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How to Freeze Winter Squash Cubes
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Kitchen Tip/Tutorial - How to Freeze Winter Squash Cubes

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Step 1: First cube and peel the uncooked winter squash (for helpful tips, please see post on how to peel a winter squash). Winter Squash that work well for this method include butternut, Hubbard, banana, pumpkin, sunshine and more. Stringy types like acorn and spaghetti probably won't produce great results using this method. 

Step 2: Fill steamer pot half full of water and heat until boiling.

Step 3: Place winter squash cubes in a steamer basket.

Step 4: Immerse steamer basked with winter squash cubes into boiling water for 3 minutes. Start the timer immediately after placing the squash cubes in the boiling water. This is called blanching. Blanching is important in freezing most vegetables because it's stops the enzyme action, which can cause a loss of flavor, color, and texture.

Step 5: When 3 minutes is up, immediately remove steamer basket from stove and immerse winter squash cubes in cold water to stop the cooking process.

Step 6: Wait a few minutes, then drain them in a colander and let cool completely.

 Step 7: When they are cool, pack squash cubes into freezer bags, label and freeze. Frozen winter squash cubes will be best if used within 6 months. When ready to use, just pull out of the freezer and thaw and drain completely. Then use in recipes that call for winter squash cubes.
