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Copy of Austrian Vision for our Station
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


Vision for our Station

Our Names:

1) Diego Diez De Bonilla

2) Jose Martinez

3) Jakob Getzel

4) Nicholas Bartels

Part 0: Learn phrases and insults to yell at our refugees in German

German Sentence


Kann ich der helfen?

Can I help you?

Einen Augenblick

One moment



Gib mir das!

Give me this!


Get lost!

Kommen Sie mit!

Come with me!

Was hast du?

What’s wrong with you?

Sie ruhig!

Be quiet!

Spinnst Du?

Are you crazy?


Keep moving!

Ich möchte Asyl


Geht mir aus den Augen

Get out of my sight

Stehen Sie hier

Stand right here


Calm down

Sprechen Sie mit ihnen

Talk to them

Syrien Dreck, ihr Gesicht widert mich an

Syria filth, your face disgusts me

Raus aus meinem Land

Get out of my country

Im Gespräch mit Ihnen

Im talking to you



Sie brauchen Hilfe

You need help







Teletubby Zuruck Winker

Someone who would wave back to the teletubbies.

Anhalten Im Gespräch mit Ihnen

Stehen Sie hier

Sprechen Sie mit ihnen

Sie brauchen Hilfe

Sie “Insert insult here”

Syrien Dreck, ihr Gesicht widert mich an

Sie ruhig

Der Ruhm der Republik Österreich

Stop Im talking to you

Stand right there

Talk to them

You need help

You “Insert insult here”

Syrian filth, your face disgusts me

Be quiet

Glory to the Austrian Republic

Part 1: How the station will look and what will happen there

1. Here are some photos that give a feel for the images we’re modelling our station on:

Photo 1


Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

2. Are you planning to make your station a specific place within your country? (for example, a city where lots of refugees live) or just the country as a whole?


Explain the reasoning behind this decision

This is where most refugees in austria are found

3. Here’s a “blueprint” for our station

[either use “insert drawing” or draw this on paper, take a photo, and insert it here]

4. Here are the objects and structures we plan to have in our station

A stand where refugees will come and hand us their papers. At this stand diego will be yelling at them in german.

5. Here are all the stations refugees can get to our station DIRECTLY from:


6. Here are all the stations refugees can go to DIRECTLY from our station:

(Nick) Germany, Austria Hungary

7. Describe the experience of approaching your station. Will anything happen to a “refugee” as they approach? Who will greet them? How will they be greeted? Will different refugees be greeted in different ways? If so, will that be random or based on a specific characteristic (such as religion or wealth)?

Unwelcoming. They will be led by a police officer. Wealthy individuals have a chance to apply for citizenship and everyone else is automatically declined acceptance.

8. What options will a refugee have at your station? What dangers are there? What “characters” will there be in your station? Who will want to help them? Who will want to harm or deceive them? Will there be people who want them to stay? Will there be people who want to move them along to somewhere else?

Accept a limited number of refugees to stay for resettlement. The rest pass through to the next country.

9. What comes next after your station? Will anyone be allowed/forced to stay? If so, how will that process work? Will refugees leave your station on their own, or will they be escorted? Where will they go next?

Any bordering country but hungary

10. How long do you anticipate most refugees will spend in your station, from beginning to end?

20 seconds - 1 minute at most

11. Here are the roles that each of us will “play” during the simulation tomorrow:

Police Officer: Diego

Booth Person: Nick and Jakob

Refugee: Jose M.

Part 2: Research questions from the Lead Designers:

1. Approximately how many refugees have been let in since the start of the refugee crisis?

3200 pass through the country everyday, 80 are able to apply for resettlement


2. From which border are they coming in, and where are they leaving from?

Coming in from Hungary, going to Germany


3. How does the country treat their refugees on the border? What about within the country itself? (This includes anything they may take from refugees or give to refugees.)

Large amounts of people are herded like animals into small spaces by austrian officers.


4. How difficult is it for each refugee to get into the country?

Most refugees can pass through to the next country. 80 are able to APPLY to stay. This means that they are not guaranteed.


5. When refugees come to the country, are they passing through or do they intend to stay?

Some intend to stay but not many are allowed to


6. How many refugees can the country afford/hold? What is the economic state?

80 refugees everyday are allowed to apply.3200 are allowed to pass through.


Priorities for next week:

Priorities for Tomorrow’s Playtest:

Based on what I’ve just read, here are more priorities (from Dr. P):

  1. Finish this Graphic Organizer. It will help you structure the experience at your station.
  2. Take action based on my comments on this graphic organizer as well as on your station research graphic organizer


Who’s doing it

When it will be done by

Create a system of money within your station

  • Developing card system to determine outcomes at station
  • Still needs to get into specifics of money



Transportation times and methods (research)



Script for every possible scenario within station

  • Share script with group for feedback



Booth Design

  • Add materials list to booth design



Be performance-ready for THursday (run-throughs)



Help finish Scenarios



Figure out what Station should look like and start building



How this station is informative, and how it could be more informative

How this station seems like an accurate depiction, & how it could be more accurate

How this station is fun/engaging, and how it could be more fun/engaging

Not much information at this station

I would like to know more about the crisis in each country.

I liked the game, but there wasn’t very much information.

Enticing questions would be good.
