela. It’s Hard Out Here For a Unicorn: Transmasculine and Non-binary Escorts,  Cissexism, Embodiment, and Workplace Inequalities, forthcoming,  Gender & Society, 36(4).  

Lee, Jiz. 2012. ‘Uncategorized: Genderqueer Identity and Performance in Independent and Mainstream Porn.’ In The Feminist Porn Book: The Politics of Producing Pleasure, edited by Tristan Taormino, Celine Parreñas Shimizu, Constance Penley, and Mireille Miller-Young, 273–278. New York: Feminist Press.

Peepshow Podcast. 2021. Peepshow Podcast Takes on Queer and Trans Identities and Issues.

Peepshow Podcast. 2021. Episode 93: Trans Inclusion and Destigmatising Sex Work with Trip Richards, April 21, 2021.

Sarah. 2016. The Tedium of Trans Sex Work. Tits and Sass.

Class and Sex Work

Berg, Heather. 2021. Porn Work: Sex, Labor, and Late Capitalism. UNC Press.

Berg, Heather. 2014. Labouring porn studies. Porn Studies, 1(1-2), pp.75-79.

Clandestine Whores Network, Beneath Everything

Habib, Conner and Heather Berg, The Problem With Sex Work is Work

Gallant, Chanelle. “F*ck You, Pay Me.” in Pleasure Activism, pp/ 177-188.

MacLeod, Tamara, Cyberwhores of Late Capitalism 

Gonzalez, Maya Andrea and Cassandra Troyan, <3 of a Heartless World

Merteuil, Morgane, Sex Work Against Work

Paris Less. (2017). I sold sex to fund my unpaid internships. Poor kids are still battling the class gap. The Guardian.

Shepard, Susan Elizabeth. (2018). It’s International Whores’ Day. Let’s talk about why strippers need better labor laws. Vox.

Sexuality and Sex Work

Avenatti, Cassandra, and Eliza Jones. 2015. Kinks and shrinks: The therapeutic value of queer sex work. In Queer Sex Work, pp. 112-118.

Berg, Heather. 2015. Sex, work, queerly: identity, authenticity and laboured performance. In Queer sex work (pp. 47-55). Routledge.

Berg, Heather. 2016. Porn Work, Feminist Critique, and the Market for Authenticity. Signs.  42 (3): 669-692.

Blewett, Lindsay and Tuulia Law. (2018). “Sex Work and Allyship: Examining Femme-, Bi- and Whorephobia in Queer Communities.” Feral Feminisms Issue 7

Larsen, Beau, Dangerous Persuasions: Communicating Defiance in the Rhetoric of Queer Sex Workers

Cole, Ryan Elizabeth, Elena Jeffreys, and Janelle Fawkes. 2015. The best parties happen under the bus: the impact of lesbian institutions on queer sex workers in Australia. In Queer sex work, pp. 243-257.

Peepshow Podcast. (2021). Peepshow Podcast Takes on Queer and Trans Identities and Issues (various episodes).

Webber, Valerie. 2013. “Shades of Gay: Performance of Girl-on-Girl Pornography and Mobile Authenticities.” Sexualities. 16(1/2): 217-235.

Jayne Swift, “Life’s Too Short to Wear Comfortable Shoes: Femme-ininity and Sex Work,” Fashtion Talks: Undressing the Power of Style (SUNY Press, 2012)

Disability and Sex Work

Blewett, Lindsay. (forthcoming 2022). "The Criminalization of Sex Work: Creating Conditions for Disability" in Disability Injustice. Confronting Criminalization in Canada. eds Kelly Fritsch, Emily van der Meulen, and Jeffrey Monaghan. UBC Press.

Blewett, Lindsay. 2019. Review of Red Light Labour. Sex Work Regulation, Agency, and Resistance. Ed. Emily van der Meulen, Elya Durisin and Chris Bruckert. Vancouver: UBC Press. Briarpatch Magazine.

Coombes, Emily, Ariel Wolf, Danielle Blunt, Kassandra Sparks. 2022. Disabled Sex Workers’ Fight for Digital Rights, Platform Accessibility, and Design Justice. Disability Studies Quarterly.

