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Part 31: In Search of a Psi-kick!
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Part 31: In Search of a Psi-kick!


We strolled through the sprawling evergreen forest which now lay under a thick blanket of snow, freshly fallen from the night before. It was early morning as we continued on our journey towards Fuchsia. Salvadore led the way, the map of Kanto spread out in his gloved hands. Cubone sat on his shoulder watching his trainer studying the map. I marched happily through the snow while Kiro trotted by my side. Togepi gazed at the shiny Eevee, mesmerised by the imprints he left behind in the snow.

Aly sighed wearily, ‘Salvadore, are you sure you know where you’re going? We’ve been wandering around for ages and everything is starting to look the same’, she moaned as she observed the surrounding pine trees laced in snow and wrapped her jacket around her even tighter.

‘Relax, I’ve got this’ the breeder reassured. ‘According to the map we should be around here- or is it here? And then we go- no wait, if we’re here and Fuchsia is... then... that should mean... hang on. I’ll see what my trusty compass has to say’. Salvadore folded his map and reached into the side pocket of his back pack, taking out a small wooden compass. He carefully turned the dial anticlockwise and slowly turned his body to the left. ‘Hmm...’ he pondered to himself.

‘Well, what does it say?’ Aly asked eagerly, gaping over the breeder’s shoulder.

 Salvadore stroked his chin in thought before speaking. ‘Well... according to the compass and taking into account the directions on the map I’d say we’re... pretty much lost’


Aly and I nearly fell over in disbelief.

‘I’m cold, we haven’t had a proper meal in ages and now you’re telling me we’re lost!?!?’ Aly screamed, her face burning a darker shade of red with every word she growled.

‘I just want to battle for my next badge’ I mumbled, hanging my head in disappointment.

‘I guess we should have taken a right back at that last side trail. Sorry...’ the breeder apologised meekly, scratching his head.

‘We’re never going to get out of this place’ Aly whimpered and hugged Togepi closer.


We all went silent.

‘Did you guys hear that?’ I asked in a hushed voice.

‘Yeah, it sounded like a Pokémon’ Salvadore said, also speaking quietly.

‘I think it came from over there’ Aly whispered, nodding in the direction behind me.

I cautiously spun around and observed my surroundings. It all appeared to be the same; snow covered pine trees towered above us, blocking out most of the light above.


My eyes widened and my attention immediately fell on something in the distance. I narrowed my focus on the area where the noise had come from. I could barely make out what looked to be like a pair of legs, jutting out from behind a tree. However, these legs did not appear to be those of a human. It had to be a Pokémon, I thought to myself. Ushering my friends to follow I crept towards the figure as quietly as I could, trying my best not to disturb it. Kiro tip toed through the snow along side me, eyeing the figure carefully.

Almost holding my breath, I peered around the tree. My smile widened. It was definitely a Pokémon and it appeared to be sleeping. Curiously examining the Pokémon, I checked my Dex:

Abra, the psi Pokémon. Abra sleep for an average of 18 hours a day. Despite being in this rested state they can still tap into their telekinetic powers and teleport away from danger.

The wild Abra rested against the snow coated tree, snoring its name every few seconds. I eagerly unclipped a pokeball from my belt and expanded it in my grasp. With Abra out for the count this would be a sinch!

Without further hesitation I tossed the pokeball at the Abra. ‘Go, pokeball!’

The pokeball soared through the air, on its course to meeting a sleeping Abra. This was almost too easy. Suddenly, the psi Pokémon shone an array of multiple colours before vanishing in front of my eyes. My eyes widened in shock as the pokeball harmlessly smacked off the pine tree and fell to the ground.

‘Ah! Where did it go!?’ I yelled, still staring at the vacant tree trunk in astonishment.

‘Look, over there!’ Aly pointed behind me. ‘It must have teleported’

I hastily turned on my heels and saw the Abra perched beside a different tree, still in a deep slumber.

‘Abra must have used its telekinetic power to sense that you were trying to capture it with a pokeball and then teleported away to protect itself’ Salvadore explained.

‘I guess we’ll just have to weaken it a bit first’ I said, clenching my fists in determination. ‘Alright, Kiro, use your shadow ball attack on that Abra!’

The silver Eevee bellowed his name, forming an ominous purple orb at its mouth. Crying out, he launched the shadow ball at the still Abra. The shadow ball was inches from the sleeping Abra when it glowed in a multi coloured light and disappeared. I bit my lip and frowned as the shadow ball slammed into the tree, causing the snow to avalanche off the pointed branches. A moment later the Abra reappeared in the distance, slouching against an icy rock.

