Content Warnings: stalking, transphobia, racism, mentions of sexual assault. Reader discretion advised.
Greetings, my beautiful followers. This is Agatha Vile, mad scientist of CRAB EXPERIMENTS and… still without a Twitter account. I’m doing okay, I miss all my followers, and even though Twitter has gone to shit, it was a platform I used to promote charities and artists. It’s now full of Nazis. I want to destroy them all.
Whatever, of course a spelling mistake got me suspended and of course it happened right when Elon bought the site, so I’ll never get it back because there are no more humans working in support. I’ve tried for months, many of my followers have tried for months, but because of one misspelled word that can easily be fixed, my entire platform is gone.
I have a stalker. Two, actually. Ain’t I special?
@redfollowsred AKA Carolina Valencia, is someone who deserves my last name; a vile, transphobic, antisemitic, bigoted “lesbian” who proudly mass reports and suspends any account who dares to speak out against her hatred.
Celebrating getting Agatha suspended.
(Transphobia, racism.)
She plays naive, the old “I’m just asking questions/having a discussion” type of bullshit, and her sources are just specifically edited screenshots from articles or articles that are basically tabloids with bullshit sources. But seeing her “memes” and her delight in spreading misinformation (and especially in the murders of trans women), you know what kind of thing she is. She proudly displays screenshots of accounts she personally interacted with, like a trophy room, that have mysteriously been suspended, but she claims to not be responsible. She has an instagram that includes the same transphobic memes she shares on Twitter, and just like Twitter, reporting it does nothing.
She has a well practiced system: play dumb yet hateful, get called a thing, “please don’t call me that, it’s dehumanizing,” which the algorithm picks up as HER being the victim. Ignoring does nothing, because she will continue to harass and demand attention once you block her, she uses her alt accounts to report your tweets. Even if you said nothing wrong, she will use the search bar to find repeated words and report it.
Example: I called her a goldfish because she “forgot” things I tried to explain (I’m an idiot who attempted to help the naive). She says that’s dehumanizing. Then uses the report system to accuse you of comparing her to an animal.
Do NOT interact with her. She knows how Twitter works, and now that Elon owns it, she is even more successful in her transphobic attacks. Just block, because she has alt accounts she will use to continue watching. She’s also known to dox people, which is extremely dangerous.
Red is like a hippo; if you know nothing about them, they look harmless. Then you learn how they use their tails to spray their own shit so it spreads everywhere. And for some, it’s too late, and Red shits on them. Disgusting.
And then there’s Dan. AKA @danster19. AKA Fredrick “Daniel” Floss. Or at least, he uses that guy’s face, credentials, and name to be a jackass, especially since the guy has a government related job.
He has a LinkedIn account, using the same name and credentials as his Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and instagram. We will come back to this. AKA, the reason why I don’t have an account.
Dan is a guy who craves attention, and will do anything to get it.
Dan hates Bob Movies. Who cares, people don’t have to like everyone. It’s why Tony Goldmark is my nemesis.
But Dan is one of those freaks who has to obsess over his hatred for Bob. You can see where the stalking and harassing part comes in. He posts endless tweets responding to Bob about how much he sucks and how he hates him. I never understood “hate following” someone, I just think life’s too short to obsess over people you clearly don’t like, but Dan does that. He’s cringe, it’s cringe, everyone who sees his tweets knows this is cringe. Heck, most of his tweets get lots of views, and nothing else. People are reading it, wondering “WTF” and moving on.
Of course, seeing this bullying cringe, some people stepped forward to ask what’s wrong with him, and to knock it off. And Dan takes that personally. He will go after anyone who dares to call him cringe. Even if the person blocks him, he will NOT STOP. He still tags people who’ve blocked him, respond to those replying to them, and even pasting screenshots in random moments of said block person doing a “bad thing.”
I hate when people do this, since it’s obviously taken out of context, or even blatantly edited. This includes someone saying “ninjas” and him to censor it so they look like they’re saying the n-word. It’s REALLY obvious, but no matter how many times people tell him this, he ignores and keeps using it as “proof” of those who dare to call him out for being the equivalent of a child bully constantly getting away with shitty behavior.
Dan’s constant use of the tweet:
The edited tweet:
The actual tweet.
Brian (no social media at the moment, previously Brian_Coulombe1)
And that’s where Brian appears. Oh Brian…
Brian was a follower of mine, Tony’s, and Bob’s. Very supportive, very nice, but very easy to anger. So when he saw Dan being a dick, he did what anyone does and told him to knock it off and/or mocked him. He then became Dan’s main target for harassment. He’s the one with the tweet that Dan censored to make it look like Brian said a slur. Really shitty and annoying.
Now, before I go on, I am in no way blaming a victim of bullying. I am one who listens to victims, and I supported Brian by standing up for him against Dan. Bullies are just the lowest form of villainy, and that’s what Dan is; a bully. I didn’t care if Dan bothered me, I eventually started ignoring him once I blocked him, with the occasional mention to followers, asking them block him. I thank Tony (for once) for the suggestion. It’s sounds so simple to do, but Dan is like a mosquito you keep hearing but can never find until he bites again. Then you realize he’s just a harmless pest and ignoring him means he starves from what he craves: attention.