Cooper, Ness. 2022. The Experiences of a Disabled Dominatrix.Disability Studies Quarterly.

Elizabeth, Miranda. 2020. On Revolutionary Lumpen Radio. Episode: Sex Work & Marxism #2:Disability & Self-Determination Ft. Maranda. Oct 22, 2020.

Erickson, Loree. 2015. Why I Love Hickies and Queer Crip Porn. In Ed. Jiz Lee, Coming Out Like a Porn Star: Essays on Pornography, Protection, and Privacy. Berkley: ThreeL Media, pgs., 224-228.

Hacking//Hustling. 2021. Work and Anti-Work: What are People in the Sex Trades Fighting For? Panel Discussion with femi babylon, Kitty Milford, and Jaylanee; moderated by Lorelei Lee.

Peepshow Live. 2020. Disability and Sex Work.

Piper, Reese. 2019. Autism, Sex Work, and Empathy. Queer Majority.

Piper, Reese. 2018. The Secret Life of an Autistic Stripper.

Resident, Alex (aka GoAskAlex). 2021. I'm a Disabled Sex Worker. Newsweek.

Sage, Jessie & Isabella Cowan. 2021. Doctors Could Do Better, Especially for Sex Workers. Kinkly.

St. Claire, Minnie. 2021. Living with a Chronic Illness and Working as a cam model. Youtube, March 7, 2021.

St. Claire, Minnie. 2017. I Survived Being Held Captive and I Am A Trauma Survivor My Untold Story. Youtube, April 1, 2017.

Tastrom, Katie. 2020. Disabled People Are Better At Sex. PulpMagazine, May 5, 2020.

Tastrom, Katie. 2019. Sex Work is a Disability Issue. So Why Doesn’t the Disability Community Recognize That?. Rooted in Rights, January 19th, 2019.

Thompson, Vilissa. 2021. Black and brown sex workers are providing direct support to help BIPOC thrive in adult entertainment. Prism, April 14th, 2021.

Wotton, Rachel and Saul Isbister. 2010. A Sex Worker Perspective on Working with Clients with Disability and the Development of Touching Base Inc, pgs. 126-143. In Sex and Disability: Politics, Identity and Access, Eds. Russell Shuttleworth and Teela Sanders. Leeds, UK: The Disability Press.

Zee Xaymaca. 2022. Sex Work as resistance to marginalization– Lessons from Black Feminist Theory, Disability Justice, and Black-led sex worker organizing.Disability Studies Quarterly.

Unpacking the Whorearchy

babylon, femi. 2021 (forthcoming). Symposium Introduction: Sex Worker’s Rights, Advocacy, and Organizing. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Vol 52, 3.

Begum, Raani. 2020. Whorephobia and Whorearchy.

Berg, Heather. (2016). ‘A scene is just a marketing tool’: alternative income streams in porn’s gig economy. Porn Studies, 3(2), 160-174.

Graceyswer. Looking Up at The Whorearchy From The Bottom. April 30, 2020, 

Grant, Melissa Gira. 2014. Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work. New York: Verso Books.

Horn, Tina. 2017. Whorearchy Lecture 10.26.17 Catland Books Stigma Unbound.

Jordan, Jessa. 2020.  What is...the Whorarchy?

Knoxx, Belle. 2014. Tearing Down the Whorearchy From the Inside. Jezebel, July 2, 2014.

Little, Alice. 2019. Taking Down the Whorearchy, Legalized Sex Work & Sex Tips. The Sex Ed Podcast Transcript, Season 2 Episode 35.

Philadelphia Red Umbrella Alliance. Community Agreements: Call and Response.

Poitras, Andrew & Caty Simon. What constitutes sex work? Hopes & Fears.

Sciortino, Karley. 2016. Sex Worker and Activist, Tilly Lawless, Explains the Whorearchy. Slutever.

Swift, Jayne. 2021. Toxic Positivity: Rethinking Respectability, Revaluing Pleasure. South Atlantic Quarterly.

Vixx, Violet. 2019. Call Girls, Lot Lizards...and Every Whore in Between.

Weldon, Jo. 2010. The Burlesque Handbook. It Books.