‘We can’t let it get away! Kiro, try another shadow ball!’ I screamed, chasing after the evasive Abra.

Kiro dashed by my side, unleashing another shadow ball at the resting Abra. However, the psi Pokémon was quick to react and teleported away safely. It immediately reappeared further in the distance. I scowled at the elusive Pokémon. This was going to be harder than I had originally planned, but I was not going to back down.

‘Another shadow ball, let’s go!’ I demanded.

Kiro responded promptly as if he had anticipated my command. The shiny Eevee yelled out, directing another shadow ball at Abra, but the psychic Pokémon was able to avoid the attack effortlessly, teleporting further along the labyrinth of white painted evergreen.

Letting out another exasperated sigh of anger, we pursued the Abra again with Kiro firing shadow balls at it time after time, but to no effect. The psi Pokémon successfully dodged each attack Kiro threw at it, teleporting from place to place with ease. Despite our failed efforts we never gave up, chasing the Abra where ever it teleported to next. Aly, Salvadore and their Pokémon followed closely behind us.

After what felt like an eternity of running, the populated forest became sparse in pine trees. With every attack we made on the Abra it was like more trees were disappearing along with it.

My eagerness to attain my next badge was no longer a priority as all my focus was on tracking down that Abra. It had to tire out eventually. Then again, it was likely to be asleep the whole time. If it was this quick to react while it was resting, who knows how fast it was when awake. I had to catch it!

Suddenly snapping out of my thoughts I looked around me, surprised to see that there were barely any trees around. I then gazed ahead of me and smiled incredulity. Before me a rugged path meandered through a mountainous terrain, also enveloped in a thick layer of snow.

‘Oh my god! We made it!’ Aly screamed excitedly from behind me. I turned to greet my friends with a relieved grin.

‘This must be the mountain passage that Bill mentioned. If so, Fuchsia is only a short walk from here’ Salvadore said in a perked up voice.


Kiro called out and nodded over to the side of the mountain path. My eyes lit up when I saw Abra resting against the mountainside. This was it! This is when I would capture Abra... and I knew exactly how!

‘Time to change things up a bit. Kiro, use quick attack!’ I ordered, my body animated with new hope. Abra had been quick enough to dodge shadow ball, but with Kiro using a move at this speed, there was no way he could miss!

Obeying my command the silver Eevee dashed towards the psi Pokémon at amazing speed, sometimes almost becoming invisible. Screaming defiantly, Kiro made a final lunge towards Abra, but to my dismay the psi Pokémon glowed a familiar multi coloured aura and disappeared. Kiro had no chance to withdraw from his full pledged attack and crashed into the icy mountainside with an explosion of debris on impact.

‘Kiro!’ I screamed, my voice full of concern as I raced over to my Pokémon. The silver Eevee lay sprawled out on the snow, his eyes spiralling. I carefully scooped him up and cradled him in my arms. ‘Are you alright, buddy?’


Kiro coughed feebly in my arms before his head collapsed against my chest.

‘Here, I know you don’t like staying in your pokeball, but you need to take a rest’ I insisted and unhinged his pokeball from my belt. The Eevee did not resist as he was absorbed by the red energy and withdrawn into his pokeball. Placing it back on my belt I frowned and glanced around for where the Abra had teleported to next.

‘Just leave it, Robin. That thing is too quick’ Aly suggested, urging me to move on.

‘No!’ I barked back at her abruptly. ‘I can’t just back down if something seems too hard. I have to keep trying and catch as many Pokémon as I can so I can become a Pokémon Master!’ I then furiously spun away from her sighs and scanned the mountainous area.

My eyes instantly focused up the steep mountain path where Abra sat lazily on top of a large snow coated boulder. Without a second thought I trudged up the steep passage, striding through the snow. Maybe I should have saved my fastball for a Pokémon like this. No. I had used that fastball wisely and I will catch Abra using my regular pokeballs, no matter how long it takes. I kept marching through the snow until I was standing several feet in front of it. I grabbed another pokeball from my belt and expanded it in my hand.

Without warning, the Abra slowly rotated its head so that it was now staring at me directly through its squinty eyes.

It was awake!

Gritting my teeth I raised my pokeball high into the air. ‘Abra, you’re mine!’ I roared and hurled the pokeball in its direction.

The wild Abra glared at the ball and began emitting a multi coloured energy, ready to teleport away once more.

Suddenly, a second pokeball came from behind the Abra, whizzing through the sky.


