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CS10 Full Credit Project 2016 version
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CS10 Full Credit Project

Remember that this project is worth 1 full credit (CSE1910: CSE Project A). Complete all the basic requirements FIRST before progressing to the extras.  

As a general rule, your project will be marked as follows:

The specifics for each project type: Marking Rubric can be found here.

Folder Set Up

Important Deliverables


For Game Maker projects, next page.

For Processing Projects, click here.   

For Web Design Projects, click here.

Game Maker Full Credit Projects

Your goal is to design, create and test a complete game.  It may be based on an existing game, tv series or can be entirely from your own creation. This project is designed to let you use your imagination and test your skills in Game Maker.  It also will require you to experiment with new actions that you have not been directly taught in class.  You will be encouraged to use the Help menu for these actions.

Basic Requirements

The most important requirement:  You must plan your project to be sufficiently challenging and yet attainable within the time you are given.  Sufficiently challenging means that you should currently know how to do about 80% of the Events and Actions required.  The remaining 20% you should need to learn during the process of making the game.  This is obviously a loose guideline and will change from person to person based on whatever level of skill you have to start the process.

With that said, your goal is to create the most professional looking game you can given the time you have.  To do that, you are usually expected to include the following:


Your game  must also have at least:


Non-Game-Play Requirements

Remember that the F1 key lets players read these instructions at any time.

Game Play Elements

The following are required and marked.  You may use any additional Actions that you feel are necessary.

Self Reflection

Now, link to the rubric and read the applicable section.

Processing Full Credit Projects

Only students with a solid foundation in Processing should tackle this project.  If you were able to do the Rock,Paper, Scissors project, Tic-tac-toe project or something similar you are probably safe to continue.

The project can take any form you wish, as nd

For your project plan, you will likely not have ‘levels’ to plan as Game Maker projects have.  Instead you will need to consider major features of your program.

Features could be described as storylines or strands (for games), sets of options given the user or any other unique, largely independent chunks of code.

Plan your time so that features can be worked on separately and added when ready.  In other words, do not do half of each.

Now, link to the rubric and read the applicable section.

 Web Design Full Credit Projects

You may create a website for your final project but keep in mind that it will need to be quite complex, using all the skills you know.

It must be for a site that fills the need of a real organization (team, club, etc.).  You may not be able to provide all the functionality that this real organization needs but it should LOOK like it does.

You should strive for a professional looking website and this professionalism will be a significant portion of your mark.  This means:

From a technical perspective, for top marks:

From a content perspective:

Be sure to see the rubric for the list of features that can add to your complexity mark.

Now, link to the rubric and read the applicable section.

Updated Jan. 2010