West, Natalie, ed. 2021. We Too: Essays on Sex Work and Survival. The Feminist Press.

Witt, Mysterious. 2020. What Is the Whorearchy and Why It’s Wrong. An Injustice!


Blunt, D. & Wolf, A. 2020. Erased: The Impact of FOSTA-SESTA and the Removal of

Backpage on Sex Workers. Anti-Trafficking Review, issue 14, 2020, pp. 117-121,

Grant, Melissa Gira. 2021 The Real Story of the Bipartisan Anti–Sex Trafficking Bill That Failed Miserably on Its Own Terms. The New Republic.

Jones, Angela. 2022. FOSTA: A Transnational Disaster Especially for Marginalized Sex Workers. International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law.

Lee, Lorelei. 2020. EARN IT Poses a New Threat to a Sex Worker Community that is Already Reeling. Peepshow Magazine.

Lee, Lorelei. 2021. The Roots of Modern Day Slavery: The Page Act and the Mann Act. Columbia Human Rights Law Review. 52 (3).

Massey, Alana. 2018. If You Care About Sex Trafficking, Trust People in the Sex Trades — Not Celebrities. Allure.

McCombs, Emily. 2018. This Bill Is Killing Us’: 9 Sex Workers On Their Lives In The Wake Of FOSTA.

Peepshow Media. 2021. Peepshow Podcast Takes on Laws and Policies that Impact Sex Workers.

Peepshow Podcast. 2019. Episode 48: Woodhull’s Legal Challenge to FOSTA/SESTA.

Meghan Peterson, Bella Robinson, and Elena Shih. “The New Virtual Crackdown on Sex Workers’ Rights: Perspectives from the United States.” Anti-Trafficking Review, issue 12, 2019, pp. 189-193,

Suprihmbé. 2018. Sex Work After FOSTA-SESTA: Why the New Wave of Prohibition Has So Many Panicking. AutoStraddle.

Valentina, Mia. The Failures of SESTA/FOSTA: A Sex Worker Manifesto. Trangender Studies Quarterly.


Ahearne, Gemma. 2021. Interview with Dr Gemma Ahearne-Sex Workers in Prison.

Almodovar, Nora Jean. “What About the Children?”

Butterfly Network, Behind the Rescue: How Anti-Trafficking Investigations and Policies Harm Migrant Sex Workers

COYOTE RI. “Policing Modern Day Slavery in RI 2014-2016.”

Gallant, Chanelle et. al. 2016. A Roundtable on Sex Work Politics and Prison Abolition. Upping the Anti. 18.

Mui, Loretta and Elene Lam. 2021. “Fanny’s Story: A Migrant Sex Worker Who Was Arrested and Detained in Canada.”

Piper, Reese. Let strippers do their jobs: Precarity, police raids and the work of sex work. This Is Hell Podcast.

Rivera, Sylvia and Marsha P. Johnson, Rapping with a Street Transvestite Revolutionary

In conversation: Proletarian Feminist. 2020. A Socialist, Feminist, and Transgender Analysis of ‘Sex Work’ [assign with Zen, 2020].

Schulte, Brit. Ending Violence Against Sex Workers Means Abolishing Police and Prisons. Truthout.

Simon, Caty. 2015. “Nothing Scarier Than A Black Trans Woman With A Degree: An Interview With Monica Jones.Tits and Sass.

Tamika Spellman and Caty Simon. 2021. “Policing Pleasure: The Intersection of Sex Work and Drug Use.” Narcotica Podcast.

Yin Q and Grace Naw. 2019. Yang Song: Fly In Power.

Zen, Kate. 2020. Dear Esperanza.

Jayne Swift, “Whores in the Religious Marketplace: Sex-Positivity’s Roots in Commercial Sex Cultures,” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 40.2 (August 2019)

Technology and Online Sex Work

Beebe, Bianca . 2022. “Shut Up and Take My Money!”: Revenue Chokepoints, Platform Governance, and Sex Workers’ Financial Exclusion. International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law.

Coombes, Emily. 2021. When Sex Workers Speak, Who Listens? The Nation.

Fitzgerald, Juniper  and Jessie Sage. “Shadowbans: Secret Policies Depriving Sex Workers of Income and Community.”Tits and Sass.

