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About the Project…
The Stage :
This is where The Saturday Night Live SHOW will happen, in a sunny Garden, with running dogs, pretty ladies working on the grass…
>>>>>>>> https://vimeo.com/165426138
The ideas for Saturday Night Live SHOW, will be written in this colour/typo.
The ideas of what we could do before Saturday Night Live SHOW will be written in this colour/typo.
1- échauffement M&L (+Raquel)
2/3- Bienvenue Présentation Live M&L (+?)
4- Prologue
Hyène anonyme WHO ARE YOU? Ligre Anonyme, same question?
We have some very strange followers right now. There is JCJ, a Raton Laveur Anonyme (sorry, not so anonymous anymore), and a all so anonymous chinchilla, a tatou Anonyme and his friend the blaireau Anonyme + NOW a chauve-souris anonyme AND a mouflette AND now a koala…? Est-ce que les chauves-souris sont des chauves qui sourient, and what about the Narval Anonyme? Google, is that you? Google, are you there? Are you watching us? WE ARE WATCHING YOU!! I think I saw even some more anonymous animals earlier.
If you are the Audience and you have anything to say, you can contact us on :
********** marjorie.and.lisa@gmail.com <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Hello Jean Claude Jackety and other anonymous animals (Salut papa, maman, Monique, Michel, Paul )!
We can see you are a very active audience and you seem to follow us quite intensely!
We are open to communication… don’t forget you can e-mail us here :
********** marjorie.and.lisa@gmail.com <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
5- Tadddam
The Characters
The Transformist
The transformist can be a human being, an animal, a material, an element, it can turn to be anything he/she/it wants. He/she/it could even be an Idea, a concept.
The Transformist will be represented here in this Story by :
-A piano Salesman
-A White Dog
-A White Wall
-A Bowl of fruit
-A Sea shell
- Juliana Stadelmann
-Maybe Jean-Claude Jackety, Maybe! ( Jean-Claude, do you agree? … Yes? No? Maybe?, Well, let’s say you agree then!)
The Gymnast
The gymnast was trained in Northern Korea since she was 3 years old to become the best gymnast in the world.
The Prestidigitator
He is really sad because none wants to believe that his tricks are for real. Everyone just looks at it and takes it for an animation of some sort.
The Tourist
The tourist is everywhere and takes pictures of everything, but mostly of himself. He´s missing something and looking for it.
A bowl of fruit
A bowl of fruits always has different stuff in it but the stuff is always fruits.
The bowl of fruit is REALLY complexed about his status of being a simple Bowl of fruit, I think he will spend the all piece trying to get a real status and become THE bowl of fruit!
He is a Good Spy
The Secret Agent:
He is the man with the trench coat drinking Vodka
Jean Claude Jackety
The mysterious person who is watching us. Creepy. Who is Jean Claude Jackety? We are all in love with Jean-Claude Jackety.
The Piano Salesman
We just know for now he does not have a very good temper but that’s pretty much all we know.
The Place
A really tiny hyper-place, tea-kettle within an ocean maybe.
It also happens sometimes in the M o t e l A t l a n t i c o, Somewhere in Mexico and at the bottom of its non-so-empty swimming-pool.
The Time
There are two times:
Act 1
It is BEFORE RABBIT. Four people meet accidentally in an empty space. They seem confused, look around, touch the ground and the walls (but one can´t see the walls, as everything is white). Then they each find a corner and wait for something to happen. There is a bowl of fruit as well. They wait for some time and stare in different directions. After some moments each of them secretly observes the others.
The Prestidigitator: …. … Hi...!
(none replies)
After some time: You wanna see a trick?
The Transformist: I AM a trick!
The Prestidigitator: Sorry, may I ask you if this is the end of the world?
The Transformist: I AM the end of the world!
The Prestidigitator: … and have you seen Jean Claude Jackety?
The Transformist: I AM Jean Claude Jackety!
Jean Claude Jackety:
You know, I have never met a Gymnast. Shall they dance for me as my songs float through the air ¿ for my songs i need an air.
A bowl of fruit:
Who are you, Jean Claude Jackety?
Are you a satellite? Official one? Non-official one?
