DLA096-0122  Transcription

Berkshire Chronicle, 5 June 1925

A Pangbourne Portrait

I have an interesting recollection of a Reading gathering addressed by Bernard Shaw, with Jerome K. Jerome, and the author of “Three Men in a Boat” was funnier than G.B.S. In the “Strand,” J.K.J. is giving his “confessions,” and they make most entertaining reading. Here is one of local application, introducing Solomon J. Solomon: “He started to paint my portrait once, while staying with us at Pangbourne, but complained I had too many faces. At one moment I looked a murderer, and the next a saint, according to him. I have the thing as he left it, unfinished. It reminds me of someone, but I can’t think whom. De Laszlo had the same trouble with me not long ago, but got over it by luring me to talk about myself. In his portrait [5841] here is a touch of the enthusiast.”