Jones, Angela. (2015). Sex work in a digital era. Sociology Compass, 9(7), 558-570.

Hacking//Hustling, Erased: The Impact of FOSTA/ SESTA and the Removal of Backpage

Lustypen (aka Jessie Sage). Life as an Online Sex Worker During Coronavirus. The Doe.

Moon, Moses. 2021. Face-to-Face, Street-Based, or in Cyberspace—We Are All Prostitutes. Peepshow Magazine.

Noir, SX, We Must Decriminalize Sex Work, and That Includes Digital Space

Pezzutto, Sophie. 2018. ‘Why Adult Video Stars Rely on Camming.’ The Conversation, November 20.

Pezzutto, Sophie. 2019. ‘From Porn Performer to Porntropreneur: Online Entrepreneurship, Social Media Branding, and Selfhood in Contemporary Trans Pornography.’ AG: About Gender 8 (16): 30–60.

Ray, Audacia. 2007. Naked on the Internet. Da Capo Press.

Shane, Charlotte. 2021. OnlyFans Isn’t Just Porn ;). New York Times Magazine.

Stardust, Zahra, What Can Tech Learn From Sex Workers?


Stone, Sandy. 1994. Split Subjects, Not Atoms; or, How I Fell in Love with My Prosthesis.

Stuart, Rachel. Webcamming: the sex work revolution that no one is willing to talk about.

Watson, ​​Spencer & Kate D’Adamo. (2021). Shut & Shut Out: Access to Financial Services and Online Payments for Sex Workers in the US. Center for LGBTQ Advancement and Research.

Webber, Valerie. 2021. “Tech’s Harsh Censorship of Porn Is Hitting Very Close to Home.” The Daily Beast.


Shane, Charlotte. 2013. ‘Getting Away’ With Hating It: Consent in the Context of Sex Work. Tits & Sass.

Gracey SWer. 2020. Consent and Choice in Survival Sex Work.

Gracey SWer. 2020. The Work in Sex Work.

Lee, Lorelei, Cash//Consent

Massey, Alana. 2017. Sex Workers Are Not A Life Hack for 'Helping' Sexual Predators. Self.

Patella-Rey, Jessie. Want to figure out the rules of sexual consent? Ask sex workers. Washington Post, May 21, 2018.

Petro, Melissa. 2015. “No One Thinks to Call It Rape When You're a Sex Worker.” Jezebel.

Piper, Reese. 2020. The Cost of Feigning Intimacy at Work. Peepshow Magazine.

Webber, Valerie. 2021. “Crossovers and Consent: Underlying Assumptions in Porn Health Protocol.” Synoptique, 9(2), pp. 183-200.


Albright, Erin  & Kate D’Adamo. 2017. Decreasing Human Trafficking through Sex Work Decriminalization. AMA Journal of Ethics.

Berg, Heather., 2015. Trafficking policy, meaning making and state violence. Social Policy and Society, 14(1), pp.145-155.

Brooks, Siobhan., 2021. Innocent White Victims and Fallen Black Girls: Race, Sex Work, and the Limits of Anti–Sex Trafficking Laws. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 46(2), pp. 513-521.

Burns, T. Sex Trafficking Alaska. “People in Alaska’s Sex Trade: Their Lived Experiences And Policy Recommendations.” 

Butterfly Network. 2018. “Migration + Sex Work ≠ Trafficking.”

COYOTE RI. “The Effects of Polaris Project in Rhode Island.”

COYOTE RI. “How Abolition Gets Trafficked.”

Decrim Now, UK. “Trafficking, Migration, and Borders: A Briefing.”

Doezema, Jo. 1999. Loose women or lost women? The re-emergence of the myth of white slavery in contemporary discourses of trafficking in women. Gender Issues, 18(1), pp.23-50.

Doezema, Jo. 2001. Ouch! Western feminists' ‘wounded attachment’ to the ‘third world prostitute’. Feminist Review, 67(1), pp.16-38.

Doezema, Jo. 2002. Who Gets to Choose? Coercion, Consent, and the UN Trafficking Protocol. Gender and Development.