Do you think northern corea is in north or south corea?
Sing your song, we´ll dance for you!
(after some time)
Jean claude jackety, who are you?/ WHERE DID YOU GO? Jean-Claude, reviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiens!
The sound of her voice was fading in the toxic smelly air (the aim of this sentence is to satisfy people who cannot bear poesy anymore, hello “Maîtresse… ;) “
Love song to Jean claude jackety
# Jean claude jackety we love you
Jean claude jackety we want to see you
Jean claude jackety we will dance for you
Jean claude jackety
Jean claude jackety
Jean claude jackety is a mystery to me
Jean claude jackety
Jean claude jackety
Jean claude jackety we will see #
John Claude jackety with his jacket on
John Claude jackety with his jacket off
Jacket on
Jacket off
Jacket on
Jacket off
Act 2
Scène 1 - Wiggle Wiggle
The Tourist: Is there something going on here?
The Gymnast (looking at them): WIGGLE WIGGLE !! *@*
The scene opens up. The nights sky is showing movie stars. The film begins and they all watch:
*@* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BuXdkivPOY
Do you think the Tourist could actually meet the Gymnast and play that scene
The Tourist: Sorry, may I ask you if this is the end of the world?
The Gymnast (looking at them): WIGGLE WIGGLE !! *@*
The scene opens up. The nights sky is showing movie stars. The film begins and they all watch:
*@* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BuXdkivPOY
We could make a video out of this scene?
Tourist? Gymnast? What do you think?
Who is the tourist? Is he in Toulouse? In this case we can meet to do it.( Rachel as a gymnast)
Scène 2 - The Gymnast meets the Transformist (+a Bowl of fruits)
The Transformist: [silence]
The Gymnast: Well, Je suis incapable de vous répondre à cet instant précis. Et de toute façon; qu’est-ce que ça peut bien faire? Allez-vous tout stopper net de vos activités et de vos engagements, pour aller embrasser la première inconnue qui passe? Baiser une dernière fois? C’est vraiment le fantasme de base! Moi, je m’entraine, jusqu’à la mort, c’est plus simple, j’ai une ligne de conduite, c’est clair, c’est précis. TCHAC-TCHAC!
Regardez, demain matin, à la première heure, je vais courir. C’est aussi une bonne façon de tater le pouls de la ville. Qu’est-ce que je respire? Est-ce qu’il y a définitivement plus de véhicules que d’humains en circulation dans le monde? Est-ce que le béton que je foule est toujours aussi dur, est-ce qu’il se ramollit? Fond-il, gonfle-t’il? Et la pluie? Comment est-elle? Acide, alcaline, salée? Et moi, comment je me sens? Suis-je ballonnée, sèche, moite, rigide? Et de quelle couleur? Est-ce que je produis toujours autant de sex appeal sur les coureurs que je croise? CA, c’est important!
Vos conneries de fin du monde, ça me fait penser à cette super soirée déguisée organisée par le comité gymnique en 2012 à Bussigny. Une putain de sacré soirée! On a bouffé comme des truies à la pasta partie et j’avais même gagné un porte-clef à la Tombola!! Ma-man!… sur le dance-floor on s’est défoulées un max! Dommage qu’on était qu’entre filles! Y’avait un karaoké en sous-sol, on faisait nos passages entre deux Cosmos, on était raides! Jenny s’était même foulée la cheville… Quelle entorse celle-là! Enfin quelle quiche! Non mais t’imagines, la fin du monde, genre, avec des zombies, et tout? Mais vous vous entendez?
Hey! Do you hear me? You - un-dér-stande? You spik French? ( putain il a rien compris, quelle enclume!)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *************
The Gymnast his having his run :
Technical APARTE
-Est-ce que je dois prévoir des sous-titres?
-Non, je pense que ça va. Ils ont qu’à parler français!
The Transformist: Are you talking about this?
That was a great fucking soirée, I still cannot remember all of it.
I just remember I was an empty sea shell. Was it a mussel? Yes, of course, it was a mussel!
I was diving in a white wine sauce. That was delicious.