The psi Pokémon shrieked as the second pokeball thwarted it unexpectedly in the face. The Abra’s colourful glow died down as the psychic Pokémon became too startled to teleport away and my own pokeball pummelled into its stomach. The Abra grunted in pain and keeled over behind the large boulder, closely followed by the two pokeballs. A white light flashed momentarily behind the boulder and then disappeared.

I instinctively ran over behind the boulder to see two pokeballs. They both lay motionless on the icy ground; one was vacant while the other’s centre emitted a red light. I stared puzzled momentarily at the two pokeballs before a grin stretched across my face.

Grabbing Abra’s pokeball I punched the air in victory. ‘I did it!’ I screamed, ‘I caught an Abra!’

‘Hey, that’s my poke- wait! Robin!?’ a voice called out.

I instantly stopped celebrating and glanced over at the person who had called my name. My eyes almost bulged from their sockets as I stared dumfounded at the boy standing in front of me, matching my amazed look. The young trainer wore a thick blue winter coat with a matching beanie and navy slacks. His dark complexion and familiar hazel eyes contrasted the pearl white snow on which he stood.

I blinked, unsure if my eyes were playing tricks on me as I gaped over at my rival.


Gary suddenly snapped out of his daze and gave me a puzzled look. ‘Robin, Aly, Salvadore, what are you guys doing here? And what are you doing with my Pokémon?’

I was so shocked I had not even realised Aly and Salvadore had caught up with me. It took me a while to come to my senses. My mind was still in a muddle.

‘We’re on our way to Fuchsia’ I eventually began to explain. ‘We sort of got lost, but then we found this Abra and- wait a second, what do you mean your Pokémon?’

‘That Abra is mine. I caught it’ Gary said in a serious tone, his eyes flicking between me and the pokeball which sat firmly in my palm.

‘No way! I caught this Abra!’ I retorted quickly.

‘Then what is it doing in my pokeball?’ Gary questioned, pursing his lips.

‘This is mine. Your pokeball must be the other one on the ground’ My face stiffened. I could feel the anger burning up inside me.

‘That pokeball you’re holding is still glowing red. That only happens if you have a full team before it was captured. It has to be mine’ Gary insisted.

‘I have a full team’ I growled, squeezing the pokeball tightly in my grasp.

‘Well that’s a surprise’ my rival said smugly.

‘What’s that suppose to mean!?’ I yelled in his face, squaring up to him.

‘It means that Abra should be with a trainer who actually knows how to raise a Pokémon’ he snapped back, matching my imposing stance.

‘That’s why Abra is staying with me. Besides, I saw it first!’

WHAT!? I’ve been tracking the damn thing for over a week. Now hand it over!’ Gary demanded, his fists balled in anger.

‘No!’ I screamed.

We squared up once more. Gary was a couple of inches taller than me, but I would never back down. Are noses were almost touching as our furious glares met, static crackling across our eyes.

‘Guys! GUYS!’ Salvadore shouted and grabbed our shoulders, slowly peeling us apart. We never broke our stare. ‘How about we settle this in a more civilised manner’

‘A Pokémon battle?’ I questioned with a raised eyebrow. ‘That’s fine by me’

‘I don’t have time for a full Pokémon battle. I’ve already wasted a lot of time trying to catch this Abra’ Gary grumbled.

‘How about a one on one’ Aly suggested.



‘Then it’s settled. This will be a one on one Pokémon battle. I’ll referee the match and in the mean time, I’ll also hold onto to Abra’ Salvadore insisted, reaching out an opened fist. I reluctantly placed Abra’s pokeball into his hand. ‘There will be no time limit. The winner of this battle will get to keep Abra’ the breeder explained as he took up his position.

Aly sat herself on a nearby rock huddling a puzzled Togepi closer to her chest for warmth.

Gary and I slowly stepped backwards, both of us refusing to break our competitive stare.

Gary reached for his belt and unhinged a pokeball. Smiling confidently he tossed it into the air. ‘Charmeleon, let’s win this!’ he yelled.


The lean lizard-like Pokémon roared as he was summoned into battle, exhaling bouts of intense flames into the cloudy sky.

‘Toto, I choose you!’

The Croconaw came out with his arms folded. However, his demeanour suddenly changed as he locked eyes with his rival, Charmeleon. Both Pokémon poised themselves, flexing their muscles whilst eagerly awaiting our commands.

‘So your Totodile finally evolved. Interesting’ Gary said meekly as he checked his Pokedex.

Once Gary was ready, Salvadore nodded at both of us and swiped his hand through the air. ‘Begin!’

‘Charmeleon, use dragon rage!’ Gary bellowed.

‘Dodge it and use hydro pump!’ I commanded promptly.