Doezema, Jo, 2010. Sex slaves and discourse masters: The construction of trafficking. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Doezema, Jo. 2018. Forced to choose: Beyond the voluntary v. forced prostitution dichotomy (pp. 34-50). Routledge.

Global Network of Sex Worker Projects. “Sex Work is Not Trafficking.”

Grant, Melissa Gira. (2018). Beyond Strange Bedfellows: How the “War on Trafficking” Was Made to Unite the Left and Right. Political Research Associates.

Leigh, Carol. “Anti-Trafficking Industrial Complex Awareness Month (2nd edition).”

LeMoon, Laura. 2018. “As a Trafficking Survivor, Lobbying for Sex Worker Rights Gave Me Hope.” VICE.

LeMoon, Laura. 2020. “Not a “Real” Survivor: The Price Of Opinions In The Anti-Trafficking Movement.” Medium.

Mala, Anna et. al. 2019. “Beyond Tales of Trafficking: A Needs Assessment of Asian Migrant Sex Workers in Toronto.” Butterfly Network.

moon, moses, (fka) Suprihmbé, Defined/ Definers: My Thoughts on Common Terminology Around Erotic Labor and Trafficking

Savannah Sly & The Fun Boys. “Rescue Two Step.” [music video]


Gay Post Collective, How We Survive

Grant, Melissa Gira. 2018. 7 Sex Workers on What It Means to Lose Backpage. The Cut.

Sarah. 2016. The Tedium of Trans Sex Work. Tits & Sass.


Shakti, Andre. 2017. No One in the Porn Industry Likes a Broken Vagina. Rewire.

Simon, Caty. 2016.  “Junkie Whore”—What Life Is Really Like for Sex Workers on Heroin. RawStory.

Sumaq, Pluma, A Disgrace Reserved for Prostitutes.

Thompson, Farah, The Bridge Between Gender and Organizing in Transgender Marxism

Camille Melissa Waring, Murdered Sex Workers.

Aherne, Gemma. 2021. Sex for Rent” and “Anti Trafficking.” 

Adrienne Huard and Jacqueline Pelland. 2020. Sexual sovereignty.
Briar Patch Magazine.


Brooks, Ellis. 2021. How Sex Work Saved Me From Academia.

Dahl, Siri. ‘Get a Real Job, Whore’: The Dark Reality of Sex Worker Hate. The Daily Beast, April 24, 2021

Gracey Swer. 2020. The Price You Pay For Being An Open Sex Worker.

Grant, Melissa Gira. (2020). Nick Kristof and the Holy War on Pornhub. The New Republic.

Habib, Conner, What I want to Know is Why You Hate Porn Stars.

Jones, Angela. 2021. Credit Card Companies Investigate While Sex Workers’ Livelihoods Still Hang in The Balance. Peepshow Magazine.

Lee, Lorelei. 2017. Once you’ve done pornography. The Establishment.

Micheals, Kelly. (2017). Surviving As Working Class After Backpage. Tits & Sass.

Peepshow Podcast. 2021. Episode 94: Financial Discrimination with Adrie Rose.

Prairie, Eden. 2014. Loving Don Draper: Economics and Intimacy in an Abolitionist World. Tits & Sass.

Raphael, Arabelle. 2018. The Resistance is Full of Prudes. The OutLine.

Sage, Jessie. (2017). Sex Workers’ Social Media Scrutinized at US/Canada Border. Cyborgology.

Shane, Charlotte. 2015. Men Consume, Women Are Consumed: 15 Thoughts on the Stigma of Sex Work. Jezebel.

Sinqu, Yonela. 2021. “To All the Name Callers” Our Voice. 25

Snow, Aurora. 2018. Airbnb’s War on Porn Stars: ‘They Locked Me Out. The Daily Beast.

Fatphobia in Sex Work

Jones, Angela., 2019. The pleasures of fetishization: BBW erotic webcam performers, empowerment, and pleasure. Fat Studies, 8(3), pp.279-298.

Peepshow Live. 2021. BBW Porn and Fat Politics.

Sage, Jessie. Sex Working While Fat,

Sage, Jessie and Lasha Lane. 2020. The Future of BBW Porn: An Interview with Lasha Lane. Peepshow Magazine.