The Gymnast : Quoi? Tu étais un mussel? Mussel… tu étais un muscle? AH oui! Ca! Tu t’es cru un muscle luisant, genre, t’aurais bien aimé qu’on se frotte à toi en dansant làààà… Grosse perverse… Du muscle! Du muscle… On aurait bien aimé en voir un peu plus du muscle! C’était Chan-mé mais ça manquait de garçons. Je crois qu’il avaient une banana-split party à la patinoire…
>>>>>>>>>>> ***** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJgtIUEKud4
The Gymnast : A propos, t’es un garçon ou une fille? You are a boy or a girl? Hey, you! I’m talking to you! Il est bouché celui-là… Hey! You-Girl or you-Boy? Stop fucking the yucca, please and listen! Are you Boy? I don’t see you with your black mantle…
Scène 3 - Le Monologue de Nautilus la Mussel
Stage details:
The following scene is happening in the M o t e l A t l a n t i c o, Somewhere in Mexico, the Transformist is having really serious thoughts as it is now a sea shell at the very bottom of an empty swimming-pool.
The Transformist - Or the life of a sea shell in a swimming pool …
I am a sea shell , I am a sea shell and i am trying to survive in a swimmig pool …
Trying to survive ? Yes absolutly !
I was brought here by a tourist , stucked beetween two smelly toes.
“ Let’s go to the beach ! “ they said
“ Let’s swim ! Let’s try to fish an octopus ! Let’s do this ! Let’s do that “ !
At the end of a sunny beautiful day, spent with my beloved mussel familly, two toes grabed me and brought me here - in a swimming pool.
I can’t even say if it’s a 5 stars hotel swimming pool, or a random dirty motel !!!
And I might die here …. Well.. Actually … I would say that it depends on the treatment used to clean this pool.
The water in this pool is green - At least it is not blue or ..even worst.. brown .
The water in this pool is green... It means that come clever human being chose to build a NSP.
Well, I’m sorry, I was speaking too soon. The pool is definitely not empty anymore.
Yeah, Natural Swimming pool, a system consisting of a constructed body of water, where the water is contained by an isolating membrane or membranes, in which no chemicals or devices that disinfect or sterilize water are used, and all clarifying and purifying of the water is achieved through biological filters and plants rooted hydroponically in the system.
Well, last time I checked , all of the commonly used hydroponic growing systems were flawed. Most are wasteful in their use of reagents and water, require specialised equipment, pumps of varying capacities, and a source of reliable electrical power. Specialised computer-activated programs are normally recommended in order to regulate frequency and volume of applied nutrient solution or water. Nutrient solution formulations vary depending on plant species grown, stage of plant growth, and use factors.
Arff, I think I need more informations on the system. The mechanics, the energy sources , the water sources.
At least , If I die , I ‘d rather die sustainably .
Yes you know , The best way for me to die , is to decompose at home - You know , my home : The ocean.
Then again, it depends of the treatement and the end of life of the residues of this swimming pool.
Last time I checked, i could’nt find any Life cycle assesment of NSP. Where the hell am i going to have this information ?
But the desire for sustainability is mostly driven by the fear of death. It's about making sure your genes will survive when you passed…
The Tourist: Sea Shell, is that you?
Hello? HELLOOO?? Is there anyone?
Act 3 - How to create a Spy?
The identity of Spy012
Good evening...
I am a spy and I'm watching you .
Perhaps you 'll receive messages from me in the coming days . Do not worry , I'm a good spy.
++++++ BR (before rabbit) +++++
++++++ AR (after rabbit) ++++++
A Bowl of fruits :
(the Trans as) the White Dog: woof!
So now I.m white, as the room, white as the colour, actually the noncolur, white does not exist as a colour, so I don’t exist as ….. A human anymore, because I’m white, and white can be anything exept a colour. So I’m a dog. A White dog.
Where are those rabbits ?
Sniff sniff
Sniff sniff
There is one
I want to eat it
But it’ll turn the room red
And I’ll be human again ….
The prestidigitator : I’m here …. can you still see me ? I am transforming myself and the space around me. Watch me progress, watch me disappear and yet be more present as ever. It’s started already here :
Watch Watch
Wattuuchhh The trick is i
I´ve been waiting all day! I´ve been watting all day. I´ve been wattucchhh all day. Where have you been all day? I was missing you all day.
