DLA095-0045  Transcription

‘Republic of Liberia. President King to Visit Sierra Leone’, African World, 27 December 1924

It is announced that His Excellency the Governor of Sierra Leone has received intimation of the intention of the President of Liberia, the Hon. C. D. B. King, to visit Sierra Leone about the third week in January, and will arrive here by H.M.S. Dublin, by permission of the British War Office. The President will remain about three days, during which he hopes to be able to visit the prisons, the schools, and other places in the colony. He will then proceed

[Illustration of [4912]]

From a painting by De Lazlo [sic].

H. EX. MADAME C. H. DRESSELHUYS, the charming wife of the Liberian Minister to the Court of St. James.

by rail as far as Pendembu, whence he will trek to the Liberian northern boundary and enter Liberian territory.

The present President of Liberia was educated at the Sierra Leone Grammar School, and the “Sierra Leone Weekly News” understands that the Principal and officers of the school contemplate a huge reception his honour. As soon as arrangements are completed, the Sierra Leone Government will be informed.