Sedona, TK. 2020. Monetizing a Body You’re at War With. Peepshow Magazine.

Sex Work, Family, and Parenting

Fitzgerald, Juniper and Elise Peterson. 2018. The Feministing Five: Juniper Fitzgerald & Elise Peterson. Feministing.

Fitzgerald, Juniper. 2018. Your Mother Is A Whore! Sex Working Mothers Chat About Stigma. Tits & Sass.

Moon, moses. 2021. Please Drop Some Funds for a Poor Black Breastfeeding Sex Working Mom. Peepshow Magazine.

Peepshow Podcast. 2021. Sex work, Motherhood, and Narrative with Juniper Fitzgerald.

Reese, Piper. 2017. Dear Mom: I’m A Stripper. Ravishly.

Roux, Liara. 2018. Coming Out As a Sex Worker, Coming Out As a Person. VICE Motherboard.

Sage, Jessie. 2021. But what about the children? Jessie Sage on motherhood and sex work. Tryst Blog.

Sage, Jessie. 2018. Your Mother Is A Whore: Sex Work And Motherhood. The Establishment.

Suprihmbé. 2017. I Am Teaching My Son To Respect Me as a Black Woman & a Sex Worker. Wear Your Voice. Wear Your Voice.

Yin Q. 2016. Mother Whore: I Claim Both. Slutist

Sex Workers Rights: Politics, Activism, and Mutual Aid

Ahearne, Gemma. 2021. International Sex Workers' Rights Day. University of Liverpool Sociology Blog.


Berg, Heather., 2014. Working for love, loving for work: Discourses of labor in feminist sex-work activism. Feminist Studies, 40(3), pp.693-721.

Begum, Raani and Sultana Bibi. 2021. Destigmatize, Decriminalize, Decarcerate: A Racial Justice Lens on Sex Worker Rights and Harm Reduction. Philadelphia Red Umbrella Alliance.

Cunt, Rebelle. 2021. Chicago’s Black Sex Workers Hold Each Other Up. Autostraddle.

Corcoran, Eileen P. 2013. Bridging Gaps In Services for Street Based Prostitutes. University of Washington Tacoma MSW Capstones.

COYOTE RI. Sex Worker Rights Training.

Decrim Now, UK. Open Letter Opposing the Nordic Model.

DeVille, Cherie. 2021. Why the OnlyFans Porn Mess Is a Wake-Up Call for Sex Workers. The Daily Beast.

English Collective of Prostitutes. “Why Decriminalisation?”

Fitzgerlad, Juniper. 2018. The Stormy Daniels Effect: When Prostitutes Unite, Powerful Men Tremble. Tits and Sass.

Global Network of Sex Work Projects. n.d. Interview with Naomi Sayers.

Heaux History in conversation with Durbar Mahila Samanwaya. 2021. History Told By Us: The Living Legacy Behind International Sex Worker's Rights Day. [also, see companion Twitter thread] 

International Committee for the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE). Feminism Needs Sex Workers & Sex Workers Need Feminism.

Labor History Today. 2019. Sex Workers Outreach Project makes history in Minneapolis [with Jayne Swift].

Mac, Juno. “The Laws That Sex Workers Really Want.” Ted Talk.

Migrant Sex Workers’ Project Toronto. 2015. “On Borders and Building Movements: Part One” and “Part Two.” Tits and Sass.

Oregon Sex Workers Human Rights Commission Public Hearing July 15, 2021. (*Over four hearing with much sex worker testimony),

Red Canary Song. 2021. “Response to Shootings at Gold Massage Spa, Young’s Asian Massage, & Aroma Therapy Spa.”

Rose, Adrie. 2022. Sex workers face unique challenges when trying to unionize. Prism.

Sayers, Naomi. 2017. “Canada 150 and the decriminalization of Indigenous Sex Workers.AWID.

Sisonke. “Rights Based Self Development Programme.”

Sixteen Going on Twenty-Six: Reflections on End-Demand Legislation and Street-Based Sex Work • Eileen Corcoran, in Challenging Perspecrives on Steet-based sex work.