The Gymnast : I was dancing with you.
-------... see?
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://vimeo.com/165213276
The Prestidigitator: Have you found the missing rabbits?
The Gymnast : I think I saw one in my coffee at 6am. Sorry but I have to go. Say hello to the Biscuits for me. I have to train and verificate if nature is still surrounding us.
The Prestidigitator : It´s fine. Nature is rather inside of us. I think the rabbit might choreograph the biscuits.
En aparté - derrière un long rideau:
They took a light beer, 5,2 °.
It was surprising, because the Biscuit, the famous, took the progressive form of a white scarf.
Arfff ourfff brrr zzzzzzzzztt chchcchchchchchchuiuiuiuiuiuiuiu mozemoeimoieri c’est incogérent! Artgtgggg dans la salle un silence incroyable
All the elements shied away under the steps of the protagonists.
One board, two stools, an electric guitar ... But where is the grand piano! We need it!!!
And the Wall becomes invisible
Acte 4 - How to spy on a spy?
Scène 1- Code 2.0. Nautilus
Scène 2- The travelling Tourist
♫•• The Travelling Tourist. A Satellite. A Musician.••♫
See: A musical tourist. A musical tourist who travels without her instruments. For months, was their only instrument, her voice, tragically lost for a week in April. Today she stumbled upon a Piano Haus, 150 Schonhauser Allee, BERLIN.
Hear: Her fingers like concrete, having lost their agility over the many months without practice, caressed the keys and a sense of familiarity washed over her. She felt at home in the piano shop surrounded by German-made klaviers. She was finally home in a piano shop. In Berlin. What a thought.
Quest: She must find places or things to play wherever she goes. With rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes. ♫♫♫
Somewhat clumsily she played songs familiar to her:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://vimeo.com/165008839#at=1
Rusty fingers at the Piano Haus:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://vimeo.com/165018764
He starts a small talk with the Tourist. I think he wants to sell him/her a piano… Of course, that makes sense, he is a Piano Salesman! :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mm https://vimeo.com/165218228
Eventually, his business doesn´t work anymore. He´s selling Likes then (*).
(*)this is another story...
Scène 3 - the Special Agent on his double mission
>>>>>>>>> https://vimeo.com/165639496
I think it would be nice for the Gymnast to meet the Transformist.
The transformist:
The transformist - IS HERE
Well, the transformist is probably here ….
What does he look like ?
What happened in that swimming pool ?
The Mexican heat increased the eutrophication - The Phytotechnology wasn’t adapted to the environmental condition ?
The best way to know now , is to ask…
Gymnast : Can you formulate the question, please? I mean, in scientific terms? It does interest me because I also was the witness of a strange phenomenon last night.
Hey, is that you? This is not really exactly how it was
supposed to happen...
The Transformist: Oh ! then what did you see ?
The evolution of this situation is strange
From a sea shell to a banana or anything else - I only see ONE explanation.
I have - as a transforsmist - the ability to reorganize my CARBONS, OXYGENS, HYDROGENS atoms like I want. And at the end, I am able to be any random organic matter
Did i just said ORGANIC ? Like any Organic food shop in any hipster neighboorhoods ?
Oh maan ….. Does it makes sens for you now ?
Absolutely. Je crois que j’ai compris ce qu’elle dit… Heu… But, heu… I have the feeling that someone is watching us… I’m not sure it is safe to speak about that here… heu… Do you have an idea of a safe place to have a real serious discussion?
You mean …. Another plateforme ?
An another twork
Or maybe you could just teach me how to transmute my organs into gaz or gold and, in a way that could be a solution also to move from that space.
I told it!
I did it again!
SO let’s be clear … Gold - Is an element - so with my Carbons, oxygens and hydrogens I won’t be able to be Gold, or Copper, or mercury or platinium.
But I could perfectly be 99.999999 % of a human being, a banana, a sea shell, a YOU or a ME
You want me to talk about space ?
I was wondering if you can talk to me about Nature? I’m fully interested in the building materials Nature uses to build its landscapes. → Be more specific please
For exemple, a fruit bowl? Is there any relationship between Nature-morte and Stars?