Brian COULD NOT ignore him. We all begged him, even yelled at him to just ignore. “I can’t help it!” he’d cry, and we’d just stare in bafflement. Yes you can. This isn’t real life, Dan doesn’t have a following or friends, he’s been blocked, and he will even block you back (especially if you present his unhinged behavior), but either with a second account or following mentions of his victims, he can still watch and respond, but ignoring it will starve him. It’s hard, but it’s doable.
But for Brian, he just couldn’t. I’m not saying he liked the attention, I’m not saying he was asking for it, I’m not even saying he deserved it. He would just not listen to us. My mother has this saying: if you refuse to take the aspirin, stop complaining about the headache. I don’t know how to describe this situation without blaming Brian, and of course I don’t.
Well, I didn’t… not back then.
The Suspension
The first time I was suspended, it was because of Red. And Dan saw my followers rightfully angry at her, and he did the most disgusting thing: he spoke for me in my absence. He said, paraphrasing, “come on guys, this isn’t what Agatha would want!”
Dan, you don’t know me. You don’t know what I want. You do not get to speak for me, or get chummy with the one who purposely and proudly got me suspended. I was so angry.
Thankfully, this was when competent people were working at Twitter, so after a while, I got my account back, and I immediately set it to private. I did not want Red coming after me again.
I’m ashamed to admit that Red had me scared, and Dan knew. And Dan made things worse.
He took screenshots he saved from before my first suspension, and kept speaking for me, kept spreading lies, pestering and harassing me. At one point, I thought Dan had managed to follow my account with an alt. Even worse, Dan would talk to Red, tell her about how I was “hiding” from her and was scared of her. Reminder, she was STALKING me and going through my entire account to report ANYTHING she could in order to trick the system. Of course I was scared! And he was telling her this!
(Dan snitching to Red and teaming up to harass Agatha.)
(More interactions. What a great trans ally Dan is /s).
That’s when I really broke. I remember begging Dan to just leave me alone. I blocked him, he blocked me (accusing ME of stalking, when he kept appearing in my replies WHILE I WAS STILL ON PRIVATE), and I just wanted to be able to interact with people again but couldn’t because he was making my life hell.
Eventually, I just stopped acknowledging him, and once I was sure both forgot, I set my account to public again.
But Brian, who witnessed everything, did not want Dan to get away with this.
Red was the reason for the first suspension. Brian is the second.
Brian thought of a stupid idea. He had multiple accounts, he thought he could manipulate Red to attack Dan and get him suspended. (Link to Brian’s confession)
Instead, they got friendly again and were reminded of me. And they began mass reporting me together. I noticed this with a screenshot Dan posted, of all the tweets he reported, and I said “that’s it. I’m cutting this dick off.” Because he’s a dick and I wanted him out of my life.
I type on my phone like an old person. I misspelled and missed the mistake. I missed the T in “this” and wrote “his.” That was the last tweet I posted before I was suspended again. And no one at Twitter was available to help, because Elon got rid of everyone and my account, that I used to spread awareness, support artists, and promote the work I assisted in, is forever gone.
And Dan revels in this. He claims I used “sexual violence” against him. As an assault survivor myself, that was such a slap in the face. He loves that I’m gone, he still speaks for me in my absence, he still is friends with Red despite all the bigotry and hatred she does not hide. He loves the attention he gets, but the attention he gets is from people who witnessed his horrific behavior.
And he doesn’t stop, he goes on other websites to track down and harass myself and my friends! That’s why we had to google his stupid name, so we can block him everywhere on everything! That’s why we had to google you, Dan! BECAUSE YOU DID IT FIRST, and we want nothing to do with you! Take the hint and fuck off!
All this, because Brian would not listen to us, and leave Dan alone. And we didn’t know why Dan and Red suddenly targeted me again after maybe a year. Brian stayed silent for months until he eventually confessed. And deleted his account when he received all the justified backlash.
Dan is doing exactly what’s currently going on with what Plagued Moth is doing; spreading lies without proof/sources, blatantly editing whatever evidence he does have, shit-talking and tagging people in his posts despite having previously blocked them, and constantly being called out for being an obvious liar over and over but never facing consequences because who knows why. The only difference is that Plagued Moth has a fan base and people who like him.
So that’s it. Dan and Red are my two stalkers who continue to gleefully hurt people, and have gotten away with bullying, targeted harassment, hate speech, stalking, doxxing on Red’s part, and always getting away with it. They are deranged, obsessed, hateful people who destroyed my platform because I had the gall to tell them to stop being assholes.
I’m not their only victim, but I don’t want them hurting and harassing others. I need them to face consequences for all they’ve done. I’m probably never going to get my account back, but I need to warn others so they can report and block these two putrid cysts of humanity.
Reporting and blocking did nothing. But maybe if more people know about them, more can be done.
For more image proof of Dan and Red’s harassment, click here.
Jacob’s tracking of Dan and Red