Charmeleon’s eyes glowed white and the flame on his tail tripled in size. A giant golden orb expanded from his jaws and shot at Toto. The Croconaw was quick to react, propelling itself away from the attack using his tail. Suspended in the air, Toto inhaled a deep breath and unleashed a large stream of water... completely missing Charmeleon.

Aly shrieked and dove out of the way as the stray hydro pump smashed the rock she had been sitting on. She scowled and cursed under her breath as she wiped a heap of snow off Togepi’s head. I bared my teeth. Toto still could not control his hydro pump attack.

Gary smiled confidently. ‘Looks like your Croconaw could do with a little work on its aim. Charmeleon, now’s your chance. Use your slash attack!’

Charmeleon’s claw glowed white and lengthened as he charged recklessly at Toto.

‘Toto, fight back with aqua tail’ I ordered.

The Croconaw hunched over, readying himself for the oncoming Charmeleon. A swirl of water spiralled his scaly tail. As the flame Pokémon pulled back his strengthened claw Toto pivoted on the spot, slapping Charmeleon full force with his aqua tail. Charmeleon was swept off his feet and crashed into the snow covered ground.

‘Charmeleon, get up! Please!’ Gary begged his Pokémon.

Grunting in pain, Charmeleon slowly forced himself onto his knees before standing upright, panting heavily.

‘Toto, it’s time to finish this. Use bite!’ I demanded, balling my fists excitedly.

Toto hollered to the heavens and sprinted towards the tiring Charmeleon.

‘Smokescreen!’ Gary yelled, gritting his teeth.

Charmeleon obeyed and exhaled a puff of black smog. I cupped my mouth with my hands and coughed uncontrollably, overwhelmed by the powerful gas. The smokescreen was so thick I could barely make out Toto’s figure.

‘Use your flamethrower!’ I heard Gary call out to his Pokémon.

Suddenly, a bright flame soared through the smokescreen, blasting Toto backwards with tremendous power. The Croconaw angrily got to his feet, glaring at Charmeleon as the thick gas began to lift.

‘C’mon Toto, we’ve got this!’ I shouted, spurring my Pokémon to continue.

‘Charmeleon, try another dragon rage!’ Gary thundered, his voice booming with energy.

The lizard-like Pokémon’s eyes glowed white once more and his tail flame burned intensely. Charmeleon growled as a bright golden orb expanded from his jaw.

‘Toto, stay calm and concentrate as hard as you can on that dragon rage’ I said in a slow, but stern tone. Distant attacks were definitely our best option. I bit my lip nervously, hoping that my plan would work.

With a ferocious roar Charmeleon cocked his head forward, unleashing the golden orb at Toto.

‘Wait for it’ I said, my eyes completely focused on the dragon rage.

Toto narrowed his eye and spread his stance, waiting.

‘Hydro pump, now!’ I screamed.

Toto leaned back and blasted a torrent of water at the dragon rage, battling the approaching orb just inches from his jaw. I bit my lip nervously as I watched the golden orb struggle against the hydro pump. Its sheer power made the Croconaw edge back through the snow. Toto had managed to accurately strike the dragon rage with his hydro pump just like I had hoped for, but Charmeleon’s attack still moved ever closer to the Croconaw, fighting against the surge of water.

‘C’mon Toto, you can do this!’ I yelled encouragingly.

Toto frowned and his whole body tensed up in concentration.


Crying out defiantly, Toto’s hydro pump overwhelmed the golden draconic orb. Charmeleon’s eyes shot open in shock as his own attack was blasted straight back at him with even greater strength and speed. The flame Pokémon was blasted backwards with tremendous force and hurtled into the boulder on which Abra once sat. There was an explosion of snow and debris on impact. When the dust cleared, it revealed a defeated Charmeleon sprawling face down in the snow.

‘Charmeleon!’ Gary cried out to his Pokémon.

The edge of my lips curled upwards as Salvadore began to raise his arm towards me.

We had won!

We had defeated Gary and Abra was mi-


My eyes widened as Charmeleon snarled and sluggishly lifted his claw. He struggled to push the rest of his worn body up from the icy ground. Charmeleon lifted his head, glaring rebelliously at Toto.


To everyone’s amazement Charmeleon bellowed to the heavens. Suddenly his body erupted in a bright white light, his body beginning to grow and morph. His jaw lengthened, his arm muscles became more toned and defined, his tail flame burned brighter than ever; a pair of large wings expanded from his back.

Gary beamed excitedly at his Pokémon as the white light began to die down.

I shook my head in disbelief.