Nature and space are related
YES ! Absolutly !
Is there any relationship between Stars and Politics?
YES ! Again ! Did you know that stars were made with C, O ,H ? Of course not 100% of their composition are this - But let me show you !
So now ! depending on the country ….. But quite often though …
A politic is also composed by C, O , H (organic matters) but also Metals such as SILVER, GOLD and IRON …..
Just like a star !!
I want to be a star! Or a set of Golden made to measure jewellery ordered by Snoop Doggy-Dog.
I train to be a star since I was 3. And my muscles are soaked with lactic acids. Maybe soon, maybe soon…
Then be a politic ! Like snoop LION Last year ! Nothing more easy !
The Tourist : My name is Juliana Stadelmann , and i am average, normal, standard swiss tourist From switzerland not from Sweden
The Prestigidator: I am a star!
(and, jumping) I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!
I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star!I am a star! (Sorry, too much excitement for a magician)
A bowl of fruits: WHAT are politics made of?! I heard that “everything is a made of bags that eat other bags”
Gymnast: Bags?
Transformist: Yeah, like shopping bags or airbags or… you know. Cells I´m taling about. And then particals and even tinier stuff. And then big bags, like humans or elephants.
Tu veux dire Bagues? You mean , des bagues???? Put a ring on it!!!!
The bowl of fruit -APARTE-
THE bowl of fruit couldn’t handle its/his/her emotions, he was so happy to hear from Juliana Stadelmann. So he/she/it began an aparté.
A bowl of fruits: Juliana??? Are you there?
Oh My God! Finally! I´ve been looking for you so long!!
Maybe it’s because I REALLY miss your Swiss accent!
So good to see you, it’s been so long since we last met in Rachel’s garden,
do you remember our talk when you told me Men were all the same shitty bastards?
Then , you were right, they are!
(But this is a all over story, It is maybe not the good place to talk about it.)
But I actually wanted to ask you if you would like to pay me a visit while you are doing the Tour of the World?
I’m now living in a great kitchen in the M o t e l A t l a n t i c o, Somewhere in Mexico. I became a super important Bowl of fruit… !!!!!!!
You know, now, I am THE Bowl a fruit!
Not “a” like, random bowl of fruit but THE bowl of fruit.
I’m currentl hosting super important fruits like pineapples, bananas…
Anyway, I hope you can visit me one day.
The Gymnast : You say that because Juliana is totally crazy with bowls of fruits .But be careful because in my memory ,first she peels them, then she cuts them , and she mixs them with honey and almonds , and then she eats them ! And that is what makes her legendary well-known silhouette of Caribbean fruit salad mascot ! This is no a joke ! I am serious. Fais gaffe à toi men!
The Transformist : Juliana transforms into Jean-Claude
Adieeeeeuuuu Juliana ! ça va ou bien ? (the transformist could also transform his accent into a swiss speaker )
The transformist: I have the feeling that all engineers are artists now.
I have the feeling that everyone of us is everything …. Or is it just because I am everything and nothing at the same time ?
In any case …. Shall I ask who is here ?
Do you see me ? What am I ?
Gymnast : Do you say that because it sound like an ending? A big nothing? A “Grand foutoir”? You know I am here, With my half, my sweet, the blood of my blood, The real transformist of the people. She is obsessed today with bubbles. She trains also, to be the best, to do the best molusque on her face with the splashed odorous play dough she ruminates.
Thanks a lot for your answer.
KUKU! Can you here me?
I HEAR YOU ! I hear you...i hear you ….you...you … u....u…u…. (it sounds like an echo !)
Are we in a Mountain ?
Apparently I am not able to see properly
I was wandering for a while, but i have never seen a mountain; may be the hills, the holles but never a single mountain.
Are we ok, you seem to be a bit tense , is is my accent, or my shirt?
Definitely your shirt !!! After ALL THE BANANAS you had !!
