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Rain (@tailsofairies_) Callout Doc
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Content Warning: Sexual Assault, BDSM, PTSD, Porn Addiction, Arophobia, Acephobia, Mental Breakdowns, Coercion, Trauma, and Rape.

TL;DR - Rain (aka @tailsofairies_ on twitter) coerced Elli (aka @thetransdevil on twitter) into a codependent sexual relationship, encouraged her porn addiction, was extremely judgemental of her, and put her further in the closet.


Rain and Elli knew each other irl, therefore, a lot of Rain and Elli’s conversations were verbal. Meaning unfortunately no screenshot proof of some conversations. The reason for a callout doc is that reporting Rain to the authorities is not a good idea. Rain did not disclose his age until roughly a week before his birthday. Elli was born June 25th 2005 and Rain was born October 25th 2005. In addition, I am just a close friend of Elli that would like to remain anonymous and has her consent to share her story.

Who is Rain? (@tailsofairies_)

Rain is a Ninjago & MLP twitter artist and a K-Pop & Ranboo stan, their account has amassed over 900 followers. Rain and Elli met each other at university. Both Rain and Elli have ADHD and Autism which is important. Rain is also arospec. (aromantic spectrum) Rain also has a private twitter account, @sopeskindacute. Below is some of their art.

Coercion into a Codependent Sexual Relationship

Elli doesn’t remember exactly when the relationship started or ended, but gave me rough estimates. The relationship started in either late August or early September of 2023 and ended in February of 2024, but they stayed friends until early May 2024. It is also important to mention that Elli is acespec but was unaware at the time. As well, Elli is amab and Rain is afab. The relationship started because Elli asked for a kiss. Rain and Elli were friends before this. After they kiss, Rain tells Elli that they’re aromantic. Elli was unfamiliar with the term before she met Rain so she asked some basic questions about aromanticism.

According to Elli, a few days pass and they continue to hang out and then the “gock side effects” thread happens.

After Rain said this to Elli publicly on twitter, she dm’d Rain on Instagram. At that moment, Elli remembers being very flustered when Rain said this to her. Elli also told me that she felt pressured to have sex with Rain. Elli was coerced into sex which is by definition sexual assault. On that night, September 7th, 2023, Rain sexually assaulted Elli for the first time.

Elli described what she remembers happening that night. Elli remembers Rain giving her a handjob and blowjob as well, Rain took off his top. The next day, Elli woke up with a pain in her genitals. The pain was a friction burn.

The “really sensitive area” that Elli is referring to, is the scar tissue from her previous sexual trauma. Due to this friction burn caused by Rain. Rain made Elli buy lube for both of them. He was supposed to pay Elli back for his share, but never did.

In the second screenshot, “it” refers to the lube Elli had bought. After Elli had bought the lube, Rain pressured Elli to lose each other's virginity. Elli, committed to the relationship and being coerced by Rain, does have sex with him.

Elli says that a couple days after Elli’s lube arrived is around the time when the codependency started. Elli at the time, couldn’t imagine her life without Rain. Elli depended on Rain for happiness and emotional support. When Elli went to Rain for emotional support. Rain wasn’t very receptive to Elli’s emotions or feelings at all. According to Elli, Rain claimed to be very empathetic but really was one time. That one time was coincidentally when Elli told him about her previous sexual trauma.

Elli asked me to not disclose what her previous sexual trauma is as it really is not relevant in the grand scheme of things.

It was also around this time that Elli confessed her love for Rain. Elli’s love was reciprocated by Rain even though Rain was arospec. Elli doesn’t if he was just going along with it or was actually if he was in love with Elli.

As the relationship progressed, Elli and Rain continued to have sex and the intensity increased. Elli and Rain began to do BDSM. Pet-play was one of the first kinks they performed. For context, Elli was the pet, and Rain was the owner. After Rain made Elli cum, she gave critiques on how Elli was being as a pet. These critiques were specifically on how Elli was moaning and whimpering. You typically don’t complain to your partner on how they moan/whimper.

Elli can recall specifically one time when Rain overstimulated her without consent. Elli only said she was fine with it afterwards because of fear. Elli’s brain was so fried in the moment it was hard for her to recall much about this. But what Elli does remember is Rain saying, “You’re taking all this pleasure so well.” and her response being a garbled combination of noises.

Elli does remember initiating consensual sex with Rain more than a few times. However, that does not take away from the fact that Elli has been suffering from PTSD flashbacks and immense guilt after the relationship regarding the non-consensual sex.

On February 4th 2024 Rain broke up with Elli. Rain wanted to stay friends with Elli as they had gotten close over the relationship. The post-breakup friendship was ultimately Elli having a lot of autistic meltdowns and Rain complaining about the meltdowns in question. It was extremely unhealthy, just like their relationship. The “friendship” was littered with constant arguments and ended with Elli having a mental breakdown and having 911 called on Elli.

The mental breakdown was most likely because Elli wanted out of the friendship but saw no other way out. Elli has no idea why 911 was called, it seems like an extreme reaction to a mental breakdown. The break mentioned in the screenshots was a short break in their friendship that took place at the end of spring semester.

That’s how their relationship ends. Neither of them have spoken to each other since May of 2024.

Encouraging Elli’s Porn Addiction

Sometime before Rain’s birthday, Rain pressured Elli into making a twitter porn account. Elli had never realized she had a problem with porn until she met Rain. Enabling Elli’s addiction is another reason that Rain and Elli’s relationship was codependent. Rain also had a porn account. Elli’s account is deactivated and I have no clue if Rain’s account is deactivated. Thankfully, Elli has been roughly two months sober now.

Elli remembers a couple times where Rain would read Ninjago smut on AO3 to Elli. The two pairings that Elli remembers being read are a Bruise (Cole/Jay) smut fic and a Samurai (Nya/PIXAL) smut fic.

Elli’s addiction got so bad that she was consuming porn daily in the dorm study lounge with Rain. Elli was also pleasuring herself while watching porn in the study lounge. Elli now realizes the errors of her ways. However, Rain was enabling this behavior. He did nothing to stop Elli's behavior which is enabling it.

Judgements of Elli

Rain would judge Elli on very minor things such as, the way she would drink water out of a water bottle, the way she chewed her food, and eating cold pizza. An example of these judgements in action is when Rain asked Elli to chew food differently or eat in a different room. Rain said that the noise Elli made when she chewed was distracting.

These things may seem minor but they add up over time and hurt Elli’s self esteem in the long run. In fact, Elli is still self conscious about many things Rain critiqued her on. When Elli confronted them about this, Rain said they were meant to be “observations” instead of critiques. (As seen in the screenshots above)

Elli came to Rain about feelings of being on the asexual spectrum and on the aromantic spectrum. When she did, Rain's responses to these feelings were, “You’re definitely not.” This specific response made Elli doubt herself. When Elli asked Rain to elaborate why, he said that because Elli had romantic and sexual attraction towards Rain that means they can’t be aromantic or asexual. That is not how a spectrum even works.


Rain coerced Elli into a sexual relationship. By definition Rain sexually assaulted Elli through coercion. Even though Elli may have consented at the time, consent can be taken away at any time especially if it is coerced. Rain encouraged her severe porn addiction by pressuring her to make a twitter porn account, reading smut to her, and enabling inappropriate behavior. Rain also made small critiques and pushed her further into the closet. All in all, Rain is someone that has traumatized Elli and reignited her PTSD.