Suprihmbé (aka Moses Moon). 2017. You Can’t Say Black Lives Matter Without Including Black Sex Workers. Wear Your Voice.

Vancouver Sex Workers Rights Collective. 2018. National Inquiry into the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls.

Villon, Angela. Sex Worker Runs for Congress in Peru, 

Webber, Valerie. 2015. “Public Health versus Performer Privates: Measure B’s Failure to Fix Subjects.” Porn Studies. 2(4): 299-313.

Webber, Valerie. 2020. “How Sex Workers Take Care of Each Other.” The Independent.

Working People Podcast. 2018. Episode: Alex Andrews.

Pop Culture & Media Criticism

Simon, Caty. 2016. “Junkie Whore"—What Life Is Really Like for Sex Workers on Heroin. RawStory.

Jones, Angela. 2021        HBO Crime Drama 'Mare of Easttown' Perpetuates a Familiar and Dangerous Trope, PopMatters, May 17, 2021.

Massey, Alana. 2017. Why Amber Rose Is The Patron Saint Of Strippers. HuffPost.

Massey, Alana. 2015. A&E Completely Misunderstands the Reality of Sex Workers. The New Republic.

Reviews section of Tits and Sass.

Sage, Jessie. (2017) Sex Work and the Value of Fantasy in Blade Runner 2049. Cyborgology.

Community, Empowerment, and Pleasure

Korra Del Rio; Sophie Pezzutto. Professionalism, Pay, and the Production of Pleasure in Trans Porn. Transgender Studies Quarterly.

Jones, Angela. 2019. The Pleasures of Fetishization: BBW Erotic Webcam Performers, Empowerment, and Pleasure. Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society, Vol. 8(3): 279-298.  

Jones, Angela. 2016. I Get Paid to Have Orgasms: Adult Webcam Models Negotiation of Pleasure and Danger, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 42, 1: 227–256.

Skylar Adams. Sex Work Saved My Life. Transgender Studies Quarterly.

Part III: Sex Worker News and Media

News and Media Outlets



The Heaux History Project

Peepshow Media

Petite Mort (a new pub)

SexWork CEO

Slixa, blog

Tits and Sass 





YNot Cam


COYOTE RI, Sex Worker Story-Telling Series

Peepshow Podcast,

The Old Pro Podcast 

A Sex Worker’s Guide to the Galaxy

SWOP Behind Bars Podcast

For an A-Z list of sex industry Podcasts, check out this list on Peepshow


'1975, Les Prostituées de Lyon'

(Ho)lyOntology: Black Visual Cultural Geographies of the Sexually Illicit

Hooligan Sparrow

In Our Own Image: Sex Worker Made Media and the Story of $pread Magazine

Last Rescue in Siam

Live Nude Girls Unite

Tales of the Nightfairies by Shohini Ghosh

In the Flesh by Bishakha Dutta

The Other Song by Saba Dewan

Delhi Mumbai Delhi by Saba Dewan

Save Us From Saviours by VAMP (created by Kat Mansoor)

Naach by Saba Dewan

Whores on Film, a documentary by Juliana Piccillo

Vice News, short videos

Sex Worker Websites With Writing Archives

Asian Pacific Network of Sex Workers,

Comité Autonome du travail du sexe/Sex Work Autonomous Committee,


Thot scholar, 

Victoria Bee,

Zahara Stardust,

Courtney Trouble,

Camille Melissa Waring,

Reese Piper,

Support Ho(s)e,

SWOP Behind Bars, Blog

Tits and Sass,

National Network of Sex Workers    

Sex Worker Created Syllabi

The SW Syllabus compiled by B. Schulte

Part IV: International Sex Workers Rights Organizations:

Adult Performer Advocacy Committee

African Sex Workers Alliance 

All India Network of Sex Workers

AMMAR, Sindicato de trabajadorxs sexuales de Argentina

Aproase, Mexico


Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers, (APNSW)

Asociacion de Mujeres Las Golondrinas

Association of Hungarian Sex Workers

Bar Hostess Empowerment and Support Programme


BIPOC Adult Industry Collective

Black Sex Workers Collective

Butterfly Asain and Migrant Sex Workers Network

Caribbean Sex Work Coalition

Coast Sex Workers Alliance (COSWA-Kenya)