Charmeleon had evolved in Charizard!

Still staring dumbfounded at the newly evolved Charizard we both checked our Dex:

Charizard, the flame Pokémon and the evolved form of Charmeleon. Charizard’s flames can burn through almost any substance. The flame on its tail burns hotter after harsh battles.

‘Congratulations Charizard. I knew you weren’t beat’ Gary continued to smile. He then glanced over at me and his face became animated with determination. ‘This battle ends here. Let’s try a wing attack!’

Charizard roared deafeningly and spread his wings, soaring high into the sky. A white aura shone brightly from the tips of his wings as he took aim at Toto and descended towards him at a blinding pace.

‘Toto, get out of there!’ I begged desperately, but Charizard was too quick, slashing the surprised Croconaw with his potent amber wings. Toto tumbled through the snow helplessly like a giant snowball. After coming to a skidding stop Toto wearily got to his feet, stumbling around the snow in a daze.

‘This match is over’ Gary smirked. ‘Charizard, end this with seismic toss!’

Charizard dove at the lightheaded Croconaw at his trainer’s command. Honing in on his target he scooped up Toto with his deathly claws and soared into the cloudy sky.

‘Toto, you’ve got to snap out of it. Try an aqua tail!’ I called out, my voice full of both fear and fury.

The Croconaw shook his head at the sound of my words, coming around to his senses. Water swirled around his tail as they continued to ascend higher and higher. Suddenly, Charizard looped around backwards causing Toto to lose concentration, the water around his tail diminishing. Charizard circled again and again in the air, constantly building up momentum. Toto flailed feebly in his opponents grip, but to no avail.

Do it!’ Gary beckoned his Pokémon at the top of his voice.

Charizard promptly plummeted snout first towards the snow concealed ground.

Aly, Salvadore and I all gasped in horror at what seemed like a kamikaze attack.

As both Pokémon neared a dismal collision with the earth, Charizard flung Toto to the ground and extended his wings.


I shielded my eyes with my arm as Toto smashed the snowy terrain beneath, a wave of snow and unconsolidated soil blasting outwards like a shock wave from the collision. As the dust cloud began to clear I saw Gary hugging in Charizard tightly, congratulating him. I then glanced at Toto whole lay lifelessly on the ground, his eyes spiralling- fainted.

‘Toto is unable to battle. Gary and Charizard win!’ Salvadore declared, pointing over at the winners.

Gary punched the air in victory and cheered, hailing his Pokémon a hero. Charizard blasted the freezing air with a powerful flamethrower, boasting his new found strength.

I quickly ran over to Toto, sliding across the snow and kneeling by his side.

‘Toto, are you ok?’ I asked in concern, gently stroking his arm as a tear trickled down my cheek. The Croconaw winced in pain and grunted exhaustedly.

‘You did great. Take a well deserved rest’ I said as I wiped my watery eyes and held out his pokeball.

Toto glanced over at Charizard and grunted once more before he was returned to his pokeball. Taking a deep breath I stood up straight and walked over to Gary and his Charizard.

‘Congrats. Good battle’ I mumbled quickly.

‘Thanks. Your Croconaw battled well’ Gary said before turning to Salvadore. ‘Now if you don’t mind can I have my Abra please? I still have some badges to win’ he said politely with an extended hand.

I stared silently, trying to control my anger as the breeder handed Gary Abra’s pokeball in acknowledgement of his win. ‘It’s yours fair and square’

My rival nodded his thanks at Salvadore. He smiled, closely examining the pokeball before attaching it to his belt. ‘Robin, keep up the training. I need at least one good challenge in the League. I’ll see the rest of you guys around. Come on, Charizard’ he said happily, signalling to his Pokémon and walking down the snowy passage towards the evergreen forest. His newly evolved Charizard hovered after him obediently.

I glared at my rival as he descended down the icy path. Losing my patience I roared out after him. ‘It will be different next time! I promise!’

Gary and Charizard continued onwards, leaving my angry echoes behind them. I stared at the two, baring my fists in anger until they disappeared into the maze of pine trees.

With a deep sigh I relaxed my shoulders and hung my head.

Aly put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. ‘Don’t let him get to you. You’ll beat him the next time’

I closed my eyes for a moment and reflected on what had happened. I then looked up determinedly at my friends. ‘We better get going’ and without another word I began to march up the icy slope.

I knew I would battle Gary again... and I knew I would beat him some day. But for now I had to train hard and win badges in order to enter the Indigo League.

Some day I would become a Pokémon Master!

But for now I trudged on through the thick snow.

Fuchsia City and many more adventures awaited us.