90 kcal / 100 g And you had more than 1000 kg → 900’000 kcal …
It’s more or less what a men can eat for 450 days ! (considering that you eat 2000 kcal/day)¨
For how long you were following me then?all that bananas stuff, i wonder what Freud would say about that
A tree told me that Freud is a big myso, no, not a miso-soup. A myso… myso, quoi! I don’t know the word... Is he the best guest to invite to join our team? I’m not sure I want to hike with him… By the way, some african child eat for real only bananas and rice for several years… and we should ask them if they have penis problems… I know this is not a good argument...
Only one penis problem i know is the absence of penis; Freud has some good moves
Do you have picture of african child that will be marvelous
Yes but not the riceyes
No, but I can draw one maybe? WIth the keyboard.
Yyy yy
Yyyy yyyyyyy yyyy
Ii Yyy yyyyyy yyy
Iiii yyy yyyyyy yyy
Iii yyy yyyyyy yyy
T t t yyyy yyyyyy yyy
Yyy yyyyyyy yyy
Yy yyyyyyyyyy yyy
Yyyyyyyyyyy yy
Yyy yyy
Yy yy
Yy yy
Do you see the Banana?
WHAT A GREAT WORK ! I can even see the necklace !
You are very talented! Are you considering become an artist or what, where is the rice by the way? I wonder if they eat it from a bowl or raw ,just picking up the seeds from the ground
G : This is an interesting supposition… But considering I’m Korean, as rice is base of food for the gymnasts, for me they are quite lucky to have also bananas to eat. Fuck! Isn”t it time for an after-school snack?
That is what i like about travelling, cultural exchange and all that! I adore that you wear no shirt in my country you will get a penal sentence for that
Do you want to take a snack-nap in my cozy rental studio/ apartment/ garage/ nowhere place
G : I didn’t know I should cover my top! Nobody told me before! Do you like it like that? I’m fucking hungry, I would eat dozens of snails!! With the slime!
Come with me , i ll cover you top with, kimcchi and noodles! We have to have photo together as a landmark of our future building site
G : Transformist! Do you come with us? Stay close to me and observe, if the lactic acid of the kimcchis penetrates through my skin and benefits to my muscles… I’m still looking for a solution.
Are you literally proposing ‘menage a trois’. Let’s do it !i
G : Is a transformist real? I mean, does he have an existence, a reality?… shit! Is he a boy or a girl? He never answered me… Let’s go. Il compte pour du beurre.
I can imagine him better than he really is, soushi guy lost in his nineties, sucking up sake from everything that surrounds him, i ll make a note : eat more healthy
The Prestidigitator: He is You. Starting to have a crisis of identity. Like I can see a danger in the Air.
G : I’m so happy that I had an encounter! But tell me more about you, please. As the transformist turned into concrete behind his cape. Are you a cook?
Or are you a cock?
And they leave the set together. The Gymnast is rolling on the floor.
Apart he says, in loop :https://vimeo.com/165683535
Tourist is in his bed alone, dreaming about having libertine relationships; he is just going from door to door, old horny tourist, he is touching himself for a reason of safety, when he realized that he is speaking loud the gymnast appear from the bathroom in a bathrobe and a cigarette not lightened, he pose him himself against the door and looks directly in the eyes of tourists.
Are you jewish at all?
You can not pick on that
How does it feel?
Violently tiring ?
Tourist is looking at his guest with a smile of shame, he swears and looked around all the bottles for the last, the best gout
You are handsome, he said
He said to himself
Tourist is happy.
Rachel, you should go to bed, et moi aussi d’ailleurs! (Surtout si je veux réussir à me lever demain matin)...
The Gymnast:
Bonne nuit Marjorie... Je commence à angoisser d’avoir prévu autant de choses samedi. Je ne vais pas réussir à répéter avec vous, faiche. On peut prévoir les répétitions à 16h??? Je serai pas dispo entre midi et 16h!!! Ou alors j’enregistre une bonne partie de mes parties…? On s’en parle. J’ai été tellement angoissée de passer ce long week-end chaud et ensoleillé ( mon premier) sans vie sociale que j’ai envoyé 30 textos à mes potes en me disant que 3 allaient répondre. Tiens-toi bien, ils m’ont tous répondu sauf 3!!! Note que ça me fait plaisir. Mais du coup, je suis hyper occupée! Pique-nique par-ci, apéro par là, avec ou sans enfants, vous avez plusieurs formules… enfin pour c’qui m’concerne j’ai les kids, hein… no worry, si tu veux que quelqu’un lâche un “tu pues de la geule” et un gros rot, demande à Melvin… Il a des attitudes d’adolescent alors qu’il n’a pas encore 5 ans! Tu halucinerais. Et Pénélope sera là pour faire des bulles qui puent la chimie rose bonbon et ça c’est important. Bonne nuit à toi aussi Marjo.