Collectif Driots & Prostitution

Collective of Sex Workers and Supporters, Taiwan

Colectivo Caye


Cupcake Girls

Desiree Alliance

East Africa Sex Workers Alliance

Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee

Empower Foundation 

English Collective of Prostitutes

Erotic Service Providers Union

Female Sex Workers Association (FSWA, Malawi)

Fundacion Red Comunitaria Trans, Colombia

GLITS (Gays & Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society)

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Global Network of Sex Work Projects


Hydra e.V, Berlin

International Committee for the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE)

International Committee for Sex Worker Rights

International Union of Sex Workers

Jamaica Sex Worker Coalition

Kenya Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA)

Maggies, Toronto

Movimiento de Trabajo Sexual de Mexico

Namibian Sex Workers Alliance

National Association of Nigerian Prostitutes

National Network of Sex Workers India

National Ugly Mugs (NUM)

New Zealand Prostitutes’ Collective

Ombre Rosse

Organisasi Perubahan Indonesia (OPSI)

PIC Amsterdam

Philippine Sex Workers Collective

PLAPERTS, Latin America


POWER, Ottowa

Pow Wow, Zimbabwe

Prostitutas Indignadas

ProCoRe (Prostitution Collective Reflection), Switzerland

Queer Sex Workers Initative For Refugees

Red Umbrella, Athens

Red Umbrella Fund

Red Umbrella Project

Sampada Grameen Mahila Sanstha (SANGRAM)

SAVEsexworkers Rights

Scarlett Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association


Sex Trade Workers Industrial Union 690

Sex Traders Radical Outreach & Liberation Lobby (STROLL)

Sex Work Call, Romania

Sex Workers Alliance, Ireland

Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Task Force

Sex Workers Action Group (SWAG), Berlin

Sex Workers Action Group (SWAG), Kingston

Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM)

Sex Workers’ Advocacy Network for Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (SWAN)

Sex Workers Network, Bangladesh

Sex Workers Project

Silver Rose, Russia

Sisonke Botswana

SistaazHood, South Africa

Sisters of Majengo


St. James Infirmary

Support Ho(s)e

SWOP Behind Bars

SWOP, USA (Sex Workers Outreach Project)

Tanzania Sex Workers Alliance (TASWA)

Touching Base

Twiggy Fundacion, Colombia

Uganda Network for Sex Work-Led Organisations

UMOJA, Sud-Ubangi in Central Africa

Veshya Anyay Mukti Parishad (VAMP)

Vietnam Network of Sex Workers

Whores of Yore

Women with a Vision

Zambia Sex Workers Alliance

Part V: Speakers Available for Paid Guest Lectures

(all virtual at this time)


Contact Information

Rate for Q&A

Prepared Lecture Rate

Areas of Expertise

Website & Published Works

Jessie Sage



phone sex, camming, content creation, fssw, activism, sex work writing, decrim, coming out at a sex worker, sex work and parenting

Léa Isabelle

$300/hour, negotiable

$600/hour, negotiable

marketing, communication strategy, website design, social media, usability (UIU/UX), etc. as they apply to sex work. | @lea_isabelle_NC

Cady S. Moore



sex education

Victoria Holt

£25 donation to the English Collective of Prostitutes

£25 donation to the English Collective of Prostitutes

activism, domestic abuse, sex worker methodology, working in academia, violence against women and girls.

more info, blogs and contact at

Olivia Snow (Mistress Snow)



tech, policy (FOSTA/SESTA especially), privacy, content moderation & algorithmic bias, BDSM, consent & ethics, in-person work (for now!)

Courtney Trouble



porn literacy and queer sex education are my best topics. also, personal history as artist/sex worker

Lauren Kiley



sex work activism (from 2011-present), self defense, sex work in media/literature, sex work & radical politics, BDSM, porn, porn industry regulations

@xoxolaurenkiley,, chapter in WeToo, selected writing available,

Adrie Rose



content moderation, social media, financial repression




experience, policy, activism, making a living

Amina du Jean



Black Sex Workers, migrant Sex Workers


Areas of

Expertise , sex work, trafficking, advocacy, policy- how to change laws-

labor rights