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Business, Management, and Technology Core        Mrs. Ballina & Mrs. Yoshino

Period 2        Fall 2014


Course Description: This course is designed for students who plan to pursue careers in business, and/or related occupations. Students will learn essential business concepts that will provide a solid foundation

for further study in preparation for careers in business. Problem-based, real-world application of business concepts will be emphasized. Students will utilize technology for a variety of business applications and business communication; demonstrate effective customer service; and use accounting concepts to formulate, analyze and evaluate financial decisions in business. This course is a recommended prerequisite for students pursuing a business pathway programs of study.

Office Hours: By appointment only.  Schedule it 24 hours in advance in class or via email/text:

text 8084575616

Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  1. Utilize information from accounting records and financial ratios to gather information and assess a company’s financial condition.
  2. Analyze business decision-making relative to a firm’s controllable (internal) and uncontrollable (external) variables.
  3. Read and interpret information from business journals, forms and other documents to make decisions, solve problems, facilitate communication between internal and external customers, and/or convey and receive technical information and ideas.
  4. Analyze, evaluate and practice interpersonal communication skills, including nonverbal cues, as they apply to business.
  5. Analyze ways that corporate culture supports or limits the success of specific businesses and evaluate its impact on ethical and unethical behaviors on business.
  6. Analyze the impact of technology on business and develop a plan to guide business technology decisions to meet current and future needs.
  7. Create quality customer service strategies and selling techniques that will attract repeat customers and contribute to business success and customer satisfaction.

Course Requirements:

  1. Resume and Mock Job Interview (5% or 50 points)
  2. Business Simulation Game (10% or 100 points)
  3. Company Research on a company requesting a proposal (5% or 50 points)
  1. Provide a brief description of the company and industry it operates within. (10 points)
  2. Evaluate the company’s financial position. (10 points)
  3. What are the company’s strengths? (5 points)
  4. What are the company’s weaknesses? (5 points)
  5. What are some opportunities relative to the request? (5 points)
  6. What are some threats relative to the request? (5 points)
  7. Describe the company’s culture and it’s impact on the request. (10 points)
  1. Response to RFP (15% or 150 points)
  1. Responses to Specific Requests (30 points)
  2. Implementation Plan and Schedule (30 points)
  3. Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies (30 points)
  4. Proposal Budget and Budget Narrative (30 points)
  5. Summary of Proposal (30 points)
  1. Proposal Presentation (20% or 200 points)
  1. Multimedia Presentation (40 points)
  2. Compelling argument why proposal is best choice (40 points)
  3. Two-minute elevator pitch (40 points)
  4. Effective Platform Skills (40 points)
  5. Skillful Negotiations Skills (40 points)
  1. Proposal Implementation (20% or 200 points)
  1. Completed on-time (40 points)
  2. Completed within budget (40 points)
  3. Met or exceeded expectations (40 points)
  4. Teamwork via Weekly Collaboration Reports (40 points)
  5. Client Communications via Weekly Status Reports (40 points)
  1. Business Thought Leader & Class Participation (5% or 50 points)
  2. Reflection and Curiosity via self-evaluations/reflections (5% or 50 points)
  3. Attendance (5% or 50 points)
  4. Code of Conduct (10% or 100 points)

Course Grading:

To receive a passing grade in this course you must attempt all assignments/assessments as required.  All course requirements must be submitted by the due dates given to avoid point penalties.  You will lose 1% of the assignemnt’s total points for every class day that your assignment is late.  Your final grade for the course will be based on your total number of points.


Course Schedule:   Updates are in blue

Week of


Assignments Due*

*All assignments are due by midnight (HST) on Sunday if not explicitly stated.


Introduction, Class Procedures, Discipline Plan

Signed Code of Conduct

Signed Syllabus Acknowledgement Form


8/15 holiday

Accounting and Finance

Business Simulation #1

Financial Statements

Unit Pre-Test


Accounting and Finance

Business Simulation #2

Financial Ratios Part 1


8/29 no school

Accounting and Finance

Financial Statements

Business Simulation #3

Financial Ratios Interpretation Draft


Accounting and Finance

Business Simulation #4

Financial Ratios Interpretation Final

Unit Post-Test



Business Systems and Environments

(supply and demand)

Business Simulation #5

Company and Industry Description



Unit Pre-Test


Business Systems and Environments



Responses to Specific Requests

Unit Post-Test



Customer Service

Implementation Plan and Schedule

Unit Pre-Test

Unit Post-Test



Organizational Behavior

Company’s Culture Draft

Unit Pre-Test

Quarter Ends 10/3


Organizational Behavior

Company’s Culture Final

Unit Post-Test



Business Ethics

Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Unit Pre-Test

Unit Post-Test



Business Technology

Budget and Narrative Draft

Unit Pre-Test


11/4 holiday

Business Technology

Budget and Narrative Final


Unit Post-Test



11/11 holiday

Business Communications

Summary of Proposal Draft

Multimedia Presentation Draft

Unit Pre-Test


Business Communications

Summary of Proposal Final

Multimedia Presentation Final

Compelling Argument for Selection


11/27-28 holiday

Business Communications

Two-Minute Elevator Pitch Draft


210 minutes

Business Communications

Two-Minute Elevator Pitch to Clients


210 minutes

Business Communications

Two-Minute Elevator Pitch to Clients


Business Communications

Unit Post-Test


Quarter Ends 12/19