After the rain,
Tourist :
I didn't anticipate this rain, I didn't had my synthetic poncho.
Now, I'm wet, totally wet.
My clothes, my banknotes, my tourist map,
All the inks turn liquid. Colors are mixed, now.
What about my camera ?
The picture I take now, are ,
Pictures are blur.
Not a Gaussian's blur, not a movement's blur.
A kind of blur I do not un der stand.
When the rain was falling, I took a picture. This one should be amazing
I don't remember well where I was.
/i/ The tourist walks. 12 step on westside. 11 and half on east side.
2 on north. 3 on south.
Bis repetita.
I suppose, I was close of a swimming pool. You know one of those new swimming pool, without any one chemical agent. It's good for the skin.
The swimming pool was empty. Maybe.
People can't smelt chlorine. People can't find the swimming pool.
When this rain falls, it was like walking in the water.
So I was swimming stand up.
The rain is cold. The rain is salted.
I can't see the sky.
There is waves instead clouds.
And I took this picture.
It's the evidence something really strange happened.
I've seen a SeaShield moving in the rain.
It was jumping from a water drop to an another.
Now the picture is blur
Now the picture is lost.
No one will trust me.
May be someone will find it.
The Prestidigitator
is dead
Who killed the Prestidigitator????
police cars arrive at the scene
the death is very heartbreaking but HERES what no ONE IS TALKING ABOUT???? there is a bossa nova roller coaster going on in america and where's the news coverage??????WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!
S’habiller en noir
Funérailles d’un prestidigitateur
The Memorial for the Prestidigitator
will take place tomorrow at 8 P.M.
Please, make sure to be here and wear your blackest garnement.
I will be the lady with a red scarf.
And I will be lady in Black. Ok, Lisa.
Message to all the participants, Please send flowers and condolescences
/condoléances to marjorie.and.lisa@gmail.com
Or, insert it in this doc.
The Gymnast : Ca va pas là, ça part en couille. Je me barre cinq minutes et vous vous mettez tous à faire de la poésie. C’est nul, no-capito, no understand!
I would like that the space changes a bit. That things have an end. I would like to change my habits, to be someone else. Transformist, please! Can you help me? Can you teach me your art? I want to be a nice female. I want to be a banana. Do you see me writing this text right now, do you see the letters drop on the page, one by one, and sometimes disapearing from the right to the left?
Do you feel me, I’m so far and there is no space exactly for us all, I only see some apple and raspberry, chitting at me because I am pink. They are so vain, they only think about clothes and make up. I need some concrete stuff.
I need paper, I need a bird, I need his feather to make a pen. Shhhhtt!! Cassez-vous! Saletés! Pigeons de merde! Déchets de la société! Retournez à vos ordures! Allez! Cassez-vous! Belles inutilités…
Tout ça ne me dit pas où se trouve l’espace de ce temps. Je suis paumée, j’ai envie de me barrer. Je me suis pas entrainée pendant des années à faire des cabrioles pour me trouver ici à faire la mariole.Ca manque de bord, ya pas de limite! Il me faut un moule, vite! Je respiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeee…… eurg!
Does anyone hear me? Does anyone notices something in this bled?
Hey? I think I hear something…? Hello? Hello? I’m gonna go on the margins to bring you here. I’m gonna take you by the skin of your ass, par la peau du cul mon gars!
I’m gonna write some comments as : “hello-hello what the fuck are you doing now? Are you having fun? Are you having “apértif” with your friends? “
The Transformist:
The Transformist: GYMNAST, can you hear me? I want you to peel me.
The Transformist, now a banana, begins to peel itself.
The banana and the peel separate. The peel walks away. Only the banana remains, naked, waiting.
The Gymnast : Well, I like the way things progress finally. I’m gonna hide myself and watch a bit...
The banana lies still. It is impossible to tell whether the transformist has moved on or is waiting for the right moment to move. Slowly, the banana appears less and less clear. It dissolves into the cement.
The Gymnast stay agape. Mouth open. Widely open. And start removing his/her clothes also.
What could he/she do? What opportunities are available to this character? He/She would have so much liked to touch the skin of the inside of a banana… He/She would have like that the banana teaches him/her something. He/she’s lost, nowhere, again.
The piano salesman -
Introduire un element qui colle tous les scènes (mode Monthy Python)
Bowl of fuit - series of images of a bowl with everything but fruits (make a gif)
Idées: manif contre the piano salesman
I think the Australian tourist could sing instead of talking?
What do you think?
The Australian agrees
This might be the moment to think about what we want to say with all this and what this will give to the ausience.
Tu viens d’écrire ça?
Yeah! C’est super! J’adore Ralph et les spice-girls! Alors pour leur faire concurrence, je continue demain matin mon video-clip based on the survivor des Destiny’s childs que j’ai pas réussi à finir aujourd’hui…
“Don’t forget to participate to the SelfieBeautyContest… HERE”
the winner will win!
To Hope to do List
Participants pour demain >>>>>> OK
Alison & Cat>>>> ok!
Rachel by Spy012>>>> ok
INVITE PEOPLE (Share it, love it, spread it)
Compléter le doc par:
Sons (en ligne)
Vidéos (en ligne)
Screenshots / emails
Spy012 et ses missions
Compléter demain avec les enquêtes parallèles
Comment on le joue
Rdv Skype Rachel, et autres livers
Live stretching
We declare the state of emergency.
All Borders will be closed.
Stay at home.
•••And so, the travelling tourist's musical escapades continue•••
Presenting: one (1) vocal serenade to her instruments, the ones that were left behind.
{They turn cold in their cases. The valves
the brass twists and turns,
yearning to be warm with
sound once more.
The keys are still.
And the air?
The air smells stale, it
reeks of silence.}
here is her Recipe for those-
who pine for an instrument to play-
but are unsuccessful in their quest-
to find one-
1 cup (empty) ; preferably made of plastic
2 teaspoons of coordination and a good pinch of rhythm
1 tablespoon of vocal harmony
3/4 cup of a song about missing something
1 Bowl of fruit (THE (!!) Bowl of fruit) to sing next to
1) Clap, tap, pick up and bang atop the empty cup with a mean rhythm.
2) Sing your little heart out whilst improvising some harmonies with the voice.
3) Voila! You will be cured of the sense of loneliness the absence of instruments causes you.
Here is one she prepared earlier today.
She sings here:
The Gymnast : I think I can see a Bowl of fruit, what is it doing there?
“Listen closely and you’ll hear them singing”
A spontaneous demonstration is forming. They manifest NO MORE PIANOS!
[The Scene opens with The Tourist as she sits on her balcony. Gazing up at the sky she speaks:]
Come close,
Let me tell you the story of the girl who fell in love
with the sounds of the earth.
➰. ➰. ➰. ➰. ➰. ➰
Can you hear the song of the sun?
Listen closely or you might miss it.
It sings to you and
it's song tastes like colours
Of orange and innocence
Open your mouth and drink it
Feel as its melody trickles down into your stomach
➰. ➰. ➰. ➰. ➰. ➰
Can you hear the melody of the rain?
Silver tin roofs atop of wooden houses
Steam floats upwards from the pavement,
The overture.
The melody creeps, hold your breath for its crescendo
It begins, each droplet a different pitch,
C# , F♮, A
Unconventional triads
But yes, they work
Rhythmic complexity atop tin roofs
And it's the most beautiful song you have ever heard
A/The Bowl of fruits looks concerned.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *************
Are you feeling lonely?
I need to go to the supermarket. The Bowl of fruit is almost empty.
I have to buy a webcam as well.
The internet is your friend. It became my friend as well.
“We won't build a perfect system in first place. Most probably we will die before